《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The aftermath
At Konoha Gates...
The sand siblings , the mist nin , Fu,Guy, Kurenai, Asuma , Tsunade , Shizune and the Konoha 11 were waitnig for the return of Kakashi , Naruto, Sakura , Hinata and hopefully Sasuke. And Sai by Lee's part. Most of the Konoha 11 were there against Tsunade's will who insisted that they should rest but none of them cared about that , they just wanted to see their friends back. Bassicaly most of the Konoha 11 were covered in bandages.Lee only had minor muscle overstress for using the fifth gate. After he brought Jugo to the village he wanted to go back to help his friends but Tsunade denied and said that even if he only had opened five gates for a few seconds. it would damage his body development if he opend them again in less then twenty-four hours.
"Tsunade -sama don't you think we should send another rescue team?"Shizune asked
"That won't be nescessary."Tsunade said as she saw six figures coming from the horizon. Two of them were jounin"Look's like Genma found them."As the six figures approched"Why are they walking so slowly?"Tsunade asked but then she saw that Kakashi was carrying someone.
"Oh Kami!"All the jounin said as they saw who Kakashi was carrying.
"What is it?"everyone else asked.
"The cruel reality of the shinobi world."Tsunade said in a sad and serious tone. Remembering Nawaki's death
"What do you me-NOO!"Ino then saw it properly.
"Oh Kami!"All of then said.
"Sa-sa-sa-saku-kuraAAAAAAAAAA"Ino started to cry.
"I can't believe... her flames of youth had a lot to burn..."Lee's flames weren't burning right now.
"Please tell me that her sacrifice wasn't in vain..."Some of the Konoha 11 said.
"I-I think it was."Asuma spoke
"It's all my fault..."Shino and Shikamaru said as they were the leaders of the mission.
Fu was about to talk to Shino but Kiba put his hand on her sholder and said no with his head.
Kakashi, Genma , Hinata , Naruto and Sai arrived at the Konoha gates.Kakashi was about to say something"I know."Tsunade said before he could say anything."I will talk with Sakura's parents...Genma you know what to do."
"Hai."Genma said as he disapeired
"You guys can give me the report when ever you fill ready...Naruto , Hinata, and who ever you are go to the hospital...Kakashi you know what to do."Tsunade said she and Shizune walked back to the Hokage tower.
Hokage tower a few moments later...
Sakura's parents enterd the Hokage's officie" Did you call us Hokage-sama."Kizashi asked
"Please take a sit..."Tsunade said and Kizashi and his wife did as they were told."I have..." Tsunade took a long breath before continue"... bad news for you two."And just as She said that Sakura's parent's guessed the rest , their eyes wide opened and they were in shock for a few seconds before started to cry.
At the hospital...
The rest of the Konoha 11 , Sai, the sand siblings, Fu , Zabuza and Haku were together in the hospital room. All the Konoha nin were in beds,along side Haku and Gaara.The silence was noticeble in the room."Silence hm"said suigetsu before resiving an death glare from all the now Konoha 10.*glup*
"Kids allow me to tell you something. I'm not very good at this because my graduation in the academy was killing a hundread people , a lot of them I would consider friends. But this is the reality of the Shinobi world. Kill your be killed. Friends might not be your friends in reallity. Haku is an exemple of that he befriend Naruto and Hinata here , and not so long after they were fighting each other to the death. Losing friends is part of being a shinobi. What did you expected when you entered the academy? That you all would be awesome ninjas forever?Never fail a single mission? Shinobis die on the battle field. And that's how we die, fighting. There's no other way around. so you better get used to it if you want to continue with this live. I'm not trying to motivated you guys only telling you the cruel thruth."Zabuza gave a reality check speech.
"...He's right you know... We aren't kids , or teenagers or even adults we are Shinobi ."Shikamaru was the first one to speak."We are weapons for the village we can't waist time felling remorse."
"Shikamaru-san you wrong."Haku taked back"You might be right about we being weapons for our village's but we still humans we can't simple deny the fact that we feel emotions. Emotions are what makea human human, and it's the fact that we are human that makes us stronger then anyother weapon. The need to protect someone the fear of losing someone , the anger of losing someone, the sadness of losing someone ,the happiness of having someone , the love of someone. This is what give us strength. So don't say you can't waist time feeling remorse, is not mentaly health to keep your emotions to your self. And shinobis need to be both mentaly and physicaly health in order to protect that someone. Because it's our emotions towards the others that make us stronger."Haku gave his motivational speech."I know you sad because you lost your friend. But I know you also angry . In dout about your capabilitys.I fear of losing someone else. So use this emotions to make your self stronger. The anger to motivated your self, the dout to give you a reason to keep going, the sadness to remember your mistakes and the fear to never let that happen again . So don't you ever say that feeling emotions is a waist of time."Haku finnished his speech. Everyone in the room stood quiet as they absorved what Haku said. Sai was the most pensative of them all.
