《Allah's Plan For You & Me》Benefits of Holy Qur'an Part (3)
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah, in their scroll of deeds will be written that they're a Hezboallah (Special people that are close to Allah (swt)."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah on Friday night, will be safe from any disasters until morning."
● Reading this Surah for properties that are stored in a warehouse, is beneficial and will keep them safe.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah next to a sick person, it will help make them calm and able to sleep. If they continue to read this Surah in their life, they'll be safe from any dangers.
● Having validity among people:
Whoever reads this Surah will have honor in people's eyes.
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah, Jannah, Hell, throne of Allah (swt), The seven Sky, The seven Earth, Air, winds, birds, trees, mountains, Sun, moon, and Angels will send their greetings to them and beg for forgiveness for them.
If they pass away on that day or night in which they read this Surah, they'll be counted as a Martyr."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads Surah Ar-Rahman and Surah Al-Hashr in the evening, Allah (swt) will send an Angel with a sword to protect them until morning."
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah before sleep and if they pass away during the night, they'll be counted as a Martyr."
● With the greatest name of Allah (swt) you'll be able to find the solution for most of your material and spiritual problems.
The Prophet (saw) said, "The greatest name of Allah (swt) lies within the last 6 Ayahs of Surah Al-Hashr."
He also said: "Whoever reads these Ayahs during day or night and passes away on the same day or the same night, Jannah will be obligatory for them."
● Whoever reads this Surah with pure intention for a sick person, they'll get well.
● Prophet (saw) said, "When you read the last 3 Ayahs of Surah Al-Hashr put your hand on your head, this is an order from Jebrail that was given to him by Allah (swt). This method is a cure for all illnesses except death."
● Whoever reads this Surah on Friday night, will be safe and secure from any disasters until morning.
● Whoever reads the last 3 Ayahs of this Surah, their past and future sins will be forgiven.
● Swelling of the legs: Imam Baqir (as) said, "Whenever an area of your leg gets swollen, read the last Ayahs of Surah Al-Hashr 3 times for that area and with the help of Allah (swt), it'll get well."
● Imam Zayn al-Abidin (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah in their daily and other prayers, Allah (swt) will prepare their heart for belief, make their eyes luminous, they'll never become poor/needy and their children will be safe from insanity."
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah, Angels will send their greetings to them and beg for forgiveness for them, If they pass away on that day, they'll be counted as a Martyr and in the Judgement day, faithful Muslims will be their Intercessor."
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads this Surah, will be one of Prophet Isa's friends in the Judgement day."
● Whoever continues to read this Surah during their travels, Allah (swt) will keep them safe from dangers, thieves and bandits until they return back home."
● Imam Baqir (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah & always read it in their daily and other prayers, Allah (swt) will put them in the same queue as Angels and Divine Prophets (as)."
● Whoever reads Surah Al-Jum'ah every Friday night, this Surah will become the atonement for their sins until the next Friday.
● Imam Baqir (as) said, "Read Surah Al-Jum'ah & Al-Munafiqun especially on Friday in your morning, noon, and afternoon prayers as its a sunnah."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Its necessary and beneficial for any believers to read Surah Al-Jum'ah and Surah Al-A'la every Friday night and especially in their Friday noon prayer.
Also In their prayers read Surah Al-Munafiqun and Al-Jum'ah.
If they do this, it's equal to having done the same good deed as Prophet (saw) and the reward of their good deed will be Jannah."
● Whoever reads this Surah every day and night, will be safe from anything they fear and frightening things will be away from them.
● Whoever continues to read this Surah in their life, will receive a big reward.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads Surah Al-Jum'ah everyday and every night in the morning and evening, will be safe from temptations caused by Shaytan and Allah (swt) will forgive their sins that were committed on that day."
● Prophet (saw) said,"Whoever reads this Surah will be safe from having doubts and hypocrisy towards their faith."
● Treatment of Abscesses: Whoever reads this Surah for abscesses and inner pains will get well. Inshallah!
