《Trolls: Trollstopia The Adventures of Season 1》Trollstopia Part 1
"By Nature, Trolls are determined to make friends wherever they go" Poppy said reading a scrapbook.
"Maybe too determined" she says and while the Pop troll in the scrapbook was still trying to hugging a cactus.
"So when I learned that there were all sorts of new trolls out there, it was like there were-" Poppy says.
"Ah, wait I've gotten ahead of myself let me back it up" she adds ."Recently, my people discovered we aren't the only trolls, we're just the Pop Trolls, one of many separate tribes scattered throughout the world" she says.
"There's the Country Western tribe, Classical, Funk, Techno, and Hard rock" Ruby says listing the names of the other tribes.
"Actually, we weren't always separate, you know what? Let me back it up even more" Poppy then said.
"14 billion years ago, when the cosmos was still new-" She began but interrupted by Smidge. "Uh, Poppy I think you've gone too far back".
"Yeah way too far" Becky says agreeing with Smidge. Poppy closes the scrapbook while saying "Oh, you're right".
"What I'm trying to say is that it's been weeks since we found out about the other tribes you guys" Poppy says while explaining what she really meant. "But we're no better friends with them than we were then" she added. The group was discussing about this knowing she was right.
"I mean I don't want to get hysterical here, but it's starting to feel like they're our... acquaintances" Poppy said and everyone screamed except for Poppy Ruby, Amber and Becky.
"Mr. Dinkles I don't ever want you using that word" Biggie says to him.
"Poppy we all want to be better friends with the tribes, but they live so far away what can we do" Dj asked.
"She does have a point on that Poppy" Amber said nodding in agreement.
"I'll tell you what girls. We can convince them to move to Troll Village to live with us" Poppy says.
"Ooh" the Snack pack and the girls said in unsion. "Just close your eyes and imagine hundreds of trolls from each tribe living in harmony" Poppy said closing Smidge's eyes and she gasp and then she closes Satin and Chenille's eyes while saying "Forming a new troll city that celebrates the diversity of our cultures".
"Yes, we're all there! Satin's outfit is hideous" Chenille says. "Hey!" Satin said offensive and lastly she closes Biggie's eyes and says "A beacon of love and friendship for everyone".
"I'm flying Mr. Dinkles! I'm flying!" Biggie says excitedly and laughing too.
Poppy then jumps on the ground and said "All of us together but unified"
Then she tries to think of the right words to say "Like... like".
"Like many garments forming one fashion line" Satin suggested. "Like many weights forming one dumbbell" Smidge also suggested. "Like many glitters forming one glorious glitter fart" Guy diamond says then he does a squeaky fart. Poppy thought for a moment and said "Good suggestions, I'll keep working on it but I do know this we'll call it-".
"Trollstopia" Ruby says and smiled and looked at the group. The Snack pack and the girls all said "Ooh".
Guy diamond then says "Speaking as a parent count me in. I'd love to expose tiny diamond to new cultures, he absorbs foreign concepts easily at this stage of development". Then Tiny diamond came out a Guy diamond's hair and says "Yay daddy my brain is a sponge for real" while pulled out two air horns and blew them and went back into Guy diamond's hair.
And this caused Ruby, Amber, and Becky to giggle. "We all love the idea Poppy, it's a stroke of genius" Smidge says and everyone began cheering again. "Thank you guys. Wow!" Poppy said. "Overwhelming support without a single voice of dissent" she added.
"Why does that not feel right?" Amber asked a little confused. Ruby thought for a moment until she figured it out.
Ruby sigh and said "Wait. We're missing someone".
"Oh yeah. Trollstopia, that's a great idea" Branch says sarcastically.
Everyone groans except for Poppy and Ruby. "Voice of dissent" Poppy said. "Check" Ruby added.
"Sorry guys. But let's be realistic here, you're asking big groups of trolls to move away from their homes to live with a bunch of strangers" Branch said and added "I just don't know many trolls who would sign up for that". Ruby thought for a minute and knew he made a point. "Gee, I guess I didn't think about it that way" Poppy says knowing he had a point. "Oh man" Dj said and everybody groaned.
"Oh, wait! Yes I did and I already have a solution" Poppy says while pulling out six envelopes. Ruby smile and the Snack pack and the girls started cheering. "That's called a misdirect, Boy!" Smidge and Becky exclaimed at the same time. Branch says nothing but grumbles. "We're sending out these cards inviting an ambassador from each troll tribe to visit" Poppy said. "Then once we show them how incredibly fun life can be we pitch them Trollstopia" Ruby says.
