《Mianite: Decay》Declaw
"I can't believe you walked off and let this happen!"
"Yeah okay Sonja I get it. I'm as stupid as a brick."
"Your job is to make sure that Hope doesn't get hurt!"
This was the rant I was waiting for. The rant that I had expected since the day I left Hope alone on that pirate ship back in Mianite.
"Yep", I let out in a somber voice. I held a frozen bag of peas that Martha gave me to my head. I'm pretty sure I had a concussion, "I get it."
"What did she want anyway?!" Sonja finally sat herself down from pacing. Crossing her arms, to busy fuming out her word of hatred to even look at me.
"She wanted to find out where Andor was", I tried to make my eyes as pitiful as Hope had looked sleeping on Martha's couch, "wouldn't you want to find Tucker?"
Tucker was standing silently to the side giving worried glances to his girlfriend as she ranted on. Whatever mental signals he was trying to give Sonja to be easy on me didn't work.
"Well it shouldn't be her job!" Sonja continued to yell out and I prayed Hope didn't wake up from her nap. "She has a big enough death wish normally!"
"What was he supposed to do Sonj", Tucker finally spoke up, "just let Hope walk off to sudden death alone. He could barely stop her at the docks."
Sonja then moved her green eyes to Tucker and her expression went back to its normal soft side.
"It's just not fair for anyone", Sonja whispered still staring at Tucker, "How could our god do this?"
"It's not our god Sonj." Tucker held a very firm face. "We are not home."
"-What do you mean?" I interrupted out of nowhere.
Tucker shrugged. "Doesn't this feel strange to you." Then Tucker did that thing where he raises his voice two times in volume and let's go of whatever emotion was in the conversation. "What I'm saying is that I think it's going to take a lot more than a ship and a map to get us home."
"We already realized that, Tucker", I said with a little more bitterness than I meant to.
Tucker widened his eyes, being taken back by surprise. "Sorry."
"....wow you guys started the book club I always wanted without me." Hope's eyes were barely open, staring at up us from the couch. "That sucks."
Her hair was hiding a cut that was on her left cheek. I was told by Martha that it would eventually heal, but from my view it didn't seem like it.
"What are we reading first?" Hope continued to speak up in a weary voice.
If I didn't have a concussion, at least Hope did. I was going to have to try my best to keep her awake from now on.
"How to drug and interrogate a man", Sonja mumbled to herself.
Hope raise her eyebrows, still laying sideways with a blanket wrapped around her. "Sounds like a good read."
Sonja then realized she said that out loud.
"Tucker I want to talk to Steve?" Sonja said hastily.
Tucker nodded with slight suspicion. "Erm okay?-"
And with that the two Mianites were heading down the stairs of Martha's house go find Farmer Steve.
"Were not making a book club are we?" Hope let out meekly.
I shook my head no and patted her blonde hair.
"Would it be possible for me to persuade someone easily?"
Farmer Steve raised his eyebrows with wide eyes under them, not completely sure what context this was in. "Look Ms. Firefoxx", he cleared his throat, "I'm a bit old for you and you are in a mighty fine healthy relationship-"
"I was thinking more of a way to get information", I continued to stare straight on at Farmer Steve, my face held firm.
Farmer Steve looked back down to his woodwork, which was leaving saw dust everywhere in the top of the barn.
"It matters what type of person we are talking about."
"Hopefully a naive one", I answered calmly.
"Well", Steve shook his head, "The Lieutenant sadly has a very strong lock on his mind."
I sighed deeply. This was possibly one of the dumbest things I had ever thought up of, but no one was thinking of anything remotely safe. The idea just popped into my mind and wasn't leaving.
"You know what." Farmer Steve's voice popped into my thoughts and I was back to content listening. "I think I remember this guy. He will say anything", Steve then reached under the table and grabbed some jug filled with cider, "with a little liquor."
I glanced down under the wood table and then back up at Farmer Steve. "You just have that on you?"
Steve shrugged and no words were added to that conversation.
I headed back to Martha's house and snuck into her bedroom to grab a white button up shirt and a skirt.
I was bringing it back, so it wasn't stealing. It was just borrowing without consent.
I held the clothes to my left as I passed down the stairs by Hope and the boys card game.
"How do you win?", Hope asked, still sitting on the couch with a blanket around her. She had the cards laid out in her hands so only her eyes could see it.
