《The Silent Guard (mxm)》Chapter 12
Feeling a faint tug against a length of his hair pulled Zen from his deep sleep. He was alert almost immediately, but when the tugging remained calm and consistent, and nothing else seemed out of place, he realized that there was no danger. He quickly but carefully went back over the previous day's happenings, then as he got toward the end of the evening, he jerked his eyes open.
Qi was smiling at him from only a few inches away, a partially braided length of Zen's hair between his fingertips.
"Sorry, my Zen. I didn't mean to wake you," he said, drawing a few blinks from him as he tried to figure out how they had gotten to such a situation.
He was completely okay with his master braiding his hair. The man could do whatever he wished, whenever he wished to do it, but... how had he come to be in bed with him? It was absolutely not appropriate for a servant and master to share such things!
"It's fine," Qi said as he grabbed hold of Zen's ear gently but firmly, keeping him right where he was. He'd probably anticipated that he might have tried to remove himself from the inappropriate situation immediately... and he was absolutely correct!
When he stopped trying to get out of the bed, Qi released his ear, allowing him to return that hand to working with the other on the braid. Since he was currently stuck, Zen turned his attention back to what had happened the previous night instead of focusing on his panicking heartbeat. He had hushed his master while he'd been speaking, yet instead of being reprimanded, he had been praised.
Afterward, they had washed themselves, then soaked for a short time before getting out of the water. He'd brushed his master's hair after they had both dried off, like he always did, but then Qi had requested to do the same for him. He'd done so previously, several times, but it was still not frequent enough to seem right.
He had said that he'd wanted Zen to move his injured shoulder as little as possible and that he could easily take care of his hair for him. Granted, he'd already brushed out his master's, so he didn't buy the request about not using his scraped shoulder... but of course, he did not argue.
"A little closer, please," Qi said quietly as he gently tugged the braid he was working on.
Zen hesitated for a moment, but then relented and leaned his head closer on the pillow. Unfortunately for his heart, Qi tugged a little more, eventually luring Zen forward until his forehead was nearly pressed against his master's.
There was just barely enough room between them for Qi to continue his work, and every so often his fingertips would brush Zen's nose as they moved.
Why could he not remember how they had gotten into such a situation? It was beginning to feel quite detrimental to his health.
"I had requested that you lie down in my bed so that I could apply some healing salve to your shoulder, then bandage it properly. You fell asleep before I was finished," Qi said with a lilt of humor to his words that made Zen blush.
He had fallen asleep while being tended to? How terribly unprofessional. And in his master's bed, no less!
Feeling several tugs on his braided length of hair, Zen refocused his attention on Qi nervously.
"If I did not want you right where you are, I could have simply woken you up, or moved you myself. Am I not correct?" he asked, making Zen's mind stop running about in a panic and settle down... for the most part.
He nodded slightly, not wanting to move too much for fear of ruining his master's work. The look in the man's eyes seemed a little warmer than usual, though he couldn't bring himself to ask why.
"Then there is nothing to worry about. I was actually quite cold by myself the night you had slept on the floor. I think, from here on, that you should rest right where you are."
Sitting up abruptly, Zen's loch of hair finally slipped through his master's fingertips. He quickly faced away, swinging his legs out from beneath the warm blanket to set his bare feet on the floor.
Had master mentioned a brothel to me yesterday on purpose? Does he truly wish for me to join him in bed every night... and in such a way?
He knew of relationships, from the pleasure servants the nobles bought to sate themselves, to the young court women who slept their way up through the ranks, aiming for a spot in a royal harem.
But with so many other options, why choose him?
"Excuse me, your highness. Your breakfast has arrived," came a voice from their front door.
Zen gratefully stood from the bed, then turned to bow to his master before turning once again to go retrieve their meal. He took his time at the door, even though the maid who had dropped it off was long gone. By the time he'd returned, Qi was settled at the table, one of his long white robes draped over his shoulders, hanging open to reveal his thinner undergarment one.
Not wanting to seem anymore odd then he already thought he did, Zen quickly set the tray of fresh biscuits, jam, and sesame rice on the table. Qi offered him a warm smile as he finished setting the table, then nodded to the chair beside himself.
