《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 15


Luigi waved over Dimentio. He slowly got out of his hiding place and stood up.

Mario's face shifted from relief to rage. "You." He immediately sprinted over and tackled Dimentio to the ground. "GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER YOU FIEND!"

Dimentio tried to squirm loose Mario's grip. "Gah! Luigi, tell your brother to get off of me!"

"HOW DID YOU ESCAPE? AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?? COME TO MANIPULATE MY BROTHER, HAVE YOU?? USE HIM FOR YOUR LITTLE GAMES??" Dimentio continued to squirm. "No, no! Luigi, a little help??" Luigi quickly ran over and pried his brother off of Dimentio. Mario looked slightly shocked. "What are you doing?? Why are you helping him?? Has he sprouted you again??" Luigi shook his head and took his hat off. "No, see. No sprout. Now, please Mario, let me explain."

Mario glared at Dimentio while Luigi held him back. "There's nothing to explain. Luigi, he's manipulating you somehow! Snap out of it!" Dimentio stepped forward. "Now If I could add to this-" "SHUT UP, NO ONE ASKED YOU" Dimentio stepped back and quickly replied, "Okay."

"Mario, just give me five minutes to explain this, okay?" Luigi asked. Mario slowly relaxed, and faced his brother.

"You have three."

Luigi nodded.

"Okay, so Jevil showed up and started attacking flipside. I came here, and he chased me into the Dimensional door which lead to the Underwhere, but not before Jevil mentioned that he knew Dimentio. So I went down to Dimentio to question him. Then I went to queen Jades and asked her to let me take him up here so he can help!"

Mario's eye began to twitch and his mouth hung ajar.

"Y-you....hold on. Hold on." Mario turned around, trying to compose himself.

It didn't work.


Luigi shook his head. "No, no, Dimentio's not a problem. See, Queen Jades made it so he can't use his magic unless I let him! And if he even does anything bad, I have the power to just send him back!" Dimentio smirked. Mario's face was redder than a tomato. It was quite comical.

"Okay, but why didn't you just wait for me? I could have handled it!" Mario told Luigi. Luigi looked down. "W-well, you were gone and these people needed help." Mario shook his head. "That doesn't matter. My number one priority is keeping you safe. You should have waited for me to come back and handle it." Luigi tried arguing, "But, I-"


"ENOUGH!" Dimentio interrupted.

Mario and Luigi both turned and faced Dimentio. He stepped forward. "Mario, you don't always have to be the star. You were busy, so Luigi stepped up. Alright? If you have a problem with that, then you can leave. Now, if you'll excuse us, Luigi and I need to come up with a plan."

Mario stood there, slightly shocked. Luigi's mouth hung wide open.

"....Alright. What's the plan?" Mario asked. Luigi looked at his brother slightly shocked, then smiled. "First, let's go to Flipside tower. The top makes a very good thinking spot. I'm not sure how much time we have until Jevil returns."

Dimentio nodded. "Great. Now will someone please carry me?"

Mario completely ignored him and walked forward. Luigi giggled and shook his head. "No, you're going to walk like a normal person." Dimentio pouted. "You're so selfish."

Mario walked a few feet ahead of Luigi and Dimentio. Luigi looked at Dimentio and smirked. "So...I heard you think I'm interesting," He joked. Dimentio crossed his arms. "I never said that. Shut up. And plus, I wasn't talking about you. I was talking about L." Luigi laughed, "So, you did say it." Dimentio groaned. "I swear, when we find Jevil I'm going to kill him."

Luigi shook his head. "You really wanted ME in your perfect world? That's so nice! It's probably the nicest thing I've ever heard! I think I underestimated your friendship with Mr. L. You two must have been more than friends..."

"Luigi shut up..."

"You must have been....."

"Luigi don't say it."



Dimentio let out a sigh of relief. "Yeah. Sure. We were 'best friends.' Happy?"

Luigi smiled. "Yes."

"Good. Now carry me?"


"Aww, come on."

"No, Dimentio. I am not carrying you."

"Please. Come on, we were best friends! A best friend would carry his other best friend."

"Mr. L was your best friend."

"And as his alter ego, you must take that responsibility on."

Luigi rolled his eyes. "Ugh, fine. Come here." Dimentio smiled and skipped over. Luigi lifted Dimentio onto his back and gave him a piggy back ride. "There. Happy?" He asked. Dimentio smiled. "Indubitably."

Mario waited for Dimentio and Luigi at the elevator. When he saw them he gave Luigi a condescending look. "Luigi, why are you carrying him?"

