《Naruto-Gold & Silver》We are equals
With Naruto...
{Kurama I have a plan!}Naruto was dodging a lot's of lava balls
{Really what is it?}
{You will see}Naruto then trowed his Father Kunai away from the fight. He ran towards Roshi "Rasengan!"he shouted before jumping at him.
"Pathetic."He simple avoided the attack
"Now."Naruto quickly discloacked him self and in an gold flash he was gone
"Where are you demon offspring?"Rosh started to look around until he saw Naruto running towards him with a red Rasengan in hands."As I said pathetic"Roshi simple punched Naruto in the stomach and he puffed away"A clone?"Roshi then look around to find in self surrounded by Narutos."Impressive. But this ain't gonna help you. Magma: great lava surf!"Roshi created an gigant lava wave that destoyed everything in a ffity radious area, killing lots of people."Where are you demon?"Roshi asked before he saw a shadow in the ground he looked up only to see the famous three points kunai fly next to him, and in a golden flash Naruto was in front of him
"Fuin: Five Elements seal!"Naruto shouted as he pressed his hands against Roshi's belly
*Gasp.*the four tails jinchuuriki felt to the ground.
"Hehehe.Now let's check the seal."Naruto then proceed to look for it"Found it. Hmmm it's not a bad seal at all , but the problemn is that, it kinda supress the Bijuu too much."Naruto said as he was re doing Roshi's seal.
afew minutes later...
"Apply some chakra and done!"Naruto shouted{Now Kurama.}Naruto closed his eyes
In the mental space...
"Girls, girls you both pretty , now stop please" .Naruto tryed to stop the discussion
asked Son Goku
answered Kurama
"Hey I'm not an idiot!"The one who was refered as an idiot shouted
"Yes you ain't a idiot you the Yellow demon's offspring."Roshi appered and puched Naruto in the face
"Ouch!"Naruto was about to be beaten up when Kurama grabed Roshi and Son Goku told him to stop
"Why you helping him Yonbi?"asked a not so happy Roshi
""said Son Goku making Roshi even more angry""
"Why?! He's father killed my only son!! What a better revange then killing his son as well?!"
""asked an annoyed Four tails"So is this boy really him?"
"m'I who?"asked an confused Naruto
"You didn't you tell him?"
"Yes I did a log time a go,when he was a kid, but luckly he didn't get it. Imagine the size of his ego if he found out."
""asked Kurama
"Mine and Han's seal make's impossible to them to communicate with bijjus with other seals."Roshi said against his will
Meanwhile the bijjus were talking Naruto tryed to start a conversation with Roshi"So... I'm sorry for what my dad did to/ Naruto didn't even finshed talking when Roshi punched him
"Shut up demon brat , you don't know the pain of losing some one you love!"
"Ouch! Yes you may be right but I know the pain of not having nothing to love."
"The hell you saying? You are the Yellow demon's child , you are the demon spawn savior ,you for sure had an underfull childhood. Diferent from me. Who was hated my entery life , they all looked ugly at me , just because I had Yonbi inside me ,and I'm pretty sure that if it wasn't for the fact that I was rellated to the third Tsuchikage they would had killed me already. I only had Han, Gobi and Yonbi as a friend."
"You don't know what you saying"said Naruto in a sad tone remembering his past before Jiraya took him from the village
"I wasn't treated as a Savior"Naruto shocked Roshi"I was treated like i was Kurama him self. They overcharge me , beat me , call me demon , try to kill me."Roshi wasn't beliving" I had no frineds, no family,but in my sixth birthday, that year there was an event called Yondaime's revenge hunt."
"What don't they know who you are?"
"No. This event was setted on my birth day, during the Yondaime's memorial festival. This year the Anbu that were suppose to watch over me were bribed to don't protect me , the ophanage droped me out. And a mob hunted me down in the streets. In order to kill me."
