《Brother of Wind {book five: Possession}》chapter 1
Morro took a walk. He went to a spot he much enjoyed going to in the forest. A little clearing with a single tree in the center. The ninja climbed it and sat on a branch.
The branch Morro was sitting on snapped and broke.
"Aah!" Morro was distracted and fell to the ground.
"Oww....! What--" Morro looked to his left. No one there.
"This sucks." He told himself.
Out of nowhere, laughter, one like a child's.
"What..." Morro sat up.
He stood up and used his air slash move behind him.
"No one there. What am I... Who is..?" Morro spun around.
"Morro? Come in. We have a mission." Lloyd's voice said through the communicator.
"I'll be on my way." Morro said.
. . .
The ocean was brightly lit by the rising sun on the horizon. Six elemental dragons flew in formation over the water, green, sage, icy blue, charcoal, blue and red. On the dragons, the riders, the ninja who created the dragons through their power. Each with a black gi, a octagonal centre point with their symbol, and accents and belts coordinating with the ninja's colour.
The red dragon, the fire dragon sped up and passed the front.
"Ahahaha!" Kai laughed, spinning in the air.
"Getting ahead of yourself, Kai? Heh. I'm leading this charge." Lloyd exclaimed, as the red ninja flew upside down above Lloyd.
Lloyd pulled the reins on his dragon down and sped up, flying past Kai. Lloyd's dragon splashed the water with it's wing, spraying it onto Kai.
"Aah!!" Kai shouted, covering his head.
"HAHA! That's one way to cool down a hot head!" Jay exclaimed, keeping his dragon steady.
"Hey, no one messes up my hair!" Kai shouted. He raced off and dived down by the water, making it plash up and onto the others.
Zane spat out the water that flew into his mouth.
"You okay there, Zane?" Cole laughed.
"Affirmative. It'll take more than a little water to take me out." Zane smiled.
"Morro!" Jay called.
The wind ninja was kneeling on his dragon, for he didn't like sitting down on the dragon, his eyes fixated on the water.
"Hello? Lightning to wind!" Jay called.
"Sorry, what?" Morro asked.
"You're spaced out. We don't want you to fall in the water now." Zane said.
"Oh, sorry." Morro gripped the reins of his dragon tighter.
"We'll we got something big now! Incoming!" Jay shouted, pointing back. A large fish was jumping out if the water to the ninja.
"Oh no!" Zane yelled. Luckily, the ninja were able to speed up and dodge. The fish dove back under water and crashed after the ninja.
"There he blows!" Cole shouted.
"Based on its weight and size, this is the mutant Fangfish terrorising the coastal village and depleting their food source." Pixal analysed for Zane.
"Pixal says this is the one." Zane informed.
"And now that he's taken the bait, let's reel him in and get him to the aquarium." Lloyd pointed forwards. The ninja changed directions and flew along the water.
"Let me guess, Kai. You caught one that big once?" Jay joked.
"Heck no. He was twice the size." Kai grinned. The fangfish leaped at Kai. "Whoa!"
"Well, it's definitely smaller than your ego, Kai." Morro teased, passing by.
"The way it jumped for him, I'd say that fish is as hungry as Cole!" Jay laughed.
"And twice as ugly as you, Jay." Cole replied, laughing at Jay.
"It's time for the catch of the day!" Lloyd yelled, pointing to an oncoming boat.
"In line formation!"
The ninja merged into one line, getting the fangfish to follow.
"It's right behind us!" Cole exclaimed.
"Then, speed up!" Morro yelled.
"Right!" Lloyd flew faster, letting the whole group to quicken. Lloyd looked back.
"Now!" He shouted. The ninja split up, as the fangfish jumped into the boat.
"Yeah! Woohoo!" The ninja cheered.
"Now that's what I call hook, line and stinker!" Jay shouted. The ninja's mission was done so they flew back to the docs.
Lloyd watched a man rent a fishing rod and hand it to his son.
"Looks like we made this place safe to fish again." Kai said.
"If your father was still here, he's tell you he's proud. You've become a great leader, Lloyd." Kai reassured.
"No, we're a great team. Can't say I don't miss him." Lloyd sighed.
"It's working!" Cole shouted, as a crane pulled the fangfish out of the water. As it was dropped into a large tank, water splashed on Jay, Cole and Zane.
"Gone for a deep dive, have you?" Morro asked, sitting on the edge of the dock.
"With my dad gone, sometimes I question where I'm going. Sometimes I worry about who I might become." Lloyd played with his fingers.
