《InquisitorMaster The Squad》Flicker


Alex P.o.v

Alex Landed on her knees "Ow!" she said rubbing her knees she looked up and read, "You Are Katie you are the detetive." She Reached in her pocket and found a Magnafine Glass. Then She was teleported again. "Guys!" cried jade happily. She hugged them all. "So What are You Guys?" she asked letting go. "Im a Muffin Man" She Said. "Im Innocent." said drake. "Im medic" replied Zach. "And Im psychic" Said Light. "What about you Alex." Jade turned to her. "Im Detective." Alex told her. "But Then-?" The lights flickered out, Light screamed she held zach's hand tightly. The lights returned. "T-the Bathroom is open." said jade. They slowly walked twords it. Alex heard Foot Steps, she turned and saw nothing she shivered and krept beside zach. He Opened the door. Light was on the ground. "He's. Dead." Said Drake. "Aye, but Not Truely once this is over he will be back." Said candy. "Now You Must Vote someone out." Said candy grimly. "I say we vote out..." said zach. "Drake?" h questioned. "What?!" shouted drake. "And why not you?!" he said. "H-he was with me the entire time." said alex. Drake slumped down on the couch and bit into a muffin. "What about you jade?" asked Alex. Jade Sat there in the dining room on the seat. "Huh what? Oh I don't know" she said clearly not paying attiation. "What about you jade?" asked Zach. "What about Me!?" jade said angrly. "You Berly did anyting!" :"so Wha-!" jade was about to repile. "Jeez Calm Down You Dorks Its Time To vote" said candy. The all put their votes in a ballot box and waited. "And The Aqused Person is....." said candy "jade." "WHAT!" Shouted jade. "Nooooooooooooo jade!" said drake hugging her alex joined in too."Unforechantly that is wrong, The acused person will now be kicked." said candy "booooooo" said jade. "You have five seconds until the lights flicker out" said candy. "Im scared" said alex. she sat don o the couch the lights flickered out She was pulled away She was stabed she screamed.


Drake P.o.v

The lights flickered back on They ran around looking for her body. They found her in the closet. The brothers looked at each other. *Drake thought for a moment im not it and zach wouldn't kill his Girlfriend Not at a time like this.* "I-I think someone else is in the house." said drake

"Good Job drake!" said candy "Their name starts with Je and ends with ny." said candy. "Jenny?" Guess his brother. "Maybe its time to vote" The brothers looked at each other and nodded. "Jenny You have Been found!" said candy. The brothers stood in the living room. A Girl wearing a mask walked out. "Well dang Good Job boys you won" she handed them guns "For protetion Bye!" and they were both teleported out. "Good Job!" cried the girls giving them hugs.



- Agnos boss baby

-Me 4:15 Am 7/24/2020

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