

The next morning, Brendon wakes up in Dallon's arms. He's slightly confused, but then the memories of last night flood his mind.

He remembers roughly being pushed against the fridge and then Ryan's hands all over his body, touching him in places where he didn't want to be touched. And when he started to say 'No. No, please don't.' Ryan just put a hand over his mouth and held him in place, as he whispered 'I know you want this too.'

Brendon isn't even sad, he's just angry. Of course, Ryan would do that, he was a disgusting, jealous person and Brendon knew that he shouldn't have invited him.

He just looks at Dallon, feeling calm and secure, for some reason. He appreciated it that he'd stayed, tonight.

"Hey, you awake?" Dallon asks, in a soft voice and Brendon just nods.

"Yeah." "Would you mind getting off my arm? I can't feel it anymore." "Yeah, sure."

Brendon rolls onto his back and Dallon sits up, moving his arm a little.

"How are you feeling?" He asks and Brendon shrugs.

"I'm angry. And I feel so stupid because I invited him to the party." "It's not your fault. You know, you can sue him, if you want. I'd obviously pay for your lawyer." "I don't want all that drama. I just want to move on and forget about it." "Alright, you've got to do whatever feels best, honey."

Brendon smiles and looks up at Dallon. A warm, happy feeling fills his chest and he looks down again, before getting out of bed.

"I'm gonna make breakfast, you want some?" "No, thanks. I've got to get to work." "Let me just make you coffee." "Thanks, sweetheart."

Brendon gets up and frowns, as he realizes that he was wearing nothing but his boxers.


"Wait? Did you undress me?" "Yeah, I hope you don't feel uncomfortable with that." "No, it's okay. I just don't remember." "Well, you were half asleep. But you asked me to help you." "Ahh, alright."

Brendon just puts a robe on and walks into the kitchen. He makes Dallon a cup of coffee before he starts on his breakfast.

When Dallon comes into the kitchen, he's fully dressed and looking good as always.

Brendon hands him his coffee and smiles at him.

"Thanks, love," Dallon says and he takes a sip of the coffee, as he looks at his phone and sits down in the living room.

Brendon just makes his breakfast and walks into the living room.

"...no, I don't think I can come into work, today," Dallon says and Brendon raises his eyebrows, before realizing that Dallon is on the phone.

"Alright then. I'll probably see you tomorrow then."

Dallon puts his phone away and smiles at Brendon.

"Hey, does that offer for breakfast still stand? I'm not going into work today anyway." "Yeah, of course, it does." "Maybe we could go out for breakfast, I know this amazing place, nearby." "I'd like that, yeah. Let me just get dressed." "I'll wait here, love."

Brendon walks into his bedroom and opens his closet, choosing a button-up and dress pants because he wanted to look nice for Dallon.

When he comes into the living room again, Dallon looks up and just raises his eyebrows.

"You look handsome." "Thanks."

Dallon gets up and pulls Brendon closer to him.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" "Yeah, of course." "Alright. I just want to make sure that you're okay with it."

Brendon smiles a little at how considerate Dallon was being, but before he can say anything about it, Dallon connects their lips.



When they get to the restaurant, they get a table in the back and order their food and some drinks.

"This is such a nice restaurant, Dallon." "Yeah, it really is. I thought you might like it, sweetheart."

Dallon gives Brendon a slightly cocky smile, as Brendon starts blushing.

"Didn't you tell me that you had to overwork, for the next few days?" "Yeah, I have, but I couldn't just say no to breakfast with you," Dallon answers smoothly and he winks.

The waiter comes back with their food and Brendon unconciously does a little dance, as he sees how tasty his pancakes look.

Dallon can't stop himself from smiling and he feels his heart jump a little, at how happy Brendon seemed with his food.

The short man had a huge smile on his face, causing him to squint a little and he had small dimples in his face.

And at that moment, Dallon knew that he was fucking up because this was more than just an arrangement to him. He wanted Brendon to be more than just a sugar baby.

And he hated himself for it.

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