《Naruto-Gold & Silver》To the Wave
{Coversation in another plane}
/ interruption
A fill weeks later...
"Raven to Yellow, are you seeing him, over?"
"Yellow to Raven yes over."
"Flower to Raven and Yellow wait for my signal,over."
"Flower Target is getting close,over."
As sakura gave the signal the trio of genin got out of their hidden spots and attacked their target.
"I got him!!!I got him!!!"Naruto got the target
"Good job Dobe."
"Finally we got him."
*Miiaaaauuu!*The target scratched Naruto's face.The target was the one and only Tora, the cat of the fire lord's wife. Also known as the D-mission's demon.
"Ouch!!! You stupid cat!!! Luck you they want you alive because/
*Miiiaaaauuu*Tora scratched Naruto's face again
"Gaaahh!!!!Screw it I'm going to kill you/ Naruto was about to take a kunai from his pouch. But before that Kakashi stoped him.
"Naruto for more that I would enjoy to do it , we need him alive.Now let's go to the Hokage's office" (Kami-sama I remenber doing this mission when I was a gennin and how horrible was it...Wait a second how old is this damn cat???!!!!)
A few moment's later at the Hokage's office...
"Hokage-sama"The masked jounin said while entering the room"We got the cat, again."
*OH MY PRECIOUS TORA!!!!!GIVE ME GIVE ME HIM!!!!!*The fire lady screammed.
"Here "Naruto was about to give her the cat when she just tooked the cat from his hands with a speed that was beyond normal.
*TORA MISSED YOU SO MUCH !!!MY PRECIOUS LITTLE BABY!!!!*The woman screamed while she was smashing the cat again's her fat body.*THANK YOU HIRUZEN FOR GETTING HIM BACK FOR ME!!!!!NOW MY BABY LET'S GO BACK HOME*The lady left the room.
"Now I get why this cat always run away."Code name Raven said.
"Now I kind few bad for him."The pink haired girl was feeling bad for the cat.
"That was the third time this week we did this mission old man give us a real mission now."The injured one demanded
"Dobe is right we want a real mission."Sasuke agreed with his team mate.
"Well usually the genin teams have to do D-rank missions for about six mounths before they can get a C-rank one."The Hokage stayted
"But old man we are ninjas we should be doing ninja stuff.Not painting fances or baby sitting or chacing the same damn cat every single day."
*TORA COME BACK HERE!!!!!!*The woman from before screamed form more then a block a way.
"Well look's like the infamous catching Tora mission is back."The Sandaime looked at the three genin with an evil smile.
"Please old man don't make us do this mission again."Naruto implored
"Hahaha.I understand Naruto I also hated doing this mission. So I'm going to give you a low C rank one."
"YES!!!!"The overexited gennin shouted.
"Wait you also did this mission?How old is this cat?"The Cyclops was shocked
"Thank you Hokage-sama"Sasuke and Sakura bowed
"You may come in now!"The Hokage shouted.And after he did an old man that smelled like sake entered the room.He was definitively drunk.
"Hey , where are the ninjas that are suppose to protect me?"The drunk one asked.
"Tazuna those are Naruto , Sakura ,Sasuke and Kakashi.And they are the ones who will scout you back to your village."
Tazuna looked at his protectors with an ugly face."So , an Duckbutt hair ,an Billboard forehead and an whiskers face kid. This were suppose to be ninjas?"The trio got really pissed off at Tazuna.
Kurama who was a sleep woke up just at the right time to see Naruto be insulted.
{"Go back to sleep furball"}
"Relax Tazuna-san I'm their jounin sensei and I will also come with you."
"Oh and I almost forgot about the Cyclops wannabe."
Kakashi was silent for a moment(Well at least I'm being payed to endure it)"Alright team we will leave tomorrow at the gate at 7 o'clock .Pack in only the nescessary for a three days trip.Now dismissed."Kakashi used an shushin to leave the room.
"7 o'clock my ass I'm going this early."Tazuna was mad with Kakashi's time for the mission.
"Come around 10, he always is late for anything."Naruto advised Tazuna.Before the three of then left the office
The next day 10 am...
