《The Spark of Balance: The Realm of Mianite (Book 1)》Ch 14- War has begun...
Claire's POV-
As soon as Jordan got close to the area where Tom had found her, she was surprised to see both Tom and Dianite were there, and they didn't look too happy.
Of course Dianite wasn't happy, but Tom?
She wanted to turn back but if she did they could catch her instantly. So Jordan put on her poker face and made her way over like nothing was wrong with the world.
There was a thirst in Tom's eyes, if that wasn't scary enough his grin looked completely terrifying, he was also grasping his sword ready to attack. Overall he looked like he had lost his mind.
"Hey, if it isn't Sparkles, I called you both here because I have something very important to tell you both" said Tom
Wait...he had arranged this meeting? Oh brother...
"Im done being your bitch Dianite, and I'm done with all of you guys!!"
Dianite looked as if he was about to kill him but instead he just said "Watch it boy, you dont know what you are getting yourself into" and left.
That left her and Tom alone, and she was genuinely scared.
"What do you mean by that? What got into you, you were fine yesterday?" Jordan said as she started to slowly walk backwards ready to make a run for it.
" Im just sick of following the rules! I want to do whatever I want without people stopping me! This is who I am, I bring destruction wherever I go, I kill for fun! You guys tried to make me weak, now you will suffer the consequences!" he said
Next thing she knew Tom's sword reached for her neck and after a moment of darkness she was back home.
Tucker and Sonja were instantly at her side.
"What on Mianite's name happened! The world communicator announced that Tom killed you, is that right?" Sonja asked
Jordan gathered her composure and spoke up.
"So much for thinking he likes me. He has gone insane and I dont know why. He pretty much declared war against all of us and on Dianite as well. What on earth is going on!?" she was more confused than upset, but above that she was scared.
Tom was a powerful guy, having him as a foe was not a good thing.
"Crap, seriously! Well, we have to get him back for killing you! He cant take all three of us after all" Tucker said.
"No he cant, but he has good weapons. That was a one hit kill. I say we get ready, sock on weapons and potions, hide our valuables and try to talk some sense into him" Jordan said.
"Sounds good! Wait whats that in the distance?" Sonja asked pointing outside her window
Its was coming from the direction of Tucker's house. It just looked like there was a mountain by their house, it was too dark to know for sure. They grabbed some weapons from her chest and rushed that direction.
The run to Tucker's house was more dangerous than they had anticipated, aside from the mobs, we had Tom to worry about now. It was so dark they couldn't see a thing and Tom could be anywhere ready to strike and they wouldn't even realize it.
As they got closer, they could clearly see what was going on.
No way!
There was water all over Tucker's Mianite temple that he had built recently. Bits were blown off, and there path to it was absolutely destroyed.
There was a sign that said "A little gift from me to you. Tom"
"That little... thats it this is all out war now!! He is gonna get the payback of a lifetime!" Tucker screamed at the sky.
Sonja was instantly at his side trying to comfort him. Jordan was just standing there in disbelief, how could Tom change out of nowhere, what he did was out of line but she just wanted to try and settle things between them. After all, she was team Ianite, its her job to bring balance.
That and she didn't want to hurt Tom till she knew what the hell was going on with him.
"Get ready guys...this is war!" Tucker said.
They all decided that it was best if they stuck together for the night so it was decided to stay at Tucker's house. Jordan wanted spend her night mining and smelting iron so they could make more weapons, staying busy would help keep her calm.
Thought out the night they also tried to contact Tom but he never answered.
Jordan had seen the all out war that they had in Mianite, but it was such a long time ago that she didn't remember anything about it. All she could remember was that everyone split into factions. They were either with Tom or Team Mianite.
Hopefully this wouldn't come to that.
"Maybe we shouldn't do anything. Just let the gods deal with it, I don't think Mianite will be very happy knowing his temple was destroyed." Jordan said as she came back from mining and began smelting.
Her one and only objective during this was to find the most peaceful resolve possible, she didn't want people getting hurt because of this.
"You may be right. If thats an option we will take it, but he will be punished for what he has done. The most peaceful resolve I can think of is having him re build the temple himself. If he does, I'll forgive him.." Tucker said firmly, Sonja just nodded along.
After making a few more swords they all decided to call it a night. So they wouldn't get killed in their sleep, they decided to take turns on lookout.
Jordan gladly took the first watch.
Sonja and tucker went to sleep while she stayed outside the front door with a bow in hand. The great thing about Tucker's place is that it was on top of a hill, If she saw Tom coming up the stairs she could always shoot him down.
Maybe when her shift was off she could try to talk to Ianite, he hadn't been around in her dreams lately, but that was the only way she could talk to him.
