《Breaking Hermione》Coma White
WOW im beaming thank u all so much for making Breaking Hermione #1 🥇 Is this a dream ?! Every voter and every single person who commented I LOVE U. I can't wait to continue writing this story. I really haven't been writing lately because I've been struggling with depression (just gonna put it out there lol) and barely doing anything. But I'm more inspired to keep writing now so thank u it all means so much to me (:
-Coma White
Marilyn Manson
Being in the past so far had been a complete and utter disaster. The anxiety, unrelenting, seemed to creep up on me at any opportunity and now it has reared its head again moments away from Slughorn's dinner party.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you?" Jade asked. "I'm sure old Slug wouldn't mind."
Shalini watched on apprehensively along with her sister as I began walking out of the Slytherin Common Room. I might as well have been walking out onto a battlefront for how scared they looked.
"I'll be fine..." I lied. I really had to pull myself together. "Seriously," I told them. "Don't worry."
"As long as you're sure." Jade smiled at me in a brave stab at reassurance. "We'll be right here if anything goes wrong."
It was really nice of her to wait with me and Shalini before I left. Shalini helped me get ready and Jade had come so we could talk about our thoughts on who had broken the protective enchantments on the Hospital Wing.
"It was Tom." I'd said instantly. "He looked like the speech Dippet made at dinner was just some joke. Did you see him? He was laughing."
"Yeah, but that's not proof." Jade had pointed out. "We can't just accuse someone of indirectly murdering someone because they were laughing. For all we know he might've just found the whole thing amusing."
"He did find it amusing. Because he knew he'd gotten away with it." I appealed to her. "You seriously can't be defending him. Who else do you know in the school who would do something as horrific as pulling down protective enchantments while Dementors are here?"
None of us mentioned anything about Tom after that. The more we talked about it, the more helpless we felt. If we were going throw accusations at Tom we did need evidence, and that wasn't something I wanted to think about before I had to go to dinner with him.
"See you guys later. I'll let you know how it goes." I said wearily. There was no point delaying the inevitable. It was time to leave.
As soon as I'd left the common room I'd pulled my hair out of its jewelled pins allowing my curls to fall just past my shoulders. It was too much. I didn't even feel remotely like myself, at least with my hair down I was slightly more covered too.
I took a minute to stand there and go over it all. No one was in the hall around me. I'd told them I'd be fine, not that I believed my own words, of course. Standing there alone I had a moment to stop and think about what was going to happen. I was Tom Riddle's date to Slughorn's dinner party which meant I had to endure his terrifyingly unnerving company for hours.
Even the thought was giving me searing anxiety. What was he going to think when he saw me in this slutty white dress that basically left my whole chest hanging out? Did I really need to do this - oversexualise myself to seduce my arch enemy?
I looked down at myself in regret wishing beyond anything I had thought to bring a cardi to preserve a tiny bit more of my dignity but to do that I would've had to see Shalini again in the Common Room which I definitely did not want to do, since she'd only yell at me for pulling my hair out of its place. It was a hopeless situation.
I began to walk quickly, the sooner I got to the party the sooner it could all be over. No one was in the halls which I liked, at this time no one was supposed to be lurking in the corridors anyway. The last thing I needed right now was an awkward conversation with someone.
"Miss Granger! Just the one I was looking for..."
Barely seconds after the thought reached my mind that I probably would run into someone Horace Slughorn came into view heading toward me from a hall on my left.
"Hi, Professor."
I noticed he was looking rather jovial in a silver waistcoat and emerald green tie; he looked more part of Slytherin House than ever. Seeing me he beamed.
"Change of plan, we're in Headmaster Dippets office now." He declared. "My classroom is currently out of order due to an exploded potion. Rather ridiculous I say. However for now there's nothing we can do besides accept what we cannot change... In the meantime if you'd like to follow me, Miss Granger. Since we're both heading there..."
"Why Dippets office?" I wondered. "Why not just another classroom?"
"Well," Slughorn said offhandedly, "Dippet has a rather fine selection of Oak Matured Mead that he said I could sample."
We kept talking as we walked. Slughorn, appearing uncomfortable with the current topic asked me how I was settling into Hogwarts, appearing genuinely concerned since the last he'd heard of me I was in St. Mungos. Little did he know I had really been staying with Professor Dumbledore, well, until Tom Riddle had suddenly decided upon something of an impulse to give all my memories back.
"Well, it's good you've recovered so you don't have to miss anymore classes." Slughorn said lightly, leading the way down various halls.
If only you knew what really happened I found myself thinking.
"...And as for your date, I do apologise. Riddle would've escorted you himself tonight had he not been held up doing a job for me. He has such a impeccable hand at charmwork I've had him fixing a few of the decorations in the office."
