《Persona 6 x male reader》The beginning
We begin in a Bunker hallway with a boy in a sheriff getup chasing down a man dressed in a Outfit from the late 1940s.
Man: you never stop him kid!!!
Kid: what makes you so sure?
Man: he is a god!!
Kid: how so?
Man: when our enemies came close to winning all the sudden our leader saw these creatures and commanded them to attack them and they listened.
Kid: and that wasn't supposed to happen.
Man: what are you talking about kid you saying that like it's a fact. What are you from the future?!!
Kid: yeah actually and your boss is about screw up history extremely badly.
Man: why should I believe you kid?!!
Kid: because deep down you're a good person and your only doing something this horrible because you know what happens to people who refused. Let us help you.
Man: okay then tell me how your here.
Kid: alright then.
Year: 2021
I had woken up for school and headed to the bus stop. When I turned the corner everything was different. The place had turned into a town that looked like a old west movie. I stopped and shook my head to see if I was hallucinating. After I stopped shaking everything was back to normal. I shrugged it off and went to school.
After school I headed home and started doing my homework. I was working on my history homework. We were studying the law system of the old west. The example is Bill longley. When something happened the paper and study book. The entire section disappeared. I stared for a good few minutes before I looked away and it changed back. After I was done studying I went to bed.
Time skip
After school was over I headed home when me and another kid noticed we were back in the weird town. I noticed this and decided to look around I noticed that the other kid was standing there. A small boy came up to us and spoke.
Small boy: what are you two doing out you should head inside!!
Y/n: why?
Teen: yeah why?
Small boy: well not for him but for you.
He points at me first and then the guy next to me.
Y/n: why just him?
Small boy: well how did my mom say it?
Small boy: I will explain it how my mom did!! You Have the privilege of being white.
Y/n: what does that mean?!!
Small boy: I don't know try asking around.
With that the boy left. The sun was starting to set and we decided to attempt to head back.
After we got back to the bus stop we went home.
Time skip
At the end of school I noticed the guy from before standing with his back against the fence.
Guy: hey I was wondering if you could talk with me?
Y/n: sure
Alejando: the names alejando I was going to try to go back to that weird town again and was wondering if you wanted to come with.
Y/n: sure lets do it.
We tried everything with no luck until we accidentally touched the sign that has the name of our neighborhood on it. After that we ended up back in the town.
Y/n: do you think we should investigate?
Alejando: yeah let's split up and be back by 5o'clock.
After that we went our separate ways he went to a casino and I went to investigate a inn.
I noticed on the way a door with a woman standing next to it who approached me.
woman: my master would like to speak with you y/n l/n.
Y/n: how do you know my name?
Woman: follow me.
I didn't trust her but I couldn't ignore how she knew my name so I followed her.
When I entered the door I was in a classroom and was sitting in a teachers desk and I noticed a man with a long nose sitting in a desk that was larger than mine.
???: Welcome to the Velvet Room. This place exists between dream and reality, mind and matter.
Igor: I am igor and that is my assistant may.
The woman who I followed apparently called may waved at me.
Y/n: where am I and who are you?!!
You are in the Velvet room it reflects the place you feel the most comfortable. And I am igor you can think of me as a sort of principal.
Y/n: why am I here?
Igor: your world is in danger. Previous world threatening events have started connecting together and have weakened your world causing points of your world to start having effects in what you call history. Events are changing from the original. We will talk more at a later date.
After that I was back outside and noticed it was almost 5. I waited for a while for Alejando to return. I got worried and started looking around for him. I entered the casino and looked around until I heard something terrifying.
Casino owner: did you hear Bills back in town.
Poker player: you mean longley?!!!
Casino owner: yeah came in here and Invited to take some dirty Mexican somewhere.
I immediately yelled out
casino owner: jeez calm down he said he was going to the sheriff office.
I immediately bolted out of there and Started looking for him and heard someone yelling. I saw a man kicking Alejando.
Man: look at you on the ground like a common worm.
Y/n: leave him alone.
Man: don't you yell at me boy I'm just taking out the trash.
Y/n: leave my friend alone!!!
Bill: do you know who I am?!!! I am Bill longley everyone in this town fears me!! I have escaped death!!!
Y/n: no your just some racist prick!!
Bill: guess you will die too.
He pulls out a gun and aims it at me.
Bill: I'm going to teach you why you shouldn't try to be a hero.
Bill: this is your last chance to back off kid!!
Y/n: I won't abandon my friends!!!
Next thing I know he shoots behind me and I see the kid who greeted us to the town on his knees.
I immediately rush over to the kid.
Y/n: hey are you okay talk to me?!!
Kid: guess my mom was wrong about you. Your not like the rest you won't let him win right? He keeps threatening all my friends.
Y/n: I promise I won't let him win!!!
Y/n: just hang in there okay?
Kid: I'll try.
I turn to face bill. I look at him.
Y/n: you don't deserve to be in the history books!!!
Voice: it appears you are in quite the predicament. Look at him. Threatening people, shooting a child. I may have died to a kid but I won't stand ideally by for something like this. Come let us teach him not to mess with the sheriff!!
I noticed a sheriff badge appear but it was all old and rusted.
Bill kicks me and shoots my arm. He turns his sight towards Alejando.
I see a contract written out in the sand. I stand up and yell at bill.
Y/n: hey!!!
Bill: still haven't given up yet?!!!
Y/n: Per so na!!!!
I let some blood from my arm drop onto the sand and I smirk.
Voice: it seems you have accepted responsibility as a sheriff. Very well, I am thou, thou art I. I am the sheriff of the West. William Brady!!! Let us bring are perp in!!!
All of the sudden bill says something.
Bill: alright then gang get him and bring the other one when your done!!
Weird creatures dressed as gang members appear.
I bring out my fists but am holding a six shooter and a Large machete like bowie knife.
I use my knife and cut off the head of the first one and shoot the second one. I notice that they just keep coming so I pick up both Alejando and the kid. I took both of them back to the present.
I took both of them to my house since my parents were at work.
I began using what my mom had taught me to patch up the kid.
Time skip
I was waiting for the other two to wake up and noticed that a little blue butterfly sitting on my window seal.
When I noticed the boy beginning to wake up.
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