《,,Mate"》Lost omega - epilogue pt.6 -



In hospital's room you could hear babies cry, four babies excatly. Jin gave a birth to little alpha baby girl and named it Kim Tae-hi.

Jimin gave a birth to little beta baby girl and named her Min Yoonji. Rose gave a birth to alpha babyboy and named him Jung Leo.

Taehyung gave a birth to little omega babyboy and named him Jeon Hyunjun. Jungkook couldn't be more happier as he saw that Hyunjun was a little version of Taehyung.

Ma-ha was so happy too, she was always saying that she will get a brother and she really got a brother.

They all was happy about each other and still big mistery is how they ended up again to give a birth on the same day.

"I'm so proud on you love. You did great." Jungkook said as he kissed Taehyung's forehead, Hyunjun sleeping in Taehyung's arms.

"Appa can I hold Hyunjun?" Ma-ha asked as he looked at her little brother.

"Of course princess, come here." Taehyung said and moved a little to make a room for Ma-ha to sit next to him on the bed. As she was properly setted, Taehyung placed Hyunjun in her arms.

"He is so little appa." Ma-ha giggled softly.

"He is just a little baby, of course that he will be a little. With time he will grow up too." Taehyung said.

"Ma-ha, princess you are now a big sister and you need to care about your baby brother, okay?" Jungkook said as he looked at Ma-ha and Hyunjun.

"Of course dada. I will be the best big sister to my little baby brother, I will protect him from everyone. If someone dare to touch him I will bite their head off." Ma-ha said, surprising Taehyung and Jungkook with her words.


Others in room was very surprised too as they didn't expected that words from her.

"Princess, who learnt you that word?" Jungkook asked.

"Umm noone, I'm sorry. I will not say that again." Ma-ha said. Taehyung sighed before pulling her closer and kissing her head.

"It's okay but not bad words anymore." Taehyung said, Ma-ha nodded and smiled a little.

"We are going home tomorrow. Hyunjun's room is ready." Jungkook said to Taehyung.

"Okey Kookie, thank you for preparing everything." Taehyung said and intertwined his fingers with Jungkook's. Jungkook softly smiled as he looked at his family, his precious family.


Hyunjun's room


Years passed, kids grow up and found their own mate well their mates are their childhood friends.

Su-min is mate with Hyunjun, their love for each other is so beautiful that it's reminding other on love between Jungkook and Taehyung.

Jun is mate with Yoonji and they are cute couple.

Ma-ha is mate with Leo but she is still so protective over her brother Hyunjun.

Liah is mate with Tae-hi, both are girls so having kids isn't possible in nature way but they are totally okay with it because they love each other so much.

Their parents are so proud on all of them and happy to see them happy.

Taekook, Yoonmin, Namjin and Roshope couple was sitting around campfire in front of the pack house as their kids was running somewhere in the forest.

"Aren't they too long in the forest??" Jimin asked, he has being worried for sometime. Well, you can't blame him, can you??

"They are fine love, they are not kids anymore." Yoongi said as he hugged his mate more tightly.

"They might not be kids anymore but they will always be our little babies." Taehyung said as he snuggled himself more into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook smiled as he hugged Taehyung.


"Su-min and Hyunjun are cute together." Jin said.

"They are our sons after all." Taekook and Yoonmin said in the same time and then laughed at it.

"Yeah yeah, little yoonmin and little taekook." Jin said as he playfully rolled his eyes making other to laugh at him even more.

"It's only matter that our kids are happy with each other." Rose said.

"True, their happiness is our happiness." Namjoon said.

As they was talking like that their now already big kids walked to them, couple with each other expect Su-min and Hyunjun.

Hyunjun runned away from Su-min right into Taehyung's arms. Taehyung was confused what just happened but hugged his omega son tightly.

"Hyunjun, what happened son?" Jungkook asked as he caressed his son's hair.

"I hate him." Hyunjun mumbled.

"Whom do you hate?" Taehyung asked.

"He hates me." Su-min said as he and others walked closer to them. Jimin and Yoongi looked at him with confused eyes.

"What did you do?" Yoongi asked.

"Nothing dad." Su-min said.

"Don't lie Su-min, you know that he is sensitive yet you did that." Ma-ha gritted her teeths, well so protective over her brother.

"It's okay, calm down now." Leo said as he hugged Ma-ha tightly, calming her a little bit down. Others looked at Su-min.

"Su-min, what did you do and don't you dare to lie." Jimin said as he glared at his son.

"Ufff, you know that beta girl who kept running after me all of the time." Su-min asked.

"Yes, what with her?? Doesn't she has her own mate?" Jimin said.

"Well, she has but she still keeps running after me. I told to her to move away from me but she didn't listen." Su-min said.

"And what excatly happened?" Yoongi asked this time.

"While we was in the forest, she came out of nowhere and kissed me." Su-min said.

"But I didn't kissed her back, I swear I didn't." Su-min fastly added. Other looked at him with widened eyes. Hyunjun still was in his parents embrace.

"Hyunjunie, come on appa's prince, look at me." Taehyung said. Hyunjun slowly looked up at Taehyung making Taehyung to smile a little.

"Is it that what is bothering you?" Taehyung asked softly. Hyunjun just nodded.

"Hyunjun, baby, my love, my sunshine please let's talk and I will explain everything to you." Su-min said as he walked a little bit closer. Hyunjun looked at him than at Taehyung who nodded his head.

"Fine." Hyunjun said then stood up and left with Su-min to talk in private.

"Okey, that was something." Jhope said and laughed.

"I swear to God if Su-min can't get ride of that girl I will do it for sure." Jimin said as he rolled his eyes, other laughed at him.

"I hope they will made up, Hyunjun loves Su-min so much. I don't like seeing Hyunjun sad." Jungkook said.

"They will make and don't worry, Su-min will heard us yet." Yoongi said.

"It's okay now, they will be fine." Taehyung said and as he said that, Su-min and Hyunjun came back.

Of course, they was holding hands this time.

"Is it everything okay now?" Jimin asked.

"Y-yes." Hyunjun shyly said while Su-min just smirked proudly.

Taekook looked at them and giggled as they thought what possibly happened.
























It's end 😭 I will miss this story but every story has end so this one too.

I hope you enjoyed reading it 💕

I purple you 💜

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