"Kid..."Roshi was felling bad for the kid beacuse , he thought he suffored in life
"But thanks to this I was able to make my first Friend, Kurama."Naruto looked at his first friend , who was having a discussinon about who was the favorite child."Thaks to him I was able to meet Mom and dad."Naruto remembered when he met his dad while trying to remove the seal for the first time, and his mom when he removed the seal."I also got a family after that, I met my Godfather."said Naruto"Well Iruka sensei and Jiji could also be considered family."Naruto said as 'he' not me 'the author' remembered them. "Iruka sensei once told me, that he tryed to adopt me but there was a law that forbade anyone to adopt me."
"I may not know the pain of losing someone I love, but I know the pain of not having someone to love."
"Sorry kid, I didn't knew. I'm sorry. But allow me to tell you something, when I thought I was alone, there actualy was girl who liked me for who I was , not for what people said I was, well that was what I thought."
"Well one day she told me the thruth. That she at first she was being obligated to love me , but after she realised that I wasn't the monster that everyone said I was, she felt in love with me for real."Roshi said in sad tone
"What happedn to her?"
Roshi then got serious"After your father killed our son..."Roshi took a deep breath"She couldn't handle the pain and..."
"Oh... I'm sorry."
"No kid i'm the one to be sorry... Her last words to me were not look for revange, but how can I say instead of blind by it I was deaf by it. Hahaha. She loved my horrible jokes. "Roshi started to cry."I miss her , I miss my son."Naruto and Roshi stood there quiet for about five minutes"So what i'm trying to say Naruto, right? Is that you need to make them see who you really are. Also don't care about what people who don't care about you say about you."
"Now let's get out of here. We need to stop a village war."
Outside the mental space...
Roshi and Naruto woke up"Hurrr , I'm to old for this."said Roshi while trying to stand up"I will talk to my people and you to yours.But first let's both find Han."Roshi said before jumping away along side Naruto.
Meanwhile with Jugo , Lee and Han...
(This demon brat is absorving my chakra!)thought Han
""Jugo tryed to jump over Han, but the five tails jinchuuriki avoided it and as a result Jugo destroyed a house
"KONOHA SEMPU!"sahouted Lee as he tryed to hit Han
"This kid became a problem now."Han almost didn't avoided the kick(I lost two tails from my chakra cloack , becaus eof that rocket psycho.)
""Jugo then attcked Lee.
"Hã?"Lee tooked the puch as he wasn't expecting it. And went flying towards a house.
"DIIEEEE!!"shouted Jugo as he jumped towards Lee leaving an confused Han behind
"Han!"Roshi appered along side Naruto
"Roshi,why is the demon's offspring with you, alive?"
"I got to know him and he has already suffured enough."said Roshi
"No he didn't."Han then was about to punch Naruto when Roshi stoped him.
"Yes he did, just listen to his story first. Or better feel it."
"First we need to change his seal."said Naruto
"No you won't- what do you mean gobi? let him do it/ Why? What do you mean not of my bussiness."Han was ahving a discussion with his Bijju"No. No . No."after five minutes"Fine."Han allowed Naruto to check his seal
"Ths seal isn't bad either. But I could change a few things , like here , and here ,oh and here was well."Naruto then took his brush and paint out and changed Han's seal"Apply some chakra and done."
"Now let's go."Roshi grabbed Naruto's and Han's hand
In the mental space...
""said Kurama
""asked Kokuo the five tails
""Kokuo , Son Goku and Kurama started to talk.
"Hey roshi what did you meant by feel it?"Naruto asked
"Well when we are in the metal space we can feel each other emotions."Roshi answered
"So that explain, when you and I were here together I felt and didn't felt anger."
"Yes, Now tell Han here your story."
"Hmp, there's no way that this demon offspring story , going to touch me."Han said
After Naruto fineshed telling his story
"Kid your history is so sad."Han was crying anime tears
"I know and we thought that our past was rough"said Roshi
"I won't tell you my story because mine and Roshi is bassically the same.The only difference is that I'm older.And I'm rellated to the second Tsuchikage."said Han
"I'm sorry for what my father did to your son."
"No kid you don't need to be sorry. It was the war fault."said Han
"Now let's stop this village war before it starts the fourth war."said Roshi
With Hinata...
