《Joker's Running Wild (Deltarune, Super Paper Mario, Kirby Super Star)》Chapter 10


Luigi was escorted down to Dimentio's cell. Once he was there, the two D-men waited down the hall. "Holler if he pulls anything suspicious," The D-men told him. Luigi nodded and shakily approached the cell.

He peered through the door. There was a small slot, but that was the only place he could look into the cell. He saw Dimentio sitting on the other side of the cell, rocking back and forth.

"Is it breakfast time already? Ah ha ha, how time flies when you're rotting at the bottom of the Underwhere," He teased. Luigi shuttered at the sound of his voice.

"Uh, no. It's not breakfast."

Dimentio quickly sat up upon hearing Luigi's voice.


Luigi smiled and scratched the back of his head. "Heh, close! It's Luigi!" Dimentio sighed and leaned back, looking a little disappointed. "Oh. Well what do you want? Seems out of character for you to just suddenly visit me, considering everything. You must want something." Luigi looked down. "I just need to ask you some questions, and I'll be on my way."

Dimentio laughed. "What do I get in return?" Luigi looked up. "What?" Dimentio stood up and walked over to the door, so his eyes were peering through the slot right at Luigi. "Oh, you didn't think I'd help you out and answer your questions for nothing, did you?" Luigi looked around. "Uhh, well, I was hoping you would...."

"Ah ha ha ha! If you came all the way down here to talk to ME, then that means you must be absolutely DESPERATE." Luigi sighed. "But I don't have anything." Dimentio chuckled. "That's not true."

Luigi peered through the slot again. "Please, just answer my questions. I'll give you whatever you want." Dimentio smiled. "Well, not much I can have when I'm locked in here, so I'll just ask my own question? Seem fair?" Luigi nodded. "Alright....."

Dimentio smiled. "Okay....where's L?"

Luigi smiled. "Really? That's your question??" Dimentio glared through the slot. "Just answer it." Luigi giggled. "Alright, alright. He's with me. Ever since the Ultimate show we've pretty much shared this body. He's pretty much locked away in the back of my mind. He has the power to take control over me whenever he feels necessary, but for some reason he hasn't." Dimentio nodded. "Good. Can he hear what we're saying now?" Luigi shrugged. "Nah. I can tell him things, but he can't see or hear anything going on out here. He's pretty much just trapped in my mind. Except he's choosing to stay there."


Dimentio nodded. "Why doesn't he just take control then? No offense to you, but I feel like he'd get bored just chilling in the back of your mind." Luigi shrugged again. "I don't know. He won't tell me. Now, can I ask my questions?"

Dimentio stepped back and sat back down on the floor, leaning his back against the door. "I guess."

Luigi took a breath. "Okay.....do you know who Jevil is?"

"Seam, Seam come back. I'm sorry. Please...." Jevil spent hours desperately slashing at the door. Nothing. He couldn't even teleport himself anywhere outside of this room. It was unbearably lonely.

Well...at least he was free, even though everyone else was trapped. Nothing bad could happen in there.

He waited weeks. Alone. The loneliness was really getting to him, making his sanity slip further and further away.

There was no source of natural light. No way to tell time. Nothing. All he could do was wait for Seam to realize that he was trapped and come join him.


....but nobody came.


Jevil heard some familiar music. He turned around.

"AH, DIMENTIO. THE CHARMING MAGICIAN!" Dimentio was floating him that room, clearly looking defeated. "WHAT'S WRONG FRIEND? FRIEND?"

Dimentio floated forward. "Took me a while to find you. I see you reside within a new place. It's nice. Fairly dark, fairly lonely." Jevil smiled. "NOT ANYMORE NOW THAT YOU'RE HERE! WANNA PLAY?"

Dimentio shook his head. "In a minute. May I ask what happened to you in my absence?" Jevil twirled around. "I FREED MYSELF! MYSELF! ISN'T IT WONDERFUL!" Dimentio chuckled. "You think you're free? It looks like you're the one who's locked away." Jevil shook his head. "NO, NO. EVERYONE ELSE IS LOCKED AWAY. I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO'S REALLY FREE."

Dimentio sighed. "Well, that's...great." Jevil nodded. "YES. NOW WHAT BRINGS YOU HERE FRIEND? AND HOW DID YOU GET IN? I CAN'T TELEPORT OUT OF THIS ROOM. I THOUGHT IT WOULD KEEP ALL THE DARKNESS OUT." Dimentio chuckled. "My magic isn't from your world, so there's no way your world could contain it. And I came here to tell you that I've given up."

Jevil's voice lowered. "What?" Dimentio sighed and continued. "I've been searching for who knows how long. There are no perfect worlds. I realize that if I want one, I'd have to make it myself." Jevil nodded. "I SEE. I SEE."

