《I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)》25


-I grab Brahms by his face and he groans angrily as he crosses his arms in protest. All I do is smile at him, and I let go when I know he won't move. "You know when I clean your face that I can't have you wiggling around like that."



I can't help but smile wider every time I hear his real voice come to light. He's been speaking in it since the party three days ago, and he only stops every now and then to beg for something. Too bad he doesn't realize that begging in his real voice would get me to falter more often than the eight year old voice he has.

-"Well, I told you that we were gonna clean you up yesterday when the packages came in. Remember that?"


-"Too bad. Now shut up."

-"" He goes silent as I lean forward and I press my lips against his, before breaking it. "..."

-"Good boy. Now sit still."


-I roll my eyes and lean forward, giving him a deeper kiss before we broke it and I took his moment of bliss as an opportunity to keep cleaning the scars on his face. I can definitely say for certain that the way he looks at me is different now. Either it's more possessive or it's more trustworthy, given it had only changed after the party.

-"... Brahms, can I ask you some questions?" He hums in response, closing his eyes as he gets comfortable laying his head in my hand as my other keeps cleaning him up. "Do you trust me?"


-"Hm.. Do you ever wanna go out again?"

-He cracks open his eyes and grimaces a little. ""

-"How about a restaurant?"

-"" He opens his eyes up further and searches mine.

-"Really? Changing the schedule again?"


-"Oh hush. You know I don't mind.. It's not my schedule. I would love to go out to dinner with you."

-He smiles slightly, before he leans his face into my hand further, turning to press a kiss into the palm of my hand. Then my hand moves to put him back into place, and he groans in mild annoyance, clicking his teeth together in a biting motion.

-"You're not eating me Brahms. Now hold still."


-"One, and then you can have all the kisses you want after I'm done taking care of your face."


-Brahms set me up in something fancy, having dressed me himself, everything on me felt so meticulous to put on with way too many buttons and too many articles of clothing. But he seemed so happy by the time he finished up with me, and I could tell this much by the way he smiled at me and then went on with his own. By the time we got out of the house, we were in the taxi, and then we were in the restaurant in a reserved table.


-The packages yesterday consisted of new phones, one for Brahms and I, and he was all over taking pictures of me. I sat at the other side of the table just staring at him as he snapped picture after picture of me, demanding me to get into pose for some of them.

-"You should be looking at your menu, you know." I say, picking up my own and looking over the words. I hear a few more snaps and my smile twitches wider as he hesitantly set it down and then picked up his own.

-"" He says, and I look it over.

-"I think you'd like that." I reach across and point at the food item. "It's got the meat and sauce you like and you can just tell the server that you don't want the peas."


-"Oh? Then keep the peas." Who the fuck is this man and what has he done to Brahms? "Didn't realize you liked anything green."


-"You are an absolute demon for eating that part and nothing will convince me otherwise."

-"" Goofy sarcasm, a brand new trick that Brahms had learned since a couple days ago. ""

-"Cool." I nod, and I take the menu from him before I put it with mine.


-I nearly burst out laughing as I looked up and I could see Brahms' confused eyes through his mask as he looked down at his phone. "No, you certainly do not.. It's a picture file. Don't worry about it. Did you download an image?"


-"I'll teach you later, don't worry. Just don't download anything else, sometimes you can download things that kill your phone or have you entire life savings stolen." He drops the phone on the table and puts his hands up, causing me to snicker.


-"Not until I teach you how downloading works." I reach over and I take his phone, opening it up. He set his background as a picture of me sleeping, and his password is my name, and the other background is of me in the bath looking as uncomfortably cold as possible. "Why are these your background photos?"


-"Don't ever say heart emoji out loud ever again."


-"I forgive you. I'm gonna delete that picture you downloaded for you and then change my number in your contacts so I actually have a name in it."


-"Yeah but it'll be easier to tell it's me in case someone else calls you."


-"Scammers who want to take your car insurance."


-"Not that I know of."


-As I set his phone down in front of him, we had our orders taken from us by the servers. Brahms however spoke so fast due to his anxiety that the server had to take it twice, but we got there. I look at my phone as I get a notification, and it's from Loki.


