《Naruto-Gold & Silver》A new mission
{Coversation in another plane}
/ interruption
A two weeks later...
"Raven to Yellow, do you see him, over?"
"Yellow to Raven ,yes over."
"Flower to Raven and Yellow wait for my signal,over."
"Flower Target is getting close,over."
As sakura gave the signal the trio of gennin got out of their hidden spots and attacked their target.
"I got him!!!I got him!!!"Naruto got the target
"Good job Dobe."
"Finally we got him."
*Miiaaaauuu!*The target scratched Naruto's face.The target was the one and only Tora, the cat of the fire lord's wife.
"Ouch!!! You stupid cat!!! Luck you the want you alive because/
"Miiiaaaauuu"Tora scratched Naruto's face again
"This time you die!"Naruto was about to take a kunai out of his pokect when Kakashi stoped him
"Naruto for more that I would like, we can't kill this cat, (not because this thing is imortal, or anything), because we need him alive to complete this mission,now let's go to the hokage's office"
At the hokage's office...
"Hokage-sama"The masked jounin said while entering the room"We got the cat, again."
*OH MY PRECIOUS TORA!!!!!GIVE ME GIVE ME HIM!!!!!*The fire lady screammed.
"Here "Naruto was about to give her the cat when she just tooked the cat from his hands with a speed that was beyond normal.
*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU IRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room
*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.
"Well look's like the infamous catching Tora mission is back."The hokage looked at the gennin with an evil smile
"Jiji give us a real mission again! I understand the importance of D ranks but come on we have done this Tora's mission so many times that I'm starting to have deja vus."
"Don't even tell me about it."The gennin didn't understand the Hokage's comment"Well you luck Naruto another low C rank just appered but I'm kind suspicious of this one so I will be sending your team and another two teams for this mission."
"Awesome!"the trio of gennin's were happy"So who are the others teams?"As Naruto said that the Fire lord's wifi rushed through the door
"Jiji."Naruto gave an crying baby face to his gramp figure.
"Sorry Naruto but since your team is alread/
"Did anybody lost a (demoniac) cat?"an familiar voice said
"Kiba!"Naruto was very happy to see Kiba and team 8 they had just saved then from doing the infaumous Tora's mission for kami know the time.
*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU IRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room
(Deja vu )everyone in the room thought in unison
"Now for the misson i was refering to/
*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.
(Deja vu )everyone in the room thought in unison
(We know we heard)they all were not surprise(That's a new record he escaped in less then minute twice)
"Well look's like/
"Hey dad look what we found!"An jounin sensei entered the room along side his gennin team and Tora.
(Thank Kami)They all thought.
*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU IRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room
(Deja vu )everyone in the room thought in unison
"That's anew record the Tora's mission was completed three time in less then five minutes"Realesing the new record"Ok now let's get this quick since you all are already here I have a mission for this year's rockies teams."
"A three team's mission what a drag."The pinaple head compleined out of lazyness
"Well your mission will to find this girl right here."Iruzen showed then a photo, it was a short green haired girl , with orange eyes, and light brown skin"She's from the waterfall village and has gone missing about two days ago. Your mission is to find her and bring her back to her village.Understood"
"Hai Hokage-sama!"They all said
"Alright the mission will start/
*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.
"In an hour so get go prepare your self before she's back here.Kakashi Kurenai , Asuma , here the mission details."
"Hai!"They all shouted while leaving the room at a speed only inferior to the forth hokage.
One hour later at the Konoha gate...
Team 7 ,8 and 10 along side their jounin sensei's ,were waiting for Kakashi to arrive to arrive.
"Afff... why Kakashi sensei is always late?"The pink hair girl was out of patience
"Sakura-san , Kakashi has his reasons for being late."Asuma said
"Really, witch reason?"team 7 was demanding awnsers
"It's personal , and we have no right to you."Both Kurenai and Asuma defended Kakashi lateness, not for team 7 pleasure.
"Hey Naruto"The Aburame started a conversation with Naruto"Me and Kiba would like to apologise for not attending your invite to eat lamen , at Ichiraku.Our famalies wanted to spend some time with us after such a long time without having seen us.We are sorry."
"No worry's Shino , Kiba I was the one who organaized it at the last second, with out thinking"
"We glad you aren't mad at both of us."The Aburame smiled
"Sorry for being late, my beautiful gennin , but I was preventing Tora to escape again."
"Liar"The team 7 genin said
"But this time I'm not lying."
"Anyway Kakashi , Kurenai"Asuma lighted a cigarrete before continuing"Let's start the mission"
The trio left to the waterfall village.
three hours later in the middle of the road...
Ino and Sakura were discussing who would marry Sasuke. Choji was eating chips, Shikamaru was enving the clounds , kiba was playing with Akamaru, Shino was disapointed at Sakura and Ino, Sasuke was asking Naruto questions about fuinjutsu,Hinata was trying to get the courage to talk to Naruto , Kakashi was reading his book and Kurenai and Asuma were talking.Everything was normal.