Zen sat immediately, and much to his own surprise, as well as his master's, he reached forward and took a biscuit. He knew that Qi had already tested everything with his skill before it even touched the table, so it was fine to eat.
"You are hungry today?" his master questioned, excitement in his voice.
He truly wasn't. In the least, but if he ate, his master was less likely to continue their previous conversation so soon. It took quite a bit of effort, but he managed to eat an entire biscuit with a little bit of honey and peach jam.
When he had finished, he heaved a sigh, uncomfortably full.
"I'm so glad that you ate more than one bite of something," Qi said as he took his hand, drawing his attention.
The look of honest joy on the man's face made Zen wish that he had truly eaten because he was hungry, and that he could stomach eating more. As it were, he returned his smile, then looked back to the tray before reaching for a small letter that had been set between the dishes. He handed it to Qi, since he appeared finished as well, then waited as his master read.
"Her majesty, the empress, wishes to see us after our meal," he said, glancing at Zen with a bit of surprise on his face.
They had not even seen her since entering the palace grounds, but they couldn't outright refuse to meet her. She held almost as much power as her husband.
"I suppose we are going for a walk soon," Qi said as he stood from the table and began getting ready for the day.
Zen hurried to help him, making sure that his master looked impeccable before he dawned his own white robe with golden designs and fastened the matching belt at his waist with prince Yuen's seal.
Right as he finished, Qi stepped forward and added several beautiful cream beads to the braid he'd been working on, and fixed up the loose ends that he hadn't been able to tie previously. Once complete, he tucked the length behind Zen's ear, then nodded toward the door before heading that way.
He was just about to follow, but remembered to grab his spare mask at the last second.
"Leave it here," came his master's request from the entryway, making Zen hesitate before setting the mask down on the table.
He really wasn't comfortable without it, but he would not disobey his master. Especially not over such a simple matter. He hurried to Qi's side right as he stepped out into the crisp morning air. Xiao niao flitted down from one of the larger trees surrounding their pavilion moments later and gingerly landed on Zen's good shoulder with an energetic chirp.
Hello there, little one.
The bird ruffled its feathers and chirped again as they reached the entryway to the front of their living quarters. There, a young maid stood waiting and bowed as they approached.
"If your highness would follow me, please," she said as she began walking down a beautiful cobblestone path leading over what Zen could only assume was a stream leading to, or from, the devil's koi pond he'd previously discovered. It, thankfully, didn't seem quite deep enough for them to swim through, though.
He refocused his attention as the bird on his shoulder tweeted, reminding him to send out a wave of his ability to check for any lurking dangers. There were a few armed guards set up here and there, but none seemed to be present for them. Most were not even facing their direction. Thus, they walked in companionable silence until the maid stopped at a large set of marble stairs leading up to a large, beautifully-decorated building.
"Please..." she said, gesturing for them to ascend and enter.
Qi looked at Zen, then down to his hand in question.
Realizing that he was asking if he needed to borrow some energy, just in case, Zen shook his head. He had plenty from the seal he'd been given, especially after the other prince had refilled it the previous evening.
Smiling softly in understanding, Qi turned his attention back to where they needed to go and began climbing the stairs as the chilly breeze lifted his hair in calm waves behind him. Zen followed closely, his ability going full force as it scoped out the area constantly. He would leave nothing to chance.
A guard met them at the top of the steps, then lead them down a long walkway before turning into a beautiful courtyard full of plants. Even in the beginnings of winter, they were all in bloom and gorgeously maintained, making it almost seem like they were walking into the summer season. The only thing that dulled the illusion was the brisk, cool wind dancing around them. Birds were also prevalent in the partially enclosed space, most of them small and colorful, sitting within the vegetation and singing a multitude of different songs.
Not wanting to be distracted, Zen ignored the scenery and remained focused solely on his master as they stepped into the building at the end of the courtyard. The scent of cinnamon met his nose as warmth enveloped them. A woman who did not appear older than forty or fifty sat upon a beautifully embroidered throne.
"Hello, my dears. I hope that you are well rested from your journey," the empress said with a warm smile.
Her attention was caught quickly by the little bird on Zen's shoulder, making her gesture toward it with a slight nod.
