《Trolls: Trollstopia The Adventures of Season 1》Branch Out Of Water
Poppy is in her pod with Amber. She puts on a blindfold and grabs a glue and a pair of scissors. She starts to scrapbook while begin blindfolded then she stopped and says "Ta-da".
Then she lifts up her blindfold to see if she did good. But instead it looked messy and terrible.
"Huh I guess I can't do that" Poppy says while Amber walks up next to her. "But that was a good try though Poppy even I couldn't do that" Amber said and caused Poppy to smile at her.
"Poppy!" A voice exclaims. Amber and Poppy turned around and saw Branch at the door way breathing heavily who was covered in glitter and so was Ruby who was trying to get some glitter out of her hair. "Branch?" Both girls said in unsion.
"Things have gotten way out of hand Poppy we need to talk. Right now" Branch says. "Of course, Branch you can always talk to me. But you are covered Head To Toe with glitter so is Ruby. So first" Poppy says and pulls out a camera from her hair and takes a picture and hold her laugh so did Amber. Branch grumbles while Ruby snickers and mouthed 'Send me a copy please'.
Poppy smiles nodded her head and winks at her and Ruby winks back.
Poppy then turns to Branch and says "Ok. I'm listening". Then Branch starts to explains what was happening "It all started 4 days ago".
Branch was walking inside a tunnel with a towel over his neck.
'I was going for my daily 4 am swim at hiding place Hot springs'
Then he pulls down a lever and the curtains open and then Branch looked and saw what was inside.
'But when I got there I found the Techno trolls... Having a rave'
The Techno trolls were partying with a DJ playing music and some Techno trolls were dancing to the beat. Two Techno trolls jumped out of the water and they were cheering and Branch gasp.
"At 4 in the morning. Why?" Poppy says in the flashback.
'It's The Most Refreshing Hour Of The Day Poppy' Flashback Branch exclaims.
"Flashback Branch is right. It's The Most Refreshing Hour Of The Day Poppy" Branch exclaims. "And without my morning swim my entire day gets thrown off in a million horrifying ways" Branch adds.
"Like what?" Amber asked.
Branch is looking tired holding his mug and a pot of coffee.
'I get tired'
He pours it but on the ground and says ow many times in the coffee is hitting his foot. Next Branch is wearing mismatch socks.
'I put on mismatched socks'
But the thing is he doesn't even wear socks and shouts "I Don't Even Wear Socks!!". Lastly Branch is holding a basket of berries as he's picking them from a tree and didn't know that he was in quick glitter.
'And I was so out of it at the flavorberry patch that I wander straight into a pit of quick glitter'
Then Branch shouts "I Don't Even Eat Flavor Berries!!" and sinks into the glitter.
"I almost drowned... In glitter if it wasn't for Ruby coming to save me!" Branch says to Poppy. "Is that why you're covered in glitter, Ruby?" Amber asked Ruby. "Yep" Ruby says.
"I feel as though I must ask did you try talking to the Techno trolls about it" Poppy asked smugly. "Yeah, Branch do you?" Ruby question him and raised an eyebrow. "Huh you know I'm not much of a talker. I'm more of a lock-myself-in-an-underground-fortress and groan-er" Branch says.
Poppy was about to say something but Branch quickly added "Except for when Ruby comes to visit for some coffee or tea or just hang out...You know as brother and sister".
Amber whispers to Ruby and says "I didn't know even Branch and you had a sibling relationship".
"Yeah just like you and Dante do" Ruby whispers back. "Good point" Amber says back. "Well I think you should build up a friend with the Techno trolls. Maybe as friends you can figure this out" Poppy says.
"" Poppy starts to say while Branch looked a little unsure and going on for a while. "She can do this all day" Ruby said to Branch with a smug look on her face. "Ugh... Okay we'll try your thing" Branch says running out of breath then he passes out on the ground. "We'll go after we rest and get cleaned up" Ruby says while looking at Branch.
Poppy, Branch, Amber and Ruby were hopping on some lilly pads and onto a flower. "Bottom floor. Techno Lagoon" Poppy says as She, Branch and Amber put on their helmets. Then Ruby transforms into her Techno form and everyone look at her in awe.
"Wow. Ruby you look...different it's a good different. I bet Trollex is going to blush at your new look" Amber says smirking at her. Ruby blushed a little and then had a smirk of her own and says "Well are you excited you're going to see Synth again~".
