《Stranger》Zach's anger


I woke up right when Dillon woke up. I signaled him to turn around so I could get dressed. I put on a white shirt. The left sleeve went up to my elbows, and the right sleeve went down to my fingers. I also put on black ripped jeans, and plopped on a black beanie. "You can turn around now." he gladly turned around. I went out of the room and into the kitchen. I took a glass cup and filled it with milk. I poured chocolate syrup in it and it slowly turned into chocolate milk. I took a sip as I eyed my guitar. I smiled and picked it up. I strummed the notes of my favorite song. I walked outside and started singing.

Sorry I didn't kiss you

But it's obvious I wanted to

Bubble gum down my throat and it's a curse

But my luck couldn't get any worse

'Cause I swallowed the bubble gum

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb

Pink flowers grow from my skin

Pepto Bismol veins and I grin

You look so nice in your shirt

It's sad because it just hurts

I'd do anything for you

But would you do that for me too?

'Cause I swallowed the bubble gum

Oh, and these seven years will be pretty dumb

Pink flowers grow from my skin

Pepto Bismol veins and I grin.

I set aside my guitar as Zach and Dillon walked out. I watched them play around in the back yard. Until I saw Zach angrily stomp towards Dillon. I slowly stood up. I saw Zach punch Dillon right in the nose. "Hey!" I yelled at him. "Stop it!" Dillon's nose was bloody and red. "Say it! Say I'm better than you!" I pushed Zach making him step back. He pushed me ten times harder making me fall to the ground. He continuously hit Dillon. All the ghost kids grouped together in a line. I eyed Milo. "I hate you, I hate all of you! I'm telling mom, you hear that? I'm telling mom!" Zach cried. Milo put up his finger to his lips. Zach ran away to the house. "You don't deserve that." Emma said. "You should do something about him!" Ted exclaimed. "And your father." Peter told him. "And your mother." Ashley said. Dillon shook his head and said, "My mother didn't do anything?" Milo walked over to the both of us. "Exactly." he said as he turned over to me and grinned. Dillon walked away, wiping his nose, and into the house. Milo started walking towards me. "What are you gonna do about this huh?" he whispered. "Because just staring at me and the others is just what you do. You do that to your mother?" he asked rudely. "No." I mumbled softly. He softly kissed the back of my neck and disappeared. I got up and ran to mom. I started tearing up as I reached mom. "Honey whats wrong?" she asked me. "Its Dillon." I mumbled trying not to think of what Milo just did. Me and mom ran over to the boys as they both tried to fight each other. I hid behind the tree and peaked out at them.


*skip to nighttime*

"God Zachary, what were you thinking?!" mom yelled. "Mom!" Zach pecked back. "But mom what? Give me one good reason! One good reason why it was okay to hit your brother!" she hissed at him. "Never mind, I'm sorry okay?" he said back. I sat at the table watching them. "Okay! You tell that to your brother." she exclaimed. Next thing I knew, he cursed Dillon's name, and moms name. He looked at me and called me useless. I just sat there staring at him with no expression. Although you could tell that I was a bit sad. Mom slapped her hand on the table. "What? Are you gonna hit me now like dad?" he teased. "Go to your room. And do not take a single step out until I say so." mom shuttered. Zach stomped upstairs. "I didn't do anything mom." Dillon cried. "I know sweetie." "I'm just weak." Dillon said as he slapped his ice pack on the table. Mom clutched his arms and crouched. "You are not weak. Don't you ever say that about yourself okay? Your strong." mom said on the edge of tears. "Okay? Your like me in some ways. Zachary is just.." "Like dad?" Dillon finished for her. "No I didn't mean that." mom said. "But it's true and you know it." Dillon exclaimed. "Dillon, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you." mom said confidently. "You let him. And you let dad." Dillon said as he warily walked off. I looked up at my mom. I walked over to her and hugged her from behind. She hugged me back and said, "Why don't you go talk to Dillon okay? He trusts you more than he trusts me." she stated. I shrugged and walked upstairs to our room.