"I see that my third son is quite fond of you."
Zen glanced down at the little bird chirping periodically on his shoulder, but paid it no further mind after a moment. He already knew that his highness favored his master. He did not wish to be reminded of it.
"Prince Qi, I have heard quite a bit about you and your studies. You wish to be a healer, correct?" she asked as she gestured for them to come closer.
Qi did as told, bowing deeply before straightening with a nod.
"Yes, your highness. I have been studying for many years in order to help as many of my citizens as I can," he said, his tone and posture proud.
His master worked hard, often into the night, to help those afflicted with sickness or injury. He was a fantastic prince and was well loved and admired by all of his subjects. As his servant, having seen all of his efforts, he admired him greatly, too.
"As a true prince should," she said with a light to her eyes that made Zen curious.
As the head wife of the emperor, he had expected the woman to be more aggressive. Possibly even have a trap set for them, yet she didn't seem interested in causing them any sort of harm.
"Little guard?"
Hearing the nickname, Zen felt his eyes narrow, but he quickly caught himself and nodded to the empress.
"So it is true that you bow only to your master. You are quite a loyal young man... and quite dashing, too," she said with a little chuckle that made Zen wish he'd been permitted to wear his mask.
"I know quite a few court ladies who would love to have your servant, if his highness would be willing to consider, perhaps, a trade?"
To Zen's surprise, Qi laughed heartily at her words, and when the empress returned his humor with laughter of her own a few moments later, he realized that she had been jesting.
"I do apologize, your highness, but I have grown quite fond of him myself. If it were not for him, I do honestly believe that I would struggle to function most days," he said, drawing a pink tint to Zen's cheeks.
The woman before them clapped calmly, an honest smile on her reddened lips.
"Very good. So tell me, prince Qi, how have you come to find my kingdom?"
Qi's smile faded slightly as he licked his lips. He seemed like he was going to say one thing, but then decided on something else.
"Quite hostile, your highness. I do believe that I'm a wanted man here, though I greatly appreciate your son, prince Yuen's, assistance. His help has made things far more manageable."
The woman before them grinned, nodding as he finished speaking.
"I applaud your honestly, young one. As for my son, he rarely comes by but once a month for tea. I'm afraid that his father has quite the hold over him."
She sighed, seemingly lost in her longing to see her offspring more, but quickly snapped herself out of such thoughts as she leaned forward with a smile.
"To think that he has gone out of his way, and behind his father's back, to aid you. I called you here today to see the young prince my husband is so determined to behead, yet my son is so insistent on saving."
She paused for a second, and while he could have been mistaken, it almost appeared as if a tiny bit of moisture was visible within her eyes for the slightest of moments before it was blinked away. Shaking her head slowly, she sniffed once, patted her nose with a silk cloth, then settled her eyes on Qi as if looking upon her own son whom had finally come to see her.
"You have grown up well, Han—" her sentence was interrupted by her excitement as her beloved son walked briskly through the door behind them, his long dark robes billowing in the breeze.
"Mother," he addressed as he stopped beside Qi and bowed.
Her previous thoughts gone, the empress hurried from her seat. She had prince Yuen snug in her arms within seconds as tears ran down her face. He was quite a bit taller than her, but he seemed to know better than to make his mother reach up, and didn't hesitate to lean down so that the hug was comfortable for her.
"Good morning, mother. I thought I would come by and see how you were doing," he said with a smile.
His mother waited several moments, savoring having her son in her arms, before she leaned away and promptly smacked his shoulder.
"I know why you are here, you awful son of mine," she grumbled, though the light of excitement still radiated from her eyes.
Zen couldn't help but grin, though he caught himself quickly when he remembered that he was no longer wearing his mask.
"What are you smirking at, little guard?" prince Yuen chided as he walked over to stand before him. "How is your new feather?"
Biting back a scowl at the remark concerning his injury, Zen itched to draw his sword, but he would not lose his temper again... and especially not in front of the empress toward her son.
"Behave," the woman said as she swatted at the other prince again, taking his attention away from them as he turned to give her a slight bow.
"My apologies, mother."
She grabbed his hand, then gestured to both of them, too.
