《I'll Be Good, I Will (Brahms Heelshire × Reader)》22


-"Brahms?" I ask outwardly to the man standing before me as he slipped on his comfortable sweater and looked back at me in response. "I hope you don't mind me asking but what exactly changed your mind about going out to see the world?"

-He paused, thinking for a moment before shrugging. "You wanna go out there so bad, and you made it sound.. Important. Plus, no one remembers me.. It should be fine."

-I nod, pressing my lips together as I look at the ground towards his socked feet. He seemed to shift on the both of them awkwardly, probably confused by the random question. I then step beside him, taking his hand to take him towards the kitchen for breakfast. But of course I wasn't quite done yet, I still had questions, and not all of them regarded his sudden change in thought.

-"Why do you like me Brahms?" I ask. "Is it just because I do whatever you want me to or is it something else?"

-"Well, you.. You follow the rules, you're nice to me. You don't think I'm ugly, and you're pretty. You haven't left me and you make me feel safe." He lists the things off the top of his head, and I nod, feeling the way his hand tightens onto mine. "Why? Do you feel like I don't like you?? I like you a lot."

-I snicker a little, recognizing his sudden worry as him understanding the feeling of self doubt. It was one of the few things that he did get, all the insecurities he has of himself make him more thoughtful that way, regardless of his selfish attitude. It made him more human, and less of a man with murderous tendencies, and I suppose it was what made him tolerable. That he recognizes me to be a human being as well, as much as he treats me like his mother sometimes.

-"Don't worry, Brahms. I know that you like me. You've made it fairly obvious." I look away from him, and my smile fades a little. "I'm just guessing that, I might be.. Expendable, I guess? Replaceable."

-Brahms stopped out of the blue and just stares at me, in which causes me to look back. He looked bewildered at the idea, and I couldn't read his expression very well given the mask sits on his face. He then shakes his head.

-"No, no no no." He repeats, a little quickly. "You're my (Y/N), and there's only one of you. I only want you anyways. Everyone else would be too mean, like always."


-"Okay.." I pause, choosing not to think about it. "It was a stupid idea, huh?"

-"Pretty dumb." I laugh shortly, and he walks up and wraps his arms around my shoulders. "You are my (Y/N) and I am your... Brahmsy." He sounded off put as he said it, and all it does is make me smile as I hug him back.

-"My precious." I whisper in a voice that Brahms would clearly not catch the reference to, even as my hand strokes his back like he's a gem. "My sweetest baby boy."

-"Stop." I stop. "...Well I didn't mean it keep going!"

-I laugh, leaning back and taking his hands. "Handsome. And also very hungry I bet? Let's go eat breakfast."

-"In the outside world the phones are much bigger than this." I say, pointing at the screen of what used to be Candy's cellular device. I figured, if I'm going to try to get him adjusted with living a close to natural life, I might as well introduce him to the basics, and that includes phones and technology. "The outside world also has this thing called wifi so I would have a connection, but your house is in the middle of the woods so it kinda sucks."

-He takes the phone out of my hand and his fingers drag along the screen, looking at different things here and there. "I'm in the phone? Sleeping??"

-"Those are called background pictures Brahms, you can change them. I put a picture of you in mine because you are important to me."

-He looks at me. "Is it a camera?"

-"It has a camera in it."

-He nods, looking down and staring at the screen before his thumb tapped the icon button. Then he's facing it around the room, looking through it until it aims at me, and I smile.

-"How do I take a picture?"

-"The white circle at the bottom." I hear a snap as he takes a picture of me, and then lowers the phone. "The bottom left corner is so you can look at the pictures you took."

-Then he's looking through them, first at his own and then at the pictures I have taken. Most of them are of him when he's not noticing, mainly because he is very photogenic, even when he's not trying. Other pictures are pictures that Candy took, and I deleted quite a lot of things off the gallery. But most are of Candy herself before she got into drugs, and many others are of Sarah and everyone else. There is only a couple pictures of Loki, one where they look very bored hanging out with Candy, and another from when Loki had longer hair.


