《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Twenty-Six - The Demon King's Gift


The Demon King's Gift

Victoria scowled across the chessboard and mumbled under her breath as Jasper took her rook with his queen.

The spectral demon raised one dark eyebrow and grinned. "What was that?"

"You're cheating," she grumbled, taking one of his pawns with her queen.

He chuckled, "Are you sure you want to make that move?"

"What?" She eyed the board and nearly smacked herself over the forehead. She'd just lined her queen up to be taken by his knight. "I take that back!" She hastily moved her queen back and shifted her rook instead towards his king. "Hah, check!"

Jasper rubbed a hand over his chin and assessed the board. Victoria hated to admit it but he was good, really good, at chess. She watched him impatiently, his amber eyes narrowed in thought.

They sat in the great room, a warm fire burning in the large fireplace. Nicholas watched them from the couch, drinking scotch and smoking a cigar. As usual he was in all black, his long jacket and black slacks gave him an air of mystery and danger. Although he rarely talked about himself, Victoria was beginning to catch on that there was a lot more to Nicholas than met the eye.

Jasper rubbed a hand though his hair and moved his knight. "Check mate."

"What!" Victoria gasped, staring down at the board. "No way!"

Jasper laughed. "Would you like to try again?"

Victoria crossed her arms over her chest and feigned anger. "Not if you're going to keep on cheating!"

"My dear halfling, I would never cheat a lady." Jasper wagged his eyebrows suggestively. Victoria blushed, wondering if he had taken some cues from Nicholas.

"Don't believe him," Nicholas warned her teasingly. "Jasper would definitely cheat a lady."

"As if you're one to talk," Jasper replied curtly. "I happen to know you do far worse."

Nicholas smiled knowingly. "Only with their consent."

Rolling his eyes Jasper shook his head. Victoria giggled.

Sebastian entered the great room suddenly, glancing around at everyone with a frown. Victoria felt her heart skip at the sight of him. Lately, he'd taken to wearing expensive clothes, dressing in finely tailored dress shirts and slacks. He looked so hot and fearsome all at once Victoria had to resist the urge to fan herself.

The past few days with him had been amazing. Sleeping with him alone was bliss. She'd grown so accustomed to his warm body protectively wrapped around her own she didn't think she could ever sleep without him.

And the pleasure...She felt a shiver run up her spine.

Sebastian pleased her often, using his mouth and hands to drive her mad. At times it was so intense she sobbed and pleaded for him to stop. But he never did, he was relentless, always taking her to the edge and sending her crashing.

Never once had he lost control but there had been some close calls. The shower had been all but demolished by his horns and there were always deep gouges in the headboard or wall after he pleasured her. They now kept a witch on staff full time to repair the damage.

Although, they hadn't had sex yet she knew it was going to happen soon. Hell, she begged him enough for it. She was aching to have him fill her and didn't hide that fact.

Judging by the burning in Sebastian's eyes it would be happening sooner rather than later. The demon was always on edge, his demon within wanted her and she knew the man did too.


"You found Bane?" Sebastian snapped at Nicholas.

Nicholas nodded. "I did."

Sebastian threw up his hands in frustration. "And?"

Nicholas lips twitched. "He's managed to become a witch's familiar."

Victoria and Jasper both gawked.

"You're kidding," Sebastian said. "He's a Chevalier. How did that happen?"

"Apparently she was attempting to summon her familiar...for the third time...and it backfired." Nicholas chuckled and shrugged.

Sebastian began to pace, rubbing one of his horns. "This is just fucking great. We need him here."

"He is loath to leave her. He worries for her safety. And with the familiar bond he can't be away from her for long periods. It would drive him mad."

"Then he can bring her here," Sebastian stated firmly.

"The witch is being difficult. She has a thing against demons."

"Damn it, we are going to war Nicholas. He is my first general. This is inexcusable," Sebastian nearly shouted.

Victoria sighed. Lately it had been controlled chaos at the castle. After the ghoul attack Sebastian announced he was aligning with the Ascended. Charles had been ecstatic. Not only did they have the Demon King on their side but they just scored a strategic genius.

Ready to lead once more Sebastian strived to bring the demon clans back to order. Over the centuries some of the clans had begun to war among themselves, others had joined the Legion. Clan leaders had been in and out of the castle constantly as he worked to rebuild loyalties.

War against the demon lord Ivan was imminent.

"If you have to drag the damn witch by her fucking hair make it happen," Sebastian snarled.

Victoria winced. She could tell her demon was on the edge of another rage. Standing she went to him, placing her hand over his chest. He stiffened, glancing down at her. Then he dragged in a deep breath, his eyes becoming more focused.

