《Naruto-Gold & Silver》The bridge showdown
{Coversation in another plane}
/ interruption
It has been a week since team 7 & 8 have been helping in the build of the bridge. Lot's of workers had stoped working with fear of Gato and his man, but thanks to Naruto's kagebushin and the knowledge that he gained about buiding , thanks to the D rank missions and his pranks , the construction acctually speeded up and now the bridge will only need one more day to be finished.
at the bridge...
-"Oh right everyone, that's all for today!"Tazuna shouted
All the workers who were not a Naruto clone went home , and those who were puffed away from existence.
"Alright Naruto!Thanks to you the bridge will be finneshed sooner then we expected."Tazuna couldn't thank Naruto properly for his help."How did you got so good at building?"
The bridge builder junior blushed"Well, I used to build some prank mechanisms back at the village."
"And don't forget the D rank building missions"Kakashi pointed out
"Yes they helped too"The blond agreed with the porn reader.
"Good now you understand the importance of D missions."
"I don't !"The inuzuka shouted remembering everyone of his existence"They still are usless"
"Afff..."(I guess I should take Kurenai's advice and sometimes give some help,isteed of making them figure it out everything by them selfs, like the Inuzuka here, his to dumb sometimes.)"Well Doggy, a ninja builds traps right?"
"Yes"Kiba still wasn't capable of adding two and two together
"And how do they get building experience?"
"..."Kiba was dumber then Naruto
"Au au au "Akamaru who was quiet the entire time finnaly spoke.
"That make's sense Akamaru.But that still doesn't explain's the other usless stuff we do in D ranks. "
"Kakashi sensei allow me to explain to my team mate."Shino entered the chat"Kiba-kun , just like building missions can help us to build traps, the other missions also teach us a lot things that we can use later, babysitting is about paying attention and taking care of a person, it teachs us how to get information about someone and their needs,and use them to avoid situations we don't desire.Also teach us not to make noise.This skills are useful in infiltration mission's , assassinations and protections ones. The infaumous catching Tora is just like a hunting mission we have to set traps , locate follow and guide the target , just like a hunting mission . In another words D rank missions are simulations missions that teach us with out putting us in danger"The Aburame gave his seminar on D rank missions to the Inuzuka, making him be quiet for the rest of the day.
"Very well explained Shino.I'm impressed you are completly right D rank mission are indeed suppose to be simulations."The silver hair was truly impressed."Alright , Sakura we are going now!"The group left the bridge in direction of Tazuna's house
mean while at Gato's hideout...
"I'm almost fulled recover Haku."
"That's really good news Zabuza."
"Yes those herbs you gave me speed up the healing process.Where did you got then ?They aran't from this region and they still are extremilly rare and expensive"
"Do you remember the konoha-nins"
"Don't even remember me, that blond kid was a monster for his age"
"I met two of then when I was getting the herbs for your treatment. More specifically the blond and the pearl eyes one. "
"They had a hyuuga with them? I didn't even notice."
"So we met, we talked and then when a mentioned why I was harvesting herbs they gave me those rare herbs."
"You tricked then into giving you those herbs. Good thinking Haku.Good thinking"
(Well i dind't tricked then they just gave the herbs to me.But Zabuza is happy so I won't take his happyness away)
The next day at Tazuna's house
"Alright , my precious gennin today the house group will be me , doggy and smart-buggy.The bridge group will be Mummy,Whiskers , White eyes blue hair not a dragon , Not-Pinky-Sparkle and Pinky-Sparkle "
At the bridge...
It was a sunny day , the workers , Naruto's clones and Naruto were finishing the bridge and doing the final safety check up in it.Kurenai ,Sakura , Sasuke and Hinata were doing the guard.It was all going pretty well. So two hours later Naruto took a break and tryed to talk to his crush.
"Hey Sakura-chan how are you doing?"
"Naruto shouldn't you be working?"
"I just took a small break I have being working for two hours straight. I'm kinda tired"
"Well Naruto if you don't want to do your work don't try to bring others with you. Now go away because differently from you I'm trying to work."
"O-ok"Naruto was sended away by his crush , making him a little bit sad but he was already accustomed to it.But then he saw Hinata watching the area with her Byakugan.
"Kurenai -sensei all clear!"She said deactivating it
"Hey Hinata!"The blond shouted as he got close to her
"Na-naruto-kun?"The pearl eyes blushed a little seen that her crush came to talk to her
"So how are you doing?Are you having any problems with fuinjutsu?"
"N-no, actually I'm going pretty well with it."