-"...Loki's a girl?" Brahms looks at me with a confused eyes, and I paused before shaking my head.

-"Loki used to be a girl but then they stopped caring about being a girl so they just did whatever they wanted instead."

-"Oh." A pause of silence before Brahms nods and carries on without another thought. "Who is this?" He points out.

-"That's Sarah."

-"Did you take these pictures?"

-"Not all of them, this is Candy's phone. Candy took these photos."

-"They remind me of the paintings my parents and I used to sit for. We'd sit forever until the painting was done."

-"Oh? So is Brahms the master of sitting still then?"

-He looks up at me. "I can be if someone's drawing me.. Or if you're going to take pictures of me? Can you take pictures of me??" He hands me the phone and I can't help but smile at his eagerness.

-"Yes Brahms." I take the phone, and then he abruptly brings his hands up.

-"After we're done studying though! We can't break the schedule."


-For the rest of the day he demanded photos of him in poses, and sometimes demanded the phone itself so he can take pictures of me. He was taking multiple, constantly through dinner. I can imagine there'd be at least one-hundred different angles of me sitting in the gallery at this point and most of them are from above due to his height. After dinner however, he stopped when the phone buzzed in his palm with a notification, and I turn to look at him as he read it.

-"What is it?" I ask, and he shows me. "Oh, it's Loki asking for an update on that party."

-"I'm not going." Brahms declines immediately, and I nod.

-"I know you're not." I open my mouth a little before I reach for the phone and take it from his hand. "I'll tell him I'm not going neither.. But I do think we should go out and do something one of these days."

-"Go out? Do what??"

-"Maybe we can go somewhere to eat? Eat something special and new, cooked by a chef." Brahms tilts his head to the side. "I know you don't like spicy foods, so we can go somewhere that sells.. I don't know, fish?"

-"No fish. I don't like fish either."

-"Okay, then.. Hm." I tap my fingers along my chin. "We can probably go somewhere that sells something you like. I'll have to look on the maps."


-I smile, and I open it up. I flip the phone onto data and I show it off to him, and he takes it from me to look. "That is where we are, and the rest of these places are what are around us." I point out, and he's looking them over.

-"...So if we leave the house, these are the places outside of it?" He asks, and he looks at me as I nod. "Oh. Are they safe?"

-I step up beside him and I look down at the screen and point out each place, giving them the best description I can. Not every single place is something I know anything about.

-"Do you think we can go here to eat?" Brahms points out, and I look down at the phone for a moment before I look back up at him.

-"Yes, of course. When you're ready to go out to public places, I wouldn't mind."

-He nods silently, and then continues on with the phone, looking at the maps like it's a game. It is never a lie when people say that phones keep you preoccupied, and the way that it looks right now, Brahms is akin to a toddler with a tablet. Just, this time around he doesn't have baby shark playing on loop for ten hours straight, and I can't be any more thankful.

-"Brahms, you can't stare at the phone all night it'll die." I reach across his body, but he keeps the phone away from me. "It's time for bed. We're literally laying in it."


-"You've been staring at google maps for like five hours Brahms, the phone has more uses than maps." I drop my arm, giving up, and my face rests into his back, hiding my tired eyes from the light. "If you wanna wake up exhausted, that's on you.. Don't get mad at me when it's time to do chores in the morning though."

-Brahms sighs, and he finally turns off the phone. He knows me well enough to know that I don't lie to him, and he set the phone down gently on the nightstand. "Lemme go, I wanna hug you."

-I scoot back enough for him to turn around and engulf me in a hug like a teddy bear. I smile just a little, even as he basically crushes me with how tight his embrace is. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

-Next thing I know though, Brahms is asking me which phones are best so he can order them. At least I can distract him with something now.

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