《chef d'oeuvre | JeongMi | by festoon》6) Mellifluous


"Jeongyeonnie!" A dulcet voice called her.

That made her pause from entering her apartment, hands still on the door knob.

That word—her name from the caller—never fails to stop her in her tracks (unlike others).

That voice that always makes her tilt her head at that person.

This girl that always makes Jeongyeon unable to ignore. It's hard not to.


Mina run towards Jeongyeon with a shy-but-not-really look. She opened the door and walks in (it's her first time going inside Jeongyeon's apartment). She turned her heels back and faced the older.

"Can you please help me?" She asked with a pout in her face.

Jeongyeon remained stunned, still grasping at what's happening.

"H-Help what?"

Mina didn't say anything instead, she quickly opened her violin case and signals Jeongyeon to sit. Jeongyeon does as said. Mina then started to play her violin while the latter is in awe.

After a couple of minutes playing violin, Mina darts her eyes to Jeongyeon with an expectant look.

"How was it?"


Mina sadly sighed and sits besides the older. Jeongyeon glanced at her and felt sorry.

"I'm sorry. I don't know about music that much." Those words are hard to come out from her mouth but for Mina, it was easy. Too easy. How can that be?

"It's fine." Mina sighed again. She stares at Jeongyeon's eyes. "Mr. Park wants us to compose something." She complained.

"What really‽ It hasn't even been a month since we started school."

"I know right!" Mina whined. "Yet he wants us to compose something‽ Like you're supposed to teach us more and not give us this kind of assignment!"

"Right!" Jeongyeon agrees, not aware (or not really caring) of what she's doing—that she's getting comfortable around Mina.

Mina smiled. Venting out is comforting and relieving especially when Jeongyeon, the 'IDGAF' person, is giving an 'F' to her. It's amusing seeing this side of her. Is this new? Or Jeongyeon really was like this even before and just didn't show it?

"Anyway," She turned her body, facing Jeongyeon. "Can you please help. Just advice. I'm fine with that, it would be a big help to me." Mina begs.

Jeongyeon averted her eyes from Mina and scratches the back of her head, not knowing what to do.


"I really don't know..." She honestly said. "But if I were you, as an artist, I would look for an inspiration." She shrugged her shoulder.

"Inspiration?" Jeongyeon nods and Mina smiles.

Mina tried what Jeongyeon advise. She tried to look from famous classical composers to the musicians today. She all listened to them. Yet, nothing satisfied her. She wants something. She can't explain what is it, she just want something that could fulfill this thing inside her, that could gratify her ears and her teacher's. That could melt someone's heart when they listen to it.

She try and try until her neck hurts. Mina stops and relaxes her muscles, joints, bones, and exhaled deeply. Sitting, she massages her neck and decided to put this composing thingy aside. Luckily, Mr. Park did have mercy for making their deadline long.


There's too many things inside her head that she's so exhausted, including this confusing feeling towards Jeongyeon. Mina wishes to see her but when she do, she suddenly wants to back down, turn her heels and run away (but of course she could not do that, she wouldn't).

"Oh maybe it's just palpitation. Yeah, I should drink less coffee. " She mumbled to herself. That sensation when she's near with Jeongyeon, heart racing that she can feel in her chest, actually, it might be exaggerating but throughout all her body, she can feel it like a bomb ticking that'll soon explode when Jeongyeon. When. Jeongyeon.

But instead of feeling uncomfortable (palpitating),—yes she feels uneasy and awkward—

It feels exciting and magical.


Mina quickly grabbed her violin, the manuscript paper, and her pen with a bright smile in her face. She grins because she knows now what to do and what kind of music she'll make and play. She just hopes it will be mellifluous.


A month later, their lives continue, with the same routine, with the same stern look, and with the same glowing face. Hearts still fulfilled with passion yet their hearts are still empty.

"Wohooo!" Sana claps her hands, amazed by Mina.

"That was amazing!" Dahyun compliments and Mina shyly smiled at her.

"I think it's not enough for me. Play some more." Momo requests.

