《Three Months》Three More Minutes


"Tristan?" Luigi asked, slightly confused.

Tristan. He never would have guessed. He had wondered before what Dimentio's name could be, but whenever he thought about it he couldn't put another name to Dimentio's face. He wasn't sure how to react. It was a beautiful name, however, he spent so long knowing Dimentio as Dimentio, so thinking of him with any other name seemed so weird.

He didn't look like a Tristan. He looked like Dimentio.

The fact that Dimentio told him his name made him feel worried. He wasn't sure why. He should have felt excited about finally learning something he always secretly wondered about. However, his mind was too perplexed and confused over the question, why?

Why would Dimentio say his name now? Why now? There had to be a reason, right? There was always a reason with Dimentio.

"It's a lovely name," Luigi said, trying to ignore his own thoughts. He was probably just being paranoid over nothing. So what if Dimentio just shared a personal secret? It doesn't mean anything, right?

Dimentio was always reserved and secretive about his background, but maybe he was trying something new. Maybe he was just trying to break away from that and become more open, now that he was staying.

"I always hated it," Dimentio softly replied. "Not the name, but the name on me. I... I don't want you to call me by it. I just want someone to know."

He then coughed, curling up slightly, squeezing his eyes shut and whimpering like a kicked puppy, no longer fighting or trying to hide his pain. It was a useless fight at this point, and he didn't want to waste any more energy putting on a show that no one would buy. Luigi was going to find out anyway. He couldn't run away anymore.

It hurt pretty badly. He couldn't recall ever being in more physical pain. But at the same time, his mind almost felt at ease. It was an odd feeling, to say the least.

Polterpup quickly jumped up onto the bed, nudging Dimentio's head with its own, its eyes drooping slightly as if upset.

"Stop that," Luigi whispered to it, gently picking it up after seeing Dimentio's pain-filled expression upon the ghost dog touching him. He placed the little guy back on the floor. Polterpup only allowed this because it knew what was going on and had a feeling that putting up a fight to stay would only create more unneeded tension. However, it still whimpered in protest, showcasing that it didn't quite like being moved. The man in green then grabbed Dimentio's hand once again, smiling softly even though Dimentio's eyes were squeezed shut in pain.

He smiled, even though no one could see. "Well, I love it. Why... why are you telling me, exactly?"

"Who said there's a reason?" Dimentio asked.

"There's always a reason," Luigi replied.

The truth of those words stung. Dimentio paused a moment, then took a shaky breath, his voice now reflecting how much pain he was in. His words shook slightly, getting softer.

"You know why..."

"No I-" Luigi started, when he suddenly stilled, feeling his own heart stop.


It was as if a hand grabbed ahold of it and began to squeeze. Luigi felt a sinking feeling within himself. The room grew cold.

Dimentio had been sick for a long time. Mario noticed. Luigi noticed. It was very clear that something had been wrong. He was skipping meals, acting differently, and talking about leaving.

Why would Dimentio suddenly show up in the first place, asking for help in finding happiness? Why would he suddenly put his past behind him and walk up to the very people who ruined his original plans in the first place? It was a question Luigi had avoided thinking about for a long time. He didn't want to wonder where Dimentio was during the year that he was missing.

But it almost made sense now.

"You're dying," Luigi breathed, his eyes beginning to sting. He began to tremble, the reality hitting him harshly like an unexpected blizzard in the early spring killing all the flowers after they were tricked into believing that the harsh coldness was gone.

Dimentio nodded, confirming what Luigi only could have hoped was an extreme yet untrue accusation.

"And.... And you knew. All this time," Luigi squeaked, letting go of Dimentio's hand and stepping back, his eyes going wide as he tried to process everything he was finally realizing after all this time. "You knew this whole time. That's why you... that's why you..."

That's why he wanted to learn what happiness was. Dimentio just wanted to experience living.

Luigi was terrified. He wasn't mad that Dimentio never told him, he didn't feel frustrated over the fact that they could have tried to fix this if Dimentio just told him, he wasn't furious over the fact that he didn't figure this out sooner, he was just terrified. Terrified of losing Dimentio.

It had been a long time since he felt this terrified.

"W-why?!" Luigi squeaked, tears already falling quickly down the sides of his face. His voice was already filled with grief, even though Dimentio was still there.

That was exactly why. Dimentio didn't want to hear that grief.

Dimentio slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Luigi with worry, and Luigi immediately realized why he was never told.

"You were worried about me..." Luigi whispered, biting his fist as if it would take the emotional pain away and turning away, facing the wall so Dimentio didn't have to see the redness in his eyes. "I... you're the one dying, and you're worried about me!"

Dimentio took a breath in, trying to be as loud as he could for fear that Luigi couldn't hear him. He muttered something softly, but Luigi didn't turn to face him, showing that he, unfortunately, wasn't heard. He'd have to try a little harder.

"Luigi?" He asked, slightly louder before coughing again. Luigi immediately turned around, then rushed over, sitting on the side of the bed and grabbing both of Dimentio's hands. He looked like he was going to faint. His face was pale and cold, it didn't seem right. It was as if someone took all the light and happiness from him.

"Yes? I'm here, I'm here," Luigi promised with watery eyes, forcing a heartbroken smile. "Anything you need, I'll get."


