《Trolls: Trollstopia The Adventures of Season 1》Across the Fashionverse
It is very early in the morning and at the fashion twin's pod and both Satin and Chenille are sleeping peacefully and then all of the sudden their room brighten up with sparkles causing Satin to wake up from her sleep and what she saw in front of her made her eyes sparkle and then started waking up Chenille without looking away.
"Touching" Chenille says turning away from her sister. "Chenille!" Satin shouts finally waking up her sister. "Touching!" Chenille exclaims looking at her sister annoyed until Satin moves Chenille's face to look in the direction where Satin was looking and both of them were astonished by what they saw in front of them. In front of them was a fantastic dress and it was an illuminating purple gown with a color-changing sash on it.
"It's most marvelous dress I've ever seen. Is it a dream?" Satin says not taking her eyes off the dress. "How can it be a dream? It's right there" Chenille says and the twins noticed Chenille's arm turned into a balloon and they both look down and saw their legs also have turned into balloons as well and eventually their body turned into balloons. "Oh, I guess it is a dream" Chenille says and the balloons started popping and the twins began screaming and causing them to wake up. "That dress was amazing!" Satin says. "Wait, you dreamed of a dress too? Was it shimmering purple with a-" Chenille starts describing the dress and Satin finishes the sentence for her.
"Luminescent color-changing sash" and the twins gasp by this. "By all that's in vlog the same dream" Satin exclaims. "Satin, I think that dress was a vision sent to us by... 'The Fashion Force'" Chenille says with stars in her eyes. "The Fashion Force? How come I have never heard of this?" Satin asks. "Because I just made it up. The point is simultaneous fashion dreams only happen once in a lifetime. That dream dress is meant to be our greatest masterpiece!" Chenille says and jumps up on her bed.
"To the sewing machine!" Satin exclaims jumping up as well and then they tried to jump off from different directions but ended up crashing back to each other causing them to fall to the ground. Right now Chenille is using the sewing machine with purple fabric and concentrating while she starts to sweat and Satin wipes off the sweat with a cloth. Next, Satin is putting pins on the dress stand while also sweating and Chenille also wipes the sweat with a cloth and then both were wiping cloths on each other and soon realized none of them were working on something and both girls laughed nervously and tossed the cloths away and then toss up the roll of purple fabric in the air and Satin cuts the fabric and then reveals the beautiful purple dress with a blue, green, and purple-colored sash.
Everyone in the room all Ooh at the sight of the beautiful dress. "Wow! It's amazing!" Ruby says smiling in awe. "Oh my Irene... It's just... Woah!" Becky says in awe as well not looking away from the dress. "It's like a yee-haw that you can wear" Holly comments.
"It is a symphony for my eyeballs" Dante adds. "Can I get it in Mr. Dinkle's size?" Biggie asked and lifted Mr. Dinkle's up.
"Girls, I'm dumbfounded it's just so-" Poppy starts to say but got cut off.
"Hideous!" Satin and Chenille exclaimed unison causing everyone eyes to widen and look confused.
"We've tried hundreds of sashes and they're all wrong!" Chenille cried out and the fashion twins picked up the pile of sashes and threw them out of the window and the pile of sashes landed on some critters and then they came out from the pile with sashes on them and looking fabulous then three spiders started taking pictures of them.
Satin and Chenille both sat down and sigh in defeat causing Poppy, Ruby and Becky to run up to them. "Woah girls, it's okay. I mean, maybe this dress isn't exactly what you envisioned, but it is really good" Poppy says and both Becky and Ruby nodded in agreement.
"Poppy, 'really good' is not good enough. We cannot compromise on our masterpiece" Satin says to them.
"We cannot fail the fashion force!" Chenille says afterwards while falling on her knees. "The Fashion force?" Ruby and Becky asked in unison. "How come we've never heard of-" Poppy starts to say but interrupted by Chenille shouting "Because I just made it up!".
"Kay, this is clearly a problem I can't solve, but I may know someone who can. Or should I say [ ] someones" Poppy says and only for Satin, Chenille, and Becky to blink at her while Ruby raised in eyebrow. "No, I shouldn't. Sounds super awkward" Poppy said. "Mm-hm" Satin, Chenille, Becky and Ruby says in unison.
They walked into the forest and they spotted two Funk trolls working on a machine. "That's Rhythm and Blues from the funk tribe, but they just like to be called R and B. Their enthusiasm for funk science has them solving problems all over Trollstopia" Poppy says to the girls. "Woah, really?" Becky asked and Ruby replies "That's what I've heard". Blues then closes the top as she and Rhythm pulled off the cover sheet to reveal to be a machine.