"Come, come. Let us have a nice breakfast and chat," she said, not waiting for either to agree as she hurried her son into a much larger room.
Zen felt his stomach turn at the idea of having to eat anything else for the next few days, let alone within the next few minutes. The empress seemed to catch his dismay, thanks again to his lack of a mask to hide behind, and hurried over to him after forcing her own son into a chair.
"Do not worry, young man, my son has spoken of you. You may sip tea if you wish, but I will not be disheartened if you do not eat," she said before quickly tugging him toward the table, too.
Wait... has he told her what he thinks I am?
A deep chuckle echoed in the back of his mind as he lowered himself into the seat beside the other prince... much to his displeasure.
Qi was guided to the spot across from him, as the empress sat opposite her son.
"What a wonderful morning," the woman said as she began serving each of them little plates of biscuits, meats, and jams.
Thankfully, she put almost nothing on Zen's plate, and when she filled each of their tea cups, much to her servant's terror, as it was there job to tend to the empress's guests, she only gave him a small amount.
I told her that you simply cannot eat much.
Relieved, Zen picked up the tiny slice of pork on his plate with his chopsticks and took a miniscule bite out of it before returning it and reaching for the cup of tea. He drank that in three gulps, making his stomach painfully full.
Even if the empress had said that she didn't mind if he ate anything, he still knew that it was rude not to at least try what you were given.
Once finished, he set the glass back down and nodded his thanks to the woman, who was practically beaming at him.
"I truly do like your servant, your highness. If you ever do find yourself bored of him, please do not hesitate to send him my way," she said with an intrigued smile that had Zen fidgeting with the seal on his belt.
He was just considering practicing taking energy from it as the others got busy chatting and eating when he felt a warm hand grab his own, making him nearly jump.
Do not mess with that here, came Yuen's warning, drawing Zen's attention down to where the man's hand still grasped his own.
I understand. Move your hand.
Zen waited, and waited, but the other prince seemed to have not heard him. Or, more than likely, was ignoring him as he chatted heartily with his mother and Qi. Annoyed, Zen tried to push his hand away, but it seemed like they were somehow frozen together. He was about to just give up and try to pull energy from the seal to break whatever spell the man had cast to mess with him when he heard his master clear his throat from across the table.
"Your highness, I would greatly appreciate it if you did not tease my servant so," he said, making the other prince immediately remove his hand with the utmost of ease. Almost as if they hadn't been completely stuck together previously.
"My apologies. He's too much fun to play with sometimes," he said with a grin that earned him a scowl from Zen in return.
His mother, who had been quietly watching the exchange, ended up shaking her head while quietly chuckling.
"And here I thought you had come today to watch over your prince, yet I see that even his servant has caught your eye," she said with a smirk that seemed to make the other prince slightly uncomfortable.
"Nonsense, mother. He is nothing but a nuisance," prince Yuen grumbled as Zen held out his hand toward the empress and tapped his palm, requesting her own.
Qi stepped in and translated his request with a knowing smile.
"He wants to write something on your palm, if you would allow it, your highness. My Zen cannot speak."
- In Serial24 Chapters
Not Another Isekai RPG Story Alternate
The story ends at Alternate Route Finale. Ch 2-2 and on can be treated as Extra Chapters. I still hadn't edited that one and it's low on priority. I may come back to it if I'm in the mood. Most of the portions of the story will NOT focus on the skills, stats, grinding or battles. More about the dialogues (or the internal monologues) and the MC interacting with the world (or glitching, if you name it.). ... With parts of his memory lost, Takeshi, a 25-year old lazy office worker was transported to a game world. Using his casual knowledge on video-game mechanics, join Takeshi's journey as he discover more about the world, his companions and himself. (only if you're interested though.) My personal review: from ch-2 on expect a lot of perversion going on. It can be pretty weird, like the MC want to be a girl and Y*ri other girls, Fut*nari folks, Traps, the mention of t*ntacle monsters and some lulzy display (like shoving a morning star up someone's b*tthole in retaliation). In here, the MC will discover new things as he kept on exploring and trying different stuff. This story will mostly be character-driven. Explanations about the world and its mechanics was kept to a minimum. The MC's on the shameless side with not much real-life common sense (maybe) and he's (probably) not righteous at all. The other characters can be pretty weird as well. It won't focus on romance. Well that's about it.