"Well there are multiple ways", Jordan said, "but one of the most common ways is a straight, which is basically when you have 5 cards in order, like 5-6-7-8-"
Hope slammed her cards on the table, but I was to far away to see what she had. "I win!" She yelled out.
"No!" Tom threw his hand of cards to wall, but they just slowly fluttered to the ground before even reaching a foot in front of him. "This isn't fair-"
"But I have that thing Jordan was taking about-" Hope defended.
"You don't even know how to play the damn game!" Tom shrieked.
Tucker was ignoring Tom's whining completely, like normal. He noticed me from the doorway and spoke up. "Hey Sonj, what are you up too?"
I shook my head. "Nothing." I then started to the doorway hoping to get out without being asked any questions.
"Yeah sure", I heard Tucker mumble as I walked out the door. I suddenly heard footsteps behind me. I knew it was him.
"If you're doing something dangerous I should come along", He continued to walk behind me as I was trudging along, "two is stronger than one."
I stopped and then turned around to meet him. "I don't know if you will appreciate this plan."
Tucker grabbed a hold of my shoulders with a rare genuine smile, not a strong enough grip to hurt me, but enough I knew he was here. "I trust anything you plan up, and if you don't think that then you're acting stupid."
I didn't answer with anything and just waited for him to speak, wavering on about just blurting out the plan now. Though I was so good at keeping self control when I had secrets, why ruin that.
"And I know you are not stupid", he added on, dropping his hands from my shoulders and giving me a bigger smile, "because you are the smartest girl I know."
Sonja tucked the collar of her white button up shirt down.
We were planning to have this meeting at our old town house that the king gave us. The house that we had supposably been living in.
I told Sonja she could go on with her plan, only if I was accompanying. We could get enough information out of this man with the cider we were given and a bit of persuasion, from me.
I worked well with my words and there was no need for seduction if I was here. I couldn't live with myself if anything was to happen and I couldn't get myself to trust the Lieutenant in anyway.
"Are you okay", I asked Sonja.
Her hands were shaking at her sides and her face was paled and green. She looked disgusted.
"I can just do this myself", I added on.
"-I've done worse", She interrupted me.
I knew that was true of course. No one had a good past to be in Mianite. What her past was was against me. I just wanted to make sure for whatever it was, her pride wouldn't make her more uncomfortable. I didn't want her to be upset in anyway because she decided she needed to help.
There was a knock on the door, making Sonja flinch.
"Just sit down. I will get it", I sighed. "I don't think he has much respect for women."
The Lieutenant was the one at the door. He was, though, out of his armor into a collared shirt and black pants. He dressed a lot more formal than me.
I breathed in, trying to put on my most charming smile, and opened the door.
"Hello Mr. Jericho-"
"Hi", I let out perkily.
Oh god this already started bad.
I opened the door wide. "Come on in!"
The Lieutenant pushed by me seeing Sonja sitting on the couch. Her legs crossed as she looked very uncomfortable.
I rubbed my head before slamming the door and turning around to go sit by Sonja on the couch.
"Thank you for inviting me", The Lieutenant moved to the middle of the couch as Sonja and I decided to sit on the one in front of his couch.
Sonja was already starting to pour the alcohol in a glass. She slid the drink over to the Lieutenant on the coffee table in the middle of the couches.
"So", I spoke over top of the noise of Sonja pouring two other glasses. "I bet you've been busy lately."
The Lieutenant raised his eyes to me out of suspicion. He wasn't buying this conversation.
I continued to speak, "with all the terrorists and all."
The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow at me. "You were quite close with those terrorists?"
"The betrayal was shocking", Sonja spoke and took a sip of her drink that looked more like a big chug.
The Lieutenant took a sip of his drink finally and I realized why exactly we needed Sonja.
The Lieutenant is into my girlfriend!!
"You didn't seem like you were aware", The Lieutenant now had his full concentration on Sonja. "It must of awfully broken your spirit."
"The most shameful part was the way Hope manipulated the prince", Sonja put her glass on the table, leaning against the couch. Her hands sitting on her lap.
I was shocked at her actions and a little proud. I never knew she could be this badass.
The Lieutenant took another big drink of the cider, acting like I was completely invisible. "What was that?"
"By using his love to her as an advantage", Sonja leaned her arm on the coffee, just keeping her body far enough away.
Sonja then glanced at me and back to the Lieutenants drink. The whole glass was gone! He drank the whole thing like that!
