《The Spark of Balance: The Realm of Mianite (Book 1)》~Ch 136~ The leap of faith
Claire POV-
Everyone watched as Amy, Rupert, and Bluebeard carried Capsize's body down to a small river nearby.
His features were still zombified but his expression had been fashioned into peace.
The champions gathered a few nearby flowers hidden between the grasses, and dropped them into the river around the pirate's body.
Light blue poppies, and purple vervains filled the river even as they sunk bellow, but they gave Capsize an illusion of life.
Lord Ianite had even showed up and used his magic to gather the pirate's soul, binding it to the End so his spirit could forever live on, giving life to the plants around them.
A small gift, and perhaps apology to the pirates, who were more than grateful knowing their friend was at peace and around them.
Even Tom had apologized to them, it had been his idea to go find flowers for Capsize in the first place.
Jordan knew Tom better than most, she knew he could be careless and irrational sometimes, but he also had the greatest capacity for love and compassion. He was careful to hide his emotions sometimes because everyone expected him to be a certain way as a Dianitee, but when he said he was sorry about something, he meant it.
As someone who blamed herself for Capisize's first death, she knew what Tom must be feeling, even when he hadn't really seemed to like the guy. Jordan knew the pain and regret surging through his mind.
Once Amy sank her brother's body, Jordan hugged Tom with all she had, knowing words wouldn't be of much help right now. Knowing that he needed to feel forgiveness instead of being told it wasn't his fault.
It also helped that Lord Ianite informed them that he HAD been having trouble bringing Ezra back from the other side, despite Tom's intervention. Maybe he was bluffing for Tom's benefit, but it did seem to settle Tom's guilt.
Her friend wasn't crying as the body sank, but he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the pirate.
Tom suddenly broke from her embrace and walked up to the water, dropped one last flower before walking back inside with Tucker and Sonja in tow.
As she continued to stare at the ever sinking body in the water, Stefan came up behind her, giving her an understanding smile before pulling out a rose.
"I asked Ianite if he could make one out of magic" Stefan said, and she didn't know how to thank him enough.
Jordan slowly walked forward to the river bank and looked at the glowing red flower.
The pirates were on their knees hugging each other beside her, but they all looked up in wonder.
Jardon's Rose.
Maybe not the original, but a reminder of a better time.
Slowly, she kneeled down next to Amy and dropped it inside the water.
As the flower sank, Jordan was more than shocked to hear Amy speak up.
"That had been his idea you know. To charm you with a rose, and I think even then, I knew that wasn't part of the act" the captain said "None of his feelings were"
Jordan had no words for that, so instead she hugged the pirate girl.
"I'm sorry you had to do it. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you" Jordan said, not quite able to raise her voice above a whisper.
"That wasn't my brother. He died protecting the woman he loved. But he was the last real family I had. Of course I still have Rupert and Bluebeard, but nothing is quite like blood relatives" Amy said, turning to look at the short brunette "You have family still, champion. Enjoy them while you can, treasure them and love them, because fate is a cruel thing and it likes to remind us that life isn't forever"
Images of her mother and father popped up in her head. Her mother, covered in flour, straightening Jordan's hair bow before heading out to school. He father, helping out with her science projects after a long day of work.
Her little sister and her, running around the house, singing and dancing with paint on their hair.
Her brother, fighting off her bullies when she was starting elementary and he was on his last year, then taking her out for a donut at her favorite coffee place.
They must be worried sick to not have her home. Must be killing them not knowing.
She couldn't imagine returning one day and not finding them alive.
Ianite's champion thanked the pirate before heading over to her god, who was standing a healthy distance away with sorrow filled eyes.
"They will be ok. Amy is the strongest person I know" Jordan said to her god, standing beside him as they watched the pirates throw more flowers into the water.
"Their parents were part of my court, advisors of my continent. Equally as strong as their children" Lord Ianite said "Now Ezra can join them as part of this land"
Jordan smiled at the thought. Ezra did always seem like he missed them and his people a lot.
