《Back to You | ✓》9.
For a lot of people, Monday Blues were a common sentiment at the start of the week.
Some are fortunate and can't wait to get back to the grind, however some are not so enthusiastic about the idea and have to mentally prepare themselves for another mundane week.
Sebastian didn't belong to a specific set.
There were some days were he loved to come back to work and also days, usually after a weekend of drinking, where he dreaded it.
Today was one of those rotten Monday's and the reason for it was Mia.
After some days of turmoil, Mia had finally decided to accept the role of Sebastian's assistant whilst Sophie would be away. For her, it meant getting more experience, which may then result in something more fruitful. She also had Richard's word that he would help her out and she trusted him.
She despised the idea of seeing Sebastian on an everyday basis and being at his beck and call, yet if karma was a real concept, then in return, she hoped to win the lottery.
Mia was not the only one who was loathing the whole idea of working together.
Sebastian felt like he had the worst luck or possible it was fate dealing him a bad hand, since Mia was showing up in his life once more - the girl he thought was a ghost of the past.
Instead, she was back in his life. Back to haunt him.
When Richard had told Sebastian that he had found someone to temporarily replace Sophie, he was very excited. The moment he had received the call from her, that she was ready to accept his offer, Richard felt like dancing.
After having lunch with her, Richard's gut feeling about Mia had only gotten stronger. He had shared details of his little lunch with Harry was well, and the two men were eager to see how this would unfold - mirroring the excitement one would have at the countdown for the new year.
Sebastian was surprised that Richard had found someone so quickly after having barely spoken to him about it. However, when Richard mentioned Mia's name and gave him her folder, he froze.
It was her.
Mia Sareen, the desperate girl who threw herself at one of his friends and then caused a massive rift with his best mate, which had still not mended. One that nearly caused him to lose his place at university.
He thought she was gone from his life but now, he had to suffer working with her, for five days a week.
For him, it was a nightmare, only he didn't realise Mia felt the exact same way.
The weather seemed to match Sebastian's mood completely as he went into work on the miserable Monday morning. Dark grey clouds gloomed over the sky, threatening with an heavy downpour.
Sebastian walked into his office with a grumpy look on his face, one that morphed into surprise as he saw his office was already occupied by his three close friends, Blake, Diana and Roman.
"Hey, man."
Blake greeted Sebastian, a grin on his face as he saw confusion all over his friends' face.
Sebastian just stood at the doorway to his own office in confusion.
"What are you guys doing here?" He questioned, closing the door to the office and stepping towards his desk.
Diana, who was sat next to Roman, smiled.
"Can't old friends come to say hi?" She asked, an innocent look on her face - one that she couldn't hold for too long.
Diana was the only girl in their close-knit group of friends, which meant often getting teased by the others but she knew how to bite back. They knew not to mess with her but still did anyway just for the fun of it.
Sebastian and Blake had first met Diana at university, where Blake had tried to flirt with her, only to be harshly shot down. Somehow that encounter led to them becoming really good friends. Not long after they had met Roman too.
Diana was the kind of person who had a hard exterior but a soft heart. She could be caring one moment but a bitch the next second - only if you tested her.
Sebastian quirked up a brow at her words.
He knew the real reason probably was that they didn't want to do the work that they had to and so like they had done many times before, out of boredom they came to Sebastian's office. His office had the best view.
"Not on a Monday morning," Sebastian grumbled, taking off his coat and sitting down at his desk.
"Ah come on, Seb. Don't be like that," Blake groaned, throwing the basketball he had in his hands, across the desk to Sebastian, who caught it immediately.
Blake and Sebastian had known each other since high-school and the two were very good friends, having also gone to the same university as well.
He was loudest person of the group, never holding back in his words or his laughter. Blake was a smart guy, only a little childish at times, often doing things for the fun of it.
Blake was also the heir to his family fortune, which they acquired by having their own winery. One wine bottle was worth more than the average person's rent for a month and this just made people crave it more for the exclusivity.
"Yeah, what's got your panties in a twist?" Roman questioned, seeing the foul mood that Sebastian was in.
Sebastian and Blake had met Roman in one of their classes as university. They were in a group together for a project and seemed to have hit it off with one another. They had similar interests, including sport. Roman was on the university's basketball team and since Sebastian and Blake liked to play as well, it became to bond together.