"So where's Kakashi sensei he's three hours late."The pink haired girl complained
"Really and he dare's to call him self an ninja."Sasuke was also very angry with Kakashi constant lateness.
"I bet he was late for his on birth."The blond one mocked his sensei
"No I wasn't."The Jounin appered behind them.Surprising everyone there.And making Tazuna spill the sake he was drinking.Right in Sasuke's head.
"What's the excuse Kakashi sensei?"The blue eyes boy asked.
"Well you see I was in my way here but then/
"I found a very gentle and fragile old lady who need help getting into her home.That's the same excuse you use every thursday."The pink haired completed the silver one.
(I'm going to need more excuses now.)"Right my beautiful gennin let's go start our mission.We are already late."
(Because who)The three gennin and Tazuna thought in unison.
After two hours off walk....
The group was walking pacifully. Naruto was telling Tazuna and Kakashi some of his prank storys, Kurama was sleeping, Sakura was stelling glimps at Sasuke, who couldn't care less.It was all normal for a low C rank mission, until Kakashi spotted a puddle.
{What's it Kurama}
Naruto was trying to connect one and one to get two."Hey.Kakashi sensei/
"I know."
As they passed the puddle two black figures puffed into existence and wraped Kakashi in chain's tearing his boby apart.
"Kakashi sensei!!!!!"The genin's screamed in horror as their sensei was killed.
"Now for the Bridge builder."The duo was geting ready to attack when Kakashi came back from the dead and beated then up,leaving then into a semi-concious state.
"So Tazuna do you have something to tell us?"Kakashi asked not very politly.
Tazuna explained his situation and the situation of his village with the mob Boss Gato.He begged to Kakashi continue the mission. Kakashi who was thinking about his gennin safety was about to abort the mission.But Naruto convinced him to continue the mission
"So the mission continues,but first we need to send a letter to the Hokage updating our mission status."Kakashi said while prepering to summoning Pakku.
"A message let me send it!"(This will impress Sakura-chan)The blond one asked his sensei.
"Naruto the village is two hours away, we don't have time to wait for you to go and come back.I'm going to send one of my dogs."Kakashi said prepering to summon.
"Who said I was going?I was going to send one of my toads."
"Toads.Do you have a summoning contract?"(Of course he has.He was trained by Jiraya.)"Ok Naruto you can send the message."
Kuchiyose no jutsu!"Naruto shouted just as the masked jounin gave him permission.And in a puff of smoke a toddler sized toad appered.
"Hey boss what do want."The toad asked
"We need you to deliver this message for the Third Hokage."Kakashi informed him and gave him the scroll with the message.
"No problem I will be back soon."The toad said before jumping into the bushes.
"Impressed Sakura-chan I can summoning jutsu."The Jiraya apprentice tryed to flirt.
"No actually I thought that was disgusting and stupid , he didn't even went into the right direction."The pink haired girl complained about the summoning.
"Actually Sakura toads are the faster mensagers out there."The silver haired man notifyed
"You see Sakura toads have a transportation jutsu that only they can use.They jump into a puddle and apper into another one."
At the Hokage's office....
Team 8 had just fineshed the infaumos Tora's misson,with lot's of scratchs the they were waiting to recive another mission.
"Good job on completing the infamous Tora's mission.This is what the 10th time you completed this mission this month?"
"Thanks Hokage-sama"Kurenai and his students bowed.
"Now for your next mission/The hokage was interrupted by a toad that came out of a little plate behind him.
"Hey Hokage boss as message for you."
"What but I just recived Jiraya's report."
"Not this boss , the other one , the blond one , what's his name again?Minato?Menma?Hm I don't known."
"Naruto."The old man killed the toad's doubt.And prossided reading the scroll.
"Wait why did that frog called the dead last boss?"The inuzuka asked.
"First I'm not a frog , I'm a toad.Second every one that has our contract his refered as boss by us."
"What the dead last has a summoning contract?"
"Yes Kiba don't you remember Iruka's screams at the gradution test?"Shino questioned him.
"Of course I remember."Kiba lied.
(Naruto-kun is truly amazing)
"Ok team 8 , your new mission will be to assist team 7 in their mission."
