《Blind and Bereft》Chapter 13 | Inner Courtyard


Jingrui's mouth gaped open as she slumped against the floor. "That blind man is the God of War. That blind man is the Heavenly Prince Zhanying!" She wanted to scream her lungs out, thinking back on all her indiscreet acts.

She sat back up, her hair messily falling on her face. Something was not right. She remembered clearly how she had heard of the legends of the God of War. He was the one who led armies to battlefields, never failing to bring back victory with his invincible strengths. The man that just walked out of this room was clearly blind. How could a blind man commit to such merits?

It didn't matter anymore. She was too embarrassed at her past actions. From scolding him to shoving baozi⁸ in his mouth. Did she not know high deities do not need to eat?

She had entered Heaven with confidence and swore to make no mistake. Who could have thought that by keeping her moral and saving a person in need would lead her to be tied with someone of power, and one that would shatter her low profile. Just as she was about to explode from regret and shame, Xiaobai rushed into the room with a bright smile on her face.

"Jingrui!" Xiaobai called with glee as she crouched beside Jingrui. "I just heard that you've got promoted to the inner courtyard. And guess what? I will be the one to help you move."

Jingrui took a deep breath, suddenly feeling that the room lacked air. "What did you just say?"

"You will move to the inner courtyard! I will be the one to assist you in your move, which means, I will get to see the inner courtyard of the Floating Abyss Palace." Xiaobai clasped her hands together as her eyes grew dreamy.


Jingrui must have been so overwhelmed in shock that she didn't hear Prince Zhanying's decree. She rubbed her temples that were beginning to ache and stood up. "When am I to move?"

"Now," Xiaobai said as she handed Jingrui a bag. "Master Yuansong told me to help you pack your things."

Jingrui wanted to faint. Everything was happening too suddenly for her mind to take it all in. She closed her eyes, knowing there was nothing she could do to reverse the time, and nodded. "I don't have anything to take with me, so we can just go."

Xiaobai smiled again as if she had been blessed by Heaven and waved Jingrui to follow her.

As Xiaobai led her to the main hall, a shrill cry of a woman penetrated her ears. Jingrui scanned around the front courtyard to see Shushu lying on a platform. Her clothes were torn, and her back was seeping with blood. Guards held onto a large lightning whip as they lashed it down against her flesh. Her mouth were gaped open, and screeches were tumbling out of her throat nonstop.

Jingrui winced and turned to Xiaobai. "I know she was very demeaning, but why is she being so heavily punished?"

"Madam Fu is having her punished really hard because when the God of War caught the whip that Shushu lashed at you, his hand was burnt by the lightning. Not that it was severe for someone like the God of War; he can just repel it with his inner energy. But Madam Fu was really furious on his behalf," Xiaobai told her as they made their way across the main hall and through the door leading to the inner courtyard.

Up until now, Jingrui didn't know that Madam Fu was so loyal to Prince Zhanying.


The inner courtyard was not what Jingrui had pictured in mind. It was a simple and spacious courtyard with a huge peach blossom tree growing amidst the bamboo residence. The wind swayed the petals left and right, sweeping a sweet scent her way and bringing with it past memories. The picture of the Red Valley entered her head, and she saw herself dancing beneath the petals, with her Sister, Master, and Xiao watching her.

Her heart suddenly turned cold, and all warmth left her as if someone had blown out the candle inside her heart.

Xiaobai noticed her shift of expression and patted her shoulder. "You must be rather worried, right? The God of War suddenly promoted you even though you've only entered the palace five days ago. . ."

"That's right, you should be worried, little Earthly Immortal." Yuansong's scornful voice entered the scene. "I don't know what in the world happened between you and my prince, but don't you dare get your hopes up."

Jingrui looked up at Yuansong, and she wanted to roll her eyes and walk away from him. He was such a potent and experienced immortal, yet he found the need to pick on her, a young and frail maid. She wished from the bottom of her heart that he could spare her some mercy, now that she had to live in the inner courtyard with him.

Yuansong crossed his arms. "Let me tell you, I grew up with his highness, and he definitely does not take interest in people like you. He is known to be rid of seven emotions¹⁰ and six desires¹¹. I don't know how you made our prince go against himself and welcome another soul into the inner courtyard, but keep in mind, I am still his highness' most trusted subject."

"I don't dare dream of stealing that title from you, Yuansong," Jingrui retorted and turned her face away from him.

"Don't you normally call me 'sir'? Why did you suddenly drop the honorific? I'm your elder by millennia, you know," he scowled.

Jingrui gave him a smile, one that was conspicuously insincere. "I just thought, now that we are working together in the inner courtyard, we should drop the honorifics. . ."

At that, a laugh cackled out of his throat, raspy like metal grinding against each other. "Don't assume things, little maid. Just keep this deep in your mind, you will never truly be a part of the inner courtyard. Watch your steps well because I'm going to make sure you are sent back to the mundane life of the outer courtyard, the place you belong."


10) seven emotions: joy, anger, sorrow, worry, fear, grief, and fright.

11) six desire: desires of the six roots: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind.

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