《LGBTQIAP+ Milestones: Book 1》Still Unsure




Have you ever had that experience where you keep telling yourself you're straight throughout childhood and then one day something inside sets you off?

I've been in the "set off" period for at least two years. I have aesthetic attraction to any gender, and that's why I thought at first I was bi. But only two years ago, I discovered more of that part of me: I figured that it's very rare for me to experience attraction for people in real life. Also, I prefer a romantic aspect. Sex seems boring and scary, so that's a reason why I'm not in a relationship.

Many guys have asked me out, and it immediately turns me off. There's one guy at this group I go to, and he makes it very obvious that he likes me. He's asked me out twice, and the second time it was a pity ask. Yes, I understand that he's got Down Syndrome, but I still wouldn't date him out of pity. Besides, I'm too busy with my fictional husbands.

Marth, Ike and Phoenix Wright really rock my socks off, even if I can't physically touch them. They're the only guys I would gladly say yes to.

As for gender, the more I think about it, the less clear it is to me. I have no trouble being called a girl, but somehow in my mind, it doesn't quite fit. I have the appearance of a typical girl, but I don't think that's what I'd call myself.

Either way, I may or may not figure it out anytime soon.

I always have Karu (from my book Gulva) to look up to. I don't think he's figured out his precise gender either, but he's a fellow ace and I can stand by it.

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