"Don't worry Hokage-sama we will teach those losers how to properly do a mission."Kiba insulted.
"Sorry about that Hokage-sama."Kurenai apologised for her genin behavior."So what was their mission?"
"It was a C-rank one.Thay had to scout a bridge builder to the land of Waves"
"A C rank but this early in the carrier?"
"It was an C-rank one but now we don't know it's rank."
"What happend?"
"They were attacked by two mist chunnin."
"Sorry Hokage-sama but/"
"Kurenai relax I'm especially sending your traking team so they can avoid other shinobi."
"Understood.(Still...)Oh right team pack up for a three days trip.And quick."
"Hai Kurenai sensei."
(I hope Naruto-kun isn't in danger)
"Ok right toad-san give this message to your boss and his team."The sandaime gave him a scroll
"Right Hokage-sama"The toad said as he jumped into the water plate.
Back with team 7 one hour later.....
Team 8 aproched team 7 at full speed .Kakashi was interrogating the two mist chunin who failed their assassination atempt.Naruto was reading an fuinjutsu scroll that Jiraya gave him,Sasuke was practicing kunai throwing, Sakura was admiring him and Tazuna was taking an Nap.
"Kakashi-kun,what's the situation ?" The genjutsu mistress wanted to recive all the information she could get before deciding if she should put her students in danger or not.
"Oh it's fine but I could have some help interrogating this two.They are tougher then they look."The cyclops asked for assistence.
"Alright Kiba , Shino , Hinata, do a perimeter scan , and then you guys can take an small break."
"Hai Kurenai sensei."
Shino released some bug into the air , Hinata activeted her Byakugan , and Kiba sniffed around.
"All clear Kurenai Sensei."
"Good"Kurenai said before starting the interrogation."Ok Kakashi do you want to do it the noise or silent way."
"Well since we have genin here let's do it the silence one."
"Let's begin"The mistress did about ten hand signes and said"Nerve Tree burn no jutsu."As she did the jutsu the two nunkenin started to squirm in pain."This should take a few minutes."
"We have time."Kakashi tooked his famous orange book and started to read it.
Mean while Shino was sitted next to a tree Kiba challenged Sasuke to an kunai throwing competition , and Hinata was trying to get enough courage to talk to her crush.
{What Kurama-sensei?}
{Oh you mean Hinata , she might be a little weird but she's nice.}
(Ok Hinata you can do it. Just ask Naruto-kun what he's reading and then we can start a conversation.You can do it)"Na-na-naru-ruto-kun"(Come on I can do it)"wh-what a-a-are-re you-u rea-ad-ding?"Hinata said doing her maximum to not pass out.
"Oh Hinata ,just an Fuinjutsu scroll that my god-I mean sensei gave it to me. "The blond responded smiling.
"Naruto-kun , You known fuinjutsu?"(You truly are amazing)Hinata was so surprised that she forgot to stutter.
"Yes.It came to me very naturally.Like it is in my blood or something."
"A-amazing.Fuinjutsu is really hard."
"Actually it's not.You just have to memorize the patterns and apply chakra to the drawing.It may consume a lot of chakra but it's pretty easy. Here I think I have an begginer's scroll with me if you want to learn."Naruto spoke to Hinata as he took the scroll he had in his waist and started to scrolled."Here it is"Naruto puffed another scroll into existence, whose had a tag Fuinjutsu for dummies."Here,it may say for dummies but you aren't dumb."Naruto said as he offered the scroll to the pearly eyes girl.
"Than-thanks Na-naruto-kun."(Oh Naruto-kun just praise me , I think)The blue haired girl blushed a little as she got the scroll from the blonds hands.
{For what?}
01/04/21.(Not a joke)a/n: so I'm doing some corrections now so please if you find any spelling mistakes please tell me.
This chapter I don't remeber what I was thinking while writing it. I skiped the wave village Gato's history because I was to lazy to write it and it wasn't going to be relevant in the long run...I think I got an ideia for a future arc in shippuden, anyway In this chapter I was still getting the rhythm of my writing style and I also didn't have a real game plan like I have now .Acctually I had, I just got a better one a later. So hope you enjoying it.
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