This caused Amber to look at her surprise with a blush across your face and stammers "W-what. Ruby!!". Ruby just smirks at her while Poppy and Branch smirks at her as well knowing Amber has a crush on the Techno ambassador. "So how is this suppose to-" Branch starts to say and got caught off by Poppy pulling the lever down. The flowers wall closed and sinks to the bottom and looked out a small window to see fishes swimming and they will see Techno Lagoon and the rave.
They made it to the bottom. The flower open and they were awe at the sight. Then they saw Trollex and Synth dancing in the rave. "There that's Synth and Trollex" Poppy says pointing to their direction. "Make friends with them and I'm sure they'll help you with the hot springs" Ruby says.
Branch takes a deep breath and says "Okay". Then Branch went up to them with Amber and Ruby and tried to get their attention. "Hi. Synth? Trollex?" Branch says but they didn't hear him.
"I got this Branch" Ruby says. She swam behind Trollex and then covered his eyes making him stiff a little.
"~" Ruby says behind him.
Trollex chuckles turns around with his eyes closed while saying "Very funny Rub-" then he opens his eyes to see her but stops and saw her.
In front of him was Ruby but with a new Techno look. Her hairstyle is still in a ponytail with a different look and her yellow hair tip still looks like an ocean wave. Her hair was tied up with a orchard and sky blue hair tie with an aqua shell on it. Her ears have some red orange colors for the lines. She has a black muscle shirt with a slide blue shirt over it with light green lines. She still has her pink pixel heart around her neck. And her tail is yellow on the top and with some hint of red orange under the yellow and the bottom line of her tail is lime green like her eyes.
( )
"So what do you think about my new look?" Ruby asked with a smile. Trollex snap out of his thoughts and says with a hint of blush on his face "You...look..... Beautiful Ruby" and smiles lovingly at her. Ruby smiles at him and wraps him into a hug and he happily hugs back and gives her a kiss on the cheek.
Amber smiles at this scene and looks at Synth and waves at him. "Hey Synth" Amber says to him. Synth turns around saw Amber and smiles then swims up to her and pulled her into a hug. "Hey Glowstick! Good to see you again" Synth said happily.
Amber smiles and hugs him back.
"Can we talk to you guys for a second" Branch says to Synth and Trollex and they looked at him. "Can't do it bro. The music calling the shots and the music's says we rave" Synth says.
""Synth exclaims. "" the Techno trolls also exclaims causing Ruby and Amber to laugh. "Yes, yes I see that. I see that the music says that. Could the music make an exception or?" Branch said. Synth laughs and says "I like you. What's your rave name?".
"I'm sorry my what!?" Branch ask confused. "Your rave name Branch. Amber's is Glowstick" Ruby says to Branch. "Really!? I have a rave name?" Amber asked me surprised.
"Synth gave you the nickname Glowstick so why not" Ruby said.
"Oh ok" Amber says. "Oh. How about Dubstep" Synth says. "Absolutely not" Branch says through his teeth. Ruby decides to mess around with Branch and grabs his hand lifts it up in the air and shouts "His Name Is Dubstep!".
"Dubstep!" the Techno trolls cheers.
Branch looks at Ruby and gives her glare and says "Was that really necessary?". Ruby smirks and says "Absolutely" and then laughs. This caused Branch to growl a little.
"Note: The male Pop troll appears to resent our festivities. Fascinating" a female techno troll says while writing notes on her notepad. "Ok. And you are?" Branch asked. "Oh. Dubstep, Ruby, Glowstick meet Laguna Tidepool. Our antropologist " Synth says. "Oh a scientist. Finally someone I can have a sensible conversation with" Branch says and extended his arm to shake her hand.
But Ruby and Amber noticed she got hooked to the beat. "You might want to rethink that Branch" Amber says to Branch. "Sorry I'm afraid the beat just hooked me and it refuses to let go. Also note: The orange hair female human is correct. " Laguna says.
"" the Techno trolls repeated the word. "Ok let's cut to the chase. I would really like it if I can have the hiding place hot springs back for my 4am morning swim agreed" Branch asked. "Oof sorry bro. That spot is prefect for our wake up rave. It makes everyday so [ ]" Synth says. "Yes I know. Without it my life is a disaster" Branch yells and gets frustrated. "Branch remember what we talked about. Be their friend" Poppy says. Then she went back dancing while cheering "Whoo. Yeah alright".
"Tell you what guys we can discuss this later. For now why don't I spend the day here doing things you all like to do you know become friends" Branch says. Ruby, Trollex and Amber looked at him surprised and then smiled. Amber turns to Synth and Trollex and asked "Mind if Ruby and I tag along too".