● Treatment of sore eyes: Reading this Surah is recommended.
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads Surah At-Taghabun will be safe from sudden death."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads Surah At-Taghabun in their daily prayers, this Surah will become their intercessor in Judgement day and will not leave its reader until they enter Jannah."
● Imam Baqir (as) said, "Whoever reads Mosbehut Surahs ( Surahs that begin with the word Sabh (سبح) or Yasbh ( یسبح), While they are still alive they'll be able to understand Imam Mahdi (a.j) and when they pass away they'll be with Prophet (saw)."
● Whoever reads this Surah before coming face to face with a cruel governor they fear, they'll be safe and the governor won't be able to harm them.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads Surah At-Talaq and At-Tahrim in their prayers, In judgement day Allah (swt) will protect them, they won't have any fears, sadness, and will be safe from falling in Hell fire, They'll also be granted the right to enter Jannah because of these two Surahs."
● Increase of livelihood: Read this Surah for 3 times.
● Another Experienced method for Increase of livelihood: You can begin on Friday or Thursday or Monday. However, Friday is better.
On the first day perform Ghusl ( it's called ghusl of need/ wish).
Then perform 2 raka'at. Once you finished say Salawat for 100 times.
Then for 40 days, every day recite Ayah 2-3 of this Surah for 159 times. it's better to do it after morning prayer.
On the Fortieth day Read this Ayah for 179 times and say Salavat for 100 times.
Don't doubt this and don't be hopeless.
If you don't get what you wish for after doing this for once, then do it again and inshallah your wish will be granted.
● Another way: Continuously read Ayah 2-3 of this Surah. All the closed doors will open for you and you'll get what you need.
● For Plight:
For a week, every night after A'sha prayer perform 2 raka'at. In the first raka'at, after Surah Al-Fatiha say Ayah 2-3: «من یتق الله» of Surah At-Talaq for 25 times.
● This Aya of Surah At-Talaq: «من یتق الله...» is the most promising Ayah of Quran karim that makes the heart of its reciter bright and full of hope.
Prophet (saw) said, "I know an Ayah in Quran Karim that if all humans read it for their problems, it will be enough for them." Then he read this Ayah for 3 times.
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads Surah At-Tahrim will be able to successfully do Taubah Nasuh and not return to sinning."
Taubah Nasuh: A pure repentance from bottom of your heart in which you truly regret the sins you've committed, Verbally admitting to your sins and saying I seek forgiveness from Allah (swt) and not committing those sins anymore and planning on staying away from them in future.
Also being afraid that your sins might not be forgiven.
Note: Of course Allah (swt) is forgiving, kind and will accept your repentance. However, some people take it too far and have a way too many high hopes. They aren't serious and continue to sin and hope for it to be forgiven.
On the other hand being hopeful that Allah (swt) will accept your repentance and Continually obeying Allah's orders/ commands.
Thinking about your sins; you keep seeing the sins you've committed in front of your eyes and feeling ashamed about it.
You must also return people's property back to them if you had taken it from them.
You should ask innocent people whom you've hurt in the past to forgive you. This is called Taubah Nasuh= Pure/true Repentance.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah and send its rewards for Muslims who passed away, it will reach them as quick as the speed of light and the severe punishments they might be going through will lessen."
● Treatment of Snake bite:
Whoever reads this Surah for a person who's got bitten by a snake, the poison will not move in their body, it will become ineffective and they'll get well. Inshallah!
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "For extreme anxiety, read this Surah as it will calm you down.
If you recite this Surah for an epileptic person they'll get conscious. If you read this Surah for someone with Insomnia, it'll help them sleep."
● Paying debts: Imam Sadiq (as) said, "If a debtor continuously read this Surah in their life, they'll be able to pay all of their debts." Inshallah.
● Whoever reads this Surah, will not go through punishments of the grave.
● This Surah is going to become a companion in the grave of those who memorise it. It'll help its reader to stay safe from any dangers/punishments with the help of Allah (swt).
