《Nontraditional Partners》46- the end


Carlo carries the 2 huge bags out of the car. I take of the backpacks. We all help Atila to move in to his dorm.

It's not very specious but it's enough for him. Atila grew a bit taller and I don't know how it's possible.

Lars made sure to put him in here as soon as possible. Almost like even step mom kicking your kid out of home to private school.

"I hope you are not crying?" Atila looks at me.

"I'm just happy for you." I blink few times.

"You're so weak." He hugs me, "I'm okay."

"I know, but you are in college."

"Well, I didn't finish it yet, but I have to!"

"You don't have to finish it at all cost. Don't pressure yourself too much." Lars says and puts some money on the table. "here is your pocket money.

Don't spend it all at once."

"Yes, dad." Atila says in irony.

"Funny. Should we stay here?"

"I want to stay a bit longer." I look at Lars. He doesn't understand how hard is it to leave your younger sibling.

We look around the college and the place around it. Then a bit in the town.

We have a lunch in one of the restaurants.

I will miss having Atila next to me everyday , but I will have someone else to spend days with.


My 'first' and hopefully 'last' boyfriend I've had. I made a promise to move in his mansion and I'll keep it.

Not that I would suffer is his many million euro mansion , but it will surely start a completely new life.

A new life that I thought would happen much later on in my life. I'm still young, but ... Lars is also young.


We are both young and in love, so maybe it's how it's supposed to be.


"And now, that the mouse is out of the house, the cat wants to play." He says as he drives me to the flat.

"So you will sell the flat?" I look at him.

"Why keep it? My house is your house and Atila's and Lorence's, I guess. Anyone's who might need it."

"You're still not tired of me." I raise a brow.

"How could I ever be? You're silly." He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"The last sleep over here."

"No, I want you in my house. In my bed." He frowns.

"I didn't pack."

"You were packing for Atila but not yourself."

I shrug. "I was busy."

He smirks. "I excepted it, so I send my people here and they packed everything."

"What?" I say shocked. I start walking around and see that my things truly did disappear.

"I'm always two steps ahead of you, Soren. You are an over thinker, but I'm a planner."

"Great, so I guess unless I want to sleep on the floor in this clothes, I must come with you."

"Yes." He points to me, "and you won't even be needing clothes." He kisses me.


Lars' house is huge and I knew it, but I never realized how much. Now walking around every room, I'm astonished.

Not even mentioning the garden here. What will I even be doing in such spacious house?

"I should also mention that I have people working for me."

"what people ?"

"They come here. Cook, clean, do laundry and then leave. I tell them to ignore me and be as invisible as possible."

"I- didn't even notice them."


"Then they are doing their job well."

"So, what if they see us?"

"They won't care." He kisses my neck.

"I can be your house wife, it's fine."

"House wife? But for that you need to be married to me and raise my kids. I didn't know you wanted to take it this far." He smirks.

I blush red. "No! I meant- never mind. Let's go to the pool."

"So you didn't want to be here but now the indoor heated pool is nice for you."

"Yes and also the sauna and the champagne. And a certain millionaire." I grab the hem of his jeans, "so be quiet and do what I say."


And just like that, I realized I have what I needed. Someone to save me and make my family compete. Atila to grow up and go to college. Find out the truth about my dad. Move on from the loss of my mom.

It was all solved by one person that makes the best couple with me. Even thought we are quite untraditional partners.

- but there's short epilogue

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