"It's not a problem girls" Trollex said with a smile. "Well Dubstep, Ruby, Glowstick. I know where the tech-no trolls. But to them we say..." Synth says. "" everyone shouts.
Ruby looks at Amber and says "Remember to grab you swimsuit" leaving Amber confused.
Synth is laughing while surfing with his tail and says "One thing we Techno trolls love to do while making new friends is Whirlpool surfing". Synth then did some surfing tricks in the Whirlpool and then jumps out and lands right next to the others.
Amber is wearing her swimsuit and says "I'm Going Next!". She went to the water with her surfboard and starts to paddle her way to the Whirlpool and saw it up ahead. Then she quickly stands up and now she is surfing and becomes one with the Whirlpool and she starts to do tricks.
Then she jumped out of the Whirlpool while gripping her board and lands gracefully back to the water and surfed right back to the other while they were cheering for her.
"Glowstick That Was Mind-Blowing!" Synth says excitedly. "Impressive Amber" Trollex says as Ruby cheers.
"How did you learn to surf like that?" Branch asked curiously. "Sometimes my dad would take me and my younger brother to the beach and I learned how to surf" Amber said proudly. "Try Surfing Branch It's Fun" she adds with excitement.
"Surfing!? Fun!? That's a killer water vortex" Branch exclaims. "I know. Totally killer" Synth says and pushed Branch into the water only to get pulled into the Whirlpool.
"Yo. In treditation you can only flow when you turn off the volume on the world and turn up the volume on you. Can you hear you Dubstep, Glowstick" Synth said. Ruby was doing alright but Amber and Branch were having trouble but then Branch got sucked into the Whirlpool again.
Synth, Amber, Ruby and Branch were laying down on tables and Trollex was standing on the side watching them.
Synth has urchin needles on him and turns to Branch and the girls and says "Guys I swear nothing gets your head right like sea urchin acupuncture. Just lean into it". Ruby had some on her to but to her it felt like someone was poking her and she felt calm and relaxed. Amber was next but she felt a little nervous about it but she calmed down when someone grabbed her hand and turned to see Synth was looking at her with a smile.
She smiled back and turned away while blushing what she didn't know is that he was blushing as well. Ruby and Trollex saw this and smirk knowing what was going on. Now it was Branch's turn and before they could put the one urchin needle on him Branch freaked out jumped down and ran off leaving the others confused. But while he ran off he fell into the whirlpool again.
Poppy and Becky were sitting on rocks and putting their feet on the water feeling the coldness and they enjoyed it. "Hey Poppy, do you know where Amber and Ruby are at?" Becky asked. Before Poppy can reply Branch floated out of the water faceplant beside them causing them to stop their conversation and looked at him. Then some water splashed at him and then he gasped for air and the girls got up and walked towards him. "Branch?" Becky asked confused.
"Are you okay?" Poppy asked him. "I'm done Poppy [ ] we will never resolve the hot spring issue because the Techno trolls and I Will Never Be Friends" Branch exclaims and starts to walk off.
"Okay I guess then you have to go on with the rest of your live thrown off in a million horrifying ways" Poppy says to Branch causing him to stop walking and looks at her. "Fine I'll go back and try harder but I'm going to groan about it" Branch says and puts on his helmet on and walks off groaning. Becky looks at Poppy confused and asked "What was that all about?".
"I'll explain it to you later" Poppy says.
"Sorry about Branch guys" I apologize to Synth and Trollex. "Yeah he's not really the type of guy that likes to socialize with other people" Amber says. "It's no problem girls at least we got to spend the day with you too" Synth said while looking at Amber with a slight blush on his face.
"Synth? Trollex? Girls?" A familiar voice called out. We turned around and saw Branch walking towards us.
"Oh. Hey Branch" Amber says. "Look we got off to a rough start but I want to work through this what do you say" Branch says and pulls out two pairs of glow sticks. Synth gasped excitedly while Trollex grinned then me and Amber smiled. "Let's Get This Friendship Started!" Branch exclaims and everyone starts cheering.
🎶Came to win. Win a new friend and I'm all in and I'm not leaving
I try and I try and I'm not giving up and I do it for you, my friend
It don't matter where we go or what you and I don't know 'Cause when all this comes to an end. Yes, it's gonna be me and you
"Wow, This is been great guys. I feel like we made a genuine connection" Branch says to Trollex and Synth.
"Yeah Dubstep we make a great mashup" Synth says. "Infact we've been thinking we're gonna give you those Hot springs" Trollex said.
Branch becomes happy causing the girls to smile at this.
Branch pulls down the lever and the curtains open to reveal the empty hot springs.
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