"I know how that feels. After I lost my dad, I lost my way. But I was lucky to have my sister watch over me. Don't worry, big shot." Kai ruffled up Lloyd's hair. None of these ninja are related by blood, but they're all brothers, anyways.
"Hey, no one messes up my hair." Lloyd mocked Kai from earlier.
"Hey, you two gonna get in the picture?" Jay asked. Kai and Lloyd ran over to Jay.
"Hey, Morro!" Cole yelled.
"Dreamer, over there! Get your head out of the clouds!" Cole shouted. Morro turned around and walked to the group.
"Sorry, just thinking about. Heh. The forest." Morro pulled his shoulder-length hair out of his eyes, the green streak slipping down.
"No one's gonna believe this! Getting a picture? This is awesome!" Jay shouted.
"Back. Back just a little further." Zane instructed. The camera man shuffled back.
"Just a little further." Zane said.
The camera snapped a pic just before the holder fell into the water. The ninja laughed.
"Great. Who's gonna believe us now?" Jay joked.
The fangfish flapped it's tail, splashing water, soaking the ninja except for Morro who blew the water away from himself.
"Aww..." The ninja grumbled.
"You're helping us dry off." Lloyd pointed to his brother.
"Yeah, yeah." Morro waved his hand.
. . .
"Hmm. Steep wisdom. Not a bad name for a tea shop." Sensei Wu said as he pulled a bucket full of water out of a well. He walked towards a small establishment, a newly built tea house.
"I thought saving Ninjago was difficult. Try starting a small business!" Nya exclaimed, stocking a shelf. She shook her head, he dark bangs waving in front if her eyes.
"Wu can't be a Sensei forever. It's about time we all help out with his retirement." Misako said, handling the front counter.
"Speaking of which, Nya?" Misako gestured to Wu walking in the room.
"Oh, here, let me give you a hand with that." Nya tried to get the bucket from Wu, but the sensei flipped the bucket over Nya and caught it with his other hand, adjusting his yellow-beige kimono.
"I am old. Not week." Wu said.
"You look after ninja, I look after you." Misako said.
"Well, Steep Wisdom is staring to look like a real tea house, except for one thing: customers." Nya placed her hands on her hips, ruffling the cloth of her red dress and pants.
"Good things come to those who wait." Wu said.
The ninja landed outside on their dragons.
"I'm just saying, it was big but, I've seen bigger." Kai shrugged.
"Yeah right." Jay said.
"Oh, who am I kidding. I'm tired of waiting. I'll put the ninja to work." Wu grabbed a box and walked outside to greet the ninja as they dispelled their dragons.
"Ninja, you need to find customers." Wu placed the box out in front if the boys.
"No "hello, how's it going, glad to hear you saved the day ..." again?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, Sensei. We're all a bit tired. You mind if we handle this tomorrow?" Cole asked.
"I'm all for helping your passion, sensei. But aren't you getting a bit impatient? You only just made this place." Morro said.
"We all have a share if this business succeeds. How else do you expect me to be able to afford all your new uniforms?" Wu said.
"Which reminds me, your new ones arrived." He opened the box.
"What do they look like now?" Kai asked, excited.
"New suits?" Zane exclaimed.
"Sweet!" Jay said.
"I bet they're off the hook." Cole exclaimed.
The ninja looked in the box.
Beige shirts with aqua trims, and a teapot logo on the front.
"Those do not appear to be ninja uniforms. They resemble work attire." Zane said.
"Very observant, Zane. We must focus on furthering brand awareness." Wu said.
"And here are the flyers I want each of you to pass out in the city." Wu handed the ninja a small stack on paper.
"Ugh, If I have to pass all these out, I may be the one passed out!" Jay yelled. Wu passed the ninja each a uniform.
"Aren't we gonna look kind of dorky flying up on out power dragons with these things on?" Kay asked, unfolding the full shirt.
"You won't be flying on anything. We're selling tea, not magic." Wu said.
"Besides, you all have been relying a little too heavily on your elemental powers lately. Real powers come from the inside." Wu reminded.
Morro stared at the stack of paper in his hands. He walked over to the counter and placed his uniform down.
"Someone asked for my help today, actually." Morro turned to face the group.
"And I'd rather get it done sooner than later. I-it's just a one person job." Morro said, gripping one of his wrists with his hand.
"Really?" Lloyd asked.
"You can never ignore a call to action, can you?" Kai sighed.
"Yeah..." Morro said.
