《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Seventeen - Face of the Demon King


Face of the Demon King

Victoria held back tears. Her body was still in pain but the discomfort was rapidly vanishing. She could already feel the bite on her lip healing.

The physical pain wasn't the reason her eyes welled with sadness, it was because her demon was suffering.

Victoria couldn't deny she was disappointed. Sebastian had given her so much pleasure; she would have done anything for more. She also knew he fought his inner demon each time he was with her, and that it had only been a matter of time before he lost control. That wasn't his fault. He couldn't refute his inner demon. Even after her short time with him she could see that. If only she could make him understand that as well.

"You're not a monster, Sebastian-"

"Enough!" he bellowed. With a snarl he smashed his fist into a side table. She heard it shatter, crushed into pieces. She jumped but still didn't back away from him. "After all I've done how can you not see it?"

"Please, just listen to me."

"No!" A dark hand slashed through the air. "We can't do this. I can't do this. All I do is hurt you." He paced before her, his big shadow moving with jerky steps. "This was a mistake. I never should have brought you here."

His words were a knife in her heart. What did that mean? Was he turning her away? Was he done with her? "Sebastian, please. It's alright."

"Stop!" he all but shouted. "How can you constantly deny what I am?" His shadow stalked to a light switch. "You don't believe me a monster, Victoria, then I'll show you!"

Light flooded the room, blinding her. She winced against the glare, spots in her eyes. She blinked rapidly, clearing them away. As her vision focused once more Victoria heard her own gasp, her eyes widening at the sight before her.

Sebastian's massive chest was heaving, his body quaking with fury. Straight black hair hung to his shoulders, strands falling over his eyes and face. His skin was a deep blue, darker around his golden eyes. It made him look sinister and dangerous. Black horns protruded from the side of his head, curving forward and tapering into deadly points beside his temples. His dark claws glinted in the light, already regenerating.

His lips curled back into a snarl, revealing sharp fangs. "Do you see it now?"

Unconsciously she stepped back, not terrified of his form but of the look on his face. His eyes were murderous. "Sebastian..."

"Now you see it, don't you?" he laughed, the sound cold and harsh. "Go on, little one, quake with fear. Fall before my feet, beg for your life."

"Stop," her voice trembled.

Reaching out he snatched up her laptop and hurled it across the room. It smashed into the television, glass shattering to the stone floor.

"Sebastian, stop!"

"Now you fear me!" he roared, smashing sharp claws through a chair.

Jasper appeared suddenly, grabbing Victoria and pulling her behind him. "You've gone too far, sire!" he shouted.

"How dare you interfere." Sebastian moved forward in a flash, his claws ripping down Jasper's chest.

Jasper grunted, gripping at the wound, blood spilling to the floor. "Fuck, that hurt."

"Jasper!" She grabbed his shoulders. "Why didn't you turn?" Immediately it struck her that Jasper had taken the hit on purpose, if he'd been incorporeal Sebastian's claws could have gone right through him and struck her instead. "Sebastian, what have you done?"


Sebastian took a step back, as if shocked he'd actually landed a blow, before his face turned murderous once more. "Move aside, Victoria!" he bellowed.

"No!" she shouted, standing over Jasper protectively. She knew it was foolish. Jasper could easily save himself, but she couldn't help it.

"Arg! You protect him!" Sebastian's claws racked down the wall, leaving deep gashes. "You fool, move aside!"

"Victoria," Jasper murmured, shaking his head in warning.

"Just stop, Sebastian! You're acting like-" she stopped herself, sucking in a breath.

"Like what?" Sebastian roared. "Say it, Victoria!" Picking up a chair he tossed it against the wall. His eyes were glowing bright, full of anger. Her demon was truly lost.

For the first time she felt truly afraid of him. She shook her head, staring at Sebastian in horror. Then she ran.

Jasper called out, "Victoria, no, don't run!"

Victoria ignored him, bolting from the room, leaving the vicious demon behind her. She ran faster than she ever had in her life, the castle walls a blur. Reaching a set of stairs she sprinted down them, then another, skidding across the stone floor as she entered the main hall.