"Speaking of parents. I hope it's not too much to ask, but I need to go back home, I need to be with them" she said "As your champion I know I should stay with you but..."
"You have a beautiful home to return to, I would never get in the way of that my lady. You have done so much for this land already, even when it wasn't yours to defend or bleed for. The least I can do is try and take you home" her god said, his purple eyes meeting hers.
"I wish I could come back to visit some time. Even if I'm not your champion by then"
"You will always be my champion, no matter what world you find yourself in. My champion, and my most cherished friend" the god said "Besides, your friend Stefan made his way here, I'm sure he could do it again if you wish to visit"
"Maybe with her help I can fix my machine so we can make trips back and forth" Stefan said as he approached them "After all, if there is anyone who can fix what I messed up, it's her"
Stefan's words made her pause.
That was one of the first things she had told Stefan when they met back in school a little longer than a year ago.
Back when they had no idea who they were or what a crazy year they had ahead of them. A life time ago.
Jordan wrapped an arm around Stefan's waist and smiled.
"Oh, we'll make it back once I see what needs fixing" she said
"I would love that. It would be a shame if I never saw you again my dear champion. But since you wish to go back now, we must head over to an area where I can work my magic. Follow me when you're ready" the god said, fixing his purple and silver robe as he headed towards an exit visible behind the castle.
When she looked behind her to try and go explain it to her friends, they were already there, staring at her and Stefan.
Jordan was afraid they would be mad, that they would tell her to not bother coming back.
Once she saw Sonja's tears, and the fox girl rushed over to hug her, she knew that wouldn't be the case.
Not with them.
They had all lost their families, like Amy, they understood. That didn't mean they weren't as sad as she was.
Once Sonja's arms went around her, almost tackling her to the ground, Jordan remembered all the good times she had with her friend.
Sonja was the first real girl friend she ever had. They had sleepovers and girl talks, but also trained together and relied on each other, something Jordan had never had.
Sonja had given Jordan a home, food, and clothes when she was just a stranger.
Had shown her nothing but kindness from the beginning.
"I swear I'll come back and visit" Jordan said, trying to will the tears back, holding on to her friend.
"You better, it's gonna be weird being the only girl on this planet again. I'm gonna miss you so much" Sonja said, motioning for Tucker to join them.
Despite Tucker's strong hold on his emotions he was crying too.
When his long arms went around her, Jordan nuzzled into the crook of his neck, trying to quiet her own sobs.
"You really grew on me you know. What am I supposed to do now that I don't have to focus on keeping you alive all the time?" Tucker said, his voice cracking a bit.
Now that she thought about it, she had laughed at death's face more often than she would like to admit. But Tucker had always been there to try and protect her. He had always made sure she was ok, and protected her like the brother she wished she'd had.
He taught her how to fight, farm, prepare and cook meat...gave her the tools to survive.
"Now you can focus on building Sonja a new home, I think she's gonna want quite a few changes from the last one based on all we've seen" Jordan teased, brushing Tucker's dirty blonde hair out of his crying face.
He sighed, but smiled when Sonja's eyes met his. Genuinely happy to do anything for her happiness.
They had each other. They would be ok.
Then Tom came up to her, Sonja and Tucker backing away slightly.
"You aren't leaving because you're scared of me right, Sparkles?" Tom asked her, his eyes glossy with held back tears.
Jordan went over and hugged him tight.
"Never. I just need to see my family, it has nothing to do with you. If anything, you're one of the reasons my brain is screaming at me to stay. All of your make me want to stay. This became my home, a place where I finally felt like I fit in" She said
Tom smiled and waved the other champions forward for a group hug.
Then, Tom suddenly broke from the embrace, looked at Stefan, and silently motioned him forward.
"We're gonna miss you two otherworlder" Tom said.
Stefan seemed shocked, but joined the hug, squeezing between Tom and Tucker who gave him a big side hug each.