"Very well." Wu allowed Morro off.
"Thank you--" Morro opened his mouth as if he was about to say something but stopped.
"Hey, I'll take your share." Cole offered.
"Others always come first with you, I know that." He took Morro's share of flyers. Morro nodded his head and waved off.
"Now, the rest of you, no powers." Wu reminded.
"Awww!" Cole sighed.
"Sensei!" Zane exclaimed.
"Are you kidding me?" Jay asked.
"Whyyyyy..." Kai said.
. . .
The ninja arrived at a small square and tried to hand out flyers as they were told.
"How do we start?" Jay asked.
"I dunno. Just go up to random people?" Cole suggested.
"That is the more logical way of advertising." Zane said.
"Okay..." Kai sighed and walked to a crowd of people.
"Yeah, I'll, uh... Go advertise in the other part of the city!" Lloyd said. The others waved as the green ninja ran off.
Lloyd didn't leave to advertise, he came to check on something. Someone. He knew something was up with Morro, and Lloyd was going to figure it out.
The green ninja made it just out of the city borders, then summoned his dragon and flew to a place he knew Morro would be. That wind ninja was lying. His lies may seem undetectable, but Lloyd was positive no one asked for Morro's help, let alone Morro only.
"Sorry, sensei." Lloyd slipped off the uniform, leaving a t-shirt under it. He pulled out a neatly folded gi and threw it on over the t-shirt, trying the belt.
"It's a nice uniform." Lloyd sighed as he let it go and it flew behind him.
. . .
Morro found himself in the forest near Jamonacai village. He visited this place in the morning but someone was calling Morro to come back. Standing in the clearing he always went to, Morro stood still.
He turned around and used his air slash move. No one was behind him. Morro hit a tree. The wind ninja exhaled as he lowered his dominant hand.
"That was cool."
Morro turned around, wind charged up to strike. The ninja stopped at the sight of a ghost. One who looked around Morro's age (if he knew what age that was), short black messy hair, his bangs sweeping to his left eye. The ghost had what looked like ripped and burned clothing. A grey shirt with an odd crimson red scarf around his neck. No shoes but shorts with burnt ends.
Morro stumbled back. A ghost? In Ninjago.
"Y-you..." Morro started.
"Oh, come on. Are you telling me you forgot?" The ghost said as he pulled out a clean dark green cloth. He held one end in his mouth as he tied up the green cloth on his right arm.
"Neran...?" Morro said. The ghost, Neran smiled.
"Yeah! I knew you would never forget." Neran walked up to Morro.
"I don't... How did you...?" Morro couldn't find the right question. Neran's feet levitated off the ground and he glided around Morro.
"Hey, listen." Neran grabbed Morro's shoulders.
"I found it. Your deepest wish." Neran said.
Morro's eyes widened. He grabbed Neran's shoulders back, because the ghost let him.
"You did?" Morro asked. Neran nodded.
"Well, I know how to get to it. I thought I'd bring you along." Neran said, running to the lone tree in the clearing.
"How long have you been here?" Morro asked.
"Well, the earliest thing I remember is that cave under the island thing." Neran said.
"That was you in my head?" Morro asked in little shock. Neran turned back to Morro and nodded.
"Was that... Was that okay?" Neran asked.
"Yeah, only sometimes. I don't need your sarcastic comments all the time." Morro replied.
"Part of that sarcasm might be your fault." Neran replied.
Neran had a little tea bag in his hands.
"Where'd you get that?" Morro asked.
"It was given to me by uh... I don't remember who." Neran replied.
"Here." He handed Morro the tea bag. As Morro reached his hand out to take it, Neran grabbed his wrist and rolled up his sleeve, revealing bandages around his wrists.
"Did you break them again?" Neran asked.
"Did you break your wrists or your hands again?" Neran asked again.
"Sprained. Actually, no, maybe I did break them." Morro said. Neran let Morro go.
"Now I know why you always roll down your sleeves."
"Okay, and what's this for?" Morro asked as he looked in the bag. Purple flowers. Tea flowers. And they looked like wisteria petals.
"It's the first step, it's really important." Neran said.
"You need to get the green ninja to drink the tea from these petals."
Morro looked up at the ghost.
"What does my brother have to do with this?" Morro asked. Neran looked a little confused.
"The green ninja--"
"Lloyd's your brother?" Neran asked. Morro nodded his head, closing the tea bag.
"I've called him my brother before, unless you weren't listening." Morro said.
"Okay, well it's really important that you give it to him." Neran said.