"That's awesome!It's going to be really cool to have another person that knowns fuinjutsu, besides me and Ero-sennin."
"Yes, his was my sensei he's really strong and according to him self a big pervert.But he's super nice , one day I will present you to him."
just as Kurama said that an mysterious mist started to cover the bridge.
"Crap, that Gas demon is back."Naruto said as he felt his clones just puffing away
"Byakugan! Oh my Kami!"
"What's it Hinata?"The genjtsu mistress said as she joined the two
"The the workers are all dead!"The Hyuuga started to panic
"This is not good do you know if any were able to escape?"
"Yes, my clones were able to protect some of then."
"Thanks Naruto.Where's Tazuna?"
"He's with us."Sasuke said as he aproched the trio along side Sakura and Tazuna
"Ok Hinata where's Zabuza ?"The jounin wanted to know
"I don't know the mist distort's my Byakugan."
Naruto felt another clone puff away"He's close and not alone!"
"Everyone pentagon formation!"The genin and the jounin formed a pentagon around Tazuna.
"What a deja vu?"Zabuza appered in the center of the formation Swinging his sword and slicing then all in half."Genjutsu? Kai!"As Zabuza said that he saw two fire balls at his face(Crap there's not enough time)When Zabuza was about to get hit an ice mirror absorved the two fire balls "Good timing."Zabuza complimeted the Mist Anbu who appered in front of him
(So these two are inded working together.and is that Ice style?)Kurenai thought.
The mist Anbu did one handed hand signed and said"Kai"and two fire balls came out of the mirror
"Doton: mud wall no jutsu!"(One hand signes that's impossible)The Jounin protected the team."Naruto , Sasuke , you two go against the Anbu, Sakura , Hinata guard Tazuna , I'm going to take care of Zabuza. Also Naruto send a message asking for reinforcements!"
"Hai Kurenai Sensei!"They shouted in unison and Naruto made a clone.
Naruto and Sasuke jumped into the Mist Anbu."Katon: Fire ball no jutsu!"
Naruto closed his eyes took one scroll around his waist with the tag Jutsus opened the scroll and said "Fuin: Kai!"As he said that an fire dragon came out of the scroll
"Katon: great fire dragon?!But how?!"
"Fuinjutsu.Sasuke more specific Jutsu sealing.My sensei gave some sealed-jutsus so I could use then later."
(Dobe is strong)"Ok , but are your eyes closed?"
"That's because{Crap Kurama what do I tell him?}"
{Thanks}"Well I'm sensor type and that helps me to focus"
"Suiton: Water neddles"The anbu said as the water from around the bridge and went straight into the ywo gennin
"Fuin:Barrier"Naruto took a small pice of paper with some strange symbols applyed chakra to and a barrier was formaed around then protecting then from the neddles.After that the paper burned
"Thanks Dobe,now it's my turn Katon: fire ball no jutsu!"The fire ball went direcly into the Anbus direction.
"Hidden jutsu: Demonic mirroing ice crystals!"The hyõton user did the jutsu absorving the fire ball the fire ball, with a mirror and then surrounding Naruto and Sasuke with a dome of ice mirriors.He enterd one of the mirrors and his image appered in all the mirrors in the dome.And started to throw senbons at the two.
Naruto took a small piece of paper "Don't worry Sasuke I will protect us!" As the senbons flew into them, Naruto infused chakra into the piece of paper."Fuin:Barrier"it took a second to the barrier to completlty activate, but the senboms started to be stoped by what looked like an inviseble wall "I did Teme I/ Naruto saw the state of his friend he had senbons all over his body that one second made a total diference , the barrier started to form in front of Naruto and the it went into Sasuke."Hey Teme?"Sasuke opened his eyes they were sharingan eyes.
"Dobe/ Sasuke passed out.Making Naruto think he died.
"No this is my fault if I was faster this/
{Thanks Kurama.}
Naruto opened his eyes,they were red with vertical slashs a pupils,like a fox eyes"Now time to go serious"Naruto started to run into the ice mirrors
"Usless,Kai"Then fire balls started to leave all the ice mirrors and fly into Naruto.The smoke generated by the impact made impossible to see what was happening inside the dome."This should be enou/ An arm made out of red Chakra destroyed one of the ice mirrors"Wha-what? " from inside the dome there was a Naruto with a red cloak of chakra with one tail behind him"This won't be good"Naruto started to break all the mirrors with his cloak.The not a mist nin was forced to leave the mirror that he was, in order to avoid being hit, only to failed at it and be met with a punch of red chakra to the mask."Gaahh!"The mist nin was knocked out and went flying right into where Sakura , Hinata and Tazuna were.
