


Few days ago kids celebrated third bithday. They had a big party and some members from other packs was there too.

In this 3 years Jimin get married to Yoongi and Jhope and Rose get married too. Jungkook still didn't propose but that is gonna change.

"Kookie, where are you going?" Taehyung asked from the dining room.

He was feeding Ma-ha and saw that Jungkook was about to go out of the house. Jungkook turned around and walked into dining room.

"I'm going to Namjoon hyung and Yoongi hyung. Why?" Jungkook said.

"Ohh okay, I'm just asking." Taehyung said as he smiled a little bit. He turned towards Ma-ha and again started feeding her.

He was sad but didn't wanted to show to Jungkook but he forgot that his mate can feel his sadness. Jungkook sighed then hugged his mate and kissed his cheek.

"Baby, I know that you are sad and I'm sorry for not spending enough time with you two. I will make it up to you." Jungkook said, kissing Taehyung's cheek and Ma-ha's forehead before walking out of the house.

"Your dada is meanie." Taehyung pouted.

"But dada love us." Ma-ha said.

"Yes baby, of course that dada loves us. He loves us a lot but he is just so busy these few days." Taehyung said. Ma-ha was done with her breakfast so he putted her on the ground then did dishes.

"Appa, can I go to play with Jun and Su-min?" Ma-ha asked.

"Wait princess, we will go together. Jimin uncle and Jin uncle called me to come too." Taehyung said as he wiped his hands.

"Okey appa, I will wait for you in the living room." Ma-ha said then walked into living room to play with her toys while waiting for her appa.


Taehyung sighed as he walked upstairs into his and Jungkook's bedroom. He looked at the photo on the table and sadly smiled.

"I just hope that everything is alright Kookie. I hope that you aren't already tired of us." Taehyung mumbled to himself.

He wiped tears which he didn't even felt at first then changed his clothes.

"Hyung and Jimin must wait for us, we should hurry up." Taehyung said then walked downstairs.

"Ma-ha, let's go baby." Taehyung said. Ma-ha runned to him then they left.



"Jimin, why do I need to wear this and where are kids?" Taehyung asked.

He came in Jin's house 6 hours ago but now kids aren't here and he needs to wear some fancy clothes.

"Kids are with Jin hyung, don't worry." Jimin said calmy, trying not to laugh.

"Where did they left??" Taehyung asked.

"Somewhere." Jimin said as he was doing Taehyung's make-up.

"Jimina why are you not telling me anything?? Are you hiding something from me?" Taehyung asked.

"Let's go." Jimin said.

"Where?" Taehyung asked, totally confused.

"You will see when we come there. Now let's go otherwise I will get killed." Jimin said, joked of course.

Taehyung just pouted and walked after Jimin. They walked out of the house and there was car waiting for them.

After 15 minutes of driving, car stopped and Taehyung and Jimin walked out of the car.

"Jimin, why are we here?" Taehyung said.

"You will see." It's all Jimin said before dragging Taehyung.

After few minutes they stopped but then Jimin just disappeared but what Taehyung saw made him cry.


The place


As Jimin left Taehyung, lights turned on and Taehyung gasped and first tears fall down his cheeks.

There was standing Jungkook in the middle of the heart. He is wearing white shirt with pink jacket on and light blue jeans with black shoes.


Taehyung couldn't say anything so he just walked forward.

As he was standing in front of Jungkook, Jungkook smiled and grabbed both of his hands into his and holded it gently.

"Baby, don't cry please. I'm sorry for making you sad these few days but I was preparing all of this." Jungkook said as he wiped Taehyung's tears.

"I hate you so much Kookie but I love you more than it." Taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck and hugged him tightly.

"I love you too baby, more than anything." Jungkook said as he was hugging Taehyung back, whispering sweet words to him to calm him.

After few minutes they broke the hug and Jungkook stepped a step back.

He kneeled down on one knee, pulled little purple box out of his pocket and looked at Taehyung.

"Omg Kookie." Taehyung gasped. He knows what is happening but still can't believe it.

"Tae, my beautiful baby, I love you so much. When I saw you for the first time I knew that you are mine. You was so cute when you came here in this pack but I could see pain in your eyes too.

I'm sorry for everything bad what happened in your life, I know that I can't change the past but I will try to make your future better." Jungkook said.

"You was so shy around me before and sometimes you are still that shy boy who would run away from me just to hide red cheeks.

I knew very well what effect I have on you and I was doing it on purpose to make you blush because I loved to see you shy and adorable and I was the reason." Jungkook added.

"With time you get used on me being around you and you was comfortable with me, that made me so happy.

I will never forget the day when you found out that I'm your mate, you looked so surprised yet so happy and I was more than just happy when you accepted me as your mate."

"I know that I may be not perfect but I love you so much, my love for you will never fade.

Kim Taehyung, my beautiful mate, appa of our adorable daughter, will you make me the most happiest man on the world and marry me?" Jungkook asked, eyes shining due to moon's lights, waiting for Taehyung's answer.

Taehyung broke into tears as he nodded with his head saying a yes over and over. Jungkook smiled widely as he placed a ring on Taehyung's finger than Taehyung placed a ring on Jungkook's finger.

Jungkook stood up and pulled Taehyung into kiss, showing how much he care and love him.

They pulled away from hug when other and I mean their family, friends and kids jumped out of nowhere and started clapping.

Taehyung smiled widely at everyone as he was hugging Jungkook.

"Thank you so much everyone, this is so beautiful surprise." Taehyung said as he wiped his tears. Ma-ha runned towards her parents.

"Appa, you liked surprise?" Ma-ha asked as Taehyung picked her up in his arms.

"You knew for all of this?" Taehyung asked.

"Of course appa. I knew everything but didn't told you otherwise I would ruin surprise." Ma-ha said and giggled, making everyone to smile at her cuteness.

But as always, there was someone waiting, watching and listening carefully.

The person mindlinked to his boss.

The boss mindlinked to his man.


Taehyung's outfit

Jungkook's outfit




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