"Oh. Great."
I didn't mind in the least. In fact I was extremely relieved Tom was trapped up in the office, I would've absolutely hated for him to escort me to dinner. Especially how things had been so terrible between us lately. Nothing had been the same since he stole my memories, it was an act that I found to be completely unforgivable. If I wasn't able to remember the past then I wasn't able to return back home to the present day. I wouldn't have remembered Ron, Harry or my own parents who were still living in Australia until I found them and restored their memories.
However I figured if Tom wanted to play the part of the blameless, perfect student I was going to play along too. Who knows, I might just find out something about him I never knew before.
"...yes," Slughorn was saying. "Tom has a remarkably sharp and unusual mind. Quite alike you, as a matter of fact. You two make quite the pair."
I couldn't stop myself from grimacing.
"Thanks, Professor..."
Did we really compliment each other? I found it very hard to believe. Tom Riddle was arrogant, rude and extremely dangerous. The only part I really fancied about him was his intelligence but sadly since even that was sabotaged by his twisted ways I couldn't even admire that about him anymore. A shame, really.
Why are you even going? No one you know is going to be there my mind intoned miserably. You and Tom are the only Slytherins invited.
It was déjà vu walking up the spiral staircase.
Before I knew it we were at the door. I wished in that moment I could just freeze time to give myself a moment to calm my anxiety. But I wouldn't have been able to yank the Time Turner out of my tiny beaded bag fast enough. Oh well.
But before I could think about any more drastic last minute preparation methods Slughorn had his hand on the door handle and had stepped into the room first going over to speak to some students. I followed in behind him and saw for myself what the office had been transformed into.
It looked... amazing.
Upbeat music from a wizarding band I'd never know issued out from a record player over on a stand beside the arched window. The Headmasters desk was left untouched however the rest of the room was very done up, lavish decorations slung haphazardly over every available perch above and below evenly spaced tables with plates of steaming hot, scrumptious looking food and goblets of drink (no oak matured mead) lay out for anyone and everyone. Here and there students of varying importance, some I only recognised by face stood talking amongst themselves. I didn't realise just how big the party was, and was relieved to see I wasn't overdressed. Over by the wall a group of vaguely familiar Ravenclaw girls caught my eye.
"There she is. That's Tom Riddle's date." She said in a nasty, carrying voice that I was definitely supposed to hear. "It could've been worse, I guess. She could've been uglier."
I looked around. Slughorn wasn't in sight, clearly they'd found their opportune moment to pounce.
"She's not exactly ugly." Another commented. "But I wouldn't call her Tom's type..."
"Hey, Granger." A girl with a mousy face leered at me. "What's the theme you're going for? Frigid swan princess?"
Startled, I looked down at my dress realising she wasn't exactly wrong - I did sort of look like some runaway ballerina from Swan Lake - but frigid? I thought I looked more like a hooker. I wasn't Shalini, who was so confident and pretty she could pull off a potato sack. I was plain old Hermione. Small, plain, pale and quiet. Viktor Krum may have asked me to the Yule Ball but that was just random luck, I think. And Ron...
Well, he liked me for my personality. It wasn't as if Tom was a personality sort of guy. Hell, for all I knew he was just like all the other popular Slytherin guys who were all notorious for liking girls for only one thing and broke hearts left right and centre.
But the saddest thing was how I thought I could at least try and make the most of the party, but since it was clearly going to be impossible, and there was no sign of Tom around.... there was now no point to stay and let these girls insult me. I turned to leave.
"Exactly what I thought..." I heard the girl telling her friends.
I definitely couldn't see Tom anywhere, so I took it as my cue. I stepped out of the room awkwardly, feeling the stares of almost everyone as I walked away.
What a disaster. I blinked rapidly feeling overwhelmingly emotional. What a nightmare.
A few more steps then I'd be out of the room altogether. I walked faster, went to open the door and almost ran into someone in my haste.
"Sorry." I didn't bother to look up, but when the person didn't budge a flicker of annoyance sparked in me.
"Excuse me."
With a predatory grace Tom Riddle's cold hand snatched up my wrist causing me to jump a foot in my heels.
"Where are you going?" His lip curled in irritation and he released my hand from his icy grip. "Were you trying to run away? I really thought someone as intelligent as you would've been able to understand running from me never seems to turn out well."
"I wasn't running from you. I was just... Well..."
He looked on in mild amusement as I stumbled over my words. And then I realised something. I didn't even need to tip toe around him. Surely I could just say how I really felt?
"... I was just leaving." I repeated. "Because I don't want to be here."
Tom's eyebrows travelled up his head.