"But first....I'm here to take revenge." Jevil's eyes went wide. "WHAT? ON ME? WHAT FOR?" Dimentio laughed. "I recently payed a visit to Marx. You know, my best friend and the guy you sent away. He seems to be doing well in his world, considering he got assigned a pretty good role, but when I gave him a second chance and asked him to join me again, he refused."


Jevil raised an eyebrow. "OH?" Dimentio glared at Jevil. "And do you want to know what he said? He said that he was happy without me. And he said to tell YOU 'thank you.'" Jevil smiled. "AWW, HOW SWEET, SWEET! TELL HIM I SAY YOU'RE WELCOME." Dimentio snapped. "No! And then he said that he actually preferred you over me! And that you would probably grow to be so much better and SOOO much more important. So I'm here to prove him wrong. It's time for payback. For the guy who took away my best friend and the guy who's so much better than me."


Dimentio glared. "Perhaps." Jevil looked deep in thought. "YOU KNOW, WHEN I MET MARX HE SEEMED JEALOUS OF ME, AND NOW HERE YOU ARE, ALSO JEALOUS OF ME!"

Dimentio summoned a magic projectile. "Just shut up. I'm not violent by nature, but this should be fast."


Dimentio chuckled. "Oh, please. I taught you everything you know. All you can even do is teleport-" Suddenly, Jevil slammed his foot on the ground, and the world started revolving.

Dimentio laughed. "Wow. You made the world spin. How cute. Still won't be enough.

Jevil could hear a new theme start playing. Another one of Dimentio's themes he presumed.

He laughed. "IS THIS THE SHOWTIME MUSIC?" Dimentio nodded. "Yes. Yes it is. Like it?" Jevil giggled. "I BET MINE WILL BE BETTER, BETTER!"

Dimentio threw a magic projectile across the room, almost hitting Jevil. "Quit saying that! You aren't better!"

"UEE HEE HEE! IS IT MY TURN??" Jevil swung his devilsknife, before transferring himself inside it. and flying through the room. This threw Dimentio off, causing him to get hit in the leg.

"What the heck was that??" He asked. Jevil reappeared in front of him. "OH, WHAT FUN THIS IS!" Dimentio brushed himself off. "Whatever. Whatever. I can do better!" He cloned himself and threw projectiles around the room. Jevil just stood there, letting himself get hit. He didn't even try to dodge.

But it didn't really affect him. "CHAOS, CHAOS! CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!" Jevil began to teleport all around the room, firing spades.

Dimentio had a hard time dodging. "Who taught you all these new attacks??" Jevil beamed. "I JUST DID! DO YOU LIKE THEM?"

Jevil and Dimentio continued to fight, Jevil taking a clear lead. Dimentio tried trapping him in his execution boxes, but Jevil wouldn't stand still.

"Just quit being so difficult!!" Dimentio collapsed to the ground in exhaustion, before Jevil walked over, and offered his hand. "NEED A HAND?" Jevil asked. Dimentio rolled his eyes and took it.

"How did you do all of that? I didn't teach you." Jevil beamed.


Dimentio prepared to leave, before Jevil grabbed his hand. "WAIT. DON'T GO."

Dimentio looked back. "What?" "PLEASE VISIT. I'M SO LONELY. LONELY. SEAM ISN'T COMING. PLEASE VISIT ME, FRIEND." Dimentio laughed. "You think we're friends? Must I remind you that you sent away my one real friend." Jevil sighed. "WHICH MEANS I'M THE ONLY ONE LEFT WHO UNDERSTANDS YOU."

Dimentio stood there for a second, before he smiled and started laughing. "Ah ha ha~! I knew I liked you for a reason." Jevil smiled. "SO, ARE WE FRIENDS AGAIN?" Dimentio shrugged. "Sure. I must go now. Enjoy prison! Ciao!"

With that, Dimentio snapped his fingers and teleported away.

From then on Dimentio visited Jevil about once a week. They would often play chess. Dimentio was very strategic, but Jevil occasionally was able to somehow best him.

Each time he showed up, Jevil seemed to be slipping more and more. Being locked away sure wasn't helping his sanity. Dimentio never really agreed with Prisons. If your goal is to stop bad people, locking them away isn't going to help them. It'll just make them more angry at the world, make then slip further and further. But, that's how these worlds worked. They just locked away all the interesting people.

"I don't know how you handle it," Dimentio asked Jevil one day. Jevil gave a confused look. "HANDLE WHAT?" Dimentio chuckled. "Being all alone down here. Why aren't you trying to break free?" "BECAUSE I AM FREE." "Right, right right. But, aren't you lonely? Trapped in here with nothing to do. No purpose in life. Just wasting away for all eternity."

Jevil smiled. "HOW CAN I BE LONELY. I HAVE YOU!"

Dimentio smiled.

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