《✓ Mianite One Shots》Clarity - SyndiSparklez


Warning: Foul Language. Mild Smut.

This takes place in the real world but did not happened in real life. This isn't the Hawaii chapter and they are not together in the start, yet.

Not my artwork.


I open the cabinet and took a bowl, a box of lucky charms and a carton of milk in the fridge. I put the bowl on the top of the counter, I put some cerial in the bowl, pour some milk, took a spoon and sat on the chair.

I lift a spoon full of cerial and eat it. "Should I come back later after you kept narrating what you are doing right now?" I choke on my cerial and look behind and saw Tom. "Aw shit, I didn't mean to scare you." he took a glass of water and gave it to me and I took it and drink it. "I didn't know you can choke easily." I glare at him and punch his arm. "Hey that hurts!"

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I kept glaring at him, even though he look fantastic today I will not stop glaring at his beautiful jawline, beautiful eyes, amazing blue hair, kissable lips and handsome face. Shit not now.

"I came to say good morning and tell you that we could eat outside but you already have something to eat so I'll leave." he started to leave but I grab his arm.

"Take a bowl in there," pointing with my thumb at the cabinet "you can eat here."

"Really?!" he said hysterically while I nod. "That's awsome!"

"Yeah whatever." I rolled my eyes, he didn't even apologized. "How did you enter my house anyway?"

"You gave me a spre key."

"When?" I raise my brow.

"When we were drunk, you exactly said 'You can come in my house anytime.' something like that." he sat down on the opposite of me and put some cerial and milk in his bowl and started to eat.

"Really? I never remember anything."

"Because you pass out after the 17th beer." I groan and almost choke again but I quickly drink my water.

"Yeah sure." I finish my cerial and put it in the sink. I look at Tom who was still eating his cerial so I sat at the island of the kitchen, swinging my feet

"You look like a child." he chuckled as he stand up and put the bowl in the sink and stand in front of me. "You look so cute." he pinched my cheeks as I blush.

"Just because I shave I look like a child." I pouted and he smirk.

"Nope, you always look like a child in my eyes." he pinch my cheeks again, leaving me at the island and went to the living room. I heard the t.v. opening. I sigh and wash the bowls and put it back at the cabinet. I walk to the living room and flop down next to him. I lay down on his lap as he kept switching the channel.

"Just open netflix." I stated and he opens netflix and pick a scary movie. "Really?!" I sat up looking at him. "Why?!"

"Are you scare Jordie?" he tease as I blush.


"Then why go hysterical then?" I punch his arm as he stands up.

"Where are you going?"

"Bathroom." he started to walk but I stop him by tugging his shirt. "What? Will you go to the bathroom with me?" I shook my head as he sighed. "Just pause the movie and get some popcorns or something." I nodded and ran to the kitchen and put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and waited for five minutes. I look around and it was dark. Why? I thought it was morning. I look back at the microwave and saw the countdown.






"One." a voice whispered at me and I screamed while the microwave beeping. A pair of arms wrap around me. "Sorry to scare you Jordie, you just look so vulnurable." he ruffle my hair and gave me a big bowl. I put some gloves on and open the popcorn bag. The scent of popcorn entered my nose and I moan from the scent. "Don't moan there without me." I blush and throw him a spoon that I just randomly saw on the counter.

I poke my tongue out. I took the bowl and sat far from Tom. "You will not get any popcorn."

"You will scream my name later to protect you." he play the movie and the movie started. I ate the popcorn one by one and when someone died I kept looking away, it's just the first scene and there's already people dying?! I look at the t.v. again and a random jumpscare popped out of nowhere making me scream but not Tom's name. Just a gibbirish words that no one will understand.

I almost threw the precious popcorn. I look at Tom who was snickering so I throw popcorns at him hut he caught some in his mouth and munch on it while the others are in his hands. "I hate you." I whispered in the air.

"I love you too Jordie." he winked at me and I blushed. I never understand why am I feeling so embarrased in front of him when I always act like this in the past. I stare at Tom who was watching. His jaw line moving and clenching, his eyes met mine and I saw his eyes smile. Wait is he eating my popcorn? I look down and he was taking popcorn in the bowl which is on my lap.