(What is she saying? Emotions are a weakness. But I don't see anything wrong with what he said. Danzo-sama told me that having emotions will only delay strength , but this girl seen's to be right. I also remember that Danzo-sama also told me:'Every strength has a weakness.', may that could also work the other way around?My entire life was told to not have emotions beacause they would make me weak , here she is telling me the opposite. I'm I'm confused)Sai was having an internal discussion
(Zabuza is right, what was I thinking when I entered the academy? 'I lied to my father saying that I wanted to become a shinobi in order to become a strong clan head like him , but in reality I was there because'I'm going to marry Sasuke-kun!', I fought with my best friend over this guy love, and now he killed her. I became a shinobi because I was a fangirl. I'm a shame. But I will change that. I won't let that happen again. I will do as Haku said use my emotions in order to make my self stronger. Good thing that the Yamanakas have a good understanding over emotions. After I'm out of here I will ask father to train me!)Ino thought about her life choices and decided that it was time to do some changes.
(Zabuza and Haku have reason, I'm the Kazekage beacuse of my raw strength,not because of my experinece or leader ship skills. A leaders duty is to get the best out of his followers, and what I'm getting here is a important lesson in how to get strength, I should try to be more open with others in order to get their experinces and believes. )Gaara thought
"Very good speech Zabuza and Haku-san."said Tsunade as she enetered the room along side Inoichi Yamanaka.
"Ino-chan are you ok?"Inoichi asked his daughter
"Yes dad I'm fine."Ino said in a sad tone.
"Sai please come with us."Tsunade ordered the fake smiler
"Hai Hokage-sama."and them as Tsunade , Inoichi and Sai left the room, Kakashi , Guy,Kurenai , Asuma and Jiraya entered
"Ero-sennin?Kakashi sensei? Shoudn't you be resting?"asked Naruto
"Well yes but first I would like to tell you guys something."Kakashi said in a sad but serious tone"After some thinking and a talk with Jiraya , i decided that I should tell you guys..."
"What is it Kakashi sensei?"the Konoha nin asked.
"Sasuke wasn't the responsible for Sakura's death/
"What?!"everyone in the room was in shock.
"I was ."Kakashi continued only to be interrupted again
"What?!"everyone shoulted
"No Kakashi sensei I saw Sasuke killing Sakura with the Chidori."Naruto describet what he saw
"Well yes Naruto but the thruth is that Sakura jumped in front of me to save me."Kakashi said having another PTSD memory of he killing Rin the same way.
"What are you saying Kakashi sensei?"Naruto asked
"That Sakura killed her self in order to protect me..."Kakashi was sad"I'm sorry her death was my fault. I don't deserve to be your sensei anymore Naruto I'm sorry from now on Team seven is no more."
"Kakashi sensei we don't blame you... please don't stop being..."Naruto stoped after a realisation"my sensei Kakashi-nii."
"I'm sorry Naruto but won't be your sensei anymore. But I will always be or brother of another mother. Your parents would be really proud of you not me."
"Wait why do you called Kakashi sensei Kakashi-nii?"Ino asked
Naruto , Kakashi , Jiraya and Hinata were nervous .
"Should I tell them?"Naruto asked Jiraya.
"It's your choice."
"Well you see is that Naruto's father was my sensei."Kakashi said thinking it would kill the subject
"WHAT!?"the leaf jounin and Guys team shouted confusing the everyone else in the room with intesity of it
"Ok Naruto's dad was a jounin. Why so much drama over it?"Zabuza asked
"I don't believe it."Neji , Lee and Tenten said
"What you don't believe?"Kiba asked
"Guy sensei told us that Kakashi's sensei was..."
"Yes my father was the forth Hokage."Naruto said since it was only a meter of time before someone figure it out
There was about a second of silence before
"WHAT?!"everyone in the room shouted
"What a drag, how haven't I figure that out before , you are a copy and paste of him."The Nara said remembering the image of the forth Hokage.