8 85 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Last Zeus: Book 1- The Beginning
"Who is that superstar?" "Oh, him. They call him Zeus." "Zeus? As in the King of Gods from the myths?" "Ah yes, the very same." "So, where's his pantheon? Which kingdom does he rule?" "He doesn't. He's not your usual king. He's only rules his lonesome." "A king without a kingdom, interesting. So, what's his story?" "Don't ask, lest you wish you never knew."
8 120 - In Serial16 Chapters
First it was nothing.... I think A story about a being who could do almost anything My first story and english is not my first language + i'm not so old Posting one chapter every other day or something like that
8 72 - In Serial11 Chapters
An Aquila lost within an Oriental Land of Illusions
In the far future, among the endless chaos of the 42nd millennium, war has raged days of yore. In these grim and dour times, a battered collection of survivors flee from an ill-fated Imperial campaign, only to find themselves hauled from their reality to to crash upon the realm of Gensokyo. This stark realm will test oaths and faith as what it bears is alien to these tempered souls. Peace. (It's a Warhammer 40K/Touhou Project Crossover… What am I doing, am I mad? Certainly tis the only answer!)
8 199 - In Serial12 Chapters
Champion's Path
Have you ever been kidnapped? I have.. as a matter of fact I am being kidnapped right now. Oh.. have I mentioned that my kidnapper are Morga.. *cough* a God? that's right a really I-can-do-anything-I-want God. Whatever at least he have something exciting for 'us'.Well,, follow my adventure to The Path of perve.. *cough* Glory, The Path of Power, The Path to become.... The Champion.Hey guys!! this is my first time writing. I'm not gonna write those heavy story, don't think too much just read and enjoy it, oh and don't forget to laugh, cause it's good for your health. ChiaoI always accept criticism and suggestions, so if you have anything in mind about my fiction please feel free to PM me. Ugh,, and sorry about my bad engrish. T_T
8 178 - In Serial66 Chapters
⋱ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ ᴛʜᴇ ɢɪʀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ sᴇᴀ ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴇʏᴇs ɪs ʜɪs ᴋɴɪɢʜᴛ ɪɴ sʜɪɴɪɴɢ ᴀʀᴍᴏʀ. 🌌 ⋰Percy used a washable marker to draw pink hearts on the hybrid's cheek, near his eye. "Really, love?" His eyes scanned over her features. Despite what she was doing to his face, he enjoyed the position. She was leaning in close to his face and her hand gently held his neck to keep him steady. "I thought you liked art," Percy grinned. Klaus kept his eyes on her lips. She bit her lip as she concentrated on her masterpiece. He responded to her words, "I don't typically like putting the art on my face, love." The demigod chuckled. "Well, get used to it." ☼☼☼ᴏʀ ɪɴ ᴡʜɪᴄʜ, ᴘᴇʀsᴇᴘʜᴏɴᴇ ᴊᴀᴄᴋsᴏɴ ᴀsᴋs ᴋʟᴀᴜs ᴍɪᴋᴀᴇʟsᴏɴ ᴛᴏ sᴀʏ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴡᴏʀᴅs ᴡɪᴛʜ ʜɪs ᴀᴄᴄᴇɴᴛ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇʏ ғᴀʟʟ ɪɴ ʟᴏᴠᴇ. ✦sᴇᴇɪɴɢ ʜɪs ᴅɪᴍᴘʟᴇs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ʜᴇʀ sᴍɪʟᴇ, ʙᴜᴛ sᴇᴇɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ ᴇʏᴇs ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʜᴇ ᴇɴᴅᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴡᴏʀᴛʜᴡʜɪʟᴇ.✦• ~ • ~ • ~ • Klaus Mikaelson x Percy Jackson (fem) This story takes place in Mystic falls during seasons 2-4 of the Vampire Diaries This is my first story but I hope at least some people don't hate it :)) I'll give you a cookie if you read it.💙 ⋱Maybe Strawberries and Dinosaurs will be our Always. ⋰-[ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ]Feb 3-July 12, 2021 @QueenShayOfFandoms
8 178