"Please take good care of each other and come back soon. Maybe we'll build you guys a home in Ianera" Tucker said "That is if we have the time, we're very busy people after all"
That made them all laugh, but they eventually separated, and enjoyed their last moments together as they went to join Ianite.
The pirates followed behind, not saying anything. Not that she blamed them, not after their loss.
Despite that looming sadness, the walk was a beautiful last memory with her friends. They went over a lovely bridge and down a staircase glued to the side of a cliff, leading down to a place that looked more like End she had come to know.
A sandy area with no trees or signs of life that seemed to be standing at the edge of the land, the void visible past its edge.
Ianite waited there, smiling at the incoming group.
Jordan hugged all her friends one last time and asked them to give everyone else by the gate a big hug and an apology for not giving them a proper goodbye.
Everyone was a crying mess, and even the pirates shed a few tears when she hugged them goodbye. Even Rupert.
It broke her heart to see everyone like that.
But before she could leave, she went over to Sonja and handed her the god killing bow and arrows, knowing it would be safe with her. Her best friend hugged her tight one last time and promised to keep them safe.
Then she went over to Tom, holding on to the side of her red cape, a gift from him.
She thanked him for everything, hugged him one last time, and gave him a kiss on the cheek, before clutching her backpack and strapping it behind her back.
Tom began to cry again then, enough so that he accidentally used his magic to duplicate his sword into 64 diamond swords. Something that seemed to calm everyone down.
Of course he would....
Thats when Ianite went over to him and placed some sort of block on his magic to keep it under control until Tom was ready for it.
Even he didn't argue with that.
That was a relief for her. Knowing she wouldn't leave a friend struggling.
Once Stefan was able to pry himself out of Sonja's embrace, they both locked hands and walked over to the edge as per Ianite's request.
The god summoned his magic, eyes glowing like before.
"Once I reach into my magic, it will open a portal in the void, you'll need to jump down the cliff and it will lead you home" Ianite said
Jordan looked down nervously, seeing nothing but darkness and a few glowing particles.
That was a long drop.
Jordan grabbed Stefan's hand, giving him a nervous smile.
"How long will it take us to get home? Last time we used the void, we aged a few years within it" Stefan asked
"I'm not sure, but it should be a short period of time" Ianite said
Home. She was almost home.
Looking behind her one last time, Jordan smiled at her friends, promising to come back soon.
Then, magic began to swirl around Ianite and the void below started drumming with magic.
She could see it, the particles gathering up a few feet below her.
Jordan, hand in hand with Stefan, almost launched them forward to jump, until she heard a scream behind her.
The sight she found almost made her sick.
Nadeshot and the Modesteps launched themselves from above the hill, seemingly powered by strength potions, almost hitting Ianite.
Landing right before him.
When they landed, the ground shook and everyone stumbled, trying to keep themselves upright to no avail, even Ianite.
Hands disconnected from each other, Jordan did her best to brace her hands before her to lessen the blow of the fall.
Jordan's fell a few feet backward, but when she turned to find her friend, Stefan was falling forward towards the cliff, quickly loosing his balance.
She tried to get up to help him.
But he was too far.
She reached out a hand and he did too, but their fingers were inches away from making contact.
"Claire!" Stefan yelled
Jordan's heart stopped as she witnessed one of his feet slip from the edge.
His eyes filled with fear as he slowly began to fall off the ledge.
Jordan screamed his name, not caring about the fighting behind her, or the ground that still shook, not as he reached for him. Practically lunging her body as fast as she could.
Once she crawled to the ledge, arm stretched down bellow, she found nothing but blackness, traces of magic disappearing, along with her best friend.
There was so sign of his body falling. Nothing at all.
"Stefan!!!!!" Jordan screamed over and over until even her voice faltered.
She didn't know how long she stood there crying, begging him to appear.
It was the sound of her friend's screaming that forced her body to turn away from the void below.