"Don't worry Smidge" Rhythm said and then Blues says "Our invention will solve your problem like-" and they both do their special handshake. "That's right" Rhythm and Blues said in unison. "You, me and Amber we're gonna need our own special handshake of our own Ruby" Becky says and Ruby nods in agreement and then Blues pulls the lever and it activates the machine and it starts to work and a massive arm comes out with a bottle opener comes out and opens the bottle top for Smidge.
"Wow, thanks but couldn't you just use a bottle opener?" Smidge asked. "What's the fun in that?" Blues said as she and Rhythm high five each other. "I-" Smidge starts to say but was interrupted by getting pushed away by Chenille as she and Satin came up to them. "Hi, I'm Satin and we need your help" Satin say to them. "And I'm Chenille. Not sure why she didn't introduce me, rude. But we need to finish a dress we saw in a simultaneous dream" Chenille explains.
"A simultaneous fashion dream?" Rhythm asks. "Those only happen once in a lifetime" Blues adds. "We know!" Satin and Chenille exclaims in unison. "Can you help us make a luminescent color-changing sash so we don't compromise on our greatest achievement" Chenille asked with excitement. "Does this answer your question?" Rhythm and Blues asked in unison and they each both pulled out a box and pushed down the lever and rockets shot out in the sky and exploded and spelled out 'yes' in the sky that is made of glitter.
"Well, yeah. But couldn't you have just said yes" Chenille asked. "What's the fun in that?" Rhythm asked as she and Blues did another high five and the both said in unison "To the lab!".
And right after that the girls were all lifted into the UFO causing Poppy, Satin, Chenille, Becky and Ruby to laugh excitingly and the UFO lifted into the air. Rufus looks up and says "Oh right. We got a space ship now".
Once we were inside we landed on a platform as it guided through the ship and I was looking around in awe and along with the others. "Just a heads up, some things are a little different up here. Like gravity-" Rhythm explains as she and Blues walked on the wall. "Amazing" Chenille says as we do the same thing following them.
"Time-" Blues adds before dropping a jar and then reversed it's fall and lands back in Blues hand good as new causing up to gasp in amazement. "And reality" Rhythm said. "They're all just a tiny bit-" Blues starts to say until a clone of her finished the sentence "-flexible on the funk spaceship" as we saw the other us and soon we went through a portal into another room and we were floating.
"Here. These gravity belts will help you keep your feet on the ground" Rhythm says while giving us the gravity belts and once we put on the belts on we landed on the ground. "Now, we need to know more about this sash" Blues said. "Well, we could draw it for you" Satin says. "Yeah, you could. Or we could-" Rhythm says as she and Blues gestured the fashion twins to finish their sentence. "Uh, invent an overly complicated machine to do it for us?" Chenille said then Rhythm and Blues did another special handshake and both said in unison "That's right".
"They get along so well" Satin says. "It's freaking me out" Chenille says and Satin tries to comfort her sister "Aw, there, there" and Chenille exclaims while pushing her sister away "Touching!". Soon Satin and Chenille were both sitting on chairs getting plugged into the machine. "This machine will help us make the sash" Blues says.
"Yeah, the dreamalizer will sort through your last few dreams... And show us exactly what it looks like" and the projector starts and it shows Chenille at the beach relaxing and having a drink. "Eh, not that one. That's just my dream where I'm an only child" Chenille says causing me to raise an eyebrow and Ruby looks at her surprised. "What?!" Satin shouts and then says "I have that dream all the time" and in Satin's dream is she is skipping happily and then both of their dreams changed into the same one with the dress and both of the gets excited while exclaiming.
"That's it!"
"The dress!"
And then the projector prints out the picture then flew out and Blues catches it and says "We got it, the exact composition of the fabric for your sach".
"Triumph!" Satin and Chenille says with excitement. "Which doesn't exist anywhere in the known universe" Rhythm adds. "Devastation" Satin and Chenille says in unison as they fell to the floor. "I'm sorry, girls. I know how important this was to you, but sometimes it's okay to compromise. I mean, even if the fabric doesn't exist, your vision has already led you to make an incredible dress, right?" Poppy says to them. "Oh, not so fast, Poppy. The sash fabric does exist" Blues said. "In another dimension" Rhythm says and presses a button creating a portal. "Triumph again!" Satin and Chenille exclaims with happiness.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, girls. Trust me, wormholes are nothing to mess with" Poppy warns. "You're right, Poppy. There's no reason not to go in that wormhole" Satin says getting excited as she and Chenille starts cheering.