"Stop taking my popcorn!" I slap his hand and be took it out.

"Your so violent today Jordie, is it the time of the month?" I rolled my eyes and looking back at the movie and move the bowl next to me not on my lap. Tom not noticing he place his hand on my crotch, exploring my crotch not touching the bowl. I moan and he look at me and I blush.

"Tom stop it!"

"Oh shit!" he took his hand away scratch the back of his head. "I'm so sorry Jordan." he blush in embarrasment.

"Whatever." why am I letting this go? And why would I moan like that?! Oh my god am I liking it when he touch me like that?! I heard a scream making me jump. I look at the screen and a jump scare pop out so I jump again but not screaming. I look at Tom who was still blushing looking at the screen but not watching. "Tom?" he didn't move or look at me. "Tom!" I shouted and he flinch, snapping his head at me.

"I told you, you will scream my name later." I punch his arm. "So you called me?"

"Are you okay? Your not watching."

"Uh... Yeah I'm okay, I'm just thinking about grand dad."

"Is he okay?"

"Yeah, kinda weak but he's still an awsome dude." he snicker. I nodded. I stood up and look at the empty popcorn. I went to the kitchen and put the bowl. I look at Tom who was looking at me with something dark in his eyes. I don't know why but I'm melting in his eyes. He stood up and walk to me. I kept taking a step back and I stop when I bump at the island of the kitchen. He touch my face with his hand. "Jordan I need to tell you something." I was liften and letting me sat at the island. We were at the same height at this rate and we are facing each other with 5 inches apart. "I l-" The door opened loudly, interrupted Tom.


"The fun has arrived!" Craig shouted. "I'm with Sonja, Tucker and Nick!" he shouted. Tom left and I stood up. Acting like nothing happened but my face is heating up. I look at Tom who's face is extremely red just like mine but my neck is red too.

"Whap happened here? Why are you both red?" Nick asked as Sonja elbowed him. "Ow, that hurts, why?"

"There's a bug on your stomach so I killed it." she excuse and look at me mouthing 'You owe me' I nodded and she smiled.

"Oh, thanks? Anyways let's play twister!" Nick pull out the box in his bag and Sonja sighed.

"It's still morning, we can play in the afternoon but we should watch a movie or two right now, I see Tom and Jordan started to watch a scary movie." while pointing at the t.v with her thumb. I saw Tucker and Craig smiling while whispering to each other.

"Hey guys." Tom greeted with a normal voice. I see he turn back to normal.

"Hey Tom, why are you early? I thought you just landed an hour ago?"

"Yeah, I did but I'm great, even though I left yesterday and came back today." my face pale. Why didn't he told me? I could have give him more than a cerial. "You okay Jordan?"

"Why didn't you told me?"

"Well it slip my mind." he laughed and Sonja slap his arm.

"He is worried right now, why didn't you told him?" while pointing at me.

"It really slip right through my mind so don't worry about it!" he laugh not looking at me. I mean he was about to...

"Jordan!" I look at Craig who scream my name. "Finally, can you microwave two popcorn so we can eat while watching a movie?"

(Smut here)

"Yeah sure." I said and went to the kitchen. I heard footsteps walking behind me. I drop the bags of popcorn and someone grind on me making me moan quietly. I look at that person who was grinding at me and it was Tom who was blushing. I felt something harder than a baby's bone on my butt. I blush and took the bags and walk faster and put the bags in the microwave. I put down my hands and felt something hard on my right hand. I look down and saw it's Tom's member. I look him who kiss my neck making me moan quietly. I start pumping his member making him shiver, his breath shaking. There's 4 more minutes in the microwave.

"Make it fast so they wouldn't know." I was so confuse why am I doing this but I really don't care. I start jacking him off faster than my normal pace. Even I can't deny that I jack off sometimes. I kept hearing his breath shaking. The faster I jack him off the bigger he gets. He's long and thick, if he enters anybody they will break. "Faster." he moans quietly and put his chin on my head. I look at the nearest tissue. Tom took it and put it in front of his head as he came. "Thanks babe." he kiss my cheek and left like nothing happened hangging me hard. Fuck you Tom.