She didn't stop, yanking open one of the heavy doors and dashing out into the harsh snow. Her bare feet pounded as she sprinted through the castle gates, not knowing where she was going. She had to get away, away from that horrible place and the cursed demon within.

The cold air attacked her bare skin. Her feet dragged in the snow, slowing her movements. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. The snow fell heavy, blocking her vision. Dressed only in her nightgown she had nothing to protect her from the elements. Still she ran on, reaching the forest.

She jumped as she heard a howl from behind her and tried to run faster, stumbling in the deep snow.

Sebastian was coming for her!

Forcing herself to move she pushed her body further than she ever had before, practically clawing her way through the snow. She knew the demon was furious with her, had seen the rage in his eyes. Squinting through the falling snow she tried to catch her bearings. She could hardly see a foot in front of her.

A violent roar startled her. She dashed to the right and let out a scream as the ground dropped out from underneath her feet. She slid and rolled down a steep incline, landing in a heap at the bottom of a ravine. Dazed, Victoria stumbled to her feet, clutching her head as she tried to shake off the fall.

Something moved to her left. She jerked, expecting to see the demon lunging for her. Instead a black beast stared her down from the top of the ravine with glowing red eyes. Victoria's eyes widened in fear and she took a timid step back. Its big body was shaped like a wolf but it was hairless. She recognized the creature from her books.

A hellhound. Another one appeared, and then another, emerging from the snow like ghosts.

I'm surrounded!

Without even thinking she screamed for Sebastian and ran. The hounds howled and descended upon her, moving quickly over the snow. Victoria scrambled to find footing, her feet slipping out from under her. She fell to her knees, turning her head just as one of the beasts lunged for her throat.


Sebastian roared viciously, tearing over the snow as he hunted Victoria down. He caught her scent, soft and sweet. She was close!

He couldn't get the vision of absolute horror on her beautiful face out of his head. It had torn at his very soul. And she had run from him! It was a foolish move on her part, his demon loved the chase. He would hunt her down and claim her as his.


Her scent grew stronger and he bellowed in satisfaction. He almost had her. He would find her, pin that little body into the snow and fuck her to completion. He'd bury his fangs into her soft flesh, marking her as his forever.

Howls resounded through the forest. Sebastian slid to a halt, sniffing into the wind. His skin pricked, another pack of hellhounds. A shot of dread spiked through him as Victoria screamed.

She screamed his name. She was screaming for him!

He flooded with murderous rage. Barreling towards her scent and lunging from the top of a ravine, straight into a pack of hounds. With a violent growl he slashed his claws, snagging a beast mid-air as it dove for Victoria's neck, ripping it aside.

The creatures attacked him in force. He snarled, ripping and biting through the pack. Through his fury and desire to protect he barely felt their claws and teeth sink into his flesh. He fought them off violently, turning them all to ash.

He roared his victory into the sky. Blood covered his body, slashes and bite marks marring his skin. Ignoring his wounds he turned towards his prize.

Victoria half lay in the snow, looking up at him with brown eyes wide in terror. He just saved her life and still she feared him!

Shaking with fury and desire he stalked towards her. "You!"


He stopped short as she bolted to her feet and ran towards him, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into his chest. He stood frozen with shock, his bloodied claws half raised in the air.

"I was scared," she whispered into his chest.

Desire rocked him, nearly uncontrollable. The demon within demanded he claim his prize. His cock hardened despite his injuries, pulsing against her.

She didn't move away from him, instead her hands clutched at him, pulling him closer.

"You screamed for me," he choked the words as desire and an emotion far stronger waged war inside him. "What happened, I didn't mean to...my demon..."

She stared up at him, wide eyed. "I know. Jasper?"

"He'll be fine. It would take much more than that to bring him down. Victoria, I need..." he broke off, his body shaking with his efforts to remain in control.

"It's alright," she murmured against him. Reaching up she kissed his cheek. "I want you too."


