《Blind and Bereft》Chapter 10 | To Keep Him


Jingrui's eyes snapped open when she felt something tug against her palms. She looked down at her fists which were clutched onto a blood-soaked cloth. The sickening, metallic smell slithered into her nose, and she immediately let go of her hold . Her gaze wandered up to the blind man who sat against the bedpost with overbearing intimidation.

She pushed herself to stand and took a sharp breath. "G-Good morning." She waved her hand at him with a weak smile.

He rubbed the arch of his brow and let out a sigh. "It's afternoon."

Jingrui's eyes widened, and her heart raced from Heaven to Hell and back. "What did you just say?"

He tilted his head to the side, his eyes taunting her. "It's afternoon," he repeated.

A lump formed in her throat. "God." She breathed. "God, save me." She rushed over the bed. "Excuse me for a moment, Mister," Jingrui said as she made the confused man stand and pull the mattress cover, which was stained with his blood, off her bed. Huffing hard, she pushed him back down to sit. "Stay here, Mister, I will be back. Don't you go off wandering anywhere in the meantime or I am dead."

His brows cocked up. "You wish for me to—"

Jingrui let out a loud groan. "Now is not the time for you to act stubborn. Just be obedient and stay here. I will be back." Not giving enough time for the man to protest, she ran out of the room and slammed the door shut.

By the time she arrived at the front courtyard, Yuansong and Madam Fu were already standing, cross-armed, with a scroll in their hands. Jingrui gulped, her face growing pale as she walked up to them.

Yuansong scoffed as he eyed her up and down. "What's your name, maid?"


"I-I'm Jingrui, sir."

Yuansong rolled his eyes and placed his hand on his waist. "This is your second day here. Do you know what time it is?"

"It's afternoon, sir."

His head snapped at her, his eyes burning with fury. "And what time did I say the morning call was?" He gritted his teeth and tapped the scroll hard against his palm.

Jingrui held in her breath. "Morning light, sir."

"Then why are you late!" Yuansong cried, and all necks in the courtyard turned their way.

"I was . . . I was. . ." There was no way Jingrui could reveal the man in her room. That would be like asking for instant death. "I. . ."

Madam Fu walked up to Jingrui and placed a hand on her shoulder. "What have you got there in your hand?"

Jingrui held the mattress which was stained with blood up and pressed her lips into a thin line. "It's that time of the month, Madam."

Madam Fu's eyes softened. "I see. Next time don't be late. Go wash that up and clean the lotus pond."

Jingrui bowed at Madam Fu and glanced at Yuansong, who had his brows raised high and one hand in the air as if he were going to strike her. She smiled at him sheepishly, but before he could say anything, she dashed from her spot and disappeared beyond the compound.

Passing through the laundry department, she threw the bloody mattress into the washroom and made her way to the kitchen. She had heard that for maids, only three servings of either baozi⁸ or mantou⁹ were allowed each day, and they must be collected from the kitchen in the morning. The earlier the better. There were always those who took more than they should.


There were only a few maids within the kitchen when Jingrui arrived. She stealthily slipped inside and crept towards the steamer basket. There were only two cold and mushy baozi⁸ left, and she frowned before shoving them both under her sleeve.

"What do you think you are doing so sneakily, cunning fox?"

Jingrui jumped at the voice, and she looked up to see Shushu standing with crossed arms in front of her.

"I'm getting my breakfast, of course, what do you think?" Jingrui said as she straightened her posture.

Shushu's lips quirked upwards. "Why must you snuggle them in your sleeves and not eat it now? Besides, it's already past lunch. Why are you awake so late?" Her eyes narrowed before she let out a high-pitched laugh. "Or were you having too much fun last night that you were too drained of energy and couldn't wake up on time? My room is just right next to yours, and the walls have ears, you know that?"

Jingrui's heart thumped hard in her chest at Shushu's words, but she tensed her face to remain stoic. "I don't know what you are saying." She took a deep breath and pushed her way past Shushu.

As she left the kitchen, she could hear Shushu's giggles taunting her from behind. "A seductive witch such as yourself really mingles with many. Be careful, my dear. Be careful. In Heaven, someone like you won't last long."


9) mantou (饅頭): steamed bun without fillings.

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