This Surah will help them get close to Allah (swt) and will also help them to enter Jannah.
● Prophet (saw) said, "I like this Surah, to be in every Muslim's heart.
This Surah will beg for forgiveness for its reader and will also help them in the judgement day."
● Prophet (saw) used to read this Surah every night before sleep.
● Surah Al-Mulk will become a barrier between its reader and punishment.
● This Surah is also written in the Holy book of Torah.
● Whoever reads this Surah at night, is like they've done a very good and pure deed.
● Imam Baqir (as) said, "I read this Surah after A'sha prayer. My father Imam Zain al-Abidin (as) used to read this Surah every day and night.
When a person who had continuously read this Surah in their life passes away & when the time of questioning comes for them, the two Angels Nakir and Munkar are going to try and enter their grave.
When they're about to enter their grave from below, their feet will say to the Angels, "You cannot go further because this servant of Allah (swt) used us to stand and recite Surah Al-Mulk every day and night."
If the Angels try to enter from above their abdomen and their chest, they'll say to the Angels, "You cannot go further because this servant of Allah (swt) has placed Surah Al-Mulk in their heart."
If the Angels try to enter from above their head, their tongue will speak and say, "You cannot go further down because this Servant of Allah (swt) used me to read Surah Al-Mulk every day and night."
● Whoever reads this Surah in their daily prayers or before their prayers, will be protected until they enter Jannah.
● Whoever reads this Surah before sleep, Allah (swt) will write 30 Hasanat in their report of deeds and erase 30 sins.
Two Angels will open and spread their wings on them and keep them safe from shayateens and any disasters until they wake up.
● Prophet (saw) said, "Surah Al-Mulk pleads so much for its reader until they're forgiven."
● Reciting Quran Karim with the intention of sending its hasanah for Muslims who have passed away is really good & reading Surah Al-Mulk for this purpose is great as it will reach deceased Muslims and help lessen their punishments (If they're going through it.)
● Toothache: Prophet (saw) said, "Anyone who have toothache should place their finger on the exact tooth that hurts and for 7 times read Ayah 23 of Surah Al-Mulk."
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads Surah Al-Qalam, Allah (swt) will grant them Hasanats that belongs to Good-Tempered people."
(There are many hadiths in Islam that talks about the importance of being good-tempered and the benefits that it has.)
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah in their daily or other prayers, will never become poor and their grave will not be dark."
● Whoever reads this Surah, Allah (swt) will help their calculation time to not be difficult.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Read this Surah a lot and especially in your daily and other prayers as it's a sign of having faith towards Allah (swt) and Prophet Muhammad (saw)."
● This Surah is also about Imam Ali (as) and Muawiyah.
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads 11 Ayahs of Surah Al-Haqqah, Allah (swt) will keep them safe from the fitnah of Dajjal and if they read the entire Surah, their body will get covered in light from head to toe."
● Prophet (saw) said, "Whoever reads Surah Al-Ma'arij, Allah (swt) will grant them the Hasanat that belongs to trustees and those who continue to do their prayers."
(People who care for their prayers and never want to miss any of them).
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads Surah Al-Ma'arij a lot, Allah (swt) will not question them about their sins in Judgement day and will place them close to Prophet Muhammad (saw) and his Ahlulbayt (as)."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever reads this Surah at night will not have nocturnal emission during their sleep and will also be protected the entire night until morning."
● Prophet (saw) said, "If anyone who's in prison or captured reads this Surah, it'll help solve their problem and they'll be safe until they get back to their family."
● Needs/Wishes: Whoever continues to read this Surah everyday and night, their wishes will be granted. Inshallah.
● Imam Sadiq (as) said,"Whoever that has faith in Allah (swt) and Qur'an must never abandon Surah Nuh."
● Whoever reads this Surah in their daily and other prayers while having hope in divine rewards and being patient in the path of Allah (swt),
Allah (swt) will grant them three Jannah and let them marry a Huria.
