《Broken & Rejected (Werewolf Romance)》8.
I woke up earlier than planned but I had a lot to get ready for today - Kieran had invited my parents over so that we could speak to them and tell them about what we were planning to do. Kieran had sent Jacob and Louis to meet my parents half way so no one from Jamie's pack would know where they were going and so Jamie wouldn't find anything out. I already showered and freshened up. I sat on Kieran's bed and looked around his room. I still can't believe he bought me all those lovely clothes, which were also not cheap, the price tags were still on most of them. I got up from the bed and looked threw the tops then the dresses. One dress in particular caught my attention. I carefully lifted the hanger of the rail and pulled the dress out. The dress was a beautiful pastel purple (lilac) colour, it had two straps at each side, on the front at the top it had a cross over effect, then the bottom of the dress was long and flowing. (See pic below)
I held the dress against me and walked over to the full body length mirror and admired the dress. It went so well with my skin tone. I felt like a princess admiring the dress as I held it close to me. I was so deep in my thoughts with the dress I never heard the door open. I turned around and Saw Kieran standing in the doorway, his eyes went wide and his jaw almost dropped.
"Sorry, I just seen this in the closet, it looked so beautiful, I just wanted to see it against me" I said to Kieran hoping he wasn't mad at me.
Kieran just smiled as he walked towards me.
"Felicity these clothes are all for you, that's why I sent the others to pick them up for you" Kieran said as he reached me.
"I know but most of these clothes are very expen-" I began but Kieran cut me off before I could finish
"The price or money wasn't a problem for me especially they were for you, they are yours to wear and keep" Kieran told me.
I really wanted to protest against that but Kieran gave me a stern look daring me to argue with him. I didn't want to argue with him, we are getting along so well.
"Okay, I will keep them all but shouldn't I maybe try and pay you some money back ?" I asked
"No. As Alpha, it is my duty to look after you, protect you and provide for you" Kieran replied.
"Okay, if you insist" I said
"I do, the reason why I came up here for you is because your parents will be arriving in about 30 to 45 minutes" Kieran said.
I put the dress back on the rail in the closet before closing the closet door.
"Don't worry you will get a chance to wear that dress" Kieran said before leaving the room.
I gave him a quick look of confusion but caught the smile on his face before he turned and walked out.
I went downstairs to wait for my parents arrival. A few of the pack members spoke to me as I passed by them. I smiled and waved back, acknowledging them back.
"Hey soon to be Luna" Alex smiled happily as he passed me.
Wait does all the pack know about Kieran and I's plans ? Did he tell them ?
"Hi Alex, urrmm how do you know about the Luna thing ?" I asked nervously
Alex stopped walking to wherever it was he was going and walked over to me.
"Alpha Kieran of course, he's informed all his pack members. He told me first since I'm his Beta" Alex told me.
It was about half an hour later and I heard a car pull up outside the mansion. I was so nervous, I haven't seen my parents since I left without them knowing anything and I'm about to drop another massive bombshell on them when I tell them my plans. I got up slowly and nervously walked out towards the front door to greet them.
"Mr and Mrs Morgan, I am glad you were able to make it over" I heard Kieran say as he greeted them.
"Thank you for having us Alpha" I heard my dad reply
"Please call me Kieran" Kieran said.
I walked to the door and looked out.
"Felicity !" My mother called out in surprise causing all heads to look at me.
I ran out and towards my parents. They both embraced me in their arms.
"I'm so sorry" I said trying to fight back the tears that threatened to spill.
"Why are you here ? We have been looking everywhere for you" My dad said as he held me close
"Perhaps we should take this inside" Kieran offered.
We all walked inside and into the living room. Kieran sat don together on one sofa and my parents sat down on the opposite sofa. I felt nervous again but Kieran quickly took my hands in his.
"It's okay, you can do this" Kieran encouraged me.
I nodded then took a moment before I looked back at my parents.
"When I left, I was in a pretty bad way, I walked into the woods but I had an accident during the night due to how I was feeling and the darkness, I fell and hit my head off a rock, it was Alpha Kieran who found me and brought me here to his infirmary where his Dr looked after me until I recovered" I explained.
