《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》24. Epilogue


Everything in my life right now at this moment in time is just perfect. Felicity and I got married a few moths after she told me she was carrying my child / pup. We agreed to wait until she had a small bump showing so that when we showed our little one our wedding pictures when he or she was older, they could see that they were part of our special day. Of course Felicity had to wear a white maternity wedding dress. Her dress made her look even more breath taking. Her dress was pure with with two straps to hold it up, the middle bit showed off her bun glowingly and then it was long and flowy. I knew she didn't feel comfortable or steady in heels so she wore a pair of flat shoes instead not that anyone would ever know or notice due to her long dress.

As for the Jamie situation, he was found guilty on all of the charges which were brought against him including the confession he made to me about my parents. What he or no one else knew about that was that Oliver had planted secret cameras all around to catch whatever he said. Everyone agreed that he should remain where he was in Oliver's prison. His face was a picture when he realised we had his confession recorded. The main thing was that now he was unable to hurt anyone else, myself, Felicity or our baby.

I took Felicity away for a few weeks after our wedding, just so she could relax and rest without any interruptions, mainly my little sister. She was over the moon to learn Felicity was expecting and began a list of names we should use. The baby name was solved in no time at all. I remember Felicity and I having a talk about it while we were away, just our two selves.


"Kieran, I've been thinking about names" Felicity said, we were currently cuddled up in bed together

"Oh yeah" I said giving her my full attention

"I was thinking if we have a boy, we could name him Thomas after your father and if we have a girl, Renee after your mum" Felicity said

"Are you sure ? We don't have too, there are other names we could choose" I pointed out

"I feel bad that I never got the chance to meet them or that I won't ever get the chance to meet them, neither will their first grand child, yes we can tell our children about them but I thought this would be a nice was to honour them" Felicity explained

I just stared at Felicity in awe.

"What's wrong ? Have I upset you ?" Felicity asked suddenly panicked

"Nothing's wrong, your just so perfect, thinking up of the small things like this" I smiled

"So what do you think ?" Felicity asked

"I think they would have both loved this idea" I smiled

It was such an amazing experience watching Felicity's body change and grow as our baby grew, of course I was with her at all her scans. We were asked by Dr Wilson if we wanted to know the sex of our baby but we both agreed that we wanted t to be a surprise at the birth. We had both agreed we would love a boy or girl. All the pack members were great in helping with the decoration of the nursery and other things including their duties. Gayle was a great help for Felicity especially when her cravings started to kick in. Oliver and Jenny were also very helpful with some pregnancy tips. All through the pregnancy I barely left Felicity's side.

Felicity ended up giving birth to a beautiful baby boy. I got to hold him once he was cleaned up and checked over whilst the nurses and Dr Wilson looked after Felicity. She would be tired considering she had just been in labour for a good few hours. I was right there beside her, letting her squeeze my hand as tight as she needed. I couldn't believe it when my son was placed in my arms. I never thought I'd ever get this chance or experience in my life. As I looked down at my new born son, he was so little and tiny in my strong, protective arms. He was asleep but he was perfect.


"Thomas Templeton" I asked looking over to Felicity

She nodded in agreement, smiling at me.

"Thomas Templeton it is" Dr Wilson smiled as he noted down the name

Felicity and I both instantly fell in love with our new born son. She took to motherhood so well. Sophie also fell in love with her new nephew and loved being a hands on auntie except for when Thomas needed his nappy changed. I couldn't wait to watch Thomas grow up, play with him with his toys, run after him in the garden, help him learn. Of course, I would be learning a lot of new things too as a new dad.

As I looked down between Felicity and Thomas, a flashback played in my mind of how we, or rather I got here. From meeting Felicity for the first time, to finding her on my land, the memories we have made together and shared played out like scenes from a movie in my head.

All I know in my head is that this is where I truly belong, here, with my own little family who I swear to love and protect until my very last breath.


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