"And why don't you want to be here." His body straightened back to its intimidating height, the tone of his voice becoming impossibly low.
"Have a guess." I continued recklessly, extremely conscious of how his jaw was clenched. "You. Everything."
I had to admit, since that girl was rude to me it had really triggered just how upset I really was. And also I didn't have to be here if I didn't want to. Right?
"Ever since I've come to this School and joined Slytherin House it's been a fucking nightmare." I snapped. Tom raised his eyebrows at my choice of language but remained silent.
"Terrible things have been happening left, right and centre. You've been upsetting people, myself included, and you never seem to stop. And now? I don't want to be at this stupid dinner, but for some reason I have to."
"Terrible things always happen, whether you're aware of it or not. And what's this? You blame me for your troubles?" Tom's tone was harsh, unnerving. "You're the cause of all of your problems. You decided to provoke me. You decided to be in Slytherin House, since the Sorting Hat takes into account your own decisions. The more I think about it the more it seems that you have a very selective eye, Hermione. Did you not see that I generously abstained from reporting your Time Turner to the Headmaster and I returned your memories simply because I pitied your mindless state. I have been kinder to you than most. And now you're going to stay here and be my date, as you agreed."
He leant easily against the door frame with the grace of one who had no care in the world, but I wasn't fooled. A deeper look revealed dark eyes bright with calculation as they observed me. It was a terrifying look, like he had already deciphered all my secrets, the type of look that had a person second guessing themselves. In this case the person was me.
It was such a shame he was such a damn asshole. If he didn't have such a negative personality he could've done himself well. He was good looking, dressed impeccably in a black suit and tie. However he was still characteristically intimidating as hell. I licked my dry lips nervously, seeing his eyes linger on me for a second.
"Try to leave." He suggested cruelly, gesturing to the door. It really was a perfectly useless suggestion since we both knew there was no way I could leave the room now with him standing there blocking my path.
I didn't move.
"I'll stay." I said mechanically. It wasn't as if I had much choice, if I attempted to leave I'd probably be manhandled back into the room.
"Good girl. You've chosen the better option," Tom said after a moment of silence. "You went to all the trouble of getting all done up, after all." His eyes raked over me, and suddenly he had pushed off the door.
"Interesting choice of dress. Rather revealing, don't you think?"
With each step he took toward me my body was screaming at me. Run away! Danger! But I didn't move. I was frozen. He closed the space between us in sure, predatory steps. My body became extremely alert to his proximity. He smelt good, his hypnotising scent was scattering my thoughts and making my pulse race. Why did someone so evil have to be so hot?
"Don't talk to anyone else here except me." He reached out, tucking a loose curl behind my ear.
"What would you do if I did anyway?" I looked up at him, my large eyes reflected in his own.
"I would get very angry." He answered in a chilling tone. "You wouldn't want to make me angry again, would you?"
I thought for a second. I really couldn't afford to. If I pissed him off again, I would have no chance of having him as anything except an enemy and for now, he needed to be closer than that.
"And if you try to provoke me," He continued, "I might end up hurting you. And I assure you, I don't think you'd want that."
I was left frozen as he walked away, the cheery music playing lightly in the background contrasting boldly with the sudden fear coursing through me. All around me, people were laughing and having a good time. And now I definitely couldn't, even if I tried.
There was a niche down in the far corner of the room. I'd been in this office a few times before, but I'd never seen this part until Tom had made himself comfortable on one of the two solitary armchairs there. It was really an isolated little spot.
"Well?" He beckoned me with a slight gesture of his hand. "Aren't you going to join me? I have a few things I wish to discuss with you."
I walked over and took a seat, intrigued to what he cared to talk about.
"I am offering you an opportunity." Tom placed his hands behind his head, a carefully relaxed move. No one was around us to hear what he was saying. "A chance to eradicate all of the offences you have committed against me."
"What offences-"
I began to speak but he held up one pale finger.
"You have provoked me constantly ever since you arrived at this School. Has it ever occurred to you that people who defy me seem to become injured or die?"
He leant forward suddenly, his eyes were intent.
"Think about it. Do you think Ora Plum is dead because of Dementors?"
I considered it for a second.
"No." I said slowly. "I mean, obviously they sucked out her soul but I think it's more complicated than that. Someone else was involved."
"You catch on fast." Tom observed, "As a matter of fact I hand selected someone to break the protective enchantments over the Hospital Wing. I also instructed them to confuse that foolish criminal Borage Bludsvikar to be misdirected escaping from the school so I, indirectly, am the reason he's captured by the Ministry and is in Azkaban right now."
"What use is it to me that you're sharing awareness of your heartless schemes with me?" I said coldly. "Are you bragging? What am I supposed to do with this information?"