"Ok let's take a break for lunch."Asuma
"Finnaly *Chomp*I'm starving"Choji talked with his mouth full of chips
Team 10 , Kiba , Shino ,Sakura and the trio of sensei's opened their bag to get food while Naruto , Sasuke and Hinata opened a scroll and puffed thei food into exixtence.For the surprise of team 10.
"Do you guys know fuinjutsu?"Team 10 asked
"Yes Naruto thoght us"The doujutsu carriers explained
"Naruto?The dead last?"The Yamaka was confused
"Yes , and don't call him the dead last his actually really good"Kiba surprise everyone by defending Naruto
"When you *Chomp*learned it?"The Akimichi asked while devouring a his lunch.
(He probably learned during that time he left the academy,but there aren't that many fuinjutsu masters , and those who I know hate Naruto.And we only learned about the existence of fuinjutsu one year after he left.Also fuinjutsu doesn't combine with Naruto, it requires lot's of study and he isn't a studious person.Then how and why he learned fuinjutsu ) "What a drag."(If I asking him it will probably be a long explanation)
"During that time I left the academy."
"And why you left Dobe?You never told us why."
"Well Teme, it's a secret."
"Naruto stop being anoying and tells us already."The Yamaka tryed to get Naruto to talk
"Sorry but that is a secret that by Hokage's order's only a few people can know."Kakashi came for Naruto rescue.
"Ok, so do you know fuinjutsu Forehead?"
"No Inopig Naruto tryed to teach me but it's so confusing, and hard.You need a perfect caligraphy,and mine is similar to a doctor."
"Mine is horrible as well."The green eyes blond was in the same boat as the pink hair"But how do you known Hinata?"
"We-well, Naruto-kun asked me if I wanted to learn it and I said yes"
"Right."both kunoichi said
As they were lunching an mysterious quartet could be seen in the distance.
{prepare for what?}
Kurenai, Asuma and Kakashi were already preparing for combat.As the quartet aproched even more team 7 & 8 recognazed two of then , while Asuma only one.
"Long time no see."The taller of the group said.It was Zabuza Momochi.He was with Haku and two other kids all of then with big Swords on their back.But Zabuza was with an official mist jounin uniform and a non lined mist headband.
"Zabuza what are you doing here?"Kakashi wanted some answers
"Me and my genin team are here in a official Kirigakuri mission to deliever a letter to the Hokage."Zabuza confused everyone
"Well. That's along story...But long story short there was a rebelion in the mist and Now there's a new Mizukage, who reintegrated me to Kiragakuri as a Jounin sensei."
"Who Zabuza sensei is really close too"Haku jocked for Zabuza discomfort
"Hey Haku how are you?And what about that sword"The blond asked
"I'm fine Naruto , I'm now a genin.Zabuza sensei is teaching me kenjutsu,And this two are my team mates. Chojuro and Sugetsu."
"Nice to meet you."They both said
"So how are you and Hinata?"Haku continued teh converstaion
"I'm have being teaching Hinata and Sasuke,you know my friend you almost killed, Fuinjutsu."
"That's really nice Naruto, and Sasuke I'm sorry for almost killing you at the bridge, no hard fellings."
"I not mad , at least thanks to you I unlocked my sharingan."
"Wait these are the guys you told us about , Haku?"
"Yes Suigetsu."
"Which one punched you in the face?"
"Aren't you a shame of punching a girl?!"Choujuro angerly spoke to Naruto
"But haku/
Haku shut Naruto's mouth,and with eyes he said"Don't"Naruto then nodded in response.
Zabuza looked at the situation and tought(It's going to be hilarious when they find out).
"Your document's are real.So you can pass."Kakashi returned the document's for Zabuza"Hope that the Hokage agree with this alliance."
"Me too Kakashi,So we told us our mission what's yours?"
"We can't give details , but it 's just a regular rescue one"
"Hmm, good luck with your mission.Team we are leaving!"Zabuza started to walk
"Hai "the mist gennin foloowed their sensei
"Bye, Zabuza,Haku."Kurenai , Kakashi , Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke said.
"Wait you are friends with this guys?"Ino was in shock
"No , we fought them in a misson.But now we are more another village jounin colleagues"Kurenai and Kakashi explained
"Hey Hinata."Naruto went into Hinata's direction and asked"Can your byakugan see through clothes."making she blushed in shame.
"Y-y-yes."Hinata blushed
"So can you see if Haku is really a boy?"
"H-hãaaaa?"Hinata blushed to another level"W-we-well during the bri-bridge fight I did-din't payed much att-tenti-tion to h-his bo-ody ."Hinata was blushing in a level that as worryful
"It's okay Hinata you don't need to check it"The blond tryed to comfort the hyuuga kunoichi
"O-ok"Hinata stoped blushing.