When I got up, Dillon was already fast asleep. I felt real bad for him. He didn't deserve today. I walked up to him and rubbed his arm. I walked away and jumped on my mattress. I sighed and said, "What a day." Suddenly, Dillon burst up out of his bed. He looked over at me. "We have to watch another." he said in a pleading way. Without fighting him, I shrugged and stood up. We walked to the door that led us downstairs. Dillon opened it and walked downstairs. I trailed behind him. Milo turned around and softly said, "You guys are gonna like this one. It's my favorite." I thought about what he did earlier today and I went weak in the knees. "No, I don't want to..not tonight." I said as I tried to turn around and walk away. "It has to be tonight!" Milo pleaded as he, Emma, and Ted appeared in front of me. "If we don't do this tonight then.." "Then what?" I softly said. "He'll get real mad at us!" Emma exclaimed "You don't wanna make him mad." Ted added. "Please Delilah. This ones mine. I made it." He said with trembling lips. I couldn't just say no, could I? I sighed and turned around to sit with Dillon. Milo sat right next to me as he played the clip.


The clip started off with tons and tons of people piled together in some sort of church. Then everyone stood up to sing. The priest started talking again. People passed around a bucket and dropped money in. Then Milo appeared with his family and held out a golden cup as people took out bits of bread from it. People then drank something out of the golden cups. Then finally, it showed Milo holding out the drink that looked drugged. 5 people were strapped to the floor with 2 candles in between them all. All of the people that were strapped had a bucket on their stomachs. They were pinned down by tacks going through their wrists. Then some kind of demon man that was dressed up held out his hands as rats were released from the ground. Milo then opened a lid that had a lot of coal in it. He lit the coal on fire and closed the lid. There were rats on each person at this point. Milo climbed on top of one of them and trapped the rat with the bucket. He strapped the bucket on tight so it wouldn't fall off. He did this to every last one of them. He finally opened the lid the had coal in it. He placed the coal on top of each one of the buckets. Next thing I knew, there was blood streaming down their stomachs. I looked away. Milo just put his hands under my chin to make me look back. Finally, a rat popped out of one of their side torsos and the clip ended. Milo grinned and chuckled at the sight.

Me and Dillon stood up as Milo turned off the recorder. A little girl came out of the darkness and said, "This is the last one." as she walked towards Dillon. "No, no more." I said eagerly. "Just. One. More." Milo concluded. "No!" Dillon yelled, finishing my sentence. "Yes!" They all said as their faces turned cracked. Dillon grabbed my hand and ran upstairs. Milo popped out of the basement and said, "Get downstairs Delilah, Dillon." as he looked at us. We tried to run upstairs but were stopped by Ashley and Ted. Then we tried to walk to the living room, but was blocked by Peter and Emma. Dillon grabbed my hand and ran outside towards the church. "No Dillon..not in there." I said. "We have no choice!" he hissed. We walked inside, until we met the gaze of that man that was in Milo's tape. We ran as the man paced towards us. He opened and closed the door and threw me under a table. He climbed under there himself. We stayed there for a good 7 minutes. When we knew he wasn't there, we climbed back up. Behind us was the ghost kids. "Last chance to watch the last movie." he said. Dillon turned around, but I froze. I couldn't look at them. I was scared. Dillon sighed and said, "No Milo. We don't wanna watch anymore movies. We don't wanna be like you." I felt relieved at those words. "That's fine." Milo said disappointed. "They weren't really meant for you softies, anyway." he added. "What?" Dillon asked. "You did what we needed you to do." Milo said as him and the others disappeared.

As we got back to the house I immediately said, "I don't wanna be here anymore. I don't feel comfortable or safe." Dillon turned to me and looked at me as if he thought I liked Milo or something. "Your scared that Milo will kill us because you like him?" I felt my cheeks glow pink, but my face stayed expressionless. "Go to our room I'll be back." Dillon said. Obeying him, I climbed up the stairs and plopped on my mattress. Dillon ran into the room and said, "Zach just watched the last clip." "WHAT?!" I gasped. I knew what would happen if we didn't stop Zachary quickly. We could die.

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