(Ends here)

-Time skip-

I kept thinking about earlier, did Tom just tease me? Does he like me? Does he wants me to think that I am gay? Does he wants me to know that I like him? There's so many questions that I want to be answered. "Jordan are you still here?" Nick asked while shaking me.

"Huh? Yeah?" I nodded.

"Well can we move the sofas so we can play twister?" I nodded. We move the sofas to the sides and put the twister on the ground. "We'll play by pairs so choose your partner." Tucker pulled Sonja while Craig pulled Nick so it's me and Tom. "Who's first?" Tucker and Sonja went first then Craig and Nick. They finish and they look at us, smiling and laughing like hyenas.

"Okay guys your turn." Tucker said while smiling, they are up to something. "Left foot blue." We stomp our foot in blue. "Right hand yellow." we bent oven and put our hand on yellow. "Right foot red." I heard people snickering behind us but I didn't pay them attention. "Right hand on Tom's crotch." I lift my hand and almost out it on Tom's crotch but instead I flick my middle finger at them and they laugh. "Right hand green." we put our hand on green. "Left hand red." I reach for the red while Tom put his hand next to mine, which means, a light flashes and they laugh. "Left foor red." I bend over and felt something hard, long and thick poking my behind. I felt my legs getting weak from the poking so I fell.

"What happened Jordan? Did your legs melt like ice?" Craig said teasingly earning my glare but still continue to laugh. Tom helps me up, I walk to the sofa and sat. What the fuck is going on?!

"This love is incredibly clarity." Sonja said while laughing. What? "Jordan's so oblivious so does Tom." they all laugh. "We'll leave you two love birds alone." they took the twister, fold it and left.

They left us in awkward silence. I look at Tom who was looking at me in lust. I am still sitting down on the sofa, Tom walking towards me and sat down next to me. "Jordan, before they came here I wanted to say that," he pause and look at me in the eyes with, love? "I love you Jordan, the first time we saw each other, my heart stopped, I almost pass out when I saw you, I was fan boying. I never felt this strong feelings towards to other people but with you I feel so... Alive, I want to be alive, seeing you everyday, wanting to kiss you everyday, letting you know I love you everyday." he kisses my forehead "Will you be my boyfriend Jordan Maron?"

"Tom, I also feel the same, I never knew that I could bear these emotions but when I'm with you I felt, normal." I look at his eyes and smiled. "Yes Tom Cassell, I will be your boyfriend." we kiss each other then a voice stopped us.

"So foxx fam, the otp is real, Syndisparklez is real." she was holding a camera and pointed it at us. "So bet's a bet, foxx fam, invade twitter and trend #Syndisparklezisreal. So this is the end of the vlog, see you guys later." she turn off the camera and look around the living room, she took out some spy cameras in obvious spots that no one will look at. "I don't know why you guys didn't notice the cameras."

"Didn't you all leave earlier?" they shook their head.

"We didn't leave, we were in a room." Craig said. "You two are just stupid to know." he wiggles his eye brows. "So, something really happened before we came here?" I blushed and they laughed.

"Congratulations guys, I will upload this tomorrow, convince me why I shouldn't upload this?"

"You can." Tom and I said together.

"I mean if you really- Wait what?!" her eyes widen and smiled. "That's awsome! I'm going to title it 'SyndiSparklez came out of the closet' to get more views." Sonja winked at us. "So are you both gay or bi?"

"I'm pansexual." Tom said.

"So you like frying pans or what?" Nick asked earning Tucker's fist to his arm.

"It means gender blind you idiot." Tucker said, shaking his head.

"Oh, so Jordan are you gay, bi or pan?"

"Bi, maybe." after that got out of the way we hang out again but this time they pulled out their alcohol in them. We got drunk and wasted. They hang out here over night and fell asleep while watching a movie. Me and Tom? Well you could say we did somethings we should only know, if you know what I mean.


Any suggestions? Comment and I may add you in the story.

See ya guys later, peace out.


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