Ino and Sakura aproched the two, and the pink haired asked"How are you two friends with that girl who almost killed Sasuke?"
"We meet him at the wood's next to Tazuna's house."
"Him?"both kunoichi asked
"According to him self, he is a boy.But I'm not sure."The Uzumaki explained that even he wasn't sure.
"Hes hair is better then mine"both knoichi said
After another hour of walking Naruto finnaly sterted talking to Hinata
"So, Hinata how are you going with fuinjutsu?"
"I-I'm actually going pretty well.I have started chapter 7 'chakra flux'."
"This chapter, I remember this chakra it was pain in the ass to learn it, it's about the way that chakra flux through the paint, it's really boring but , Jiraya sensei told me that it's useful for complex seals, and in the sealing of chakra.The even the type of ink and paper are important."
"It seen's complicated."
"Yeah , but let me tell you a secret , most of what you see in level zero you will see it again in another levels.And that the level 0 scroll is the most useful scroll for theorical stuff."
"Ye-yes most of this scroll is theory."
"Jiraya also told me that theory is really useful when you are trying to create a seal from zero.In his on words 'if you understand everything in the level 0 you will be greatest fuinjutsu master ever.'and also said that the chapter you are on along side chapter 12 'spacification'are the most important"
"Do you understand this two?"
"Better then sensei but I always go back to read then again.Actually I read level 0 along side another fuin scroll.Here's a tip for ya.Keep the level 0 scroll nearby while studing the other levels."
"Hai"They both talked about fuinjutsu for about an hour when Hinata when...
"And the greatest part about it is that you don't need great chakra control , witch is perfect for me.Whose chakra is very powerful"And this comment made Hinata remeber the bridge battle that Naruto had with Haku , and how his chakra appered to be causing damage to Naruto, like it wasn't his own chakra.
"Naruto-kun why do you have problem's with your chakra?"That question took Naruto by surprise.
"Well it's because{Kurama help me}you see."
"My chakra is just to powerfull so my body can't handle it properly."Naruto said with a nervous smile on his face.
"But when you useed your chakra at the bridge your chakra-points were reacting the same way as if another's person chakra was flowing /
"Hinata I don't want to talk about it"Naruto interrupted her with a serious tone.
"So-sorry for that."
"No need for an apologise Hinata , you didn't know.So going back to fuinjutsu...
: So this was my plan for Zabuza and Haku. And Suigetsu is also there.
This is my first OG arc so hope you all enjoy it.
I will try to do some arcs focusing in the jinchuurikis because for some of them we don't know a single thing about them. So i will create a few backstorys for some of them. (four , five and six)I don't know the story of those three so I will invent it.
And that's it ,nothing more to say.
- In Serial419 Chapters
The Last Science [SE]
[SE has the same content as the original story, split into smaller chunks for easier reading. This story is on a temporary hiatus due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. I work in healthcare and unfortunately no longer have the freetime to continue posting on a regular basis. As soon as our workload decreases, I will return. Thanks for reading! 💙] No one ever knows the whole story. Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, the fading town of Rallsburg stumbles upon an amazing discovery—magic itself. Faced with potentially world-shattering power, the people of Rallsburg keep the secret for themselves. Led by Rachel DuValle, a perpetually underestimated college student with grand ambitions, they seek to found a new society. The world beyond suspects nothing, but magic cannot stay hidden forever. A train arrives in Rallsburg carrying Alden Bensen, a directionless high school graduate. To him, magic could represent meaning for his life, an explanation for his empty existence. This potent force offers anyone the power to change humanity forever—or send it cascading into swift and total annihilation. The Last Science is an ongoing science-fiction / low-fantasy web novel series, focused on the modern world with a twist. New societies bud and grow, but the people who make them up are imperfect and flawed. The story includes elements of mystery, action, crime, interpersonal drama, relationships, philosophy, sociology, politics, and much more, all centered on the perspective characters driving the tale. This is the "Scraps Edition" of the story, where the chapters have been split up into bite-size chunks (roughly 1500-3000 words), for your convenience. The prose has been edited from its original form, with some improvements, but there are no content differences from the original. New chapters will be posted throughout each week starting on Friday and appearing on multiple days thereafter, depending on the length of the chapter. Content Warning (by request): This series delves into some topics and situations which may be upsetting for some readers. In American rating parlance, the narrative would be rated PG-13 (except for language), but some have noted the story can get pretty dark on occasion. Please use your best judgment, and don't be afraid to take breaks and come back later. I'll still be here! [Discord] - come hang out and chat! [Patreon] - writing blog, epub copies, advance chapters and other goodies Need more to read? Check out my finished novel, Epilogue — a post-fantasy psychodrama.
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