{Alright let's help Kurenai-sensei}
With Sakura ,Tazuna and Hinata...
Haku's boby landed right in front of the three.
"That's that Anbu?"Sakura asked
"..."Hinata was with words she had watched the entiry fight with her byakugan and could not believe that Naruto's chakra changed from being in harmony with his body to being toxic.
"Hinata are you alright?"
"Y-yes I'm/ Hinata stood with out words again , she the face of that Anbu"It's you.It's Haku-san."Hinata was in shock she had just realised that she had just helped the enemy.
"Do you know him Hinata?"
"Y-yes we met in the woods about a week ago when me and Naruto-kun went to harvest some herbs."
With Kurenai...
Kurenai was in a tight spot , she wasn't an specialist in combat , much less in kenjutsu.Her specialits were inflitration and assassination with genjutsu.She was dodging Zabuza's swings and using some ninjutsus along the way.(Damn it I'm almost out of chakra and I will not win this with out Genjutsu)
"Kurenai sensei!"Naruto appered kicking Zabuza's face
"Damn you kid!"
"Thanks Naruto-kun , can you keep him busy for a while?"Kurenai started doing hand signes
"Hai"Naruto then jumped into Zabuza with a paper in his hand.
"What you planning kid?"The swordmaster asked dodging Naruto's punch , that he thought was for him.But actually Naruto wasn't planing into punching Zabuza but to put the piece of paper on the ground below him.
"Fuin:Doton: Super Quick sand "Naruto said just has he putted the paper on the ground."Fuin:Doton: Super Quick sand "Zabuza's feet were quickly buried into the not solid cocreate just as Naruto.
"World of a flower no jutsu"Kurenai finished her hand's signes and used the genjutsu on Zabuza making him believe he's a flower.And at the same time as that it started to defog reviling Gato and his man on the entrance of the bridge.
"Well well well Zabuza you failed just as I expected."Gato said
(Zabuza may like to hear this.)"Kai "Kurenai dismissed the genjtsu in Zabuza quietly
"Hã?"Zabuza asked but then he saw Gato and his man.
"Zabuza I don't need your serveces anymore.My man will take care of then now.And then you and your friend"
That last part irritated Zabuza "Hey kid , let me out we are not enemies anymore."
"Ok."Kurenai then helped both of then to get out the quick sand only to Gatos surprise.
"Why are you helping him?He is your enemy?"
"He WAS my enemy"Kurenai corrected the mob boss
"Leave this to me I need to do this alone."Zabuza said before dashing into Gato and his man
"Zabuza let's renogo/Gato was decapitated.
"Now for the rest of you"Zabuza then went for the rest of Gato's man
Thr bridge group with exception of Sasuke watched in horror as Zabuza multilateted Gato's man with his Sword.And after a few seconds all of them were dead."Ok now it's over"Zabuza then went to Haku's unconcious body terrifying Tazuna and the two kunoichi there."Haku is time to wake up."
"Hã Zabuza what happend"
"We were betrayed so I killed them , you know just like more then half of our contracts.So let's go?"
"Hai"And just as Haku said that Kakashi appered
"Zabuza where you think you going?"Kakashi said with a Raikiri in his hands.
"I'm leaving we are not enemys anymore"
"Yes Kakashi-kun that's what you got for arriving late."Kurenai said
The next day...
The workers were doing the last check ups on the bridge before it first walkers.Being Team 7 & 8.
"Thank you for your services guys."Tazuna gladed the Konoha nins
"We were only doing our job"The guy who is always late said"Actually Naruto is the reason we decided to continue the mission so he should be the one you should thanks"
"Thank you Naruto. In acknowledgment of that we will name this bridge the Great Naruto bridge."
"The great Na-naruto Bri-bridge?"The blond was in shocked because of how happy he was
Kiba was silence he couldn't believe that a loser like Naruto was the hero of a whole country.Hinata and the rest were happy for Naruto.
"All clear Tazuna-sama" the worker who was doing the final check ups on the bridge said
"We don't have words to thank you guys. We are going to miss you so much"
"We too"Naruto said
01/04/21: So this was the wave mission. I decided to keep Zabuza and Haku alive and not make them join the leaf like another fanfics do. I have other plans for them.
I know that Zabuzas defeat was kind meh but I had no other ideia and i thought that it was funny.
So hope you all enjoying it.
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