《Claiming of the Demon King (ICS Book One)》Encyclopedia of the Supernatural


Below are a few excerpts taken from the Encyclopedia of the Supernatural.

Many of these creatures/or their characteristics are of my own invention, including some of the Demons sup-species, Mystics, Werewolf transformations, Vampire curse, and creatures of Nightmare. Please do not copy. If you would like to use my idea please PM me. Copyright © 2014

This has been updated to include a deeper canon for my vampires which I developed further while writing the third book in this series. Copyright © 2016

The Realms

Thousands of years ago immortals and mortals traveling to the human world brought legends of their realms with them, hence the foundation to much of Norse Mythology. Earth is a center point between the realms, not existing on the same plane but somewhere in-between. Portals, or rips in the Void, allow travel between realms using Earth as a center point.

These are the realms known thus far...

Alfheimr – Realm of the Elves. Lush and full of life with ancient forests.

Midgard – The Mortal Realm. Much like Earth thousands of years ago. They have turned away from technology, instead embracing magic.

Niflheimr – The demon realm. A cold dark world now uninhabitable, even for demons, after the Death Wars left it a barren wasteland.

Muspelheim – A fire world of lava and rock. It is rumored the first vampires hailed from here.

Jotunheim – A realm of ice and snow. Dragons once ruled this realm before enslavement and near extinction.

The empty space between realms and Earth. Nothing more is known.

A few excerpts on Supernatural Species.

Immortals beings easily detected by their black horns and long fangs. Demons share a bond, some even controlled, by a demon within. Males can give in to their inner demon and turn demonic, increasing their power. There are basic demons without special abilities and sub-species. All females are without special abilities no matter the sub-species.

Death - Killed via beheading or complete severing of the jugular.

Fated Mates - Debatable. Many claim demons do not have fated mates. However, those that have performed the mate bond believe differently. Demon mates often bring males peace and closeness to their inner demon.

- Berserker: Physically the strongest demons who turn into savage beasts when demonic. They are often controlled by their demon within, a wild monster ruled by instinct. When demonic they grow in size, become even stronger, and turn dark blue. Best not to piss one off.


- Spectral: Weak physically with some telekinesis abilities. These demons can phase into the Void, allowing them to teleport anywhere they wish. They can be summoned by calling their names if they vow loyalty to the summoner. When demonic they can turn incorporeal.

- Fiery: Medium strength and power. When demonic they have control over blue flames.

- Imp: Tiny and weak, these tricksters go savage and attack without warning. Similar to Spectral demons, Imps can phase and be summoned, often used as servants by more powerful demons. They are the only demons to have tails and long pointed ears.

- Death: Powerful both in body and spirit. Death demons are the reapers of the realms, wielding dark scythes and living in shadow. Centuries ago they fought a great war among themselves known as the Death Wars. Only one is rumored to remain. Death demons are feared by all, even mystics. If you see one you're already dead.

Immortal beings sustained by blood. It is unclear where Vampirism originated fun (but perhaps you will find out!) A side effect of the immortality was increased strength and special abilities. This caused devastation as vampires quickly slaughtered village after village.

A hundred witches sacrificed their lives to place a powerful and unbreakable curse on all vampires, both past and future. Sunlight will burn their skin from flesh, but not kill them. They are unable to enter a home without invitation. And if they feed from an immortal to death their eyes are stained forever red as reflection of their ultimate sin.

Strong vampires are able to compel weak minded humans into doing their bidding. Pure-bloods vampires possess greater strength and speed but are very rare. Some vampires are strong enough to phase, allowing them to travel short distances in an instant by manipulating the Void (This is related to a secrete about vampires. Perhaps you will learn more in later books!!)

They are broken into two types - Pure Ones and Forsaken.

Forsaken: Blood crazed vampires with characteristically red eyes. They are consumed with blood lust and live on the brink of madness, many falling into the abyss. Very few come back. Their eyes can be various shades of red and each is unique. When they feel strong emotions the whites around their eyes turns black.

