《LGBTQIAP+ Milestones: Book 1》Wattpad LGBTQ+ community profile's first birthday




Today (June 2, 2016) is a very special day: it's our very first birthday!

Exactly one year ago the Wattpad LGBTQ+ community profile launched in honour of Pride Month.

We started off so small, with our rainbow banner, scarcely filled reading lists, and a contest about what LGBT meant to you.

Now, one year later, we look back with pride.

We've had several great contests with entries that touched many hearts and souls.

Our reading lists have grown with wonderful stories, and will only continue to grow.

Earlier this year, the LGBTQ+ Book of the Month initiative was launched. We delight in reading every suggestion we receive in our inbox--and reading the comments left on the book itself.

Our profile wall is filled with positive comments; people coming out, seeking advice, looking for friends, or simply sharing their love for the community.

We are extremely pleased to see how the LGBTQ+ profile has grown. Over fifty thousand people currently follow us! We can only imagine how huge the actual LGBTQ+ reader and writer community is on Wattpad.

We hope the community will continue to grow and share their love and positivity with everyone else here on Wattpad.

We love you all.

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