

In the human race down through the centuries,

I have tremendous empathy for young people who live in confusion in a chaotic and messy culture

When it comes to this aspect of life, terminology is not a question of substance,

We are unable to discern this lies and blindly follow them,

It is evident that remembering God does not always bring happiness.

Confusion concerning the nature of soul has a powerful influence amongst mankind,

And you tell me is not an author of confusion.

Let me slander resist and disturb His work,

He abandoned me to a messy and wicked society,

To the cruelty of mankind and the greediness of old men.

Why should I not say he is the author of confusion!

What meaning does life have?

Where do I find the cure to this ailment

The paucity of my understanding has hit the decision-making factor of my life.

I miss the days when I was still young and naive,

I'm still reflecting on the innocence of my younger self,

Now whatever mistake I make leaves an imprint on my life.


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