"Ooh" The Snack pack and the girls said.N"It's like when you go to a cupcake shop and they give you a sample" Poppy says while holding a cupcake. "And it tastes so good you wanna move into that shop and eat cupcakes everyday" she added and eats the cupcake.
"I see. Showing the ambassadors a super fun time is giving them a cupcake so they'll wanna move into Trollstopia and bring on their friends with them" Smidge said catching on.
Cooper then gasp and shouted "Metaphor". The Snack pack and the girls cheers while Poppy and Ruby smiled. Poppy turned to Ruby and said "Ruby since each of the other tribes are bringing ambassador I was wondering, if you would like to be the ambassador for our tribe?".
Ruby thought for a moment and said "Of course". Poppy squealed and hugs Ruby who hugs back. "It's settled then. Tell the whole village we have guests coming" Poppy said then some little critters grab each invitation send to the tribes. "It's time to get ready" Poppy says as she and Ruby both flew towards Troll Village by the critter.
Soon Poppy started singing and Ruby danced along with Amber and Becky.
Everybody get ready! It's finally. The day we've been waitin' for
Everybody is comin'. Let's show them
The best version of our world a little extra space to make it nice
And one of their songs on the stereo, it'll let them that it could feel like home~
"Only better" Poppy whispered.
So raise your hair up all the way~
It's a special day yea, let's celebrate~
"Mr. Dinkles" Biggie shouts.
Let's all come together for the first time ever, so much magic in the air~
Let's all raise our voices
Join in on the chorus
Sing It loud without a care~
Poppy, Ruby, Amber and Becky then shouted at the same time "C'MON!".
Poppy, Ruby, me, Becky, Branch, and the Snack pack were standing on the mushroom. "This is it, Trolls" Poppy announced to the village. "If we show them a good time there's no way they'll say no to Trollstopia" she added and everyone started cheering until...
"Whoo-hoo, Trollstopia. Yay" Branch says sarcastically again.
Ruby sigh and said "Voice of dissent. Double check" and Poppy shouted "Welcome positions" and everyone got into position and soon we all hear galloping coming towards us.
"Oh, that gallop sounds like our Country Western ambassador" Poppy says while holding a clipboard. "Their songs will make you get up and yee-haw" I said with excitement.
Then an orange country troll with light blue hair jump and shouted "Howdy y'all".
"Woah!" Poppy, Ruby me and Becky said and she landed on the mushroom jumped in front of Branch and looked at us.
"Welcome, I'm Poppy and according to your RSVP I'm guessing you're-" Poppy said while searching for her name but got interrupted. "Holly Darlin' from the Country western tribe" the country troll known as Holly Darlin' introduced herself .
"Queen Poppy, Protector Ruby, Amber and Becky it is such a pleasure, I never met a real life Queen before, on account of my tribe being less of a monarchy and more of an oligarchy but to each his own" Holly says. She turns to Branch and said "Say you're cute".
"Huh" was all Branch said and Holly turns back to us pulled out a camera and says "Selfie" and takes a picture of us I looked back at Poppy, Becky and Ruby look like they got prepared for the picture except for Poppy who look like she wasn't expecting that to happen.
"That's a good one I'll send y'all a copy let's party y'all whoo-hoo" Holly says excitingly went to the Snack pack.
"Well, nice to meet you too" Poppy said snapping out of her trance.
Suddenly we hear a loud beat in the ground starts to shake and Poppy and I both said "Whoa". The Pop Trolls were keeping balance while saying oh too. "You guys feel that bass?" Poppy said. "I'd say the Techno ambassador's about to drop a beat" Ruby says with a grin.
The ground cracks open and water went out and a cool and cute dark purple-skinned Techno Troll with hair of various pink tones held in a neon blue topknot comes out and shouts "Hey yo! What up, Trolls!" and everyone got astonished including me when he lower himself down.
"You must be Synth?" Poppy asked.
"And you must be Poppy, Amber and Becky it is so [ ] allow me to say hello the Techno way, with a rave wave" Synth says and then he starts bopping his head side to side. Poppy laugh and says "I love this" and did the same thing along with Ruby, Becky and me. "Does it ever stop?" Becky asked wondering when this will stop. Synth laughed said "Sometimes. Now let's party" while walking towards the Snack pack. We finally stopped and then I started have this warm feeling inside me. In my head I'm asking myself 'What's this feeling?'. I shrugged it off and waited for the next ambassador.
