《InquisitorMaster The Squad》Spider


"Uggggggggggggggh Bro this game only has one mappppp." said emo chick. "SoOo" said her brother, "ugh whateva, SeNd Em In CaNdY!" Shouted Emo chick. "Okay finnnne" Said candy as she clapped. Everyone fell next to a campsite. "WhY mUsT wE aLwAyS fAlL." yelled zach. BECAUSE ITS FUNNY!" Shouted Emo Chick. Zach muttered something under his breath the walked into the camp. -INSERT CAMP UNCLE STUFF- "OMG" Said alex "He ded!?!" "HE DED!" Said jade. "HE DED!!!" Shouted the twins. "YES HE IS DED DEAL WITH IT!" Shouted E.m.o chick's brother. "Oml." said jaxx as they were teleported to the map. "Ew! what is that!?" Said Alex in a grossed out tone. "Thats the spider." said candy. "oh..." said jade. "ItS sO uGlY!" Said Jaxx. "YeAh!" Said Alex. "YOU KNOW SPIDER JUST GO MURDER THEM" Shouted E.M.O Chick. "OML NOOOOOOOO" The Squad Shouted as they ran off into the house. "Idiots." Said E.M.O chick's brother. "Yep" said E.M.O chick "Wow we're right here." Said Zach. "I know" Said E.M.O chick Evily. "I am Scared." Said Drake. "Me too." Said Jade. They looked around, "Guys I found A Key" Said Alex. "Cool." Said Zach. "Where Does That Go?" Asked Jaxx. "Idk." Said Light Shrugging.

*A Few Min Later*


"GOD BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!!" Shouted E.m.o Chick And She Clapped them outta the game. "Heyyy We Didn't get to finish." Said Drake. "I Just... Just Go through the Door To Meet Me. After that all you have to do is solve a riddle." Said E.m.o Chick Tiredly. "Thats it? Okay!" Said Alex And they all ran Up to the door.



And Im Sorry Im Ending the book Short I Just dont know what other games for them to play after.

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