"And now that you've recovered, your ready to come home ?" My mum asked, her voice full of hope
"No. I can't go back there to that pack after what happened" I told them. It pained me to see their saddened expressions
"Then what are you going to ?" My dad asked confused
"Kieran has offered me a place here in his pack" I began
"So your just going to leave you pack to join a new one, what if they don't accept you fully ?" My father asked
"They already have but Felicity isn't just going to be a new pack member to them" Kieran said
"We don't understand" My mother said
"Kieran has offered me a place here but also as his mate and Luna and I've accepted his offer" I said in a low voice
My parents sat across from me, both with a shocked expression written all over their faces.
"Felicity look you've had a very bad experience and a terrible accident, don't rush your decision too fast" My father tried to say
"Dad I've been awake and healing for a while, I just wasn't ready to get in contact with you right away as I needed time but Kieran has helped me so much" I began to tell them
"And we will always be forever grateful to him for helping you" My mother said
"Your not going to change my mind, I've already made my decision. We just wanted your blessing" I told them in a stern voice. They always knew that when I said something in a stern voice then I meant it.
"What about us ?" My father asked
"Well we can keep in contact, meet up outside of your pack" I said.
I knew deep down and also in my mind that I had no intention of going back there. Everyone would just stare and whisper behind your back when they think you can't see them then there's all the gossips. I couldn't be bothered with them all. I guess that is kind of why Kieran's pack is so different, no one seems two faced or bothered about your business.
"Could you let us talk please ?" My mother asked.
Kieran and I both looked at each other and nodded before leaving the room. We went and sat on the stairs by the front door.
"What do you think they are discussing in there ?" Kieran asked
"I don't know, I just hope it's good news for us" I answered
It was about twenty minutes later when the living room door opened and my mum walked out. She looked about before she seen Kieran and I sat on the stairs.
"Felicity, could you please come back inside" My mum asked not giving much away
Kieran and I both got up and made our way back inside to where my parents were waiting. Kieran closed the door behind him. I walked into the room and waited for Kieran to join me. As soon as he was beside my side, he took my hand in his.
"We would like to speak to you both separately, so I will speak to you on your own first and your mother will speak with Kieran then you will speak with your mother and I will speak with Kieran" My father said as him and my mother stood in front of us.
"That sounds fair" Kieran said
"Where is quiet around here that we could go Alpha Kieran ?" My mother asked as she walked towards us
"Mrs Morgan, Please just call me Kieran" Kieran smiled at my mother as he held out his arm for her to take
"Felicity, we can stay here and talk if that is okay ?" My father suggested
"Of course, Myself and Mrs Morgan can go outside into our back garden which is very spacious and very quiet" Kieran smiled.
"Please call me Stephanie" I heard my mother say to Kieran as they left the room.
I sat back down on the sofa next to my dad. I don't know why but I felt extremely nervous and like I had butterflies in my tummy.
"You seem and look a lot more happier here than when I last saw you back home after what happened" My dad said, being the first to break the silence.
"I am dad. I really am happy here and it's thanks to Kieran, he's helped me so much. He has turned my world around" I told him
"Your absolutely certain that you want to stay here and accept Kieran's offer, certain that you can't come back with your mother and I ?" My father asked, I could hear the hopefulness in his voice.
"Yes I want to stay here with Kieran and accept his offer. As for going back....there, I am certain that I can't go back there dad I'm sorry" I said. It crushed me inside to tell him that I could never go back there.
"The pack is certainly a lot bigger here than back home" My dad said trying to steer the conversation in a different way
"Yeah it is, I've met a lot of the pack members already, they are all very lovely and supportive of Kieran and I's decision" I explained to him
"Felicity your my only daughter and I love you endlessly, I only ever want the best for you and if that means that you stay here with Kieran and his pack and make a life for yourself then you have my blessing" My father said.
I looked at him in shock wondering if he really meant it, he did have a sad look on his face but a small smile appeared on his lips.
"Thank you dad" I smiled back as I moved into his open arms.
"But I hope you won't completely cut contact from your mum and I" He joked.
"Of course not, we can call each other, write to each other and arrange to meet up" I smiled.
My dad and I sat for another half an hour talking and joking, talking about old times just reminiscing. a light knock on the door interrupted us from our laughing.
"Come in" My dad said guessing it was my mother and Kieran back from their chat.
"All done here ?" My mother asked as she stuck her head in the door.
"Yes I think we are" My dad said before turning and smiling to me
My dad got up and walked over to Kieran while my mother closed the door before walking over to the door.
