《His Precious Mate.》21. Little us.


POV Dayanara.

"I can't believe we did it." I smiled as we walked out of school for the last time. "We graduated."

"I believe we did it." Mateo commented. "I don't believe he did it." He pointed his thumb at Gabriel, who was grinning like an idiot.

"I'm so happy that I'm not even offended." He shrugged happily while wrapping his arm around Annabell's waist even though she blushed bright red.

"Let's go!" Gabriel yelled and pulled us to the cars. He decided to throw a party and he just told Alexander about it. Let's just say he wasn't pleased.

"Xander, I'm borrowing her for a second." Mateo pulled me to his car while my mate got in his own. Theo opened the door for me and I got in.

"So when are you gonna tell him?" Theo asked.

"Tell him what?" I asked confused.

"You don't know yet?" He replied just as confused as me. "You are pregnant."

"WHAT?!" I shrieked. "How did you know while I didn't?!"

"Daya, I'm with you every damn day. I noticed your scent changing." He chuckled.

"I'm too young to be a mother!" I wailed as Mateo parked the car. "What if he doesn't want it?"

"Calm down, of course he wants it. It's his baby." He assured me. "Let's go inside and get you ready for the party." He got out and opened my car door. "It's gonna be fine." He hugged me.

I nodded and we walked inside. I noticed Alex giving us a suspicious look but then turned away. I went to our room and changed into a red dress. It was tight at the top but flowy from the waist amd came to my knees.

I shoved my feet in black heels and went to Mateo's room. "How do I look?" I asked.

"Beautiful." He smiled. "Take this." He handed me a box. A pregnancy test. I sighed but nodded and got into his bathroom. I did what I had to do and unlocked the door.

"Here." Mateo handed me a small perfume bottle. "It'll mask the scent if you are pregnant." I smiled and sprayed it on me.


My phone beeped causing my to jump. I leaned over and checked the test. "I'm pregnant." I whispered in disbelief.

"Okay." Mateo breathed out. "This is a weird question but when is the last time you and Xander... you know?"

"After the ceremony." I replied. "That means I'm already one and a half month along!" I shrieked. "And Alpha babies grow faster so I have less five months to prepare!"

"It's okay." He hugged me again. Once I calmed down we went downstairs. The party had already begun and the house was packed.

"Here." Alexander came to me and handed me a red cup.

"No thanks." I shook my head, it would be bad for the baby.

"I didn't spike it or anything, you know that right?" He asked while chuckled. "You trust me right?"

"Of course I trust you." I nodded. "You're my mate but I really don't want any."

"Can I trust you?" He asked.

"Excuse me?!" I asked shocked. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me upstairs to our room.

"Can I trust you!?" He asked louder.

"Of course!" I replied, raising my voice as well.

"Then tell what you and Mateo talked about in his car and in his bedroom!" He yelled.

"Is that what this is all about?!" I shouted. "There is nothing going on between Mateo and I!"

"Don't lie to me!" His eyes turned black. "I can smell him on you! And don't think I didn't notice the look you gave him when you guys came downstairs!"

"Alexander you are being ridiculous!" I screamed.

"I am ridiculous?!" He said. "You are the one cheating so you are ridiculous!" He yelled.

"GET OUT!" I shouted. He growled at my tone and jumped out of the window like I did before.

"Are you okay?" Annabell's voice asked from behind me. I turned around and saw Theo, Gabe and her standing in the doorway.

"He thinks I'm having an affair with Theo." I cried.

"I thought you were gonna tell him?" Mateo wrapped me in his arms, again.


"So you are having an affair?" Gabriel asked while closing the door behind them.

"No you walnut!" I replied.

"Then what is it?!" He yelled and my eyes widened.

"I get that you are upset because you feel Alexander's pain and anger." I stepped away from Theo. "But I am still your Alpha and you will not talk to me in that tone!"

Gabriel let out a whimper and bowed his head. "She is pregnant." Mateo said bluntly.

"That's great!" The Betas came to hug me. "Does Xander know?"

"No." I cried. "He ran out before I could tell him."

"Come on, you should get some rest." Mateo laid me down on the bed.

~The next day~

Alexander still hadn't returned and I decided not to care anymore. I was on my way to the infirmary to get an ultrasound.

"Good morning, Luna." The doctor bowed her head.

"Morning." I smiled back.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"I think I'm one and a half month pregnant." I said and she grinned.

"Alright, you can lay on this." She mentioned to a bed slash table thing. "I'll just put this on and we can have a look."

I rolled up my shirt and she put cold gel on my stomach. She grabbed the sensor like thing and started moving it on my tummy. "See that Luna?" She pointed to a circle. "These are your baby boys."

"Thank you, so much." Tears rolled down my face.

"I'll go print out the pictures and then you are good to go." She smiled and wiped the gel off my stomach.

A little while later she came back and handed me three pictures. One of each boy and two of both of them. "Thank you and please don't tell anyone." I said.

"It was my pleasure Luna." She bowed. "I'll see you again in two weeks so we can check on their health."

I walked out of the clinic and rushed home. "Theo look!" I came in squealing. "Here they are!" I showed him the pictures while he leaned over my shoulder to look.

"They look amazing!" He smiled.

"Is Alexander back yet?" I asked and he shook his head. "Okay, I'm just gonna take a nap." I whispered.

"I'm right here if you need me." He nodded. I trudged up the stairs and into my room. My eyes widened when I saw shirtless my mate on our bed. His head snapped to me so fast I was worried he got a whiplash. I almost grinned when I saw my mark on his neck.

"Daya." He whispered while standing up. "I'm sorry I jumped into conclusions. You were just acting weird and you smelled like Theo, so I panicked."

"It's okay." I shrugged, not wanting another fight. "But there is something I need to tell you."

"You slept with him, didn't you!?" He growled.

"Alexander get a grip!" I scolded. "No I didn't!"

"Then what was so important it was worth fighting over?" He said, trying to calm down.

"I'm pregnant..." I whispered and he froze.

"It's mine, right?" He asked as he stepped closer.

"They are yours." I nodded.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" He asked.

"You're gonna be a daddy!" I nodded as tears of happiness streamed down my face. I laughed as he picked me up and spun me around.

"I'm gonna be a daddy! We are gonna have little us running around!!" He yelled. He put me down and started covering my face with little kisses. I giggled as I tried to shield myself from him. "Thank you so much." He kissed me.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For being the perfect mate. For putting up with my temper and shit. And for carrying my pups." He smiled down on me as his eyes sparkled.

"I love you." I mumbled. He grinned and I buried my face in his chest while blushing.

"I love you too, tesoro." He smiled. "More than anything is this whole universe."

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