-"so you know how I kicked Allen's ass after you and Brahms left he just got out of the hospital today amd he isn't too happy"

-"Alright, thank you for letting me know."

-"I hope he doesnt try to do the things candy and henderson did thry got their asses kicked :/"

-"I got lucky."

-I set my phone aside and I look at Brahms who's busy taking pictures of me. I smile for one of them before I look away, getting used to the feeling of a camera. I didn't like it too much at first but at this point there's no point in arguing about it unless I wanted two times the more pictures of me sleeping in his phone.

-"Hey Brahms?"


-"Does your nose feel any better these days?"


-"You haven't complained much about it recently." I look at him, and I can tell he's not buying what I'm selling. Shit. "I'm just curious."


-He knows well enough that I wouldn't bother mentioning something that he'd naturally whine about if it meant he'd never whine about it again. I bite the inside of my cheek for a second before I shrug.

-"I don't think you need to worry about it yet." I smile, and he cocks his head silently, his stubbornness showing through his eyes. He looked threatening, but I was far from afraid, just felt like I was being pressured into admitting my thoughts. "..Allen got out of the hospital today."


-"I figured I'd tell you when we got back home."


-"Alright.. Say if you're not full afterwards you think we can spend a little on dessert?"

-"" He looks around before grabbing the side menu and looking through it. His eyes lights up and he gasps, and I lean my face into my hand with a smile.

-"Only one, Brahms. I don't know how much we have in the bank."

-"" Brahms says, his head then lifts as he looks off in the distance. ""

-"If they didn't then we're gonna have to worry about money. Especially if you don't know how much we have--"

-"" (And yes I'm just gonna headcanon that they owned a big 'ol company because I don't know how they make money and I can't find anything that tells me.)

-"Alright.. Well then we should be covered until something comes up, right?.. The money isn't going to be inherited by you otherwise."


-"Yeah me neither to be honest." I reach across the table and he takes my hands. "Tell me, what kind if dessert are you gonna get?"


-I chuckle a little at his excitement and optimism. "I bet you'll like it. If you don't we can give this place one star on yelp."


-Brahms, when he's not acting like an evil child, has been nothing but enjoyable. I can tell how much happier he is now that he's been given freedom, walking around outside of his house on occasion, regardless of how much he still sticks to his schedule as much as he can. That I can handle, and as a matter of fact I'm beginning to enjoy it, given it gives me a little bit more control in my life. But no matter what, Brahms has been cheerful and much kinder with me now that he's capable of moving around.

-"" Brahms asked abruptly, and I paused, staring at him before shrugging.

-"I think they were scared for you.. They wanted you to be happy, and free from a prison cell, and felt responsible for what you did. Then they were scared of you because they didn't understand that you probably should've gone to jail." He looks at me, and I have to continue. "If you went to jail you would've went to Juvenile, and they wouldn't kill you. You'd learn, and as far as I know, you'd get out in your teen years or later and you'd be.. Y'know, out here your whole life."


-I smile for a second but it drops rather quick. "No, you're a man who lived in the walls for two decades.. It's not worth thinking about now, though. You're you and no matter what, who you could've been doesn't matter to me. It's not like you're dragging people into the house to take their lives like a massive serial killer. I love you."


-"From how they treated you? I don't think so."

-Brahms nods and then looks away from me as our dinner is sat in front of us.

-It was later that night when I sat on the edge of the bed, my eyes drifting off to the side as I just think. I can't imagine having to deal with another freak who wants me dead, chasing me down through multiple cities. I don't think Allen would, but I also don't think he's going to give it up. Reckon he's mad at Loki too. I can't see Loki getting away with anything neither, and now I'm worried for them.

-I feel arms snake around my body from behind and abruptly pull me back into the bed, treating me like a cozy stuffed animal. Brahms nuzzles his face into the side of my head comfortably, and I can't help the smile that comes onto my face. I scoot my body back into his, taking in all the warmth I can.

-"Goodnight Brahms."


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