Grabbing her with his bloody hands he shoved her to the ground. She didn't try to fight him as he gripped her hips and flipped her onto her hands and knees. Even though he'd had her not moments ago he was already starved for her.

He barely registered as his claws tore aside her nightgown and panties until she was bare to his gaze. His desire rocketed at the sight of her glistening folds. He shoved her thighs apart, freeing his hard shaft.

"Victoria," he managed to groan her name before he slammed home, burying himself nearly completely inside her on the first thrust. Her tight sheath clenched around his cock. He withdrew and thrust again, his eyes rolling back into his head as he sank even further into her sweet body.

She whimpered underneath him, the sound stilling his movements.

I'm hurting her. Not again, get in control!

With more strength than he ever believed he could possess he willed his grip on her hips to lessen. He pulled out slowly, growling low as he strained not to fuck her tight body as rough and hard as he could.

Gritting his teeth he rocked his hips gently. After a moment she relaxed, her breathing even. "Better?" he managed to ask.

"Yes," she murmured, her head bowing into the snow. Relief washed over him as he moved. He would not hurt her further if it fucking killed him. His hands ran over her back and hair before gripping her hips once more, lifting her higher to him, the better to meet his thrusts.

She made a soft sound and he paused with worry. "Female?"

"That felt good," she moaned. "Please, keep going."

He nearly came at her sweet plea. He rocked his hips again, his heart thrilling as she rewarded him with another little moan. Bracing himself over her body he continued thrusting with agonizing slowness. Each time she rewarded him with those sweet sounds.

Snow coated them in soft white powder as he strained above her. Realizing that she was pushed down into the cold ground he shifted, lifting her up and settling her over his thighs still inside her.

"Oh!" she let out a little gasp as he pulled her back flush against his body, wrapping his arms around her and warming her cold skin. His hips bucked upward before he could stop himself and she jerked, groaning with surprise. "Sebastian!"

"Right there?" he rasped, thrusting into her again and again.

"Yes, don't stop," she pleaded.

Fuck, yes! He quickened his pace, feeling her grow wet around his shaft. She was wet for him!

Victoria's head lolled back against his chest, moaning as he moved inside her. His cock throbbed with the need for release but he denied it. He was giving her pleasure, and fuck if he was going to stop now.

"Sebastian," she keened, her body shaking against him.

"Do you want it harder, little female?"

"Yes," she begged.

"Are you sure?" he asked, his tone a warning.

"Yes! Harder!" Her fingers dug into his forearm around her waist, spurring him on.

He roared with pleasure, grabbing both her hips in his hands and bucking hard inside her as he slammed her down to meet each thrust. Her mouth opened on a silent scream, her sweet body clenching around his thick shaft. He growled, feeling his seed rise. He buried his face against her neck, licking at her soft skin. His fangs ached to mark her, to make her his completely. His demon wanted her so badly. Somehow he stopped himself. After everything that had happened between them Sebastian refused to take that choice away from her. Instead he latched onto her neck and sucked hard.

"Bastian...I..." she broke off with a hoarse moan.

"That's it. Come for me, little one. Just let it happen," he commanded, his voice low and rough with the effort not to come. "I want to feel you come on my cock. I want to fuck your body as you do, filling you up with my seed."

"Oh my god!" Victoria stiffened, her body quaking. She cried out. He felt her tight heat shudder around him as she came, milking his shaft. The pleasure of it left him shaking. She was coming with him buried deep inside her. He could feel it. His cock pumped, spilling into her heat. He yelled after each spasm, coming harder than he ever had before.

When the last of his seed spilled into her body he dropped his head forward, resting his chin on the top of her head, his breathing ragged. That just happened. He'd just taken her, right there in the snow. And she'd fucking loved it.


"M'okay," she mumbled. Her voice was slurred and throaty.

He smiled, nuzzling her neck and licking at the dark red mark he'd left on her skin. The sight of it thrilled him, marked her as mine.

"Sebastian?" she asked quietly.

"Mmm..." He sighed contently against her soft hair.

"Uh...you're covered in blood." She bent her head back to look up at him. "And snow."

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