This was my turn to talk.
"You know what they say", I lifted my glass now, staring into the cider, trying to make this seem casual, "keep your friends close and enemies closer."
I then looked up at the Lieutenant. His eyes were musky and I could smell the cider on his clothes. He looked out almost enough and Sonja noted that pouring another drink.
"He can't be that far?" I asked the question easily. Like two soccer moms asking where the other got the healthy PTA snack.
"Oh he's quiet far", The Lieutenant started to slur his words, "in this case it's better." He took another sip of his drink which ended up being a chug. He didn't truly care anymore how much he was drinking.
"How far", I tried to stop him from avoiding the question, "overseas?"
"Far over the seas", the Lieutenant added,"Which is why I threw him on that damned boat."
"Where did that boat go?!" Sonja said with a firm voice, her idea was no longer to be seductive. It was to get the answer and get it now.
"What?" The Lieutenant had wide eyes staring at Sonja. His drunk state making the gawking more obvious. "Some damn prislon that Mianite has. I'm not sure you'res in authority to knwow-"
The drink he had in his hand fell.
The Lieutenant blinked at the drink that was now staining the floor. His eyes moved up to Sonja who was now looming in front of him. Her hands were in aggressive fists by her legs.
She grabbed the Lieutenant by the collar of his shirt and in the blink of an eye she had him pinned to the wall.
His head landed on the paled walls with a crack. With a groan he tried to kick away, but Sonja's grip was strong enough to keep the drunk Lieutenant trapped.
"I asked where the prison is!" She yelled.
"Wha-", the Lieutenant let out in surprise, but before he could even get the last syllable out Sonja had already punched a mark into his cheek, complimenting all the other bruises Jordan left.
"Get your crazy girlfriend off of me!" The Lieutenant shouted more, trying to kick out of Sonja's grasp.
Sonja threw another punch and I heard a big crack where the Lieutenants nose is.
"You better tell her what she wants man", I said quietly.
"It's the Inertia!" The Lieutenant cried out. "He's in the Inertia!"
Sonja dropped him to the ground, spinning away so she didn't have to look at the Lieutenant any longer and matched out the door.
"Hey their Miss. Unknown." My ears were shocked to hear Steve's voice. He didn't talk to me much. I just kinda came around the farm when Andor was there.
I lifted my head from the couch. I was so sick of being here, but I didn't really have another place to go. Last time I went outside I got my ass kicked by the king and by the dizziness that was still surrounding me noted that I was not okay.
"What?" I think he was trying to make a joke. "I don't get it. What's with the name?"
Now Steve who was leaning on the staircase that lead outside was not looking so smug and was now more annoyed. "You know", he tried to elaborate, "because you got that whole mysterious act-"
"I don't remember being a good actor."
Steve didn't look to happy at my answer either. "Okay that's it get your ass up. We're going on a walk."
"Why?" I questioned, still keeping the knit blanket in my hand. My voice was dwelling into emotion.
Steve groaned and glared back at me. "Because I want to talk to someone who isn't pretending that this a good situation."
I shrugged off the blanket and stood up now staring at my boots. "You better be glad I feel so pent up."
He passed me my pink heavy jacket and then the lighter brown one I had woken up with. "I'll take it as a donation."
So he took me to his barn, which seems to be the only place he feels safe with strangers. I would have picked a different place. It was dusty and already crowded with old farm equipment even though he just built the place. It also reeked of brandy and cider. I could tell even over the musky smell that he was drinking a whole lot.
"You aren't doing to hot either", my eyes motioned to the empty glass bottle that was sitting by a wooden table.
He grabbed another bottle that was just sitting randomly on the barn floor. It was almost like he was growing beer with how many bottles were around.
"I'm never doing to good." Steve popped open the bottle.
I squinted trying to keep out the fresh smell that drinks give out. I lived with enough of the smell, thank you very much.
"You want some", Steve passed me over another bottle.
I did my sassy eyebrow raise thing, not taking the bottle out of his hand.
Then Steve had a moment of realization. "Oh right", he dropped the bottle behind him, trying his best to scoot it behind him and hide it. "The whole custody thing with the gamblers. That was fucked up enough for two tortured children."
"How did you know?" I asked.
"Oh Andor didn't tell me. It was Tommy." Steve took this first sip of his drink for the talk. "Did you tell Andor?"