Tom leant back in his seat, one hand propped beneath his chin as he considered me.
"I'm telling you how I am running things." When he spoke, his voice was paralysingly cold. "Most of the Slytherins I have already recruited as Death Eaters. Well, those I deemed worthy, that is."
My heart skipped a beat. There was nothing that could've prepared me for him to bring this topic up.
"So... you're asking me to become a Death Eater?" I said with hesitance.
"As intelligent as you are, even you have to prove yourself worthy of such a title." Tom smiled. "In the long run, yes. I think you would make an invaluable asset to me should you accept my offer."
"And if I don't..?"
Tom silenced me with a deathly look.
"If you truly care for your life you will choose your words wisely next time you decide to speak." He addressed.
"Ok fine. So you talk about being a Death Eater like it's a walk in the park." I questioned, moving on. "What's in it for me?"
If I was to become a Death Eater I wanted to know exactly what I'd have to do.
"I already told you. I'd forgive you of your offences against me. You'll also gain my solidarity in any endeavour you choose to undertake as long as you've asked approval. And you'd do things for me."
"Such as what?" I pressed.
"Tasks I choose for you to do, which I don't disclose with anyone until they've passed initiation. It's your chance to take my offer and accept power, prosperity and a chance to experience the full abundance of the wizarding world. Choose otherwise, and find out exactly what it would mean for you to really be an enemy of mine."
I considered the offer. I came to the past so I could defeat Tom, not so I could enjoy myself.
"I'll do it." I said heavily. "I'll be a Death Eater."
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Lord Of The Flora
Gray , the only heir to one of the world's largest companies. And who just gave the test, to find out that his ability is related to plants, is suddenly taken to another world where a goddess Gaia, who claims to be the world itself, tells him that his goal is to kill every human on the planet, to start anew. He of course, refuses. But will he be able to hold onto his conviction as he keeps on witnessing the atrocities that humans can commit? What even are these cultivators? How could one human just kill another based on strength and "strong preys on the weak"? He finds respite in getting to know more women who don’t have such ‘evil’ inclinations, but how long will that last? As he finds out a way to go back to his world, would he even want to go back anymore? The litrpg elements come into play after the 11th chapter. AND there's plenty of comedy and comedic moments in it but i could only add so many genres. NOTE: I have every intention to finish writing this novel in a proper way. Where the story is going, is clear to me. The image is a concept art of a creature from an online rpg game long forgotten. Text added by me using paint 3d.
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Life on Earth is changed from what we know as the Integration of the System arrives, pushing humanity to thrive through battle --- If you reading drop a message of what you thinking so far
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Emmy will stop at nothing to become the next Prima ballerina - so what will she do when she finds out that a serial killer is stalking her? *****Emmy's life is going just as she'd planned: She's living in her own apartment, dancing every day and is just leaps away from being named her company's next Prima ballerina. And she's only 17. But all of Emmy's plans come to a screeching halt when the FBI shows up at her door to let her know that she's being stalked by a serial killer. Suddenly, the safe, insulated world she created for herself is riddled with violence, fear...and a growing pile of dead bodies. At first Emmy wants nothing more than to forget her chilling new reality - but her admirer isn't finished with her yet, and before she knows it, Emmy's stuck in a nightmare she can't dance her way out of. Content and/or trigger warning: This story contains detailed scenes of murder, rape, torture, sex and stalking, which may be triggering for some readers.[[word count: 80,000-90,000 words]]
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Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)
(This book has nothing to do with furries, otherkins, or irl therianthropes. Both by their own definitions and my own, we have nothing to do with each other. Keep being your weird selves just don't pretend I'm a part of those groups because I wrote this book with animal/human hybrids in it. Any comments trying to talk about furries or otherkins will be deleted because it makes me physically uncomfortable. Therians are ok tho because it's basically the fancy way to say people who have spirit animals)There are two races in this world, humans and therianthropes, which are humans with animal qualities, that can shapeshift into their animal counterpart. The therianthropes, once divided by predator and prey, joined together in hiding after the humans began to hunt therianthropes for sport. California, a young grizzly bear therianthrope, was always curious to see the world beyond the forest he and his people lived within. Texas, a young farmhand, always wanted to catch a therianthrope, believing it would make him the hero of his village after violent massacres and thefts had been performed on it, supposedly by therianthropes.But when these two young men's paths collide, secrets, strange new feelings, and a magical adventure turns everything they thought they knew about the others race upside down.Warnings:- statehumans- countryhumans - the country and statehumans are all kinda just mixed together. There is no obvious separation between state and country, they're all just people - guns- and ships- hunting - idk, vegans?- gay stuff- not super gory, but people do get hurt - maybe death
8 250