"Before anyone say anything else. Naruto's father identity is an S-class secret which is punishable with death."Jiraya then looked at the non Konoha nin.
"Realax I will never tell anyone about it. He save me and I won him."Fu said
"The same for me and my siblings. I have a debt with Naruto."Gaara said
"The same for Zabuza and I Naruto-kun is my friend. Also I have a debt to pay and I don't think that she would want me to tell that to other people."Haku then gave Hinata a wink."And don't worry about Zabuza. I will make sure that he don't sell this information to anyone."
"How can you promise that?"Zabuza asked then Haku called him closer and whispered something in his hear that made him blush like Hinata"Your secret is safe with me Blond."Zabuza said as he returned to his normal color.
A day later...
Sakura's funeral...
Everyone of the Konoha 10 was there along side Kakashi , Iruka,Tsunade , Shizune , Ino's and Sakura's parent's. Tsunade gave a speech about what it meant to be a Shinobi and the cruelty of the world. Kakashi apoligised for being the responsible for her death, Ino gave a speech about her friendship with Sakura and Finnaly Naruto."Sakura was my team mate. I know her since we were kids in the academy. But we really started becoming friends when we were placed in team 7. She was a good friend. Sometimes she was agressive with me but I can understand the why some times I forget to think. She was an awesome kunoichi. The Kunoichi of the year.She was the reason we were able to catch Tora all the time. She was the one explained to me when I didn't understand something. She wasn't only my team mate... She was my friend."Naruto finished his speech with a smile. After the funeral Sakura's name was placed on the memorial stone.
A day later...
Hokage's officie...
The Konoha 10 , Sai,Kakashi, the sand siblings , the mist nin and Fu were there giving their report of how was the mission."So that's what happened. Well I will do some thinking and if anything I will call you. Everyone but the Kazekage and his guards dismissed."As she said that everyone but the sand siblings and Naruto said
"Hey Tsunade-Bachan. I would like to speak with you in particular."Naruto said
"Don't call me that brat!"Tsunade shouted"Sorry Naruto but I have an important reunion with the Kazekage right now."
"Don't worry Hokage-sama. I can wait. Our reuinion will take a long time and I believe that what Naruto has to say is going to be quick. And besides it's almost lunch time. And I'm starving."Gaara said a little bit out of character.While he left the room to lunch
"Ok Naruto what is it?"Tsunade asked
"This."Naruto then applyed some chakra to his eyes.
"What?"Tsunade could not believe as she saw Naruto's golden Sharingan eyes."ANBU dismissed!"She waited a few seconds"It's like the sharingan but gold!"Tsunade was in shock"How you got that?"
"I don't know but accordiing to Kurama, when Sasuke splashed his blood into my eyes, my chakra reacted to the Uchiha's DNA and gave me the sharingan."
"Hmm I never heard of that before , but I since your chakra isn't even normal...This Sharingan shall be an SS secret and only you shall decid to who too tell. But I recomend telling Jiraya and Kakashi about that. I know he may not be your sensei anymore but he still can train you on how to use it."Tsunade said.
"Oh Bachan not all the Anbu were dismissed."Naruto pointed at an vase.
"Anbu!"Tsunade shouted and went straight to where Naruto was pointing.Capturing an Anbu with the word ROOT on his mask."Take him to the torture and interrogation center."Tsunade ordered."Naruto you dismissed."
Meanwhile in one of Orochimaru's hiddeouts...
"Hã where m'I?"An injured Sasuke asked as he wakes up.
"Kukuku, calm Sasuke-kun you were injured during you battle against Naruto-kun."Orochimaru said.
"Hã what happened did I killed him? Wait , Sakura."Sasuke was recovering his senses, he opened his eyes to see Orochimaru at his said , Kabuto checking a tube with some green liquid and heart on it and the sound trio and Guren covered in bandages."Argh"Sasuke tryed to stand up.
"Calm down Sasuke-kun. You were how can I say very injured during that battle."Orochimaru said
"What do you mean?"Sasuke then proced to look at his chest"The hell?!"it was filled with tubes who were filled with blood.
"Your chest was damage and your heart was just too damage , but luckly you got that boys heart, kukuku, literaly. We are doing your best to make it adaptable to you, so don't worry.Kukuku."
"i killed Naruto , Hahaahahahaahahahahah.Argh!"Sasuke felt pain where his heart was suppose to be.
"Rest now Sasuke-kun. Tomorrow will be a very busy day. Kukuku. " Orochimaru said as he put Sasuke to sleep again.
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