Dimentio nodded, trying to keep his eyes open, not that it mattered. He couldn't even see anymore. There were black blotches of color that covered his view of the world, but he wanted his eyes open anyway to hold the illusion of him being okay.

"There's a graveyard in town..." Dimentio whispered, his voice shaking. "I already have a site. It's in the corner, very peaceful. Polterpup knows the way."

Dimentio softly smiled at the thought of Polterpup, silently thanking it for everything. Luigi wasn't the only one to help him see what happiness was. Polterpup was more than a pet. More than a companion. It was his friend.

Luigi felt more tears form, not wanting to talk about this. Not wanting to even think about burying him. He didn't want this to happen! There had to be something he could do to stop it! There was always something that could be done, right?

"N-no! Please no," Luigi begged, bowing his head and softly. "Please, Dimentio. I- you said you wouldn't leave. You promised me you'd stay," He pointed out, as if that would change anything.

Dimentio closed his eyes once again, no longer holding the strength to keep them open. Luigi could see the weakness, he could see the exhaustion.

He wished nothing more than to take Dimentio's pain for himself. And to think, Dimentio had been living with it all this time!

"D-does it hurt bad?" Luigi asked, sniffling.

Dimentio weakly nodded in response, sharply inhaling so he could speak. He was at the point where he had to take a deep breath in between each and every word he spoke. Each breath burned as well, but he'd have to deal with it, just for a few more minutes.

"Yes... unbearably bad... but it hurts less... less like getting cut... and more like missing someone..." He breathed. "W...what time is it?"

Luigi's eyes briefly flickered from Dimentio to the clock situated in that room. "11:56- 57 now," Luigi breathed, his voice almost equally as soft, but Dimentio could still hear.

Three minutes.

He had a whole three more minutes.

He had spent too many years, lost in Blumiere and Timpani's story, but it was all worth it because these minutes, these last three minutes, they belonged to him and only him. This was his story.

He then whimpered, feeling the burning sensation with each and every breath he took. Luigi's eyes softened, his vision slightly foggy from the tears. He did his best to stop his crying, he did his best to stay strong, knowing he wasn't the one who was dying.

"You... you're really suffering... aren't you?" Luigi asked with a small voice.

Dimentio weakly nodded.

He wanted time to go slower, but at the same time, he couldn't wait for those three minutes to be up.

But he didn't want to leave Luigi. He didn't want Luigi to be disappointed in him, which he probably was. Dimentio couldn't help but feel bad, knowing that Luigi probably hated him for this.

"Please don't hate me," Dimentio whispered, his lip quivering slightly. "Please..."

"Hey, listen to me," Luigi told him with a slightly stronger, more stern tone.

Dimentio was listening. It was practically all he could do now.

"I never have... and never, ever will hate you," Luigi said. He then sniffled, his voice breaking slightly. "I... it's okay to- it's okay. It's- it's-"

He couldn't even keep himself together enough to say what he needed to. He was trying so hard, but the words simply wouldn't form.

"I-It's okay... it's okay to d- it's okay to-"

It's okay to die.

That's all he was trying to say. For some reason, everyone in the world had lived their lives, believing that death wasn't okay. That dying was some sort of crime. They all feared dying. But the truth was that everyone would die. You can't live without dying. That's the cycle of life. All roads end, just as all roads begin.

It really is okay to die.

Luigi then broke into loud sobs, leaning down over Dimentio. He wished he could have stayed strong, he wished he could have stayed himself until Dimentio was gone, but he couldn't.

There would be no tomorrow for them. Dimentio could never see the fall or the winter. He'd never go back and reunite with his old friends, he'd never find forgiveness from the world.

But then again, he no longer needed the world to forgive him. He got exactly what he needed within these three months.

"Thank you..." Dimentio softly muttered, to the point where Luigi could hardly understand. The man in green continued sobbing over him as Dimentio gently lifted his hand and placed it on Luigi's head, gently running his fingers through Luigi's hair, which was slightly messed up and tangled. "For... these three months. F-for being my friend. For so many things that I don't have the strength to say."

Luigi continued sobbing as Dimentio imagined an hourglass in his head, feeling those last grains of sand begin to fall away. He didn't try to salvage them, he only watched as they fell away, grateful for every second they gave him.

"Please don't go..." Luigi cried in between sobs. "Please... there's so much left to do. There's so much left to say."

"I know..." Dimentio breathed, taking a sharp breath in. "Good thing you have time to do everything. Please keep living the way you do... please k-keep finding the joy in everything..."

"But Dimentio, I- you- please," Luigi begged, sniffing as he felt Dimentio's uneven, weak breathing. "I want you there. I... you never got to..."

"It's okay..." Dimentio murmured, his voice getting quieter and quieter until it was almost nothing. "It really is okay... I'm happy..."

I'm happy...

And he really was.

He wasn't lying anymore. He never was going to lie again.

"But- I-I never got to tell you I- Please Dimentio! I never got to say I-I..." Luigi sobbed, his voice continuing to break.

"Shh... I'm happy..."

He then fell silent.

He seemed to relax for a moment, taking one steady breath.

Then, he stopped.

Luigi couldn't feel his heartbeat anymore.

He looked at the time.

12:01 AM

He stole a minute.

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