"Wow. You did a great job, Minari. I am proud of you." Jihyo genuinely smiled.


"Thank you, unnie." Mina felt better. She's satisfied with her playing, all she needs to do is play it in front of Mr. Park and hopefully he'd like it.

"What if you joined a competition?" Jihyo suddenly suggested making them fell into silence.

"There's this Autumn Competition. Why don't you join it?"

"Do you think I can do it?"

"Of course!" They all cheered Mina up. "We believe in you."

After the day, Mina presented her piece of work. Playing it with all her emotions. Using her own feelings through bowing her violin.

It was extraordinary. The feeling. Letting it all out by playing what she loves. It was the best.

"Jeongyeonnie!" Mina knocks on Jeongyeon's door. "Jeongyeonnie!" She repeats.

The door opened revealing Jeongyeon who's not presentable at the moment because she was stained with paint, though she looks colorful.

Mina laughed but Jeongyeon stayed still, watching her.

As Mina's laughter come into halt, "By the way, thank you for helping me out. Mr. Park loved it!" She exclaimed.

"...That's great then." Jeongyeon awkwardly smile.

They still stood there, doing nothing. Jeongyeon doesn't know what else is to do besides having a staring contest at Mina. So, she invites Mina to come inside and the violinist gladly enters.

"Oh, how about I show you what I compose." Mina faced Jeongyeon.


And, Mina gladly played her piece.

It was amazing.

With that, Jeongyeon became interested at music (Mina), it was captivating—on how Mina gracefully played her violin, on how her face was expressive. It was really great.

"What do you think?" With expectant eyes, Mina asked.


Though Jeongyeon answered with a one word, Mina was grateful for it.

"Thanks." Mina smiled and sat next to Jeongyeon.

"I think your parents would love it." As Jeongyeon said it, the atmosphere became thick and it worries her.

"I don't have parents anymore." Jeongyeon tilts her head, looking at Mina, feeling sorry.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"It's fine, don't worry." Mina chuckled awkwardly. "But, I think so too..."

Jeongyeon shows that she's willing to listen because of the way she looks at her and Mina really, really appreciate it.

"...That they would love it." Unconsciously, Mina leaned her head on Jeongyeon's shoulder making Jeongyeon startled.

"My dad taught me how to play violin, he's the reason why I love it." Mina started, still unaware that she's making Jeongyeon tense

"But dad died and so mom was very depressed and she also died because of it, making me alone." Mina stated, as if it doesn't hurt. She said it nonchalantly but deep inside, there's still wound and emptiness in her heart. Thankfully, Jeongyeon can't see her eyes are starting to tear up because she's leaning on her.

At the realization, Mina immediately moved away.


Her heart starts to palpitate again.

'I shouldn't have had coffee this morning.'; Mina thought.

"Did I make you uncomfortable? I am sorry." She shyly averted her eyes to anywhere but Jeongyeon.

"U-Uhmm. Don't worry, my shoulder is free when it comes to you, you can lean on it as you like." Jeongyeon pats her own shoulder and welcomed Mina's head again.

"Thanks." Mina mumbled.

It's the least thing Jeongyeon can do, out of sympathy towards Mina. So, she'll just willingly offer her shoulder just for Mina.

They stayed like this for a while, not saying anything but a comforting silence until Mina left.

By this, the two of them witnessed each other's side.

Mina was really happy because Jeongyeon is slowly breaking her walls and unlocking the door in her heart for Mina.

Though she's eager to fully break Jeongyeon's wall, she's willing to wait. She can wait to start this new thing called closeness with Jeongyeon. To know Jeongyeon more because Mina knows that she's not all that, she knows that there's more to Jeongyeon. And, she'll gladly accept it no matter who she is.

That's how kind Mina is.


As the autumn starts, there's also a new beginning for the two. A cold person but has a warmth inside. A bubbly one but is empty and desolate.

As the new beginning, there's a change in path.

As their new beginning, a past will come back. And it's unavoidable.

With the changes, will there be a new ending?

The calmness of autumn, will it turn to chaos?

Will their lives fall like a leaf?

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