"Just get him here," he ordered. Then he tugged on Victoria's hand. "I have something for you."

She grinned. "Another present?" He gave them to her often.

He nodded. "Yes, but this one is special."

With her interest peaked she let him lead her out of the great room and upstairs to their bedroom. Inside he sat in a chair by the fire, pulling her onto his lap. Desire was already curling in her stomach.

Reaching in his pocket he pulled out a rectangular wooden box. Her breath hitched. It was too big to be a ring, but still it made her heart stammer.

Handing it to her Sebastian said, "Open it."

Gnawing her lip she opened the box. A beautiful gold amulet gleamed up at her. It was slightly larger than a quarter with a dark blue sapphire at the center and tiny etchings intricately carved around the edge.

"I had this specially made for you," Sebastian told her. Tugging on a chain around his neck he pulled another amulet out from under his shirt collar. "It's a matching set."

"It's beautiful, Sebastian," she breathed.

Swallowing he said softly, "It's an Amulet of Teleportation."

Her brows knitted as she looked up at him. "What does that mean?"

He smirked. "Only a high level witch can make them, and they don't do it for just anyone. You can use it to teleport anywhere you wish."

Her eyes widened in surprise. "Sebastian..." She knew what this meant to him, how hard it was for him to give her this kind of freedom. She knew he feared she would leave and never come back.


I'll always come back to this demon.

"As long as you've been there before and visualize it in your mind the amulet will take you there instantly," he informed her.

"I can see my father?" she asked. She spoke to him often on the phone and she knew he was doing well, but she still missed him terribly.

"Yes." He shifted beneath her. "You can go anywhere you like. I only ask that you bring Jasper or Nicholas with you, so I know you're safe. Just until Shaw and the Legion are no longer a threat."

Oh Sebastian... Her eyes watered. "I love it."

Smiling softly he brushed a tear away with his claw. "You're pleased then?"

She nodded, her lower lip trembling. "This is the best gift I've ever been given."

"I've had another enchantment put on it as well..." he began nervously.

"What does it do?"

"As long as we're each wearing our amulets I can find you, no matter where you are. And you can find me. The amulets will always bring us together."

She clutched it to her chest, her heart aching. "Sebastian," she whispered brokenly.

"Does this please you?" he asked hesitantly.

"You have no idea. I'm so happy right now I think I could burst."

He relaxed. "Good."

"Bastian," she murmured.

He groaned. "The look you're giving me, little female."

Slipping the amulet over her head she kissed his cheek, then his lips. "Please. I want you. All of you."

"Victoria," he choked. "You're driving me mad."

She reached up, unbuttoning his shirt. "I can't help it. I want you all the time." Opening his shirt she ran her hands open palmed up his hard chest.

"Victoria," he moaned roughly, pressing his face against her neck. He breathed her in deeply before lapping at her skin.

She shivered at the hot feel of his tongue. That urge to be marked by his fangs surged forward again. Whimpering she almost begged him too. Why did she want his bite so badly?

Instead he raised his head, looking down at her as he pressed one of his claws to the front of her dress. With a swift slash he sliced through the thin fabric. Victoria gasped but didn't pull away as he shoved the tattered garment off her shoulders. Her bra and panties quickly followed, baring her to his heated gaze.

"You're so beautiful," he murmured, running a claw gently over the tops of her breasts. He circled around one taut peak and she whimpered. "You like it when I touch you here?" he asked roughly.

She nodded. "Yes." Her voice sounded throaty even to her.

He smirked. "You like my tongue on your skin too, don't you?"

She blushed but didn't deny it. "Yes."

He wrapped his arm around her waist, raising her up until her breasts were level with his mouth. Those golden eyes watched her as he flicked out his tongue, running it along one of the stiff peaks.

"Bastian!" She jerked, arching her back. He groaned in response, licking and suckling at the aching nipple while his hand cupped and squeezed her other breast.

"You like this, yes?" he asked, flicking his tongue over her other nipple.

"Yes!" she all but shouted, digging her hands into his hair.

One of his hands ran down her stomach. He tapped her thigh with the tip of a claw. "Open your pretty thighs for me, love."

Desire shot through her at the command, wetness pooling between her legs. Shaking with need she slowly opened her thighs.

"That's my female," he praised her, that rough voice sending shivers down her spine. His large hand slipped between her legs, cupping her sex. "I bet you ache here don't you?"

Oh god, she did! With a whimper she nodded. Sebastian pressed harder, rubbing his rough palm against the swollen point of her sex. Her hips surged forward into the touch.

"Spread your legs wider." With a moan she complied, leaning back to give him better access. One of his claws slipped between her wet folds, dipping into her opening.