Unlike the others, Jordan didnt have a temple to pray to Ianite. Maybe she should build one? Its worth a shot, and since the Mianite temple was ruined, they could pray to both of the gods and seek help together.
She decided to bring that up over breakfast tomorrow. Contacting the gods was the smartest thing they could do at the moment if they wanted to keep things peaceful.
Although they were at the brink of war, the world of Mianite looked so peaceful from up there, a view she could never get back home.
Home... at least the war here couldn't be as bad as the ones from back home. Thankfully world war 3 hasn't begun back home yet, but the world had always been very tense.
What would her family think of me getting involved in a war?
They would probably think she's not strong enough to survive one, but they had always underestimated her strength. Her physical strength that is, they were deceived by her skinny body and short height. Now she was one of the best fighters in Mianite, or at least everyone seems to think so.
Jordan just hoped she'd get back home in one piece. She must have been lost in her thoughts again because Tucker tapped her shoulder and sat down next to her without her hearing him come out.
It had only been a few minutes, oh...it had been 3 hours.
She still used her watch from back home, who knew if the time was accurate but she used it as a way to measure how much time had gone by. Here, time was measured by the sunrise and sunset so she'd never know for sure.
Tucker brought her a blanket and put it over her shoulders.
"Thanks, I'm not tired yet, can I stay out here with you for a while? Its much more peaceful outside than inside."Jordan said
He gave her a confused look "You mean out here where you can get killed, yes very peaceful. Just joking with you, of course you can. Here I brought you some bread" he replied
Jordan accepted the bread and tried to eat it in small bites so it lasted longer.
There was a long pause before either of them said anything, the truth was, she never knew what to say to him.
He was a very friendly guy, but he just seemed too in control of things. Luckily, she didn't have to think of a way to start a conversation because he started it this time.
"Hey Jordan, do you want to go back home? I mean of course you do, specially now that you have seen how crazy this place is. What I'm trying to say is, have you considered maybe staying here with us? You are a great fighter and your beliefs are just, I just don't want this war to scare you off. Specially since it seems impossible to get you back home, I don't want you to waste your life hoping to get home and living with the disappointment of not being able to...".
Jordan let his words sink in.
He usually didn't ask personal questions so this was new. He seemed to think so too because he looked very nervous. The thing she loved about him was that he always spoke him mind freely, he never sugarcoated things. But it still hurt thinking about never going home. That's why deserved the truth..
"Of course I've thought about staying. Ive never felt more free in my life and I love you guys, even Tom. But I miss my family, my friends. I don't know if they are ok, I don't know how long I was in the void. It may have been years or months, what if they think I've gone missing. I just wish I could tell them where I was so they weren't worried..."
A tear made its way down her cheek, she hadn't even noticed she'd had been crying. Jordan was one of those people who only cried twice a year, so that was a strange feeling for her.
Tucker reached for her face and wiped the tears away.
"Until you can get back home, just know we are your family. Your incredibly dysfunctional family by the looks of it. Even your god is lucky to have you.."
At the mention of her god reached for the golden bracelet that Ianite gave her in instinct and hugged it tight. She really hoped he is ok.
Tucker noticed the bracelet and gave her a puzzled look.
"Its a gift from Ianite, he have it to me last time I saw him" she said
He seemed more confused than before so she told him about the dreams with Ianite. When she finished he looked less confused but more surprised.
"Thats funny. The first time I talked to Mianite was in a dream. I don't know if Ianite is real or not, but it surely is plausible. I find it hard to believe this is a coincidence." He said firmly.
Then, she saw the lights in the house turn on.
Jordan got up and shook off the grass off herself "I should get to sleep, remember to wake Sonja when you start getting tired, if she's not awake already " she said fighting a yawn.
"As if you did, I had to wake myself up" he said.
They laughed for a bit, then she went inside and laid in the couch. Jordan waisted no time and wrapped herself up in the blanket and slowly fell asleep.
Unfortunately she didn't see Ianite, but on the bright side, nobody died last night. Jordan woke up to find Tucker and Sonja laying asleep wrapped in each other's arms on the grass outside.
They are absolutely adorable.
She decided to make breakfasts for everyone with the little cooking skills she had from back home.
With much effort, she made some scrambled eggs, baked some bread, and got some milk from the community farm. Jordan gathered the three plates and cups and took them outside where they were still laying down peacefully.
The smell of the food woke them up instantly.
"Hey guys. Breakfast is ready, eat up." she said handing everything over
They thanked her for the food and ate it like they hadn't seen food in weeks.
