《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Chapter Five - Vincent Shaw


AN: Vincent is technically our villain in this story, but I just love him! So badass!

Vincent Shaw

Eastern Russia, The Legion's Stronghold

The sound of his boots echoed down the dark hall. Through the walls of cold stone he could hear the muffled screams of the tortured. Their howls of pain grated on his ears. He wanted to snuff out the sound but couldn't. How could these vile beings live in such hell?

And now he was one of them. One of the Legion.

Gritting his teeth Vincent Shaw shook his head, trying to drive out the atrocious sounds around him. His nerves were shot, his wolf prowling within his mind.


Vincent wiped at the blood still splattered on his face. The halfling had been right there and he'd fucking lost her.


Outside the keep harsh snow and wind whipped across the frozen tundra. The stronghold groaned, as if it would collapse at any moment. Vincent was fairly certain that the only reason the decrepit fortress still stood was due to some kind of magic. The halls buzzed with it, causing his hackles to rise. He hated this place. Hated those pitiful screams.

As he approached the great hall a Forsaken guard bared his entry. "Where is the she-elf?"

"None of your damn business," he snapped. "Stand aside."

The vampire smirked. "You failed. Gabriel will not be pleased."

His jaw ticked. "Get the fuck out of my way before I rip your damn throat out," he ordered.

Taking the hint the guard moved aside, his red eyes following Vincent with unconcealed scorn. He had half a mind to snap the leeches' neck just on principle.

Instead he entered the great hall, pointedly ignoring the eyes of disdain boring down on him from every angle. Unlike the rest of the keep the hall was in pristine condition. The high arches supported a cathedral ceiling lined with lighted chandeliers. The stained glass windows glowed in the fire light, casting rich colors across the hall. The room practically vibrated with power, symbols shinning on the stone walls from the number of wards that had been placed upon the keep.


It may have had an elegant feel to it, if not for the poor souls nailed to the beams as if they were works of art. Their blood dripped down the harsh wood, pooling on the floor. Occasionally one would let out a meek groan of pain. He wondered at what they could have done to deserve such a fate.

Vincent was a hard man - the centuries had left him with no any other option - but even this was beyond him.

Jeramiah was already there, the fucking prick. The vampire sat at the center table, drinking from a goblet of wine as if he owned the place. The vampire had betrayed him at the auction. Vincent's fingers itched to rip the bastard's throat out.

, his wolf warned.

Heading to the center table laden with food and drink he snatched up a bottle of wine, chugging it straight from the bottle.

"Has anyone ever told you, you drink too much, dog?" a sneering voice mocked.

A snarl vibrated up his chest as he glared sideways at the demon. Ivan the Defiler glared right back at him, his cold eyes like ice. Leaning against the table the demon crossed his arms, his black hair hanging to his waist. His face was harsh and cruel, a permanent sneer on his lips, while his black horns curled up from the sides of his head, the sharp points glinting in the light.


Ignoring his wolf Vincent slammed the bottle down. "Has anyone ever told you not to compare a werewolf to a dog, demon?"

The demon arched a brow, not a single flicker of emotion on his pale face. "You would be wise to learn your place, dog."

Vincent held his tongue; a fight with the fiery demon lord was not one he wished to start at the moment. There were other matters. "Where is Gabriel?"


"He has other business to attend too." A cruel smile played across Ivan's lips. "Lucky for you, since you failed to acquire the she-elf."

Snapping his fangs he pointed a damning finger at Jeramiah. "The vampire betrayed me. We had an arrangement."

Jeramiah shrugged. "The Ring of Ruin is priceless; I would have been a fool to turn down such an offer."

Instead of roaring with rage Vincent forced himself to remain calm, his body still. A wiser man would have recognized the signs of a predator readying to strike, but Jeramiah continued to gaze at him as if he were the lesser being. The fool. "Because of your greed, vampire, we lost her. This is on you, not me."

"You had your chance when the Ascended attacked and you failed. Just as you failed to convince her to go with you in the first place," Jeramiah accused.

"I've heard enough," Ivan stated. "Gabriel expected to have the halfling tonight. As you can imagine he is very displeased. I suggest you find a way to remedy the situation, dog."

"And just how am I supposed to do that, Ivan? She is with the Demon King now. Because of Gabriel's leash I'm not nearly as strong as I should be."

Appearing bored Ivan waved his hand dismissively. "You are a resourceful man, Vincent, I'm sure you will find a way."

"I can take on the demon if Gabriel would release-"

Ivan cut him off with a snap, "You will not be released from your contract with the Legion. You knew this when you joined." Standing up straighter Ivan smirked, waving a vile of purple liquid in front of him. "And because you failed you will not be receiving this."

That bastard! "Damn it, Ivan. What the hell am I supposed to do without it?" Vincent argued.

"Get the halfling," Ivan stated. "And I suggest you move quickly."

Vincent clenched his jaw, eyeing the demon with pure hatred. "Very well. But remember, she's mine to keep."

"Of course, if you get to her first. Gabriel has decided to...intercede on the situation. If he obtains the halfling before you then you lose her forever," Ivan informed him callously.

For one brief moment Vincent saw red. Time was now against him, and the bastards were betraying him. "You sons of bitches. I should just fucking kill the lot of you."

Wrapping his hand over the teleportation amulet slung around his neck Ivan stated coldly, "You're arrogance will be the end of you, dog." Then he was gone. Vincent snarled at the spot where the demon had once stood. He'd gone too far with this, he knew it. His wolf had warned him not to make a deal with Gabriel, but he'd denied his instincts. Now he was just another Legion dog.

"I trust I'm done here?" Jeramiah asked arrogantly.

Snapping his attention to the vampire Vincent smiled. "You are." With one quick move he was at the vampire's throat. Jeramiah only had enough time to gasp before Vincent ripped his head clean off, dropping it unceremoniously to the floor as he walked out of the great hall. "Enjoy your fucking ring now, you prick."

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