《Naruto boyfriend scenarios》When hes realizes his feelings for u 


Naruto 🍥

Naruto prov

I was eating ramen with y/n she offered after Kakashi made me train like crazy. She was reading her book her hair was perfect her eyes sprinkled when she read I think I understand what she said about I'll find someone or something I love more than ramen and that's her .

Gaara 🐼

His prov

Every day I visit y/n to see how she's doing I can't get her off my mind I was standing in front of temaris room I knocked her door swing open "I need to know what I'm felling right now my chest beats really fast and I get a weird feeling in my stomach my hands get sweaty every time I see y/n am I dying!" I say she looks at me the burst out laughing "ur in love gaara so don't lose her or I'll kick ur ass got it" temari says to me I nod my head.

Kakashi 📖

His prov

I gotten close to y/n lately she is so much like naruto I watch as she talked to Shikamaru he wanted to know if she could train him since his Sensei died she agrees. I love how she looks when she train her hair swings back and forth I think I fell for her but she'll hate me once she finds out the I was on obito team and didn't save him .

Shikamaru 🛏

His prov

Everyday I go to he tree to see y/n I started to catch feelings for her i been putting my head in her lap she always puts her fingers in my hair and runs them their feels amazing she warm and quiet she only loud when naruto comes. She puts flowers In my hair it causes my mom to flip her shit because I end up leaving them every where. My feelings are a drag.


" goddam look what you did troublesome women you made me fall for you".


His prov

Y/n she's something different she dosent try to empress me like Sakura. She keeps me in line when I'm about to do something stupid I put her in my team which Karin was not having it I didn't care y/n cooks us meals and heals anyone of us that's hurt which cases her to get tired and fall asleep for two days. I love her and I'll kill anyone who hurts her I don't care if there a friend or not I will protect her.

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