《Persona 6: Fanmade redone!》Extras #1


So here they are!

The idea for the title is Oubaitori, which from my research from whenever I wrote this - is a word meaning that people, like flowers, can grow and change.

The premise is somewhat the same (?) Where Suki's mom is dead and she moves back with estranged father but it's without personas and shit. What will be instead? Whom the fuck knows.

I'm only posting the introduced characters because some of the characters have spoilers. Also I'm sorry for the shit quality of the pictures. I'm not a good photographer.

These are most of the notes. I apologize that this isn't a chapter but I promise I'm working on it. I'm trying to make it not shit. Hopefully this isn't shit either.

Tell me what you think, just don't be mean.

Bye bye 👋

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