Thats when the world communicator announced the arrival of Nadeshot. Ugh, to be honest she had nothing against him. Jordan just didn't trust him, he was a fan of Tom, so who knew what he would make of this situation. Still, she didn't know him well enough to judge him though, so she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt..for now.
Sure enough he had heard of the drama from someone and immediately spoke up.
"Hey guys, whats up? I heard there was some hostility going on, what are we gonna do about it?" He said.
The three of them exchanged doubtful looks but eventually Tucker spoke back thought the word communicator.
"We don't know as of yet. Besides aren't you supposed to be on his team given that you are both team Dianite?"
Smart response Tucker.
"He turned his back on Dianite, that makes him my enemy. So I guess I'm with you guys". Then he said, " Do you guys wanna meet up to come up with a plan? I feel as though Tom is listening to our conversation very carefully."
"Sure meet us by The Scales a of Justice" Jordan said.
"The what?" Everyone said together.
"You know, the structure I built near the the two temples. The giant scales, trust me you wont miss it" she said
A few days ago before the purge Jordan had built the scales as a symbol of her representing Ianite, also to see if it would help her talk to Ianite again, a tribute kind of thing. Though everyone had been so busy no one had noticed or bothered to ask about them.
Surprisingly, they turned out quite nice. Jordan hoped Ianite liked them.
They finished breakfast and got all their stuff ready to go. Jordan still had some things at her house she wanted to go get before anyone stole them, so she'd probably do that after they meet up.
They all made it to the Scales of Justice in record time, in the distance she could even see Nade make his way over.
He waved to them and screamed "Hi friends!".
They waved back and as soon as he made it to the little group huddle he began to fangirl. "Its always an honor to hang out with the champions of the gods, but putting that aside. What are we gonna do about Tom. Is this nuclear warfare? If it is I want you guys to know that I am more than prepared for it." He said enthusiastically.
The fact that he was that confident made her nervous.
"Lets hope it doesn't come to that. How about we try to reach out to him. Let him explain himself", before Jordan could continue Tucker said, "If he doesn't answer then its kill on sight, we cant afford to take chances with him when he is within killing distance".
That seemed perfectly reasonable to her, she just hoped that Tom decided to communicate with them. Killing him would be harder said than done after all.
They all messaged Tom but he refused to talk, it was rather frustrating. Here she was, trying to solve this peacefully so he wouldn't get attacked, and he was just making it harder to help him.
During her frustration she said, "Tom, if you don't talk to us, it will be kill on sight. Got it?"
There was nothing wrong with what she had said, it was their collective decision but she felt like it came out a bit harsh.
Still no answer though.
Just when Jordan thought they would be searching for ages Nade practically screamed in glee and fear.
"Guys, I found him! He is at my base! Hurry please!"
"Ok we are on our way!" they all answered
Jordan and Sonja met up on the way and went inside his base. She had only been here once, when she first got here Tom needed to talk to Nade and Josh about Dianite business during her training lesson so he asked her to go with him. It was a big base, the owners were kind but they didn't like that she wasn't Dianite like they were so they kept their distance.
She wasn't sure where Tom and Nade were when we went in so they had to be really careful around every corner.
Turned out they were both upstairs, she could hear them whispering.
As she made her way closer she saw Tom staring down at her from under the stairs, he hesitated for a second but quickly made his way towards her.
Jordan readied her sword but he got the first hit and she was thrown back by the impact. In a desperate effort to keep Tom at bay, Sonja put down some lava by the stairs. Tom made his way back up and Jordan locked herself in a room next to her.
Sonja was stuck on the other side of the lava.
"Team. Team" Tom shouted at least 5 times at Nade.
There was no way he would fall for that right?
"Nade whats going on up there? Are you seriously gonna turn on us?" Sonja said.
"I mean I don't know.... he could have killed me but he hasn't" Nade said back
"You have got to be kidding!" Tucker screamed from far away
Suddenly, the lava started burning down the wood in the house so her and Sonja frantically tried to put it all out so they wouldn't all burn to death. That's when they heard that Nade had just killed Tom.
She would like to say that he regained her trust by doing that but his hesitation put her on edge.
Clearly, Sonja thought the same thing as they put out the fire and saw Nade's proud face above the stars
Jordan and Sonja decided to bail before Tom came back. Also, they didn't want to be around Nade when they didn't know what conversation they had while they were up there all alone, for all they knew this could all be a trap.
Jordan ran to her house and got all her diamonds and iron as well her stuff from home, then she quickly made my way to Tucker's house without looking back even though she could hear footsteps not too far from her.
Right now being around the Mianitees was her best bet at survival, they were their best bet at survival, specially right now...
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