Kurotsuchi was unconcious on the ground"That-that was rough."said a tired Hinata sorounded by scrolls"I'm out of fuinjutsus scrolls now."Hinata was trying to recover her breath when
"Die leaf demon!"an earth villager appered behind her with an fork
"Hã? AHHH"Hinata unconsciously gentle fisted the villager making fly a few kilometers/miles away."Even with the surpression seal that Jiraya put on me , my chakra still to strong, that expalins why I can only use the jutsus on the scroll once before the paper is destroyed."thought Hinata outloud.
The villagers were still fighting each other but then "Boil: Sleep gas!"
"What was that?"Hinata asked as all the villagers were falling asleep.
"Hey Hinata-chan! You alright?!"asked Naruto
"Na-naruto-kun?!"Hinata shouted as she couldn't see properlly thanks to the mist.Naruto Han and Roshi were on top of a building.
"Looks like he has found one."Roshi whispered to Han
"Hey how is Hinata-chan not sleeping?"
"I have no ideia, we can counter the sleep effect with our bijju but how she's still awaken I have no ideia."Han was confused
"!!!!!"Jugo throwed Lee into a building next to Hinata
"Wha-"Lee felt a sleep.
""Jugo shouted as he was about to ounch him
"Hey Rocket punch!"Han got Jugo's attetion"I'm here!"
""Jugo jumped at where the jinchuuriki trio was
"Boil:Blood boil!"Han became much faster now. But not faster enough to fight a Jugo who absorved to tails of chakra. As a result he was send into a building
"Fuin: Sui/Naruto was about to use his fuinjutsu but he wasn't fast enough and was punched by Jugo and recived the same destiny as Han
"Han are you alright?"asked Roshi as he aproched his long time friend
"Yes."*crack*"Oh my back ,I'm to old for this."
"How is he immune to your sleep gas?"
"He some how has the ability to absorve chakra. And he absorved part of Gobi when I was fighting him."
"Well this ain't good .Any ideias?"
"!"Jugo started to attack them.
With Naruto...
"Naruto-kun are you alright?"asked Hinata as she was checking an waking up Naruto
"Yes , ouch, for how long I was out?"
"Only a few seconds."
"Good now we need to stop Jugo. What's his problem?"the blond asked
"He needs to take his medicine."
"Yes , if he takes his medicine he will be back to normal."
"And how do we do that?"
"With this seringe."Hinata took it out of her medical scroll
"I just need to stab him with it and inject what ever is in here right?"
"I wouldn't use the word stab , but yes, it needs to be in an untransformed part."Hinata pointed out.
"Hmmm... I know how to do it!"Naruto then took the syringe from Hinata's hand and ran towards where Jugo was shouting 'DIE'
with Jugo , Han and Roshi.
"Lava: Lava surf!"Roshi created an lava wave and send it towards Jugo. Who flew over it using the chakra bosters that he created on his back.
"!"Jugo rocket punched Roshi "/Jugo was punched by Han.But it had little to no effect besides making Jugo look ugly at him.
"Crap."Han said before he got a free flight towards the next building.Both stone ninja passed out
"!!"Jugo shouted before an gold flash appered behind him
"Sleep time Jugo."Naruto inserted the syringe in Jugo's neck"..."a few seconds later
""Jugo asked bofore punching delivering another free flight
"Why didn't it work?"
{Great what do we do now?}
"Fine."Naruto then created an Rasengan and ran towards Jugo"Rasengan!"
Jugo created an shield with his arm an protected him self from the jutsu"!"Jugo shouted as he tryed downcut Naruto, who dodged it for a close one.
{How do you know?}
{Ok what does it changes?}
{I don't know is there another chakra cloak?}
{I don't get to use your chakra at full power?}
{Hey I have an ideia. Kurama!}
{Can we chakra over flow him so he pass out?}
{Stage two?}
Naruto procced to do as he was told he first created a regular chakra cloak around him and then it became blood red."It burns!"Naruto shouted
{Yes now quick go towards him and make he absorve it.}
"Righ/ Naruto didn't even need to do anything as Jugo just jumped in him.They passed through about five builds before
"" Jugo passed out from absorving to much chakra.
