《Blind and Bereft》Chapter 8 | Fell From the Sky


Twilight covered the sky as the sun set. Jingrui lay down on the bed inside her cramped room, exhausted from chores. Dust and spider webs held the walls together, and the coldness of the night pricked against her skin.

From the small opening against the wall, stars gathered in her eyes, casting soft twinkles to accompany her night.

They said Heaven was a place of eternal flames, but all she could see was a never-ending winter. People smiled when the moon rose above the canopy of clouds, but all she could do was frown, thinking of how high she would have to climb to reach the moon.

A sigh left her lips, and she stood up from her bed. Most of her life was surrounded by the Red Valley, and she had never stepped out of it. No matter how long she flipped and turned in her bed, she could not fall asleep. She decided she would go outside to look around the palace. Perhaps, she could find leads towards her sister's mysterious death.

If the world were really a circle and if destiny were to give her charity, then maybe this palace was the one where her sister had spent her time while in Heaven.

Jingrui wrapped a thick layer of clothes around her body and slid the door open. The night was bitterly cold, and the wind was like blades, cutting against her skin.

The maid rooms were lined all along the side of the palace, each room facing the large wall that marked the end of the Floating Abyss' territory. As Jingrui tiptoed along the wall, an abrupt sound shook the stone tiles above her head, making her jump. Debris and dust fell onto her face, and she held her sleeves up to cover her eyes.

Her ears pricked up when several footsteps thudded against the rooftop, like cats when they played at night. She stood frozen, afraid to move, as the sound was terribly close to her. The roof tiles vibrated again, and a man in black landed hard on the ground right beside her. Her body turned into a statue, and her feet were glued to her place.


The man flashed Jingrui a glare, ferocious like a beast. A fire sizzled within his eyes, but they quickly turned into dying embers as pain took over fierceness. She was about to scream, but in a flash, he appeared before her and rammed her against the wall of the rooms. His hand clamped her mouth, and his towering figure pressed her against the wall. The smell of blood and the subtle whiff of Nag Champa wafted from him.

His eyes narrowed as he brought an index finger to his lips. Jingrui swallowed, trying to eat her fear. The close proximity of her and the intimidating man stirred her heartbeat. She shrunk back into the wall, submerging herself within his towering shadow.

Within the cover of the building, they were almost invisible. She could hear several footsteps above the rooftop. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a dozen men, dressed in black, jump from the roof and over the wall of the Floating Abyss Palace.

The thudding footsteps receded into the distance, and when no sound could be heard, the man closed his eyes.

Silence crept back into the night, and all that could be heard was their heavy breathing, mingling together between their bodies. The tall man grunted as he let go of her. He took a sharp breath and held his hand, which was clutched around a scroll, up in front of him. Within his tight grip, the scroll was scrunched and torn. Blood splotches tainted the yellow surface of the old paper parchment.

At the sight of the scroll, a relieved sigh parted the man's lips. But as soon as it left him, pain returned to his face. He clenched his jaw as his weight fell onto her body, almost crushing her against the wall.


Jingrui winced as she tried to hold him up. "H-Hey, are you alright, Mister?"

His nails dug into the bamboo wall behind her. Jingrui could feel the blood from his body staining her hanfu, causing a gasp to escape her lips. "Why are you bleeding so much?"

He didn't reply as he gave a low groan. Her breathing quickened as she stared down at his chest. He had been shot by an arrow that he seemed to have pulled out himself. Her brows drew together. "You're not supposed to pull it out when you are shot," she whispered, panic lacing every inch of her voice.

"Leave me," his voice croaked out of his throat. He pushed her hands off him as he stepped back. Strands of black hair fell over his face, casting long shadows along his pale skin. He glared up, and the moonlight shone onto his eyes, giving her a clear sight of them.

Her breath hitched in her throat.

The man's eyes were dull and lacked colour. There was no focus within them as they stared at her.

"Y-Your eyes." Jingrui breathed.

A dangerous fire scorched within them as he tried to walk away, clutching on to his wound in pain.

Flashes of her sister's bloody body and the decaying face of her master within the pool of red snow shot through her head. And suddenly, she became afraid as she scanned the state of the man. When he staggered, Jingrui couldn't hold herself back and rushed to support him. She could not bear to look at him attempting to leave in such a state. Even though she did not come to the palace to save people, the way he was right now triggered her heart.

She cursed herself for always being soft-hearted.

He didn't seem to have any more strength left to protest as she hauled him towards her room.

She couldn't leave him to die, and although she had much to worry about, she tried to shake them off.

"You better repay me once you get better."


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