《Oneshot Per Day》🥐Best friends FOREVER (Salt x pepper)🥐


June second has been nominated the day of lesbian pride so lets celebrate with the good salt and pepper! Happy pride!


Plot: salt is going through a terrible heart break and her pepper is helping her like do. (Angst)

Peppers POV

It was really late at night and I was just about to get ready for bed when my phone went off. It was a text from salt my ! I opened my phone to read the message and what I saw broke my heart there was a picture of salt crying attatched with the text 'Can u come over ;(' I replied quickly while going out the door 'ofc anything 4 u 💖' I sped walked down the hallway to salts room because for some reason OJ didn't room us together. I soon found myself infront of salts door, I knocked and heard a soft 'come in' on the other side. I opened the door and salt was curled up in her blankets facing away from the door "Salty salt whats wrong?" I said sitting in the edge of her bed. She sniffled before talking "OJ asked paper out..." she rolled over to look at me "What does paper have that i dont?" She said (A/N a dick /j ) "I tried everything! Why doesnt he just love me!" She whined. I layed her head in my lap and she wrapped her arms around my waist "It because im ugly isnt it?" Her voice was muffled but I still heard her "What? No! Your not ugly salt you gorgeous!" I said. She lifted her head to look at me "Your just saying that..." she said and she looked away again "No im not! I mean it salt your very very pretty. One of the nicest looking people ive ever met! You are more perfect than perfect its self and if OJ cant see that than well it his loss!" I said and salt just sniffled again "Salt..." she looked at me "You dont mean that. Youre just saying that because you feel bad and you think thats what are supposed to do. Im a mess, stop lying. Im fat and ugly, inside and out i know it." This was heart breaking to hear "Salt why cant you just get it through that thick skull of yours" I lifted her head up so we were face to face "Yiu are not ugly! You arnt fat either! You're very fit and healthy and naturally your just thin! Even in your worst moments, like now, yiu are still pretty. You make crying look attractive and dont even get me started on your personality. " I stopped to take a breath "Pepper..." salt murmered "You are super kind and so sweet! You have fone nothing but be nice to me and most people around you! Sure some people may find you stuck up a bitchy but those are the people who you shouldnt be with! You cant let the people who refuse to see the good in you decide who you are! Your amazing just the way you are..." (A/N and when you smile the whole world stops to stare for a while...) "And i love you so much..." I wiped a tear of salts face. She put her hands on mine and took them of her face. She hugged me for a while, I didn't say anything else . "Thank you pepper... you really are a good Im so glad that i even get to call you " I felt my eyes start to water "You... too..."


608 words. Mm Mm mmmm! Dont we just love angst! Also surprise mother fuckers i finished a chapter before even leaving for the airport! Why was I worried I'm awesome and I know that 😌

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