Luigi smiled. "Because Dimentio has jelly legs and he has a hard time walking!" "HEY! I do not have 'Jelly legs.'" Mario stared at the two. "Uhh....okay? So first Dimentio manipulated you into breaking him out of the Underwhere, and now he's managed to manipulate you into carrying him??" Mario asked. Luigi looked down. "Well, to be fair, he was let out of the Underwhere completely legally, so I wouldn't say I broke him out. Plus, that was my idea originally."


Mario rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Just put him down and get in the elevator."

Luigi shook his head. "Sorry Mario. But as his best friend I'm obligated to carry him."

"SINCE WHEN WERE YOU BEST FRIENDS?? THIS IS DIMENTIO WE'RE TALKING ABOUT. MUST I REMIND YOU OF WHAT HE'S DONE??" Dimentio just laughed, and replied, "Hey, Mario, quit yelling at my most important, close personal best friend." Mario glared at Dimentio. "Shut up."

Mario growled, rolled his eyes, and punched the up button in the elevator. Luigi quickly got inside, Dimentio still on his back.

The elevator doors opened back up. They were on top of Flipside Tower.

"Can you put him down now??" Mario asked. Luigi nodded and set Dimentio down. "There! Now guys, we need to focus. I'm not sure how long we have until he comes back."

Mario crossed his arms. "Why can't we just fight him? I've fought worse before." Mario glared over at Dimentio. Dimentio laughed. "I'm flattered you think I'm worse, but beating Jevil in combat won't be easy." Luigi nodded. "Yeah. And I tried reasoning with him, but it didn't work. He wouldn't listen to me!"

Dimentio laughed. "Of course he wouldn't listen to you. Back when I first met him, the only person who could calm him down was....."

Dimentio's eyes went wide.

"Wait a minute, that could be it!" Luigi looked around. "What?? What is it??"

"Jevil had this friend. His name was...was...Ugh, I know he told me it. Shawn or something."

"You mean Seam?" Luigi asked. Dimentio looked up and snapped his fingers. "Yes! Seam! How did you know that??" Luigi smiled and rubbed the back of his head. "I think Jevil mentioned him when he was aggressively yelling at me. He said, 'YOU DON'T GET IT! NO ONE GETS IT. SEAM DOESN'T GET IT!'"

Mario was incredibly confused. "Who even is this Seam?" Luigi shrugged. "I don't know. Apparently Jevil's friend?" Dimentio nodded. "I think Seam was a Magician. And Jevil's roommate/co-worker." Mario rolled his eyes. "Ah, great. Just what we need. More Magicians." Dimentio laughed. "Relax, Mario. Last I checked, this guy was pretty mellow."

"So, what? We just abandon Flipside and leave it at this new guy's mercy in order to find his friend?" Mario asked. Dimentio smirked. "No, YOU just abandon Flipside. Luigi and I will stay here and distract him." "WHAT? WHY ME??" Mario asked.

"Because you won't be able to handle Jevil on your own. It's best to have two of us here to try to contain him." Mario shook his head. "No, no, no. This is probably a sick plan for you to take Luigi and manipulate him to do your evil bidding again or something! No way am I leaving you with him!" Luigi grabbed Mario's shoulder. "Mario, he has to stay with me. He's not allowed to be to far away. And Dimentio's right. We need at least two people here to handle Jevil if he comes back."

"But, Luigi! Are you really going to let him manipulate you like this?? This is exactly what he wants!" Luigi shook his head. "I have power over Dimentio this time. If he does anything bad, I can just send him back. See, everything's going to be okay!"

Mario slowly nodded. "....Alright, fine. Where is this friend?"

Dimentio turned to Luigi and smiled. "Oh darn, his friend resides in a complete other world. If only there were a way I could teleport your brother over there."

Luigi smiled. "Alright, alright, I get it. I'll let you teleport him over there, but that's it!" Mario rolled his eyes. "Okay, great. So how do I get back?" Dimentio shrugged. "I'll give you two hours to find Jevil's friend. Then I'll just teleport you back. Sound good?" Mario slowly nodded. "Okay....what does this friend look like?"

Dimentio shrugged. "Uhh, a messed up stuffed cat. He's covered in scars. You'll probably know him when you see him."

Suddenly, Luigi could hear Jevil's theme slowly fading in. "Oh no, we're running out of time." Dimentio smiled. "Okay, give me my powers." Luigi shakily nodded. "Okay, Dimentio, I'm allowing you to only teleport Mario to where we need him." Dimentio nodded, and snapped his fingers. "Ciao, Mario!"

With that, Mario was teleported away, leaving nothing but a few ripples in his place.

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