That's when she finally registered what had led up to the incident...
Ianite's champion slowly clutched her sword in hand and turned around, her eyes red with fury.
The Modesteps were fighting the pirates and the remaining champions with a kind of magic she had never seen before. One much like Dianite's, or at least powerful enough to keep up with all those experienced warriors.
Nade was far to the right of them, using that same magic to try and kill Ianite, his eyes frantic and his motions sloppy. The magic was strong enough to compensate for that, because Ianite was having trouble blocking his attacks.
Pushing her pain and worry aside, Jordan ran over to her god as fast as she could, screaming once she reached Nade, grabbed one of Stefan's blindness potions he had given her, and threw it at the Dianitee with all she had.
Nade recoiled in pain, his magic dying momentarily as she reached Ianite when Nade fell on the ground.
"Are you ok!?" She asked her god, out of breath at that point.
Lord Ianite had been grazed by Nade's magic in that first attack by the looks of it, multiple bleeding wounds covered her god's flawless skin.
Still, he nodded, trying his best to patch up the wounds with tendrils of magic, but even his energy was faltering because it winked in and out of existence.
"Ianite....Stefan! Did-did he make it through the portal!? Please tell me he didn't fall through the endless pit of the End" she said, her tears retuning in full force at the thought.
"He passed through" the god said "Though I'm not sure if he fell before my concentration faltered and the void changed direction"
"Changed where!!?" She screamed, furious at the world, at herself, at the Dianitees.
Before Ianite's words could leave his lips, the magic from the blindness potion must have worn out as a rush of magic arose.
Nade rushed at them from behind her, Ianite barely being able to push her out of the way and block the incoming attack.
Jordan had no idea how get between that battle of magic against magic. Had no idea how to help her struggling god, not when her mind was still rushing with thoughts of Stefan falling.
Luckily, flashes of color shone above.
The wizards descended down before Nade and the Modesteps, using their magic to knock them back. Champwan and Declan slowly making their way down the stairs towards her.
"They attacked us at the gate. We tried to stop them but they got past us, then closed it" Wag said beside her as everyone gathered together, surrounding the intruders.
Weapons and magic drawn, everyone waited for the Dianitees to make their move, but they just laughed.
"How did you get here!?" Jordan asked, to furious to care what she sounded like or who answered.
Nade laughed as he spit out a bit of blood, clutching his side on the sandy floor.
"Dianite brought us along as insurance in case things didn't work out in his favor, brought us along as one last chance to redeem ourselves"Nade said
Of course he did....that bastard.
"That magic of yours. How do you have it!? What is it!?" Declan asked, summoning a wisp of blue light.
"Jordan probably knows about it, actually. It's a type of magic we discovered to end this world, the reason Dianite banished us" One of the modesteps said, laughing
"But Dianite didn't seem to care about the world's survival anymore, so now we can finish what we set out to do" Nade said "And we will kill you retched champions, for all that you have done"
Before anyone can stop them , Nade raised his fist in the air and dropped his hand to the floor.
The ground began to set in motion again, grey magic coursing through the ground like veins of power causing everyone to stagger back.
Jordan got in front of Ianite, ready to protect him from any attacks, specially as the Modesteps rose from the ground with their own magic, ready to attack.
Oh, she would kill them for this, even if their magic tore her to pieces.
Then Ianite placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her back from all the fighting to face him.
"You need to go. Nade is gonna destroy all this world. I can focus the last of my energy to send you away to a new world, but I won't be able to keep it open for long, and I won't be able to direct you to a far away place" he said "At least I don't think so"
"I'm your champion. I'm supposed to stay and help. Save this world" Jordan screamed, determined to keep fighting.
"This magic cant be stopped, and this world has already been destroyed long ago. You must go, all of you must go" the god said, running a hand through the bracelet he gave her
"I can't let you die" Jordan said, not knowing how she could stand this much heartbreak in one day.
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