"Oh!" She thrust against his claw, wanting it deeper. She needed more.

He chuckled, withdrawing his finger. "Do you feel empty? I'm going to fill you, right here." His claw dipped in again, gently stroking around her opening. "I'll be so deep inside you female, giving it to you just like you want it."

"The way you talk," she gasped. He was driving her to the edge with just his words alone.

"Mmm..." he rumbled, nuzzling her neck. "You like the way I talk to you?"

"Yes," she said on a moan.

"Do you even realize what you're doing, Victoria?" He leaned back and watched her, his eyes glowing with lust. "You're riding my hand like a little wanton."

Victoria gasped as she realized he was right. But she couldn't stop. It just felt so good. The pleasure was building and building. "I...Ngh!"

"You're going to come just from this?"

"Yes!" she screamed, the pleasure exploding. Her back bowed as she thrust against his hand, ridding out an orgasm that rocked her very core.


Sebastian watched his female come with heavy-lidded eyes. She rode his hand, giving herself pleasure. His need for her was painful, his hard shaft pressed against her ass as she moved on top of him.

The demon within was clawing against the cage. This time he would refuse it. This time Victoria was all his. He was finally in control.

When her shudders ceased he suckled at her neck. Both his cock and fangs were aching for her. What would Victoria do if he spoke the words to bind her to him and sank his fangs into her right now?

Can't make her mine yet.

Clenching his teeth he gripped her hips and readjusted her on his lap, facing her towards him and straddling his thighs.

"Sebastian?" She made that sweet whimpering noise that drove him wild.

"I need to be inside you, Victoria," he rasped, reaching between them to release his cock from his jeans. "You can ride me, take me as you want."

"I don't know how..." She blushed furiously, brown eyes looking up at him from under her long dark lashes.

Fuck, but she was driving him mad with lust!

"I'll teach you," he managed around a groan. She was so sweet, so perfect. The realization that he was the only male ever to be inside her nearly had him spilling his seed on the spot. She was his. "I'm going to fuck you so hard," he grated roughly.

Gripping his erection in his hand he stroked the engorged head between her silken folds. Her eyes slid shut as she gave a little moan, rocking over his shaft. He pressed against her opening, the need to thrust and bury himself in her tight heat nearly impossible to resist.

Shaking with the effort not too he gripped her hips. "Take me in," he ordered, pressing her hips down.

Victoria bit her lip, resting her hands over his shoulders as she slowly lowered over his pulsing shaft. Sebastian bit out a groan, gritting his teeth as her tight wet sheath enclosed his cock. She stopped, with only the engorged head inside and shuddered.

"Does it feel good?" she asked.

"Very good. Take me as deep as you want me." He flexed his claws over her hips but remained still, letting her take him at her leisure.

She rose up slightly and then sank back down, taking more of his throbbing shaft. He growled low, struggling not to move.

"Feels so good." She panted over him, clutching at his skin. She rose up again before slamming back down, nearly taking all of him inside her.

"Fuck, Victoria!" he bellowed with pleasure as her tight body clenched around him.

She stilled. "Sebastian?"

"I need you to move, love. Just like that," he commanded. Her hot heat was all around him, teasing him. He needed to be buried inside her, to feel her moving over him.

He'd reached his limit.

Gripping her hips tighter he maneuvered them up and down, guiding her over his thick shaft. His hips bucked before he could stop the urge, slamming his cock even deeper. She cried out, throwing her head back.

"Did you like that?" He thrust again and was rewarded by a deep moan.

"Yes, harder. Please," she begged him, riding over his shaft. "Harder, Bastian!"

Fuck, hot little thing. Groaning he wrapped his arms around her back, anchoring her to him. Then he bucked his hips, fucking her the way she needed him too, deep and hard.

Her sweet moans filled the room as he moved inside her. He needed release so badly but he wanted his female to come again, wanted to be buried inside her when she did.

"I'm losing it," he warned her. "Need you to come for me, little one. Let me feel it."

She cried out, and then threw her head back on a silent scream as her body came around him.

"Yes! That's it." He slammed inside her harder, ridding out her orgasm. She bucked on top of him, taking him as deep as he could go.

"Sebastian, I'm going too...again." She gasped and stiffened, dropping her head to his chest as she came again with hard shudders.

It was too much. He surged inside her one last time, burying himself deep and shouting as he released jet after jet inside her tight body.

When their orgasms finally ceased Victoria collapsed against him, breathing hard and trembling. He wrapped his arms around her, burying his face against her neck.

Should have marked her again. Next time he would. His shaft was still hard inside her, demanding more. He would never have enough of her.

It struck him in that moment that he was completely in love with this woman.

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