Unlike Blake, Roman was somewhat of a silent time. Not was brooding as Sebastian was, but just not outspoken. He didn't say many words to others, but with his friends, he was outspoken. Well, a little.
Sebastian turned to face Roman.
"You know how wrong the word panties seems coming out of your mouth?"
He threw the ball to Roman, who then caught it flawlessly, throwing it up in air and catching it once again.
"Not more wrong than it is coming out of yours," Blake snickered.
Sebastian glared at him. He couldn't handle Blake today, at least not in his current mood.
"What's wrong, Seb?" Diana asked, noticing that Sebastian seemed grumpy.
"Yeah, you seem more cheerier than usual," Blake commented sarcastically.
As Blake snickered at his own comment, Roman threw the ball at him. Not having anticipated it, the Blake didn't catch the ball, instead it hit his head, bouncing off of it and back to Roman.
Blake flipped him off, whilst Roman smirked.
"Fuck off," Sebastian grumbled.
"Nope," Blake replied cheerily.
Sebastian then sighed, knowing there was no way he was going to get rid of the three.
"I'm meeting my new assistant today," he revealed.
The idea of working with Mia in close proximity filled Sebastian with annoyance. His work, that he loved so much, was going to become a chore now, he was so sure of it.
"What's happening to Sophie?" Blake asked.
Sebastian answered his question with a deadpan expression unsure if he was actually serious.
This wasn't the first time that the three had come to his office and they had met Sophie on many occasions, including in the past months. How Blake didn't notice one very specific aspect about her appearance, was a mystery to Sebastian?
"She's pregnant, you idiot," Roman said.
Yet the confusion didn't leave Blake's face, not grasping why she would need a replacement just because she's pregnant.
"Maternity leave," Diana pointed out.
Blake finally nodded as he caught on.
He was a smart guy but occasionally he had his stupid moments as well.
"So who's the new one? More importantly, is she hot?" Blake asked, a twinkle within his blue eyes.
He resembled a kid in a candy store in that moment, excited at all the potential possibilities.
"Keep it in your pants, Blake." Roman told him.
"I try, but it's just too large." Blake replied, not being able to help himself.
"Perv," Diana muttered.
"Prude," Blake retorted.
Sebastian, growing more annoyed, smacked his palms down onto his desk.
"Do you mind? This is my office," he snapped, not in the mood for the childish behaviour and also feeling a headache coming on with his anger and frustration.
Blake saw the irritated expression on Sebastian's face, but once again, couldn't help himself.
"Oh sorry, Mr Bigshot." Blake replied, before giving him a cheeky grin.
Sebastian narrows his eyes at him.
Before Sebastian could kill him, Roman decided to intervene.
"What's the problem with having a new assistant?" He asked, getting back to the main issue at hand.
"It's Mia," Sebastian gritted out.
The three of them just looked lost.
"Mia?" Diana questioned, voicing the confusion for all three.
"Mia Sareen," Sebastian clarified and then looked at Blake. "From high school," he added, assuming that would jog Blake's memory.
"Aaron's sister? No shit," Blake replied in disbelief.
Blake was there during prom and witnessed everything that had happened between Sebastian and Mia. At the time, he was also on Victoria's side out of a sense of loyalty, like Sebastian.
He wasn't exactly the most stand up guy when it came to girls, even in high school, but Blake didn't condone cheating. His view was, just end the relationship before cheating.
At the time Blake couldn't even believe that it was Mia in the video, Aaron's little sister, trying to seduce Tucker. She always looked so innocent and geeky, but then you couldn't judge a book by its cover.
Although he did think Sebastian took things a little too far when he kissed Mia like that. He assumed that Mia was desperate but she was still Aaron's sister. What he didn't expect was for Aaron to then punch Sebastian.
It had also hurt Blake too, when Aaron had practically declared he was done with everyone because of the incident. Aaron severed his friendship with everyone for Mia.
"Uh, who is Mia?" Diana said in confusion, as Roman looked baffled as well.
"Just this nerdy chick from high-school," Blake responded.
"She was two years below us, but not so innocent as one would believe." Sebastian added.
"Oh, is this the desperate girl you told me about?" Roman then asked.
He remembered when the rumours spread in university and Sebastian had meeting with the Dean. It was then that Sebastian and Blake told him about the whole prom incident that led to them losing a friend, all because a girl was too hungry for some action.
