《My Time (Jungkook Ambw)》Chapter Five


Carmen didn't really expect that staying in her room for a full few days was really an option, but it felt like a safe place in the comfort of her own home to text an idol. She was quite shocked how easy it was to talk to Jungkook over text.

He could crack a lot of jokes, he was silly easy going and seemed to like a lot of stuff that she liked, even though he was truly shy but she didn't know that.

She hadn't really felt it was this easy to talk to someone like this in a while. Carmen was focused on the device in her hands, letting her thumbs glide the way, smiling at her phone.

If her parents ever did walk in, they would think right away she had a boyfriend or even girlfriend from the way she was smiling like an idiot.

Jungkook was laying on his hotel bed, leg propped up, the shy grin never leaving his lips.

He never quite imagined he would be glued to his phone like this, but since this was the only time he was gonna be in the close proximity of his soulmate, he needed to learn everything about her, her likes, dislikes.

In a lot of soulmate cases, people start dating right away and Jungkook didn't wanna do that. For one he had no prior dating experiences. He just never could find his time.

He then started to chew at his lower lip feeling just a bit nervous. They were there in Texas for two weeks, now would perfect time to hang out with Carmen.

Just as he was getting ready to send the message his Hyung entered his hotel room, Yoongi was in a half-sleep state but that didn't stop him from plopping down on his bed.


"Kookie I just remembered something I was suppose to tell you a few days ago." Jungkook tilted his head confused, before sitting up a little resting his phone in his lap.

"Carmen is sixteen, she told me at the fan meet." If someone eyes could literally pop out of there head Jungkook's would have.

"What? You have to be lying Yoongi." Jungkook stammered out a laugh leaving him thinking his Hyung was joking and messing with him.

"Ask her," Yoongi muttered slowly laying down on the end of the bed. He was then quick to scoop his phone back up starting to type at super speed.

Please be seventeen at least, please. He chanted inside his head waiting for the little pop-up message to appear on his screen.

"Yeah I'm sixteen I'll be seventeen during the summer in July I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away.".

"Hyung she is sixteen!" Jungkook shouted in even more surprise. He was so screwed. He at least thought she was seventeen at least. But sixteen.

"Keep your voice down," Yoongi whined deeply huffing curling up inside the blanket he stole off Jungkook's bed.

"It's not too much of a big deal, you just have to be careful and have the consent of the parents." Jungkook felt like just in these last few days his life was taking such a huge turn.

First, he learns his Soulmate was non-Korean which wasn't a bad thing he didn't care that much for that part, but she's sixteen?

That was even crazier. Jungkook was still nibbling at his lower lip harshly before deciding it would be a good idea to hang out with her one on one. It shouldn't be too bad.

"Do you think Sejin would let me go out on my own to go spend some time with Carmen?" The question left the very confused boy, and Yoongi focused on him.


"There's like a 50/50 he would allow it if you had a few security guards." The poor boy winced at the thought. He didn't wanna scare Carmen anymore than she already probably was.

Him being an idol was gonna be way harder on the both of them.

"I don't wanna scare her but it might be the only way." Jungkook sighed muttering to himself, he sat up fully, tugging his hair back with one hand motion and started typing hoping that she would say yes right away.

The best option would be for her to come back to the hotel and they could hang out there, it was a better idea than having Jungkook being risked seen by Army outside.

"Do you think that maybe tomorrow you could come hang out with me at the hotel? I'd come pick you up."

Well here goes nothing Jungkook thought hoping she would say yes right away. A few long moments passed before Jungkook's phone vibrated and he lifted it back up to his view looking at it focused.

"I have to ask my mom first, but I'll let you know right away I promise hopefully she said yes."

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