Pure Ones: Rare vampires that never fed from a mortal to death. To control their blood lust they will feed on animals, blood packs, or rarely immortal donors. When a vampire is first turned they are pure, however the initial craving for blood often leads them on killing frenzies. Pure Ones have blue eyes of various shades. When they feel strong emotions the whites around their eyes turns black.


Death - Killed via beheading, heart removal, or from total blood loss. Crosses and garlic don't do shit. Sunlight will severely burn vampires, but not kill them, and is often used as a method of torture. A stake to the heart will piss them off, not recommended.

Fated Mates - Yes. Recognized by sight.

Fun loving creatures who enjoy drinking and causing mayhem. They embrace the elements, summoning shields of light, teleporting others through the Void, enchanting items, or using powerful spells to lay destruction. They are governed by The Order and remain neutral for the most part. Witches are easily spotted by their hair, usually died various colors such as pink, blue, or white. During a witches Ascension they summon their familiars, a creature that shares a soul bond with the witch. The familiar bond is deep and unbreakable, one cannot live without the other.

Death - Killed via beheading or removal of the heart.

Fated Mates – No.

Wolves travel in packs and share a soul bond with their inner wolf. The bond is typically completed in their late teens, allowing a werewolf to turn into mighty wolves of great power and speed. Wolves covet freedom, often roam for miles, and are extremely territorial. As the old legends say they bow to the moon. When a werewolf turns their bodies burn away, revealing the wolf within. An alpha controls the pack with his mate, the queen. He often has one or more betas, the strongest members of the pack.

Death - Killed via beheading or complete severing of the jugular. Snapping the neck might kill a younger wolf.

Fated Mates - Yes. Recognized by their wolf as the one they wish to protect the most.

Dark sorcerers able to summon creatures of the dead such as ghouls, zombies or phantoms. Zombies are forbidden, even by necros, as they cannot be controlled. Their bond with unnatural magic makes them stronger than witches, and a small group or extremely old necro's is enough to even rival a Mystic.

Death - Killed via beheading or loss of heart.

Fated Mates – No. They sacrifice their souls to the dead.

: Large and powerful creatures who love sex, liquor, and living on the wild side. They have webbed wings and horns similar to demon horns. Their wings are sensitive, often used as part of their sexual depravity. Women, and some men, are naturally attracted to males as they emit a pheromone that is irresistible. There are no female gargoyles, killed out long ago by war and plagues.

Death - Killed via beheading.

Fated Mates - Yes. Recognized by scent. Very rare.

Fun and mischievous creatures who love to party and participate in acts of depravity. They are incredibly fast, their speed only rivaled by werewolves, and naturally proficient with most weapons. If you want to have a good time find yourself a party of elves.

Death - Loss of heart, severing of the jugular, or beheading.

Fated Mates - Yes. Recognized by sight. Very rare.

Rare creatures of unfathomable power, mystics are silver-eyed females with light blonde hair. They always dress in white, although the reason they are drawn to white is yet unknown. They are vengeful and can lose themselves in their power, often casting curses or committing mass destruction. It is rumored they have existed since the dawn of the realms. They are weak to unnatural or death magic. Not much more is known about these beings.

Death - Burn to ash and hope for the best.

Fated Mates - No.

Nightmarish creatures of old not seen for many millennia, exiled to the outer realms. We have yet to witness these creatures but rumor has it they have pledged allegiance to the Legion, an evil army bent on destruction.

Death - No idea. Run the fuck away.

Fated Mates - No. They are evil and heartless with no souls.


AN: I thought this was a neat way to keep you all in the loop. Hopefully, this is helpful for some of you! I had this all scribbled in notebooks around my desk over the years so it will definitely help me!

The realms are based on Norse mythology, so if you are wondering where I got the names this is it! I'm still building this weird world as I go so things may change.

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