"The very one," Blake confirmed.
"I can't believe my Dad hired her as my assistant," Sebastian groaned.
"Can't you say no?" Diana asked.
Diana had also been there when the boys spoke of the prom incident and at she couldn't believe the girl's actions either. She just didn't understand why someone would do that, it was too hard to believe for her.
"Not to Dad," Sebastian replied. "He's the one who chose Sophie, when I initially was against it. He probably think the same rule will apply to Mia and she'll be the new wonder-assistant."
Sebastian had already tried protesting but Richard was unaware of the past between them and just wanted Sebastian to give the girl a chance. He could never say no to his Dad for anything, he loved him too much, but just wished he hadn't chosen Mia for the role.
"Well, is she even qualified?" Diana asked.
"Barely," Sebastian snorted. He had her CV on his desk right now and he could see she wasn't. "She graduated in Business Studies and her only job had been in accounting in this company," he said.
"She works here?" Blake questioned, surprised by the new bit of information.
"For three years," Sebastian stated.
All three of his friends looked to him in surprise and Sebastian knew exactly what they were thinking.
"And you had no clue?" Roman asked.
"None," Sebastian said. "Harry occasionally mentioned a Mia, but I didn't know it was her, not till I saw her last time. I bumped into her twice last week and still didn't recognise her," he said, remembering their lift encounter and the meeting room.
How the hell didn't he recognise her? Was the first thought in his mind when he found out that she worked in the accounting department.
The first thing he did was find her ID picture on the system and then really didn't understand how he didn't recognise her. She hadn't changed that much but still she managed to work under his nose without being noticed.
"She doesn't look nerdy anymore does she?" Blake smirked.
He had an inkling on why Sebastian didn't recognise Mia. Blake knew that she must not look so 'nerdy' as she did before.
Back in high school, Mia was the 'stereotypical' image of a nerd. She always had hair up or in a plait, thick-framed glasses and a braces. She didn't speak up much in class but would always get the grades. She didn't have many friends but those that knew of her, mostly had good things to say.
Blake knew that the reason Sebastian didn't recognise her was probably because Mia looked way better now and he got distracted.
"She has the glasses, just minus the braces," Sebastian noted, remembering the big brown frames on Mia's face.
That was like a signature look of hers from high-school, he should've at least seen that, he thought.
"Wow," Blake breathed out. "I'm looking forward to seeing her," he then smirked.
He really wanted to meet Mia now. He was just interested to see how much she had changed, especially since he knew that Sebastian was distracted. Blake just wanted to see why.
"When is she coming in?" Diana asked.
"Today, in a few minutes actually," Sebastian said, glancing at his watch. "Sophie is showing her the ropes today and then in a couple of weeks she'll fully take over. I can't see her face here everyday. I just can't," he groaned.
Maybe she's changed?" Diana mused.
She trying to be a little positive to help improve Sebastian's mood.
"Come on, Di. Seb kissed her, she probably has an infatuation with him. Why else would she come to work here?" Blake said, killing the positive vibe Diana was trying to create.
Roman then looked to Sebastian in confusion.
"If she's barely qualified, how did she get a job in accounting?" he asked.
"Harry," was all Sebastian stated and the others understood.
"Probably manipulated him," Blake muttered.
"He's a soft hearted guy, doesn't take a lot to melt him. Besides, this girl knows how to act," Sebastian added on.
Diana shrugged. "Maybe she'll be different this time around."
The way she saw it, it's been years since high school and people could change. Not everyone stays the same, and Diana herself was a prime example of that.
"Doubt it," Blake replied.
Before they could get into any more debate about what kind of girl Mia was, or still is, Sophie's voice through the intercom interrupted them.
"Sebastian, Miss Sareen is here for you."
Sebastian let out a frustrated groan, before looking to his friends.
"Are you guys leaving or staying?"
Blake got up from his seat at the desk.
"Hell yes, I'm staying," he said and the desk and plopped himself down on the sofa next to Roman.
"Me too," Roman nodded.
"Di?" Sebastian asked her, since she hadn't responded, but then she also slowly nodded.
"I'm curious as well now."
"Fine," Sebastian replied and pressed down the button on the intercom. "Okay Soph, send her in."
"This should be interesting," Blake quipped and Sebastian couldn't help but agree.
Interesting indeed.
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Lil ko's heart
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