《InquisitorMaster The Squad》Horror PorTals! YAAY


Zach P.O.V

Him And Drake yelled as she bit their arms. "YoU cAn StOp NoW iDiOtS!" Yelled the one voice that wasn't candy. Jade and jaxx backed away fro their victoms. "Oh~" Drake groaned. "Im sorry brother" Zach groaned to him as they layed there. "Its fine"drake replied. "Hey were are we?" I Asked Alex. "We're At Horror Portals." She Said through Gummy Worms. Jade Came Up with some gummy worms and stuck them in our mouths, We slowly chewed them and she patted our heads. "Nom," drake said "Nom." I said. "Okay call me emo chick" said the voice from before. "Sorry but ZACH AND DRAKE GET YOUR BUTTS UP!!" emo chick said. We crawled up. "Sorry" Jaxx apologized. "Its fine." Me and drake groaned. "Okay choose a portal guys" Candy said sympathetically. Alex Gasped "A BIRTHDAY?!". Oh boy I thought.

Alex's POV

"OH BOY,OH BOY,OH BOY,OH BOY,OH BOY,OH BOY!" Alex Squealed "I love birthdays!!" Alex yelled through a mouth full. "CAN WE DO THAT? PLEEEEEEEASE?" Alex pleaded zach

(WRITERS NOTE!!!!: This was oranganlly jollys carnaval but I coundn't get the skcript for it sorry)

"UGGGGGGGGGH Fine." Zach grumbled. "YUSSSSSS!!!" Alex said in victory. "You Sure I mean the writer-" Candy said. "DONT BREAK THE FORTH WALL CANDY! Um, Uh Anyway Ill teleport you there, heh heh" Emo Chick Laughed nervesly and she claped and they were teleported everyone landed on light. "Oh the pain~" said light. "OOOOOOH I DID IT YOU OWE ME FIVE BUCKS!" said emo chick. "UGH" groaned another voice. "Sorry Light!" They Said as they got off of him.

"I wonder why we have to call the one lady emo chick she's not that emo" Said drake As we got to camp. "Oh Yeah True True." Said jade as talked to isabella's father. "OMG A TIMER STARTED" Alex yelled. They all ran to the docks. "Oh there she is." said Zach. "UUHHHHH Thats not isabella." Ale said. "Yeah she's not THICK enough to be her." said Jade. "What No thats isabella." Said Jaxx. They WaLkEd. Back to the camp. "YoU fOuNd IsAbElLa!" Said the dad


(Then The tent stuff Im too lazy to right that sorry XD)

They Heard Isabellas friend scream and woke Up. "So'n so is Gone!" Light Shouted "FoRGeT HER ISABELLA IS GONE!"

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