I nodded my head yes. I had told him as much as I remember. He did the same for me. Of course what he had remembered wasn't a lot, but it was enough for me to hate the king more.
"That's good", Steve took another sip. "You're good for him."
I spotted Jordan with Tom pushing something. That something that must have been the R.V he was speaking of. It was a vehicle, which is supposed to move faster than a horse and easier to steer with practice.
The R.V, which Jordan called his Braking Bad Ship, looked ridiculous. More ridiculous than most of the stuff he makes. It was fatter and wider than a horse and didn't look alive. It was completely machinery with a metal tint that the paint job didn't hide well.
"He's trying to make that thing fly." I glanced back at Steve who had already finished half of his beer or whatever drink it was.
"He will get it", I answered confidently.
"I have no doubt that he won't", Steve answered.
There was a long silence as we watched Tom and Jordan try to drag the R.V to the edge of Tom's island.
"I wanna tell you a story", Steve finally spoke up, "which is a story I have not told anybody."
"Why is this a story you have not told anybody?" I pulled another one of my annoying sassy eyebrow raise thing.
He took another sip of his drink before abruptly sitting the bottle down and looking at my actual face instead of Tom and Jordan working on the R.V.
"Because I really wish Andor would have brought you around enough so I could embarrass him-"
"What's this story about?" I interrupted.
Steve held up his finger to his mouth and shushed me. He was already looking quite tipsy.
"So once upon a time there was a little shrimp brunette boy that wouldn't leave me alone-"
Oh this is going to be good.
"I figured out later in life that I was dating his aunt, so I was stuck with this kid as his father went crazy and Martha went off to who the bloody hell knows where-", Steve paused to take a drink. "You wanna know why he doesn't like meat?"
"Stick with one story, Steve", I sighed, now realizing that whatever was in the bottle was way to terribly strong.
"I am." He waved me away. "-but anyway. I knew he didn't like meat. He told me that it mad him sick or repugnant, whatever the fuck repugnant means, and I didn't listen. I thought I could change his mind. What the kid was only eleven, it would hurt to try. So I took him hunting."
I started to feel myself smile, just imagining a child like Andor wading around in the mountains around mainland. He would continue to whine to Steve about how he didn't want to be doing this and using huge vocabulary that would annoy the hell out of Steve.
"What happened?" I asked.
Steve sighed. "We found a bunny, but he wouldn't shoot it. I kept on tellin' him to just shoot it. It was a rabbit. It didn't have feelings, but he started to cry on "I can't shoot it Steve. I can't do it." So I shot the rabbit and he cried the whole way home."
Steve lifted up the bottle and took another swig. He was almost out of his drink.
"That's it?" I questioned.
"No", Steve continued with the last of the story. "I had him help me gut the rabbit, and he puked in the sea by the orchard."
I closed my eyes. It was just so real I couldn't help but keep my eyes closed and try not to laugh to hard.
"Aha." Jordan yelled out and I heard a faint buzzing. Like the noise a hummingbirds wings make.
Steve and I both lived our eyes to where Jordan and Tom were, trying to make sure they didn't hurt themselves.
Jordan's R.V was hovering in the air with a blue aura under it, which almost looked like a stand that the R.V could be on.
"Well I'll be damned." With that Steve took the last sip of his drink and the bottle was empty.
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Time swallows everything.When monsters disappeared from the world Jamaya, the average level of people dropped until it reached zero. The knowledge of levels was eventually forgotten, but the stats remained, shackling the people and their strengths. The classes disappeared and Professional jobs became harder to acquire. Artifacts became trash and materials lost their value. Empires fell and hard times befell the people, but they continued striving forward Eventually, hope was found in the form of skills that could be acquired by strengthening the physical, and the mental attributes to a certain threshold. Jobs became acquirable again, but not all was well. The shackles were still there, hard capping the strength one could achieve. Naturally, jobs associated with physical attributes mainly, blacksmithing, tailoring, hunting, and soldering grew in popularity, while those associated with the mental attributes lost value. Born in this kind of discriminating environment, Mannat, who had exceptional mental attributes compared to even adults, found living tough. boys his age called him a little freak, while the adults whispered behind his back. his parents loved him unconditionally, but he knew they feared for his wellbeing. However, oblivious to everyone, the illusion of peace everyone took lightly had already been shattered by a force in the shadows. Now it was only a matter of time before the need for those like the green-eyed boy, the heir of mana, would arise again. But would the boy help them?
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