"No, girls I think you're so excited you're not listening" Poppy says to them. "Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Poppy on this girls" Ruby says standing next to Poppy. "Agreed. Time's wasting" Chenille says and grabs Poppy and they jumped in and then Ruby, Rhythm, Blues and I jumped into the wormhole. As we landed on the other side I see a forest with lots of fabric and clothes all over the place and then I saw the fashion twins walking while looking around. "An entire forest of beautiful garments" Satin says in awe.
"Have we landed in fashion paradise?" Chenille asked as she and Satin were touching the same dress. But then a giant creature appears from behind the tall bushes while growling at us. "So, not paradise?" Chenille asked in fear and then the creature roared at us causing all of us to scream and ran off and then hid behind a rock to catch our breath. "Those fashion beasts mean business" Chenille says with fear in her voice. "And not just with their phone lines, which is simply stunning" Satin says.
Then we hear a beeping sound and looked at Rhythm's direction and saw she has some sort of tracker. "This tracker can lead us to the fabric. I'm picking up some pretty fabulous vibes from that cave over there. You know, right past the monsters" Rhythm says.
"Girls, please. You have to let the dream dress go. What you've already made is amazing" Poppy says to Satin and Chenille. "She's right the dress you've already made is already great as it is. Just don't do it, we'll figure something out" Ruby says with worry in her voice. "Sorry Poppy, Ruby. No compromises. We either masterpiece or get torn to pieces" Satin says with confidence. "Now style up. Because it's time to-" Chenille says as she and Satin used measuring tapes as headbands.
"Fight fashion with fashion!" Satin and Chenille says in unison. 'There's no way I'm missing out! Maybe a little danger won't hurt that much' I thought to myself and without giving the others a warning I jumped over the rock and ran off with Satin and Chenille too ignoring the others calls.
Satin and Chenille high fived each other while I was catching my breath 'Who knew running into danger could be a fun?' I thought it myself and soon we walked into the cave looking for the fabric. "I can't believe fighting fashion with fashion actually worked" Satin says. "I know? I just said to sound dramatic but, wow!" Chenille says.
"Mm-hm tell me about it girls" I said then we looked up ahead and gasp and we saw the fabric. "There it is, the fabric to make our sash" Satin says and the girls walked up to it and grabs it then starts cheering and start rubbing the fabric on their faces. But then all of the sudden we hear what sounded like puppies whining and looked to see three of the most baby puppies I've ever seen.
I couldn't help but stare at them in awe and a small blush on my face and when one of them yawn I snapped out of my trance and then said quietly "Okay These Little Cuties Are The Most Adorable Little Bundles Of Joy I've Ever Saw!".
"They're so cute!" Satin says. "Look at the knitted baby booty" Chenille says and then one of babies walks up and grabs the fabric with it's mouth. "Huh?" We all said in unison while all the babies starts to tug the fabric back and then realization hit me. "Oh, girls I think the fabric is their blanket and you took it" I said to them. "Well it's not that cold in here, right?" Chenille says to me and we looked back at them and saw they were shivering and whining causing my heart ache.
"Aww" Satin says and one of the puppies had tears in it's eyes and noticed it froze at well causing my heart to ache ever more. "Chenille" Satin starts to say. "Satin, I know what you're going to say. But look at this material, we can make the perfect sash" Chenille says to her sister.
"I know, but we've already made a great dress. Given the circumstances it's okay to compromise and in your heart I know you feel that way too" Satin says and Chenille looks at her and me and then looks back at the puppies who were giving the puppy eyes and were still whining. "Our dress does look pretty great, doesn't it?" Chenille said and I nodded in agreement.
"Mm-hm" Satin says and then wraps the fabric around them and I went up to them and gently picked them up and started rocking them gently. "Uh, Becky what are you doing?" Chenille asked while Satin was also confused I turned and winked at them then I looked at the puppies and started to sing softly.
After I was done singing I gently placed them on their bed and kissed each of them softly and whispers "Sleep tight little ones" and fixed the fabric a little to keep them warm. I stand up then noticed Satin and Chenille were looking at me with awe and amazement. "Aren't they cute?" Satin asks looking at the fashion beast pups. "Yeah" Chenille said leaning on her sister and then Satin says "Touching!" causing Chenille to look surprise.
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