● Prophet (saw) said,"The prayer of Prophet Nuh (as) will reach those who read this Surah."
His prayer: "My Lord! Forgive me and my parents and him who entereth my house believing, and believing men and believing women, and increase not the wrong-doers in aught save ruin."
● Imam Jawad (as) said to one of his followers, to continue reading this Surah in order to get rid of his financial difficulties.
● Whoever continues to read this Surah every day and night, then pray for something they need, their prayers will be accepted. Inshallah!
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Whoever continues to read this Surah in their life, will be able to see their place in Jannah before their death. If they read this Surah when they have a wish, it'll be granted."
● For childbearing: Imam Baqir (as) said, "If you want to have a child,
for 3 days after your morning and A'sha prayer: For 70 times say Subhanallah then For 70 times say Astaghfirullah
Then read Ayah 10-12 of Surah Nuh.
On the third night sleep with your wife, Allah (swt) will grant you a child."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said,"Whoever reads this Surah a lot will not get hurt by jinns, evil eye and sihr will not be able to affect them. They'll also be able to join Prophet (saw)."
● Imam Sadiq (as) said, "Reading Surah Al-Jinn will make shayateen run away from the place where it's being read.
If someone is forced to meet a cruel governor and are scared, should read this Surah."
● For getting rid of confusion, reading this Surah has been recommended.
● Whoever continues to read this Surah in their life, Allah (swt) will help them to find a way to solve their big problems.
● Whoever continually reads this Surah in their life will be able to see Prophet (saw) in their dream and whatever they want will be given to them.
● Paying debts: If a debtor reads
this Surah with the intention of paying their debt in mind/heart they'll be able to pay their debt. If a sad and sorrowful person reads this Surah, their sadness will turn to happiness.
● Whoever reads this Surah for a captive, they'll be able to gain back their freedom.
● Reading this Surah, helps getting rid of your difficulties in this world and Hereafter.
● Whoever Continuously reads this Surah will be able to see Prophet (saw) in their dream and ask him anything they want.
● Whoever reads this Surah for 100 times on Friday night, Allah (swt) will forgive 100 of their sins and grant them 1000 hasanats.
● Read this Surah in your A'sha prayer late at night and during Day/night as this Surah will be present in judgement day as a witness who will testify in favour of its reciter.
● If anyone who has lost something, for 10 days, everyday read this Surah once, with the help of Allah (swt) they'll be able to find what they've lost.
● For Childbearing: If a couple don't have any children, at the time of Eftar read Surah Al-Muzzammil for a glass of water and both drink from it. They'll be able to have a child. Inshallah!
● Paying debt: Continuously read this Surah after every daily prayers.
● Increase of livelihood: If anyone has financial difficulties, they should read this Surah once everyday until they reach 40 days.
● For needs/ wishes: For 11 days after your morning prayers read this Surah for 11 times, and after that recite this dua for 11 times:
«یا مُسَبّبْ سَبّب یا مُفَتّح فَتّح یا مُفَرّجْ فَرِّجْ یا مدبر دبر، یا مسهل سهل، یا میسر یسر، یا متمم تمم، برحمتك یا ارحم الراحمین.»
● For getting rid of sadness, read Surah Nuh and Al-Muzzammil.
● Reading this Surah makes your soul more subtle and your thoughts clear.
● For becoming wealthy and getting rid of poverty, read Surah Al-Muzzammil everyday.
● Whoever reads this Surah in their daily prayers, will be Prophet (saw)'s companion and won't go through misery and difficulties in their life.
● For memorizing Quran Karim, continuously read this Surah in your life.
● Whoever reads Surah Al-Qiyamah, Prophet (saw) and Jibreel will testify in Judgement day that they had faith in Qiyamah.
They'll rise in Judgement day with a face so luminous that surpasses other creatures Allah (swt) has created.
● Whoever continually reads this Surah in their life, in judgement day, their face will be bright and full of laughter until they cross the bridge of Siraat.
They'll also rise from their grave at the same time with Prophet (saw).
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