Becky POV
After Synth went to the Snack pack Poppy said "Okay. You're delightful".
Suddenly we started to hear classical music from above. Poppy gasp and says "What an elegant heavenly sound it can only be the delicate from the classical tribe" and we all look up.
Then we see a bunch of classical notes bringing down a giant flower and it open to reveal a yellow classical troll with giant pink hair.
"Greetings. Dante Crescendo, Royal composer" the classical troll known as Dante introducing himself.
"Please, accept this anthem as a commemoration of our greeting" he added. Then the notes began to make music like an orchestra and Dante turned to Guy diamond and made a flat fart noise note. "No. You're flat" Dante says to Guy diamond and Guy gasp and this time did a little better I think.
"Better" Dante and went to the Snack pack with the other ambassadors with the crowd cheering.
"A true masterpiece" Amber said. I looked around and noticed something and I think Poppy noticed as well.
"Hm. I don't see the ambassador from the funk tribe" Poppy said. I went up to her and said "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing Poppy" and Cooper came to us and said "Oh, don't worry about that girls. If there's one thing I've learned about the tribe of my birth-". Soon we hear Funk music and looked up and gasp along with Ruby and Amber. Everyone turned around and looked up and said "Ooh" at the same time to see a cool looking ship coming this way. "-Is that they know how to make an entrance" Cooper said. Soon the ship was on top of us in a beam comes down and revealed to be a orange stripped Funk Troll with purple and red hair tied in a bun.
Believe it or not I am going to admit that he is a good looking Funk Troll. I looked at Poppy's clipboard and asked "Are you Lownote Jones?".
He chuckles removes his glasses looks at me and said in a deep, bass-toned voice "You got that right baby" and winks at me. "Woah!" everyone said including me for some reason after he talked I felt my face being warm.
'Why is my face warm all the sudden?' I thought to myself. "Your voice. How do you make everything sound so cool?" Smidge said with excitement.
"It's cause I have long vocal cords, which are folds membranous tissues protruding from the larynx to form a slit across the glottis of my throat" Lownote explains and Smidge looked a little grossed out and said "Okay, all those words were really gross. But they sounded so cool".
"Yeah!" the Snack pack says in unsion.
Lownote laughs and went to them and said "Cooper".
"Lownote" Cooper says back and both of them did a fist bump while making a explosion sound affect and Lownote went to stand next to the other ambassadors.
After Lownote went to the other ambassadors I noticed that Becky was acting strange along with Amber when we met Synth and I decided to figure it out later and then said "So, that just leaves the ambassador from the home of our good friend Queen Barb the Hard Rock tribe". Poppy looks at her clipboard and says "And her name is-" Before she can finish we hear a loud electric guitar sound. Then lighting comes down with fire on the side to reveal a light blue rock troll with purple and white strip hair.
Then she shouts "Val Thundershock, whoo!" with fireworks of her name behind her and throwing her guitar up in the air causing a little explosion and the Snack pack, Amber and Becky just stare at her.
"Well, hi Val. Welcome I am so glad you came" Poppy says greeting her.
"Wait, wait, wait glad I came. Why wouldn't I come?" the Rock Troll known as Val says. "Rocker Trolls don't follow through on their commitments?" she adds and I was surprised by this but then I realized that she was probably just messing around with Poppy. "What? No, not at all. I absolutely expected you to be here" Poppy said trying not to freak out. "Oh! expected me to be here? So when Queen Poppy sends a rocker Troll and invitation, they're just supposed to drop everything and come running, is that it?" Val says trying to make Poppy nervous.
She not only that made Poppy nervous but she is freaking out.
"What? No, no! That... I mean. I... I..." Poppy stammers. "Just messin' with ya, Popsqueak" Val says and starts laughing. "Oh" Poppy says and nervously laughs. "Or am I" Val says to Poppy seriously. "Ah" Poppy says freaking out again. "I am..." Val says with a smile. Poppy just chuckles nervously hoping it was another joke.
"... Not messing with you" Val says seriously again. "What?" Poppy says a little surprise and shocked. Val just laughs and walks off while saying "Man, I rock so hard".
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