Naruto then undid the chakra cloak stage two and he was red as Hinata when she blushes"Ouch ouch ouch ouch. I'm all burned!"Naruto screamed
"Naruto-kun are you alright?"Hinata ran towards him
"Ouch,yes , ouch."
"Here have this burn oiment"Hinata gave him a pot with her homemade oilment
"Ouch."as Naruto passed it on him his skin started to return to normal"Wow Hinata this stuff is amazong."Naruto complimented her , who was confused in how the oilment was being so potent
"Hey kid."Roshi and Han appered."Did you handle him?"Han asked
"Good the villagers will wake up soon we will need help to prevent them from starting another fight so I recommend you to hid your self, your girlfriend and friend may stay to help."As Roshi said that Naruto returned being red and Hinata became red.
A few hours later...
Both sides were now awake and had stop fighting.Karin was letting some more injure ones bite her which everyone thought it was weird.There were some deaths and lots of buildings were destroyed.The villagers wanted to keep fighting each other, but both Konoha and Iwa shinobis denied.
"It seens the conflict has stoped"Yamato said
"Yes.Don't ever bring you know who back here. We took three days to stop this village war. And this boy started another one in less then tree seconds"Kitsuchi said
"We will make sure to not bring him here again. Could you please not tell anyone about him?"Yamato aseked knowing the answer
"Why would I do that?"Kitshuchi asked
"Becuase we said so."said bith Roshi and Han
"But why ? Han-sama Roshi-sama?"
"Because we said so."
"O-o-ok.But what about the-"
"We don't care."said both.
After a days ...
Jugo, Yamato , Sai ,Lee ,Karin ,Naruto and Hinata were leaving the village which they had to help fixing it. But thanks to Naruto and some hundreads of Henge Kagebushins they fineshed it quick.
"Naruto remeber to never come back to this village."said Yamato
"Ok Yamato sensei."Naruto was little bit sad that he was the cause of a war.
"Alright let's go back to the village!"shouted Yamato surprising everyone
I may had just put some exposition in this chapter? Yes, worth it yes.
Some things were forced ? Yes , it was nescessary kinda yes.
Just to clear things up Jugo don't has the same abilty as the Pain's Petra path. He has an nerfed version of it. That can only absorve un molded chakra. Each means pure chakra.I didn't show Sai or Hinata's fight because I have no ideia what Kurotsuchi or Akatsuchi do. And I had no ideia. I also realised that I lost an oportunity to do Sai vs Deidara , but what ever too late.I will do that later.
Next: Before we go.
edit: I forgot Lee
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داستان ما دربارهی جئون جانگکوک پسری پاک و مظلوم و کیم تهیونگ رییس بزرگترین باند مافیای سئول که از قضا عاشق و دلباخته ی جئون جانگکوک داستان ماست. تهیونگ بعد از اعتراف به جانگکوک به عنوان دوست پسر رسمیش شناخته میشه ولی.........چی میشه اگه جانگکوک شغل واقعیه تهیونگ رو بفهمه و همه چی از هم بپاشه و جانگکوک دیگه تهیونگ رو نخواد؟؟؟؟؟؟؟ به نظرتون تهیونگ دست برمیداره؟؟؟معلومه که نه......کیم تهیونگ هیچوقت چیزی که ماله خودشه رو از دست نمیده.جانگکوک سعی میکنه خودش رو نجات بده ولی اگه فقط خودش بود این قضیه امکان داشت.ولی الان که پای یه بچه وسطه چی؟؟؟؟؟؟درسته ....... بچه ی تهیونگ و جانگکوک • نام فیک : in your hands • ژانر : امپرگ ، مافیایی ، انگست ، اسمات • نویسنده : melina• روز های اپ : یکشنبه ها / چهارشنبه ها•کاپل : دوورژن kookv و vkook
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