《Inuyasha/naruto-crossover》Enter zabuza-moo-moo


We met up at the front gate, Sauske was first, then speck, tazuna, surprisingly kakashi, then finally naruto. I had hidden my presence and was waiting in a tree, trying to see if they could notice me. ""man why is mika-sensei not here yet?" whined naruto. Geez guys I'm so not impressed, so I decide to let them wait and race to tazunas house. I took the liberty of seeing his daughter, so she would know me when we came here later. I ran full speed back to the village, and in a few minutes I was back at the gates, I poofed to some random shop and walked back to the gate, in the time I had been gone, kakashi had discovered that naruto had packed his whole ramen collection, and sent him back to pack properly. I walked up to my team soundlessly, kakashi jumped 10 feet when I tapped his shoulder. "Sup" was all I said, ducky glared, speck stared, and silver asked for me to share. sweet. "so who we waiting for?" they all sweat dropped at me, "we were waiting for you, but then we discovered naruto's sense of importance towards ramen," I just nod my head and pretend I know what they're talking about, which I do, but they don't know that. Then naruto came running back, when he saw me he yelled "Mika-sensei where were you?" I shrug "here there everywhere" he just smiles, I guess he's exited since he gets to leave the village. and sure enough he starts blabbing on about how he's a traveler now, oh whoopdiedo, it's not that much fun, all you do is walk around till you get somewhere then stop. when speck starts to ask about the different hidden villages, and then ninjas, I notice tazuna start to sweat and look nervous. it makes me think about the presence that has been following us since we left the village. then I see the puddle, who the hell would hide as a puddle, especially when it hasn't rained in weeks. I look from the puddle to kakashi giving him an "are they serious?" look, he signals me to be quiet. Then the chains shoot out and wrap around kakashi, he fakes shock and "dies" I sense his presence and flip him the bird, he sweat drops. Sauske kicks away one of the ninja, and Sakura stands protectively in front of tazuna, naruto froze, a chain starts to fly towards him, STUPID KID MOVE, I shout mentally, hen he doesn't I quickly deal with his attacker, then kakashi resurrects himself and ties the two bastards to a tree, naruto shakes himself out of his frozen state, and I start tending to the cut on his hand. Then kakashi tells naruto about the poison claws, and Sakura says we should go back to the village to get him treated Sauske walks over, "you alright? scaredy cat." naruto glares and stabs his bandages hand, he asks why he's different, kakashi crouches down and congratulates him on taking out the poison, but states that he will die very soon unless he stops the blood flow. I know his demon will heal him, but he is freaking out to much to notice, and he's giving me a headache. "NARUTO GET OVER HERE!" I tell at him, he stops and walks over, I take his hand and lick the already healing wound. he looks at me confused, so is everyone else, "my saliva can heal wounds, see it's already gone!" naruto looks at he's now healed hand, "thank you! mika-sensei, we can keep going now, believe it!" I laugh, then the bastard ninja decide to speak, "how did you sense us?" I stared at them in absolute shock, they were fricken serious, "ARE YOU KIDDING MY A BLOODY PUDDLE IN THE MIDDLE OF FREAKING PATH WHEN IT HASN'T RAINED IM A FEW FUCK'N WEEKS! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOUR BRAINS? A KID COULD HAVE FIGURED IT OUT!" all my kids looked slightly ashamed and embarrassed, the enemy snickered, so I roundhouse kicked the tree right above their heads, effectively cutting the top off leaving nothing more then a stump. everyone was wide eyed, and when I punched the now stump right between their heads, making them gulp as my hand went deep into the wood, "I wouldn't exactly call it smart to laugh at my ninjas, if you haven't noticed, they are perfectly capable of kicking your asses, they just need to work on observation skills, and believe me I will make them work, and you have also just shortened your lives down to five minutes so I would say any last regrets now." I stood and backed up, kakashi gave me a questioning look, I dragged my finger across my neck, and then punched fist into my other palm, he just nodded. Tazuna scoffed "why would you bother making threats like that, I bet you couldn't even harm a fly, your nothing but a weak little girl," everyone, even the brothers looked at him dumbfounded, did he not see how I just kicked a tree and drilled a hole into it with my fist, the genin were remembering their training session with me and kakashi recalled his six hour hell. they all shuddered at the memory, tazuna being an idiot, doesn't notice, I let off my killer intent, and everyone freezes, I slowly turn to our client, "sorry kakashi but he's going down, and it seems like your death is prolonged" the last part I said to the brothers, kakashi grabbed tazuna and jumped away, dodging my attacks, which left huge craters in the ground and destroyed several trees when hit. then Sakura, Sauske, and Naruto, step in my way, I float above the ground, fist still raised, "maki-sensei please stop, we have to finish the mission, please?" naruto said, "he's right *shudder* sensei" speck agreed, "sensei if he pisses you off this much, can you at least wait till the mission is done... please?" everyone was deadpanning, then they grew shocked at the uchiha's words, kakashi was watching, with a shaking tazuna behind him, still need bing to get my anger out, I walked over to the demon brothers and plunged my hand into their chests, and ripped their hearts out and crushed them, I looked back to the bridge builder, with a cold stare, he his again "I'm not innocent, I'm not gentle, and I'm sure as hell not merciful, get on my bad side like that again, and you'll regret it, ask kakashi, what I mean, he knows" then I turn around and continue walking, leaving dazed genin, shocked jounin, and frightened client behind. nobody spoke while we walked, while everyone else got into the boat, I just casually strolled on top of the water, not caring. I still listened to their conversation though, kakashi said they might need to stop, tazuna guilt tripped, and we continue, when we continue, Naruto keeps throwing knives at the bushes, he can at least sense them, good job kid, but everyone else yells, when he does it again, I smell the faintest hint of blood, I smirk, kakashi yells duck but I jump, I land on this huge ass sworn with a guy with cow leg warmers on, he looks down on my team, kakashi introduces him as zabuza, demon of the mist, to which I give a quick laugh, he whirls around to see me standing behind him, he tries to kick me but I jump down to my team, "HAH! demon of the mist? I think not from now on I shall call you... Zabu-moo-moo"

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