"Trust me."
Morro nodded.
"After that, what then?" The wind ninja asked.
"Your sensei's staff. You need that no matter what. It holds a sort of map." Neran said.
"You're telling me that my sensei knew where it was all along and he never told me?" Morro implied. Neran shrugged.
"Okay, staff. I'll get it." Morro said.
"It's strange that'd he'd any idea of that though."
"It's weird but, that's that I found." Neran said.
"What are you doing?"
Morro turned around. It was Lloyd. He sneaked away to reach Morro.
"I knew it. No one asked for your help, you needed and excuse to get away." Lloyd said walking up to his brother.
"Lloyd listen." Morro started. Neran closed Morro's hand around the tea bag.
"Are you a ghost from the cursed realm? How did you get out?!" Lloyd exclaimed. Neran shrugged.
"And what's this about your father's staff, huh?" Lloyd asked. Neran turned to Morro.
"You didn't tell me he was your father!"
"I'm pretty sure I've called him my father before!" Morro exclaimed.
"Who are you? It doesn't matter, you should be getting back to the cursed realm." Lloyd charged up his energy. Morro grabbed Lloyd's wrist and twisted it so Lloyd fired away at a tree.
"I can't let you do anything to him, Lloyd." Morro said. Lloyd grabbed Morro's wrist in return and kicked the wind ninja away. A battle started weather the brothers liked it or not.
Neran grabbed Morro by his arm and pulled him away from Lloyd, starting a chase.
"What are you doing?!" Morro asked.
"You need to steep the tea! Take this!" Neran handed a wodden carved cup to Morro.
"How'd you learn how to make this?" Morro asked.
"The same way you did, alone!" Neran shouted, running ahead. The wind ninja understood why and where they were going. An upcoming river.
Morro dashed to the river, Lloyd not far behind. As the ninja reached the river, he scooped up some water and dropped the flower petals in, starting the tea steeping.
Neran jumped over the water.
"Morro! Let's go!" Neran called. Morro ran after the ghost.
"Morro, stop!" Lloyd yelled.
Morro ran up to Neran.
"Jump!" He yelled. The two boys jumped and Morro's wind dragon appeared beneath them. Neran looked down at the ground, shocked as Lloyd summoned his dragon and flew.
"Guess we're getting cold tea." Morro said. Neran snickered.
"Morro, you need to stop! Listen to me!" Lloyd yelled.
"Take the reins, I guess I'll give the tea to Lloyd." Morro said.
"Won't the dragon disappear if you get off?" Neran asked.
"Not if I concentrate hard enough." Morro jumped off his dragon and landed on Lloyd's.
Lloyd lifted one of his hands to get ready. Morro grabbed that free hand and pinned it behind Lloyd's back. As that happened, Morro held the tea close to Lloyd. The green ninja swallowed a sip before thinking. Lloyd pushed the cup away and kicked Morro off his dragon
Knowing his brother too well, Lloyd didn't worried about Morro's fall. The wind ninja grabbed his glider and landed back on his dragon with the ghost.
"You still have some tea left?" Neran asked. Morro nodded as he took the reins to his dragon back.
"Have some." Neran said. Morro trusted the ghost and took a sip from the tea.
Lloyd and Morro felt a slight pain to their head. It went away quickly. The chase continued. Morro was headed to the tea shop. He needed to retrieve sensei Wu's staff.
"Okay, you trust me, right?" Neran asked.
"Yeah." Morro replied.
"Great. I'm gonna disappear for a but and I'm counting on you to not fall." Neran said.
"What?" Morro turned around, no one was there.
Lloyd felt unbearably tired. He was struggling to keep his eyes open, but Lloyd pushed through. With deep breaths, Lloyd was trying his best to keep holding on to the dragon. A slight breeze from Morro's wind passed over the sky.
~ ~ 預言 ~ ~
"Hey! Get out here!"
I jumped.
"Woah! What the heck?!"
"It's fun, isn't it?" He asked with a smile.
"Ah, whatever. I found out about this." I told him. I raised my hands and he turned his gaze up. the trees swayed in the wind.
"W--woah... That's awesome." He said amazed.
I take out a scroll that was tuck in my belt.
"What's that?" He asked.
"A scroll about the legend. The one I told you about." I told him.
"Oh, you mean, it's really gonna be you?" His face lit up. I smirked and shrugged sheepishly.
"Wanna read it with me?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah!" He exclaimed.
~ ~ 預言 ~ ~
(started april 26 2020)
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