"That sounded like you and your dad were having fun" My mum smiled.
"We were just talking about old times and reminiscing" I told her
"Did you and him talk about things here ?" She pushed
"We did and he gave me his blessing mum, he knows I am happy here with Kieran" I said without wanting to sound ungrateful
"I know and after talking with Kieran, I can understand why you are happy here" My mum said
"I know I was a mess before I left mum and I scared you and dad by doing what I did but Kieran has helped me in so many ways and turned my world around, he got me back on track after everything" I explained to her
"I know, I understand he was rejected by his mate too. He told me a lot during our talk outside" My mum said
"Are you mad with me for staying here and accepting his offer ?" I asked scared
"I'm upset I'm losing my only daughter but I do not blame you or Kieran for any of it, none of you asked to be cruelly rejected the ways you both were but fait brought you both together for a reason. So I am happy for you both and I give you my blessing as well" My mother smiled.
I smiled and gave her a warm hug. I will miss her hugs and our little mother - daughter chats.
I was in the middle of walking around my grounds with Mr Morgan, whilst talking to him.
"I trust I can trust you with my daughter, you won't break her heart in any way ?" He asked in a stern voice
"I assure you Mr Morgan, it is not in me to harm, upset or break your daughter's heart in anyway, I only want the world and what's best for her" I told him
"Good, that's what every protective father wants to hear" He said
"I know Felicity isn't my true mate but she has become very special to me" I told him honestly
"I've given my blessing to Felicity so I also give it to you as well" He said as he held out his hand for me to shake.
I shook his hand, he had a strong grip for a man his age.
"Shall we get back to the girls now ?" He asked
"Well there was one more thing I wanted to talk with you about if you have the time ?" I asked
"Of course what is it ?" He asked
Wow today has been a very busy day indeed. My parents left just before dinner, we had offered them to stay but they insisted on returning back. I was surprised that they both gave Kieran and I their blessing to become mates. I don't know why but Kieran seemed to spend more time with my father when they had their talk and when my parents left, my dad shook Kieran's and gave him a knowing smile which Kieran replied. I would ask what they talked about but I doubt Kieran would tell me.
Kieran was having a quick talk with a few pack members before he joined me in his room. I took a quick shower, making sure to put my hair up in a messy bun out of the way. The hot water felt great as it ran over and down my back and body. I dried quickly and put on some warm pyjamas as it was rather cold tonight. My top was a white / cream colour with long sleeves and the bottoms were a thick cotton, light brown colour with cute rabbits all over them. I put my towel in the laundry basket which would be collected tomorrow to be washed. I got into Kieran's bed and got comfy before he came back.
I had just closed my eyes when I heard the door open. I looked over and Saw Kieran pick out a pair of jogging bottoms and a short sleeved top.
"Won't you freeze with that top on ?" I asked shocked.
Kieran just laughed at my sudden outburst
"I'm an alpha remember ? I don't get cold" Kieran said before making his way to the bathroom to change.
He wasn't too long before he walked back out and over to the bed.
"I hope you kept the bed warm for me too" Kieran said with a mischievous smile
"Nope, only my side" I said giving him my best mischievous smile
Kieran got in his bed and I could feel his body heat. Wow he really wasn't joking about not getting cold.
"I'm so glad my parents gave us their blessing today, I honestly didn't think they were going to" I said as I snuggled in close to Kieran.
"Me either but I guess they saw you and how happy you were here, now" Kieran replied
"So what did you and my dad talk about ?" I asked hoping he would give me some kind of clue
"You of course" Kieran answered
"You took that long to talk about me ?" I asked
"Yes" he answered.
I knew it, he wasn't going to tell me, give me any kind of clue or idea of what it was about.
"It's late, you've had a long day, get some sleep, I have something planned for us tomorrow" Kieran said as he turned off his light.
"What do you have planned ?" I asked looking at him hopeful
"A surprise. Now, you sleep" Kieran said, not in a demanding tone.
He was right I did have a long day. I let out a yawn before snuggling back into Kieran. I had already closed my eyes.
"Thank you" I said in a low voice
"What for ?" Kieran whispered
"Rescuing me and taking care of me" I replied
"I'd always rescue you and take care of you" Kieran said before placing a kiss on my forehead.
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